anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Hi ladies:

Racheal: That is soo cute that ozzy said his first word!! And teeth what a clever boy! Im sorry you had to experience that with your prenatals! I too take mine at night right before bed to prevent anything like that.

Jordyn: im glad your gd results came back normal. Isnt that a relief! And i could agree more with you i think there are some good looking mamas on this thread!

Logan: I am soo exited to start seeing bump pics from you. This is a great one to start with now we can see progression!!!!

Heather: Jonathan too had a fever last night. Idk if i can contribute it to teething though. He has a caugh going along with it. He went to sleep last night at 8 30 then woke up at 11 and didnt go back to sleep until almost 3. He wasnt crying or anything i brought him in our bed so that he didnt wake up natalia.

Does anyones lo sleep all crazy. i mean ever since jonathan was really little and able to sit up when he sleeps he litterally sits up and just falls over. He moves and moves. He almost fell off the bed last night but i caught him. This just worries me because what is going to happen when he is ready for a big boy bed? i hoe he grows out of it but now i dont think he will anytime soon.

On the other side i was talking to one of my co workers yesterday and she said she knows a lady whos house is for rent. A 3 bed house for 950 a month! And its in the same neighborhood i live in know just up the road! Its a beautiful house on the outside i havnt seen the inside. But she gave the lady my info so she can contact me. So ladies please wish me luck and hope that this lady will contact me and we will like this house. This would be great with another baby coming.
Stacey, I'm sorry Jonathan is feeling sick. Sam is finally on the mend. I'm so happy because his fever kept spiking and then I'd give Tylenol and it would drop. He woke from a nap and it was over 103 poor boy! I think it was mostly a bug as we have no new teeth still! :shrug:

So, MIL rant!!!! I am so mad, I'm sick of my MIL giving into Sam all the time. He is a right brat when she is around because he knows she's gonna give in. Today I let her have it because I was so sick of her always giving and before I even said anything she got done telling me grandpa lets him do whatever he wants! Umm...hello! So do you!!! And then I have a mad crying baby because I'm saying no and she wants to come and let him do whatever again so he'll stop crying! How will he ever learn that way when they give in?! :growlmad:

I told Tim and he is gonna talk to her this evening and let her know its bothering both of us how he is happy when we are around and the second she can walk in the room he fusses and she gives in! I'm so sick of being the mean one and he goes to her when I say no! I breaks my heart too to see him go for her because she'll give in. :cry:

I don't mind spoiling but she is ruining my perfect boy! And with 2 little ones I need him as well behaved as possible. We put a lot of time into teaching him he manners and learning right from wrong for her go ruin him!

Ok, rant over!!!! Hopefully DH can get message across to them or I might go crazy! :grr:
Oh I forgot to say, I hope you get the house Stacey! Sounds like it would be perfect! :flower:
Heather, I'm sorry you're having that problem with your MIL. That has to be so frustrating! Especially because, like you said, it makes you the bad guy. I wonder if she's doing it because she likes that it makes him run to her, and she gets to be the "fun one". Regardless, it's undermining you as the parent and she needs to stop. :growlmad:

But on a positive note, that's cool that someone could tell you were pregnant in the drive-thru! Always better when people assume your pregnant, and not just fat. :haha:

Stacey, I hope Jonathan starts feeling better, and I hope that house is a good fit for your growing family!

Rachel, the doctor never actually called to give me my GTT results, and if they did, they probably would have just said, "You passed," and not given me the numbers, but I went online, since the healthcare system I use has a way for you to log in a see all your lab results, so that's how I got the specific number. I bet if you ask, though, they'll give you yours.
Jordyn, I do agree that it's nice to look pregnant and not fat! :winkwink:

I don't know if my MIL does it on purpose or she just thinks its cool to give him all the time but then she will make little comments like "I can't hold you all the time" or, "why are you so fussy?!" And all I can think is because you give in and make him this way so you have no room to complain or talk! Something's gotta change or I may go crazy!!!!:wacko:

Gotta go...just got home and I'm sure it's gonna be awkward. Tim needs to talk to her asap!!!! :growlmad:
Thanks ladies. im really debating if i should take jonathan to the ER. His tem is 101.8 but with the tylonal it goes down to 99 something. But his caugh is soo bad too. Im trying to wait until at least tomorrow to maybe take him monday if i can hold out but im just not sure. He isnt eating much of anything. Or drinking to much. My dd was sick last week but had no fever and ate like normal so at first i thought she passed her cold onto him but his is soo much worse....

