anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Stacey, Alia has never really been a great sleeper, but this is the worst it's been since she was a newborn! I keep debating on whether I should call the pediatrician or not. I have a feeling that they're going to tell me, "Oh, it's probably teething," or "Have you tried adjusting her sleep schedule?" And the thing is, we've tried Tylenol in case it was teething, but it didn't make much difference, and we've tried adjusting her bedtime, and she still woke up crying for hours. I'm just at a loss about what to try next. :shrug:

As for her making herself throw up, she's been a little better lately, but I also just figured out today that if I get up and leave the room when she's doing it, she stops sooner, so I think it is partially an attention thing.

Alia also had the characteristics of a baby who had cooked too long, even though she came at 38 weeks. She had the wrinkly skin and meconium in her waters, as if she'd been in there until 42 weeks, which makes me wonder how deteriorated her placenta actually was by the time she was born, since they said she had loose skin, meaning she'd been loosing weight before she was born.

Heather, I'm eager for warmer weather, but I have to be honest, I'd prefer it if it never got above 80 degrees! Unless I'm going swimming. Jeez, I'm so picky. :haha: As for weight loss, I put a lot of pressure on myself last time, so I'm going to try not to be so hard on myself this time around, even though I want to lose it all as quickly as possible. Hopefully I can breastfeed for longer than 6 weeks, which would help!
Im not sure what to say about ALia Jordyn. I mean my bump buddy from when i was pregnant with jonathan said her boy as just started sleeping through the night once she slowed down his milk intake and he started eating more solids? Idk have you given Alia a snack or somthing to eat before bed? I know that always helps jonathan sleep better too. Isnt it funny how they come out looking like a grandma when they were born lol. It was funny but you know the weird thing. Natalia was born with rough dry skin and jonathan was born with baby soft skin. But now jonathan has the rougher skin and natalias skin omg is SOOOOO soft. I am always soo jelouse of how perfect her skin is. lol
I pumped for 8 weeks almost and am praying i can go longer this time too. Have you thought about finding yourself a bf champion on here?
Did anyone ever get cold feet?? Last night I told DH to pull out, even though we are starting early because I have low fertility so chances aren't great anyway (hence y were starting early)
Stacey, I give Alia her dinner at 5pm, and then her bottle at 6pm and put her to bed straight after, so I'm not sure how I could get more food in her before she goes to sleep. I know that she needs more solids and less milk, but I just get so frustrated with how little she'll eat, and how hard I have to work to get her to eat it. I pretty much always have to put on a tv show while I feed her so that she gets distracted and "doesn't notice" me feeding her. Otherwise she starts trying to grab the spoon away from me, or whacks it away from her face, or starts throwing food off her tray. Mealtime is seriously my least favorite time of the day. :nope:

Hopefulfor1st, I didn't get cold feet, although I did have moments where I thought I must be crazy for wanting them so close. But I just kept thinking about the lifelong relationship that my kids will have, and not how hard it will be when they're both really little. To be honest, I still get overwhelmed and freaked out from time to time, but I know we'll make it work, and I know the newborn stage doesn't last forever (although it sure seemed like that at the time!).
SPiffy she was born July of 2009 at 5lb 6oz.. :) so almost 4 years ago :)

I didn't get cold feet.. but I started ntnp in nov when my little guy was 9 months old.. I knew I could handle the age gap then.. :) though I would have loved sooner.. im happy how things worked out :)

I will never remember who is who with names but mine is Logan lol :)
Logan, that's unique! Anyway, I guess I should have been more specific in my question. What gestation was your daughter (McKenna, right?) when she was born? Like, how many weeks?
hopefulfor1st, I didn't ever get cold feet about trying for our second though we did wait until Sam was 6 months old before trying and even then we were only NTNP as my periods were all wacky. I can be nerve wracking thinking about a second or third but only you will know in your heart when the time is right...maybe try the relaxed approach for a bit just to get used to the idea of TTC again. :flower:

Spiffy, does Alia fall asleep at 6pm when you put her down or is it a fight for her to go to bed? Maybe try keeping her up until 7pm after dinner to read a book or just relax with you. It might help to calm her and she will sleep better.

With Sam, we were making the mistake in the beginning of keeping him awake late in hopes he would sleep longer and better when actually it caused the reverse and made him overtired and would night wake many times! :dohh: So we moved him bedtime up to 8pm and he does great now!
Heather, Alia won't usually fall right asleep at 6pm, but she doesn't fight it or cry either. She usually just plays in her crib until she falls asleep. We've tried pushing her bedtime back to 7pm, but it usually leads to her waking up earlier in the morning than normal. Plus, when we tried it last week, she was still waking up for 2 hours in the middle of the night. :( I was reading a thread in the toddler section, and it sounds like a couple other ladies experienced this kind of phase with sleep when they're LO's were around 13 months old. Some said it was because of molars coming in. But I guess we won't know if that's the case unless we see some teeth!
As stupid as it sounds I'm more concerned about what everyone else will say if it happens quickly. Call me crazy etc. I had a really bad birth, if u wanna call it that, I had a placenta abruption and started bleeding out, as soon as it started hubby was in the car and we were at hospital (lucky it was Sunday he was home) 5 mins after walking I. The door they were running me In for a c section. My placenta was so degraded it wascoming out in chunks , They basically said if I'd lived more than 10min from hospital I wouldn't have made it. So my parents etc said we don't want to go through that again. My doctor however says "lightening doesn't strike twice"
hopeful: i didnt have time to get cold feet lol i was on bc for the first half of the month and off and on throughout the rest. Sure enough i missed my next period.. lol so no not to much time to think about it. Im sorry about your labor. I bet there would be ways to help prevent that from happening again. The doc i think should know some ways. Have you talked ot your doc and ask about the possibilities of it happening again.

