anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Rachel, the stroller that I was telling you about (both actually) do fold down. I watched a few youtube videos to see how small it gets and it does get pretty small to where it would fit in a trunk of a car. :thumbup: Though, if you could get a really nice used one from the consignment shop that would be awesome. I wish we had good consignment shops around here but they are all just junky. :dohh:

As far as the c section vs. VBAC...I haven't made a "real" decision yet. :wacko: My tenitive plans are to basically schedule a c section for August 8th and if I go into labor early then try for natural and if not then just have him on the 8th via c section. DH seems to be okay with that idea a bit more but I didn't tell my mom yet because I don't want the added stress...especially because I doubt I'll go early, honestly. :nope: Thank you for your input has been something that weighs heavily on my mind and seems like I keep running out of time to decide... :haha:

Pie, what is Jeremy Kyle?? Is it a talk show?

I know that I will need to say sorry to make some sort of mend...especially since we are living in their house but I just don't know if I can do it in person. Seems like the email route might be easier....I'll have to work on that today soon so she can read it before I get home this evening. I really wish she wouldn't be so childish though!!! :growlmad: I also think getting out the other things in email will give her time to process them without me sitting there starring at her or me crying. Sometimes family SUCKS!!! :wacko: I am so not a fan of drama!
Haha sorry ladies, I forget that it's a British talk show! Although actually I think there might be a US version now. It's just infamous for finding the real dregs of society and you wouldn't believe half the stories these people have :wacko: It's like they lifted up a rock and found them :haha:

Heather that sounds like a plan :thumbup: Whatever you decide you need to feel confident about it. I doubt I'll go early as well, I just can't see it, I,'m sure Milo will be late.
Heather, I think an email would be a good idea. That way you have the time and the clarity of mind to really say what you want to say, and she has the time to sit and think about it before approaching you. I pretty much have to write out anything important, because I get too flustered and emotional when I try to say it in person (especially when I'm pregnant).

The rings sound like a perfect idea for your mom! I think she'll love it. :flower:

Vanessa, here in the US, I think our equivalent talk show would be Jerry Springer. :haha:

As for labor, I went early with Alia, so I'm hoping it will be similar this time, too, but then again, maybe my body decided to "eject" her a little early because she wasn't growing and the placenta was nearly dead, so who knows? Maybe I'll go overdue, which will really suck, since I know I'm going to be hitting 38 weeks and thinking I'm pretty much done. :dohh:
active thread today ladies!!!

Heather: I love that stroller and would totally go for it. My friend who has twins got one and she just LOVES it. I am sorry to hear about you MIL and such. You know when natalia was a baby i cant remember how old she was but one day i just flipped out on my mil. I was mad because she was making decisions and stuff without letting me know. I know she would have never done anything to hurt my baby but i just felt like i should have known if she was going to do something different then i normally do. (now i kinda find it stupid lol) but i was soo upset that i just started trying to talk to her. Telling her to let me know what she is going to do and just communicate with me better but it turned into me crying and her crying and my dh just kinda stuck in the middle. Later that night i ended up texting her telling her how sorry i was and then i calmly told her my real issues. Yes she responded nicely and such but it was SOOOOO acward to be around her and it took us a few month to get things back to the way we were. Now though we are closer then ever i think. I know how you feel even though i am not living with her we went almost everyday back then. So i totally agree with trying to email her and let her know what is really going on!

vanessa: I am sorry about all the drama between your family. THat is very weird to have a brother so young. like the others have said its not the babys fault but i would do that same as you! i have a friend that is 24 and her dad just married someone who is 23 and now is expecting a baby. I see how she is affected soo so i understand you!:hugs: I am also VERY happy to hear that the pain was nothing and you and baby are doing better!!!

Jordyn: I am hoping this one comes alittle early too lol. With Natalia she was a 41 weeker but jonathan was early so i hope this one will be too lol I think that is a great idea to give it to your friends if you find another stoller!