Heather: i am sorry about you in law issues. You know i think it might be a normal inlaw thing. My MIL does the same. Even now especially with my daughter she will be just fine until my MIL come walking into the room then she gets all bratty. I have talked to my MIL and she has started to agree when we say no but even though. My daughter will listen to her and give attitude to us. Frustrating i know....

Jordyn: Thats AWSOM you can just go online for your results. I wish i could do that. My doc only calls if something is wrong. So no call is good news for me lol
Stacey, I wouldn't worry too much about taking him to the ER just yet. Sam had a 103 fever and the Tylenol helped bring it down as well as a cool bath. His fever is practically gone and he still isn't eating much. Obviously listen to your gut but since the Tylenol is helping I wouldn't worry too much yet. I hope he feels better!

It probably is a MIL thing but it still sucks! Especially when I'm the mom so what I say goes. DH will talk to her tonight when I put Sam to bed, hopefully.

Jordan, do you go to a large hospital? My hospital does that same thing with test results. I love it!!! I go to a large hospital called Kaiser.
See i dont worrie to much like i work in the medical field but then my dh starts talking and get me all worried lol. Its a completely different feeling when its your own family vs other lol.

And yes you are his mom so whatever you say does go! I just think they forget that. I hope i never forget how i felt when my kids were born so i dont annoy my children in laws lol.
It is really hard when it's your babies and you worry about them. You only want them to be happy and healthy and it sucks to see them sick.

I hope that I too am a nice MIL after seeing how mine is towards me.
I've been looking a lot at double strollers lately and can't decide which one to get! Have you girls looked at them at all or, Stacey and Logan maybe you can help. Do you have one and which? Pros/cons?
Heather, I do go to a large hospital. It's one of several owned by Intermountain Healthcare, which was actually ranked as one of the best in the country, so that's reassuring. With Alia, I went to a smaller private hospital because I had different insurance at the time, so I'm interested to see how the two compare when it comes time to deliver.

Stacey, I hope Jonathons fever has come down and that he's eating better now.

Alia has actually had two pretty decent nights of sleep these past few days, so fingers crossed that we're heading a better direction now!
Jordyn, I could get my results online too, but I'd have to sign up for it. For some reason or another I've just never registered for that, but I should considering how many tests I've been for in the last year!

I'm curious about the double stroller conversation too! I'm hoping we can find a smaller one; not a fan of big ol' clunky strollers and I certainly am not going to be jogging with it. Ha! I think I'd like the kind where you can just attach a car seat to the top and the older child rides kida below/in front of that.

Stacey, Ozzy is a crazy sleeper too. We're keeping him in a crib longer because he scoots all around (on his belly) and rolls and flops all night. He's usually pressed right up against the bars of the crib when we go in at night, so if we put him in a bed, he would need guard rails for sure or he would just scoot right out!
Alia is also usually right up against the crib bars in the morning, so I think we'll keep her in the crib until we see that she stays in mostly the same spot all night.

As for strollers, we need to get a double too. I think I'll probably look for a used one, though, to save money. Am I the only one whose wondering why I ever bothered buying a single stroller? I feel like I should have just started with a double!
Sam is a crazy sleeper too, be is never in the same spot as he was when I laid him down in the night before. I always crack up when I go in to get him up in the morning!

Rachel, I saw a stroller that is exactly how you described. It's called the britax b-ready. It has where you attach the baby on top in the carseat and then Ozzy would sit in the bottom. But you have to buy the attachment. It's basically a single stroller that can be made to a double. I actually considered it but they have a different one called the b-agile that I'm leaning toward that is a double but they sit next to each other and I can hook a carseat into.
Oh my God I've missed loads! Sorry ladies it's been a bit mental my end.

Love the use of actual names but you may have to bear with me, I will try my best! My name is Vanessa :flower:

So I ended up in hospital yesterday when I had some crippling pain across the top of my bump and in my lower back. It felt like contractions but it wasn't coming and going and it was pretty intense, I couldn't move and felt all hot and sweaty. DH freaked out and rang for an ambulance but didn't I feel like a right eejit when the pain just stopped ten minutes after the paramedic arrived :blush: They insisted on checking me out in maternity anyway so hooked me up to the monitors and ran some tests on me. No explanation of what it was :shrug: Wasn't the nicest experience though I have to say.

