anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

I give him a bath every other night usually, unless he got super dirty from playing outside or something. Some days (on the weekends) he will get a bath in the mornings though.

How often do you bathe Jonathan? How is your bedtime routine right now?
Well its usually like a snack, bath,teeth, bottle, bed. I would like to do like a snack, bath, story with a sippy, teeth then bed. I would love for him to settle by himself without the bottle. We bathe them both every night. With natalia we realized that she slept better when we bathed her so we just started with her and it continued with jonathan. And probably this baby as well. lol. and your ruitine how is it like is it similare. Do you guys eat dinner late enough that he doesnt need another snack before bed?
I won't be high risk I don't think but I will be demanding more scans at the end to check blood flow and maybe buy myself a Bp monitor
Hopeful, I didn't get cold fee either, but that's because just like some others have already said, my cycles didn't come back until Ozzy was 7 months. Technically we were NTNP until then, but I was never really thinking that I would actually get pregnant that early on, so I guess that's why I wasn't nervous about it. But I understand being afraid/worried of what people will say. I was worried about that, and I had a 'normal' birth, so I can definitely understand your concern about what people would think. If you're ready, though, don't let that stop you! I say go for it. :)

That's funny about the book reading. Ozzy loves to read books, but he mostly just loves to turn the pages until he gets to a picture he likes (i.e. of a dog or a ball!). He doesn't care about the words we're reading. Well, that's only partly true. He notices words like hair and nose and "hooray" and he'll reach up and touch his hair or our hair and if it's "hooray" he'll stick his hands up in the air and get excited. It's pretty cute. But we don't really "read" to him, per se. Just flip through the pages really fast!

Well, I got a call from the diabetes clinic/centre, and it turns out I have to go to a workshop next week. It's 2 and a half hours, and I guess it'll just be about GD and how to deal with it. It wasn't super clear, but I fee like I should go, so I'm going. :)
Stacey, Sam usually eats dinner around 5-5:15 because he is so hungry when he comes home from daycare that he is a grump! He will occasionally get a snack in the evening like a granola bar or something but not regularly. But our daily/night time routine is usually the same. I don't get home till 6:45 3 days a week so I will halfway eat when I get home and play with him till its either bath time or time for pjs and to go to bed and we read and he goes down. I truly feel lucky that he is having an easy time!

I think kids like routine and when you get them off even slightly (at least with Sam) it really messes them up!

Harley, that interesting about the GD clinic. Hopefully they can give you some tips to keep it under control. How cute about Ozzy getting excited about things in the books!
Heather, I really do think its teething, because last night when Alia started crying, I got her up and comforted her and then gave her some Tylenol, and she slept until 8:40am! (Normally she gets up around 7:30am). But I'm writing this at nearly midnight because she's awake right now. I gave her Tylenol, but about ten minutes after I gave it to her, she threw up everywhere, so I'm not sure how much of it stayed down.

As for your SIL, I understand how you feel, when I was pregnant with Alia my SIL was also pregnant and she found out was a girl, and I knew I was going to be kind of disappointed if I was having a boy, because I was secretly hoping for a girl.

Logan, sorry to hear about the snow! Snow in May just feels like a cruel joke. :growlmad:

As for reading books, Alia will bring me her books all day long, but hers don't have stories (she gets bored with those), instead they're just books with common words, counting, colors, etc. so we just say the name of the picture and she flips the pages, which she likes. She also has favorite pictures, which are usually objects that she can say the name of, like ball, bear, car, flower, etc.

Harley, I'm sorry you have to deal with the GD stuff. :( I just had my test today, so I might get my results back by tomorrow. Fingers crossed that the results will be good, because I don't think I could bear to give up sweets, since I've been craving them this whole pregnancy! :dohh:

Also my OB said I'm still measuring good, maybe even a little ahead, so it's giving me hope that I won't have another IUGR baby!
Jordyn, it really does sound like teething. Hopefully Alia starts sleeping better for you soon! I know I have/had that fear that as soon as Ben is here Sam will night wake and I'll be a zombie!!!