Rachel: That was a great awnser about the vbac! :thumbup:

afm well jonathan ended getting hospitalized on saterday. I took him in because his fever was 103 and his caugh was just awful. They looked him over and saw that he had very low oxygen. Thankfully he doesnt have pnemonia but he has something call RSV witch is a very bad respitory infection. Its the second time that he has had it. Once when he was 12 weeks old and then now. Last time he was able to come home after one day and without any extra oxygen. THis time we are home but he has oxygen now and breathing treatment to try to loosen some of that junk up in his chest. My poor baby. They were trying to find a vein sso that they could draw some blood and well they busted 3 of his veins. They tied him down to a table to try to get that viens i was crying along with him. Finally i yelled to the stupid people in the ER to just stop. Let him calm down. So he did he took alittle nap and when he woke up we tried again. I told them he is going to sit right here on my lap i can hold him. I told them nobody try to get a vein unless you are POSITIVE that you will get it a not break it! Sure enough they got one on his foot. He went from 5 am until 8 pm without urinary output. And they refused to give him any fluids. I was like forcing him to drink even when he didnt want to. I was just very very upset about everything. I feel like our hospital is sooo stupid when it comes to babys. 98% of our patients are elderly so they dont get much experience with babies. Anyways we are home now. Jonathan is on oxygen and breathing treatment. We will go see our normal ped tomorrow and we will test him without the oxygen to see if we can discontue it. He is much happier here at the house. He wasnt able to walk while we were at the hospital because he was contected to the monitors and stuff so he is soo happy.

As for the stroller question you know Natalia was 3 when jonathan was born so i kept the single stroller. She walked everywhere we went anyways. SO i could just carry jonathan. When we did use the stroller she would go into it and i would baby wear with jonathan. Im not sure what i will be doing this time yet. Im guessing Natalia will be walking and Jonathan in the stroller and i will baby wear with the baby. Im glad to see everyone doing well. But please give us a pray that jonathan will get better soon!
Yikes Duejan, RSV is scary! We are lucky to live within walking distance of a childrens hospital complete with a childrens ER so the few times we've had to take Keira in (the last time for a very bad case of croup) they were quite capable of handling her.
Stacey, I'm glad to hear that the worst is over with Jonathon, and I'll pray that he gets to feeling back to his old self soon! That's so sad that he had such a traumatic hospital experience, though. :( We had to take Alia in when she was younger to get a renal ultrasound and x-rays done to see whether she had kidney reflux or not, and it was so hard to she her crying and scared when they had to hold her down on the table and put catheters in her and take the x-rays. And since we were TTC, they had me stay out of the room and watch through a window (to be shielded from the x-rays in case I was pregnant) so I couldn't even be there to comfort her. :(

You know, I was just thinking, and I also had a friend who's mother married someone younger than him. But the really messed up part is, before they were married, his mother had a child with this guy when he was only 16! I just don't understand it. :nope:

Skadi, how have you been feeling? Is the morning sickness still pretty bad?
yea Jordyn it was soo sad. They did a chest xray on jonathan too and i couldnt be there to hold him calmly. I am just still soo upset. I mean he is soo happy to be home though although it still hurts me so bad to see him so miserable with the oxygen and cough n runny nose... Im happy to see that you know how i feel.

skadi: thats great you live soo close to a childrens hospital. My hospital barly had 6 patients in there while i was there. They never go over like 13 patients or nothing. Its stupid! exuse my language
Stacey, that had to be so scary with Jonathan! I'll be sending lots of prayers your way and hope that he starts feeling better soon. I've heard of RSV before and read that it can be pretty serious. That really had to be heartbreaking seeing them keep poking him and blowing the vein! :nope: I'm sorry it wasn't such a good experience at the hospital.

Skadi, how are you feeling?? Hopefully first tri isn't too rough. :hugs:

I'm really getting stressed about talking to MIL. :wacko: DH said that I shouldn't email as it is cowderly and can come across wrong so he's somehow convinced me to sit and talk to her with him this evening. I'm so not looking forward to it but have been working on a list of things to talk to her about so I make sure I get it all out there.

My best friend said that things will never be the same again and I fear she might be right. :cry: But I feel like at this point I have to do the right thing and be the bigger person and if I'm gonna have to do it I wanna get it over with. I'll let you girls know how it goes...wish me luck!!! [-o<
Lots of luck, Heather! :thumbup: And like you said, once it's done, it's done, and at least she'll know where you're coming from. That's also nice that your DH will be sitting in with you to play referee, in case one is needed. (Although hopefully he takes your side!)
I told him he better take my side regardless!!! :haha: is over! It got pretty intense and at one point DH had to step in! :wacko:

She basically is mad because I'm asking her to not spoil and give in all the time and do whatever she wants with Sam and she feels I'm too strict and "ridged", not sure what she meant by that though. She thinks because we live here she should be able to do what she wants with him. I totally disagree with that...he is my child, regardless of where we live!