Double strollers - hmm. I have decided to see if I can make it work with a sling and a buggy board. So my thoughts are to wear Milo and keep Noah in the pushchair if he needs it. He's getting to the point where he wants to walk most of the time so I'm thinking it's probably a bit too much money to spend on a double pushchair at this stage. I'll see how it goes I think :thumbup: I have a moby and an ergo so should be covered.

Yep my monkey is a crazy sleeper too, he ends up in all sorts of random positions!

Sorry to hear Jonathan has been so ill Stacey :hugs: it's rough when it feels like you're helpless. Touch wood we haven't had anything for a while but when he gets a high fever like that it freaks me out :nope: Although I know it's the body's way of fighting infection.

Heather I salute you for dealing with inlaws like that! You must have more patience than me lol. My MIL is in hospital long term with manic depression and bipolar so I've never had issues like that. Still, I do have an a****** of a father so I guess we all have our problematic family members.

Speaking of which, I now have a newborn half brother :wacko: So there's my oldest half brother who is 43, me at 30, and a newborn. I feel like we need a segment on a talk show. Or the whole thing. He emailed me a birth announcement last week complete with picture, time of birth and weight. I couldn't believe the nerve of him. I've told him I can't deal with anything to do with her or that baby and he has the audacity to send me that. I ignored it. Don't get me wrong, I don't feel any animosity towards the poor child, in fact I pity the poor mite, but I despise his mother and my sanity can't cope with knowing anything about the whole (excuse my language) f***** up situation.

Other than that, not much to tell you. The house is very slowly getting there and we're hoping to get a date for exchanging contracts in the next couple of weeks. Fingers crossed!
Vanessa, that is so scary about the bump pain!!! I'm so glad they found nothing wrong...though isn't it nerve wracking sometimes to told they have no explanation?! :wacko: Either way, glad you and Milo are well. :hugs:

That is so weird to think you have a newborn brother! :haha: It really is a hard situation to deal with...especially when he is innocent but there is such conflict with the parents. I feel for you. :hugs:

I considered baby wearing when it comes time for #3 but Sam is still too small to always walk as he walks so slow sometimes or wants to be held and its draining on my back! I think I would be miserable if I didn't get a double stroller!

This is the one we are considering:

Stacey, how is Jonathan?? I hope he is on the mend! :flower: Sam is finally mostly better. His fever was gone since yesterday morning and he was back to his wild self. :thumbup:

Ugh, I'm still so riled up about the whole situtation on Saturday! Yesterday was extrememly awkward as MIL hid in her room all day while I was home with Sam so we just hung out mostly in our room. I honestly think she is being a bit childish about it...DH talked to her but it doesn't seem like much got accomplished and I'm actually more mad than I was! :growlmad:

Basically what she told DH was that now since I asked her to back off...which was not what I asked at all but that is a whole other story! She has decided to not give Sam as much love/attention and Andy (Sam's cousin) more!!! :grr: She already favors him it seems like and obviously she has no clue why I'm so mad!!! :nope:

I've considered writing her an email to explain everything that I'm mad about as I feel I can get my point across better that way. DH wants me to apologize to her about how I snapped at her...not what I said but how it was said. I feel like that is really maybe the only thing I can say sorry for as everything else was very much true and my feelings.

The worst part is, I've always been on good terms with her but now I think things will be weird all the time! It wouldn't be so weird either if we didn't live in their house! :dohh:
Vanessa, I'm sorry to hear that you had such a scary experience the other day! I'm glad that the pain went away, but it has to be annoying to not have any explanation for it. :shrug: Hopefully it doesn't happen again!

As for the situation with you baby half-brother, all I can say is that must be so weird for you. Obviously the little boy is innocent, but it's hard when you don't want anything to do with the parents.