I hope you passed your GTT test. I have mine in a few week, fx it goes well.

Last night/afternoon Sam developed a fever. I think it's partly teething related but we kept him home from daycare today and my MIL is watching him and I'll be home by noon to take over. My poor monkey! He was burning up. I can't wait to get home to cuddle with him!
Haking Bryce has been the same way with the fever.. he was that way all day yesterday.. finally got it down.. pretty sure its teeth here too..
Rojo, glad Bryce is getting better. I'm not super worried just feel bad he feels crummy! This usually happens though before teeth so I'm hoping...
Awww, sorry about all the fevers and teething troubles. You are all super-moms!

I forgot to say that Ozzy said his first official word the other night! "Teeth." :) I had been poking around his mouth asking if he had any more teeth coming in, and then he pointed to my mouth and then to Daniel's mouth and said, "teeth." We decided that was officially his first word. He hasn't really said it since, but that's okay. We high-fived on it, so it's official. Ha!
Harley, that's sooo cute!!! He said it and knows what they are. :thumbup:

I take great satisfaction in knowing Sam's first word was mom mom! :blush:
So I know I don't have a true bump yet but here is me today at 8 weeks.. thought I would share.. :)


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Logan, what a great picture! I don't think I'm alone in thinking this, but we have some gorgeous mamas on this thread! :winkwink:

Rachel, that's great that Ozzy said his first word! Alia's first word was "Balloon", she pointed to it and said it, so we knew that she knew what it meant. "Mama" and "Dada" came later. :dohh:

Heather and Logan, sorry to hear that you've been dealing with feverish, teething babies. :( I hope they get those teeth in quickly!

As for me, I'm feeling pretty good, because even though Alia kept me up until 12:30am last night, she at least slept until 8:40am again! :)
Thanks Spiffy.. :) and Bryce seems better today.. so lets hope something is coming through lol
Yeah, Ozzy doesn't really say mama or dada yet.

Cute (sort of) bumb, Logan! :)

So, public service announcement time: Don't take your prenatal vitamin/iron pill combo on an empty stomach. I had managed to avoid puking this entire pregnancy so far, then this morning, seemingly out of nowhere, I had to vomit like right now! I'm pretty sure it was just the vitamins on an empty stomach that did it, because I feel perfectly fine now. And thankfully the rest of today has been fine and dandy. :)
Logan, what a cute "bump" picture! :wink:

Harley, sorry about the vitamin mishap! I actually take my vitamin before bed to avoid that exact problem! :haha: I took it mornings on an empty stomach while pregnant with Sam and got sick multiple times!
Thanks ladies.. :) now that I can finally share some ;)

So yeah I take mine at night too.. but I still puke during the day generally 2-3 times.. so I do it right before bed..
I've encountered the same thing with my prenatal vitamin, although it's never made me throw up, only feel nauseous. I find that if I just take it with a meal, it never bothers me, so I take it during lunch.

Well, the normal range for the gestational diabetes test is 41-139, and my test came back at 103, so a little on the high end, I guess, but still normal! So that's a relief. :flower:
That's great spiffy! All that matters is you passed! :thumbup:

I'm anxious to take my test just to know the last of the major tests are over.

So on a side note, I went to Starbucks this morning for a drink. Not coffee. And the girl in the drive thru said to me "wow, how far along are you? You're all belly!" I told her 6+ months and she said you must be having a girl! I told her nope, 100% boy! Lol

I must really be looking pregnant if a lady in the drive thru where I'm sitting down in my SUV can tell I got a belly!!! :haha:
Oh, I simultaneously love and hate it when I reach that stage where I'm so obviously pregnant that strangers start asking when I'm due.

And I usually take my vitamins at night, but I forgot last night so I though, "Oh, I'll take them now, I'm going to eat breakfast in a few minutes so it will be alright." It was not alright!

Glad to hear your GTT came back okay, Jordyn. I'm really curious to find out what my actual numbers were. Might not know until the 10th at my next routine check-up.

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