I think she has agreed to give in less and be a tiny bit more structured and I agree to talk to her if something is bugging me! I wish things could go back to normal but not sure that will ever happen...:shrug:

At least it will be less awkward now...hopefully.
Heather that really is ridiculous, that she's mad simply because you won't let her spoil him the entire time. She's got it backwards, it's worse as you're living with her as that would be the way it is all the time! As he grows up he would learn that if Mummy says no there's a good chance Nanny would say yes :growlmad:

Well done for talking to her and standing your ground :thumbup: You may be surprised, sometimes it's much worse to let things fester and you guys got it out in the open so maybe it will settle down in time.

Oh Stacey I'm so sorry to hear how ill Jonathan has been, and oh my God on the hospital blowing 3 veins! I'd be in bits if it were me, let alone if it were my child, poor baby :nope: Is he on medication other than the oxygen? So hard to have to watch all of that, I'm really glad you told them what's what and refused to let them try again until he calmed down.

Jordyn and Stacey, thank you :flower: Why are some parents so messed up in the head? How can they think it's normal? Stupid thing is my dad has told a mutual friend that the whole thing has been the biggest mistake of his life. He just won't end it because he's scared of being on his own :dohh: Silly weak man.
Vanessa, I do agree that she has it all backwards :dohh: but at least its all out in the open and now she can't say I didn't talk to her about it when I point it out next time. She said that a grandma is supposed to spoil her grandchildren...I told her, "yes, but to a certain extent and not EVERYDAY! as it starts to become the norm for him and its not longer spoiling but making him expect it" :growlmad: She didn't like when I said I'm sure you didn't let your boys get away with whatever they wanted it...and her defense but now I'm the grandma, so its okay!!! :dohh:

Part of me feels good that its over and the other part feels like I'll just ignore it and bite my tongue for the next few months just to get through it because I still don't feel she understands my point! :nope:

And, your poor dad...he may regret it all and feel its the biggest mistake of his life but at some point he is gonna need to realize that he made his bed and now he's gotta sleep in it! Or at least for the next 18 years... :haha:
Heather, I'm glad to hear that the talk is over and done with, at least. I'm sorry that it wasn't more productive, though! I can't believe she actually thinks it's her right as grandma to ruin everything you're trying to teach your child! Especially because it's not an occasional visit or weekend with grandma, it's everyday! I'm generally a peacemaker by nature, but I think I would have a hard time dealing with that, especially being pregnant and hormonal!

Vanessa, I think I just feel sorry for your dad. To chose to make himself miserable rather than be alone is just sad. :nope:

Well, for me, its good news today! Alia slept through the whole night last night! She went to bed at 7pm and didn't wake up until 8am! :happydance: Fingers crossed that this becomes the norm!
Jordyn, I do have a hard time dealing with it but I just don't see her trying to make an effort to change so I'll just have to deal with it until we move and just make sure there isn't any time with them alone which will be exhausting but I am just terrified that she will ruin him and then I'll have a crazy toddler and needy baby! :wacko:

I am also one that likes to make peace and hate conflict but when I told her she didn't understand she kept saying that I didn't explain my point good enough! :dohh: It has been a long few days and I'm just read to move past it...less than 2 weeks till they are gone till August!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

That is such exciting news about Alia sleeping through the night!!! :thumbup: I hope she keeps it up.
Oh, that's awesome that they'll be gone for a few months! Maybe that break from MIL is just what Sam needs to get back to normal for you. :winkwink:
I was just telling DH last night that I don't feel like I'm getting bigger...not that I'm complaining and maybe its how he is laying but I don't feel like my belly is growing as much as it did with Sam! :shrug:

26 weeks...almost 3rd tri!!!
24 weeks vs 26 weeks
Cute bump, Heather! :thumbup:

I feel the same way. My bump growth seems to have slowed way down lately. Of course I also think it changes day to day depending on the position he's laying in. I have my ultrasound coming up in about 3 weeks, so it will be interesting to see how he's measuring then.
I am totally okay with a smaller bump this time! :haha: I felt massive with Sam, and a smaller baby would be okay too! :winkwink:

I hope that Liam is measuring right on schedule, Jordyn! :thumbup: A few weeks ago doctor said Ben was based on fundal height.

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