Haha! Duejan, it's great that you're so excited about your boobs leaking. Mine have started already too. I heard a tiny baby crying in the grocery store the other day and they started tingling!
Skadi, Ozzy self-weaned off of BF'ing when I was around 14 weeks pregnant. He went from being totally milk crazy (he would grab the nursing pillow and try to carry it over to me) to not caring at all if I lifted up my shirt and flashed him. It was weird, but I think you're right - the milk changed because of pregnancy hormones and so it just doesn't taste the same.
I weighed around 165 before both pregnancies. I gained around 40-45 with Ozzy, so I told myself I'd like to not get up past 200 this time. Well, I weighed myself this weekend and I'm already at 202.

(Oh, and I'm 5'3".) The weird thing is, I measured 2 weeks ahead with Ozzy, and so far with Jimmy I'm measuring right on. I feel like my weight gain is more distributed around my body this time, too, not just all out front like a big round basket ball. I feel waaaaaayyyy more fat and big this time around. Hoping I can lose the weight pretty quickly like I did with Ozzy. And hopefully more, since I was overweight before getting pregnant.
In other news, I had my GTT this morning. I asked for a room temperature glucose solution to drink instead of a chilled one, and I was able to drink it super fast. The nurse actually seemed impressed with how fast I drank it. Ha! I don't like chilled/iced water either, so I know I'm weird that way, but it was nice to be able to drink it really fast and just get it over with. Anyway, I should have the results in three days max, so I'll let you know how it went.