anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Pita, I'm glad you are feeling good about your decision and took a lot of time to think about it instead of rushing into something you may regret later on. :flower:

Spiffy, I was induced with Sam 2 days after my due date because they thought he was getting too big for me to deliver. I was already dilated 2cm when I went in so they broke my water and I progressed very quickly. Doctor thought he would be born by 4pm (induced at 7:30am). I didn't want an epidural because of all the stuff I read about it stalling labor so I held out until 7cm when they told me that it was my last chance. And gave the poor guy the hardest time...he said I was almost the worst person to give an epidural to :blush: because I kept freaking out!

They came to check me pretty regularly and I wasn't making any progress and then I started to get a really high fever and Sam's heart rate was getting too high every time I would have a contraction to the point where he was way too stressed and they made the decision to get him out ASAP because he wasn't doing well.

They found out when they opened me up the cord was wrapped 2x around his neck and every time I would have a contraction to push him down he would get stuck and get way stressed! :cry: They had him out 15 minutes after telling me I was having a section! He was absoultely perfect and had no problems after but doctor said that if we had waited any longer he may have had serious problems. I'm happy with my decision but still to this day I think about how it was not the birth that I always wanted.

I just feel like a vbac would help me have more peace with my previous c section but I'm also so scared to say I planned for Ben for 9 months and then something happened to him!
Haking, that must have been so scary! I hope and pray that never happens to me. I developed a fever during labor, but I guess it didn't affect Alia too much, because she was never in distress. But it was one of the reasons that they had extra people standing by when she was born (the other reason was the meconium in her water).

Have you asked the ladies in the C-section forum if any of them have had VBACs? They might be able to give you some experiences so you know what to expect if you decide to go for it.
hi ladies! im not on much lately, but wanted to stop and say hi. I miss you all and think about you. :hugs:

hope everyone is doing great. I read so much, but cant remember it all.

pita- im glad you have peace about your decision :hugs:

haking- I hope you have an uneventful vbac, and if you do have to have a section you have more peace about it this time.

rojo- that's a beautiful baby!

I had more, but forgot everything. well wishes and blessing on you all :flower:

we are full on ttc this month, and I think my lp might be long enough finally so hopefully it will happen soon. it was 10 days last month. hoping and praying for a bfp this month :cloud9:
Hi, blessed! Nice to see you. :) 10 days is great! Sounds like things are going well; I think it's great that you are TTC and not just NTNP. God clearly has placed having another baby on both your hearts. :)

Welcome, Steph! Nice to meet you. And we don't think you're crazy at all. I knew I wanted to TTC as soon as my cycles came back because we also want our kids to be close in age. It took about 13 months to conceive our first, and the second (a MC) and third (who I'm currently pregnant with) only took 2 months each! Hope your second comes more quickly too. :)

Yes, Pie, I agree. Take a picture! (And then share it with us... :))

Yay, rojo! So glad to hear (and see) that everything is great with baby! December 13th is going to come so fast. :D

Sounds like everyone is doing fairly well. We're starting to enter the meltdown stage too. Although, I'm not really a huge fan of that word. Not sure why, and I can't really think of a better alternative. But yeah, Ozzy gets pretty upset when he gets told he can't do/have something he really wants. Poor Daniel is the one dealing with it most of the time, though. I'm curious to see what his "meltdowns" will be like in a few months (i.e. when I'm home with him and will actually have to deal with them more).

EDIT: I just looked at my ticker and realized I'm down to double digits for the number of days until Jimmy's due date. Ack! It's going by so fast!
Steph, I'm not sure if you said in your first post or not, but how big was your little boy and how early did he come?

He was born at 36 weeks and 4 days.
was meant to be 36 weeks 3 days but they couldn't induce me that as they had no spare beds for james. he weighed 4lb 6oz. i had a scan at 35 weeks 2 days and they said he was 4lb 4oz then.
he's putting on the weight nicely now he's 5lb 14oz still has to be weighed weekly and has to go for a second 6 week check up because he was small
Wow HAKing that all sounds really scary :nope: I'm not surprised you're wrestling with this decision, especially with the experience of your family friend. I get the impression that you'd like to try for a vbac though? Maybe just give yourself some more time, you have enough to wait a while and as the time gets nearer you might find it easier :hugs:

So nice to hear from you blessed! Glad to hear your luteal phase has lengthened, fingers crossed that will lead to a lovely link BFP! :flower:

I forgot to tell you ladies that we went to see our friends last weekend who have just had a baby girl. She was a week old when we saw her so tiny baby! Absolutely gorgeous. I was really pleasantly surprised by Noah's reaction. When I was holding her he was really curious and wanted to touch her, DH was careful to keep him back a bit because God forbid he'd be heavy handed with her, when it's your own it's ok but if he accidentally hurt someone else's baby that'd be awful! But no jealousy, he was just really interested. Which was lovely!