Heather, I'm sorry things are now so weird with your MIL. You're right, she does sound like she's being pretty childish about it. I mean, seriously, whatever issues she has with you, it's just wrong to play favorites with Sam and his cousin. :growlmad:

I like the stroller that you picked, but my only concern with it would be getting through doorways. Do you think that will be a problem? I've also thought about babywearing to save the expense on a new stroller, but then when I think about how many kids we'll probably have, and how often we'll have two little ones at the same time, I think that the double stroller will be a good investment for us. But we do have friends that will be TTC this year for their first, so maybe we can pass on our single stroller to them so it won't feel like such a waste. :flower:
Jordyn, DH actually was/is afraid of that issue of getting though tight areas. It is 30.5 inches and the standard business door is 36 so that shouldn't be a problem. The only slight problem may be when in a cramped store trying to get though aisles of tight clothing racks but it would be tight with a single too so not much avoiding it.

I have a good friend that just purchased almost the same stroller except its the city jogger double and its only .5 inches narrower and she said she hasn't had a problem yet. :thumbup: I liked the Britax B-ready that you make from a single into a double too but its a bit more pricey so I dunno... :shrug:

It is very awkward and plain old annoying with MIL. Do you think writing an email to her to explain all my issues and get them out in the open would be a good idea? I feel if I talk to her in person I'll be a mess and start crying as that's basically all I did yesterday seeing as I'm so frustrated with it all. Just the thought of it makes me tear up...I'm not usually an emotional person but when it comes to my children I can't help it. :cry:

On a happy note...I bought my mom her Mother's Day gift yesterday! Well, actually its sorta from Sam and Ben. Its 2 rings with both their birthstones and she can add a 3rd when we have the next and am getting them soddered together. I think she will love it! :happydance:
Thanks ladies, it's certainly weird and I feel like I'm either in a soap opera or an episode of Jeremy Kyle :wacko: The thing is that between him and this girl (I'm sure I've mentioned before that she's younger than me) they wrecked our family, broke my mum's heart and broke my heart, and she manipulated him into leaving two days after Noah's birth. Which I know she did to get him out before he bonded with him. The whole thing has devastated me because I know I would never do that to my children. And there would maybe have been a way forward for us if he at least acknowledged the pain he's caused but he's never properly said sorry.

I know he'll turn up on my doorstep one day when it's all gone down the pan, because let's face it, no relationship with an age gap of 41 years ever works in the long run.

Heather, I can't believe how childish and petty your MIL is acting! It's ridiculous! I think unfortunately you're going to have to try to make a move to put things right between you because she won't act the grown up, and living together will be beyond awful. An email may well help because it will get everything out in a calm way. Worth a shot I'd say?

Jordyn I had that concern over double pushchairs, they seem so big! That's true about having lots of kids, we'll be having 3 or 4 so I guess maybe I'll think about it nearer the time. I don't want big age gaps between any of them either.

That sounds like such a lovely gift for your mum Heather!
Vanessa, that is scary about the pain you had. Glad it went away and they aren't concerned about it. And so sorry that you had to revisit the whole messed up situation with your dad because of the birth. Seems like ignoring it is the right thing to do at the moment. (And I have no clue what Jeremy Kyle is! Ha!)

Heather, that stroller looks nice. We're looking for something smaller so that it will fit in our trunk more easily. Or does that one collapse down? Anyway, I think we're also going to try to find a used one like Jordyn said. There's an awesome consignment shop that opened near my work recently (DANGEROUS! I bought 3 sun dresses and two pairs of kick shorts for my niece for her birthday yesterday for just over $20.) They have a bunch used strollers, and I saw one there yesterday that was kind I want and was only $125. I'm not sure it had all the attachment parts we'd need for the adding the car seat on, though. So I guess it would end up costing more in the long run. Anyway, I'm going to ask Daniel if he wants to go looking there this Saturday. We'll see!

Heather, I'm sorry you're having to deal with this awkwardness with your MIL. Sounds like an apology might help get things back to normal a bit (again, not for what you said, but how you said it). I have a lot of experience with those kinds of apologies! Me and my quick tongue!

I've also been thinking about the whole C-section vs. VBAC question. I don't know if you've made a decision yet, but I just wanted to say that I think you should go with whatever will give you the most peace. I think a key to a positive birth experience is to make sure you're doing everything you can to stay relaxed and not be stressed. If trying for a VBAC is going to create more stress (even if it's not you getting stressed - if your husband is worried, that's going to affect you too) than it could potentially bring you satisfaction, then I say it's not worth it. Just my two cents. Whatever you decide, I'll cheer you on %100. :)

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