Logan: I really like that name!!!

Jordyn: I see what you mean about the eating thing. You know Natalia was the same way. Even now she is the most pickiest eater in the world. I remember trying to get her to eat and she wouldnt eat anything. My dh would make her laugh then shove a mouth full of food in her mouth. She HATED it. And so did i. Finnally i just started cutting food up really small and just putting it infront of her. It took a while but she eventually started eating. But only if she could feed herself.
So once jonathan got old enough i just let him feed himself and yea now he is alittle chunky monkey.

I remember seeing that thread in the toddler section. i got distracted before i could read about it though. Dont worrie though. Eventually Alia will sleep really well. I dont think its anything you are doing at all. Maybe she just wants to see that you are going to be there even at the weirdest time of the day.
Yes but doctors keep saying its just one of those random things ,a one off. I believe it was from my blood pressure that kept spiking but never getting high enough to medicate. Until That day.
It doesn't worry me I'm not one of those women whose all hung up cos I didn't get a natural birth. I say whatever gets the job done!!
yup so id say go for it if you want to start trying and who cares what others say about it
Each doctor has given me little parts of info about it, no ones got the whole story but me so I've come to my own conclusions.
The doctors just told me I had an abruption. My husband told me in the cs he was shown the very white calcified placenta and asked if I smoke or if my date could've been off to explain why it expired so early and 2 large tennis ball sized blood clots behind placenta (this is not in my birth notes at all!) and I never smoked and was having weekly test to detect ov so dates spot on.
During my pregnancy my blood pressure was high, it got to 140/95 and they said if it hit 150/100 I'd be medicated but it didn't.

Dr google says high Bp can cause calcified placenta, and explain why he was only 6p1 if he was getting restricted flow. And the sudden spike in Bp could have caused the clots.

However all my birth notes just say "abruption" like it was just a random thing so I'm a bit concerned about next time getting my point across of how dangerous my Bp can be and how quickly it can change (2 days b4 cs it had gone DOWN to 130/75)
Spiffy, Sam did go through a bit of night waking as well when he was getting in a few teeth (4 at once actually :dohh:) and then went back to his "normal" sleeping schedule. So Alia may be getting her molars in and that is what is causing her disrupted sleep right now. I hope it passes soon...:hugs:

hopefulfor1st, will doctors consider you high risk for your next pregnancy because of the placental abruption? I am sure it was scary but it does sound like a fluke thing and hopefully won't happen again. I had an EMCS also for a different reason and doctor just told me wait 3 months before trying and then said we were good to go. We obviously waited longer but I think the standard is 3 months after c section.

Okay, so I think I may be getting over the whole being mad and annoyed with in-laws. They have been less annoying lately and are leaving in a few weeks to Alaska for the summer so that will help to have them be gone too. As for the SIL thing, she finds out in the next few weeks boy or girl and I'm secretly hoping she doesn't have a girl as I think it will crush me since we wanted a girl so horrible does that sound?! :blush:

Hope everyone is doing well! :flower:
Heather i know exactly what you mean by not wanting her to have a girl. WHen i had natalia she was like 7 or 8 months when my sil got pregnant. I really didnt want her to have a boy. When she had an ultrasound at 14 weeks they told her all boy. I was crushed. Then when she got a u/s at 31 weeks they found out it really was a girl. Well my niece is 3 now lol. At first i kinda felt there was alot of compitiion between me and my sil but now that i have been here for so long i think it has gone down alot. I mean i had the first boy and girl grandchildren. But even though nothing will be the same to the inlaws like their own dd's kids.

How is the no bottle doing for sam?
Stacey, its going great! :thumbup: I'm so happy with how my little man has adjusted. We read a book at night (when he would get his only bottle) and he gets a sippy cup and drinks its as we cuddle and read and then after about 15-20 minutes I lay him down while he is awake and he falls asleep on his own! :happydance: I feel so lucky to have weaned him so quickly.

Yesterday my MIL brought up my SIL and how she doesn't look pregnant and I said she just looks fat! :haha: Funny, MIL agreed with me...she likes me more! :winkwink: But I do agree that it is different about your own children's grandchildren, I just don't know how I'm gonna cope with her having a girl. I know I get to try again and she won't as she had a difficult time getting pregnant with this one. And because of her personality she will rub it in my face that its a girl too! :growlmad:
aww heather im sorry! But you know that is great news that sam does soo well i try to read to jonathan but he does the same that natalia does. He just wants down to start playing has no interest at all in the book?! i get frusterated about it too maybe i will try right before bed again and see how he does. I really want to get him off of it too. I noticed with natalia once i weaned her off the bottle she slept litterally all night!
Stacey, I try to read to Sam during the day too and he does the same thing! :dohh: It seems like he is tired enough at night to read and not wanna rip the book out of my hand every second while we are reading! :haha:
haha!!! maybe i should give it a try. Do you give Sam a bath before bed as well?
Spiffy she was 39+3 :)

OMG we got over a foot of snow today.. its may I want warm temps.. ugh..

Hope you all have a great day.. dh stayed home as the roads were crap.. I feel like its sat now lol..

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