Oh, and I think my bump has dropped! I know that sounds really early but last night when I went to bed I kept getting these shooting pains down below (sorry tmi) and it felt like Milo was nudging downwards. This morning I got up and my bump shape seems to have changed, it's sloping downwards more rather than going straight out, and it feels like my lungs have a bit more room. Weird huh?
Thanks Blessed and Harely.. :)

Blessed good luck hope you get that bfp :)
Pie, that is great that Noah wasn't jealous of the baby. :thumbup: I kinda did the same thing with Sam a few weeks back and he was very curious about the baby that I was holding and kept an eye on me but didn't seem too jealous and was actually interested in looking at him. I do agree with you though about making sure he didn't hurt the baby...I was worried about that also as Sam can be a bit rough at times! :dohh: Its different when its your own but god forbid he hit someone else's baby!!! :blush:

I do want to try for a vbac...some days I'm 60/40 for a vbac and others I'm 60/40 for a c section! :dohh: In my ideal situation I would just set my date for 39 weeks and go into labor early and try for a vbac at that time but only time will tell if that happens! And I feel like the only one that is 100% for it is my doctor, everyone else is worried about mine and Ben's safety! :wacko:

Pie, maybe you should post a bump picture and we can be the judge if of if you've dropped! :winkwink:

Blessed, so good to hear from you and soooo excited you're full on TTC now!!! :happydance:

Spiffy, I may post in the c section forum just to see if I can get any opinions there too! Thanks for the tip! :hugs:

Harley, sorry that Ozzy is also going through that phase...its no fun and quite honestly I'd rather deal with it than have DH as he doesn't have much patience for it. How is your DH dealing with it???

And, yay for double digits...I can't wait to get there!!! :thumbup:
Haking your pretty close to the double digits..

Ugh I cant wait to be in second or third tri lol.. and out of stupid 1st
Rojo, I know its getting close! Some days it seems like its flying by and others it feels like its dragging on!

How are you feeling? Any weird symptoms or nausea?
Yeah I know the feeling lol..

I feel very nauseous I have puked 2x already today.. but I guess its all apart of it and will pass in a few weeks.. and tired.. and hungry lol..
hi steph! welcome and hope you get a bfp as soon as you try :hugs:

pie- I felt all mine drop, so you probably have. I think they say only the first baby does, but there is no mistaking when you can suddenly breath better lol

rojo- I hope first tri goes fast!

thanks Harley- hopefully the 10 day lp will increase and we will be blessed soon :)
Thanks Blessed...

I hope you are soon blessed with another miracle of your own..
Pie, you are lucky! I wish Jimmy would drop; I'm starting to get out of breath easily. There are some song at church that I can't sing because I don't have the lung capacity and I have to take breaths where you aren't meant to. I mean, I can sing them, it's just hard.

I remember reading something about second babies dropping either sooner or later than your first, but I can't remember which it was! LOL

HAKing, I think Daniel is handling Ozzy's outbursts pretty well. I try not to judge him if it seems like he's loosing his patience because I know he deals with it all day. As far as I can tell, he's been consistent in his "discipline" (i.e. saying no, taking something away if needed, etc.), so that's good. He's a great dad. :)

Hope you feel better soon, rojo!
Blessed, yay for full on TTC! I hope your lp is long enough and you get that bfp soon! :thumbup:

Rojo, sorry to hear you're dealing with the icky first tri symptoms. :(

Harley, I don't think my DH would be able to handle staying at home with Alia, especially not if she was throwing tantrums. He loves her, but he just doesn't know how to be patient sometimes. But he's learning.

Pie, I think Liam is starting to drop, too, so I guess it's not that weird. I'm having more hip pain and pressure in my pelvis, and sneezing has started to hurt my lower tummy (although I'm not really sure if that has anything to do with it). I guess when I take another bump shot, I can compare the two and see if it's dropped lower.

Haking, the double digits it a fun thing to look forward to in between V-day and the beginning of third tri. To be honest, I love milestones, because they help me feel like things are going faster! For me, it's third tri tomorrow! :happydance:

So, do you remember me telling you about how crappy Alia's sleep was the other night? Well, it really hasn't gotten better. She's been up for two hours in the middle of the night crying and whining the past couple nights, and I have no idea why. Also, today she gaged herself and projectile vomited all over the car, the carseat, and herself. And then as I was putting her to bed tonight, she threw up again. I'm starting to wonder if she has some underlying stomach problem, because I just don't think it's normal for her to be throwing up this much. :(
blessedmomma - Thank you, it would be nice, think i'd be really shocked if that happened, i'd be so over the moon for it too happen first time round this time. took soo long last time.
That is a lot to be throwing up spiffy. Especially at her age. It's probably nothing but maybe take her to be checked out, just for your peace of mind. Being up for two hours every night is a bit weird :wacko: So she's upset with it, not happy? Maybe teething? What time of the night is it?

Rojo sorry to hear the first tri sickness has got you. I hate first tri with a vengeance.

Harley that's great that your DH is handling things really well with Ozzy. I'm much more patient with Noah than my DH is, not that he's bad, but it gets him down a lot quicker than me. But then we have had a lot of whinging going on lately and it's wearing on me slightly too.

Today I've been feeling pretty down for some reason. Well I think it's a whole bunch of little reasons. I slept terribly and I never do well on such bad sleep. Plus my neighbours moved out today and I'm really going to miss them, they're lovely and have a little boy similar in age to Noah so we used to do lots of things together. Add to that Noah's whinging and the waiting for the house to be sorted... Just a bit fed up and hormonal I guess.
Pie, I know how you feel. I had a pretty bad day the other day, too, with not getting much sleep, and Alia being extremely clingy and whiny. I finally just had a good cry, and then DH took me out to see a movie, which was fun. :flower:

As for Alia's night time wake ups, it starts sometime around midnight, and then it's just rough from there on out. I thought teething possibly, but she's never been that bad with teething before. Usually she'll have one night where she'll wake up crying for a bit, and then the next day, I see that she's broken a tooth. But we're going on five days of bad sleep now, and still no tooth, so I think it's something else, but I'm not sure what it is. :shrug:
Rojo, sorry you're dealing with the sucky 1st trimester symptoms! Those are the worst :nope: Hope you don't get it too bad and your kids don't give you too much trouble while you're feeling yucky! :hugs:

Harley, that is great that Daniel is dealing with Ozzy well. My DH has patience but not as much as I do and so I'd rather deal with it than have him do it.

Spiffy, that is really odd that Alia is making her self vomit! I've never heard of a baby doing that...maybe have her checked out like Pie said just to make sure its not another underlying problem. :flower:

Pie and Spiffy, I can really relate on the whole feeling down lately...:cry: I swear I am an emotion wreck lately...I think its the whole living at in-laws getting to me and the frustration of Ben not having a nursery and the annoying SIL and their kid! Its too much to take and I'm feeling super annoyed and almost in an instant bad mood when I come home and see them. :growlmad: I expressed to DH about it and he has been more supportive about it and telling his family to back off a bit which has been helping but I think the only real way to fix it won't come until we move! :wacko: Thank god I love my job or life would be extra hard! :haha:

So, I don't know if any of you guys still give your babies a bottle still (with the exception of littlesteph, of course :winkwink:) but the past week I have been working on weaning Sam off the bottle since he still gets one at night and so far so good. He hasn't had one since last Friday night and we completely changed our bedtime routine now so we read a book and then he goes to bed and he is doing great! I almost feel too lucky! :haha: I am just trying to do this sooner than later so that once Ben comes Sam isn't jealous of Ben's bottle when he no longer gets one. :thumbup:
Haking, that's great that you got Sam weaned so easily! Alia still has four bottles a day! :shock: Of course, with hw horrible she eats, I think she might starve without it, so we're going to wait it out and see if she starts drinking less and less on her own. Of course, she's also younger than Sam, so we still have time. :flower:

As for the in-laws, I'm sorry that's still such a source of stress for you. I'm glad that your DH is being more understanding, though. I pointed out to my DH a few of the comments that his mom has made to me since we've been living here, and he agreed that they've been rude, so at least I know I'm not crazy. My own mom passed away when I was 11 years old, so my DH will never experience the whole MIL, thing.

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