Rachel, I'm glad to hear that everything is going so well with the GD! And yay for only having to check your blood once a day!

I'm impressed with your lack of weight gain, too. Sadly, according to the doctor's scale, I'm already almost as heavy as I was when I delivered Alia.

Of course, I started 8 pounds heavier this time, but seeing as I still have 10 weeks left to go, I think I'm still going to end up gaining more weight this time.
Logan, love the bump shot!

And yay for hitting 10 weeks! I hit the 30 week mark today, so I'm pretty excited about that, too!
I was out and about all day yesterday, because it was my day with the car, so I wasn't online much. I had an OB appointment to follow up after my hospital trips last weekend, and she says everything is looking good so far. She said that most likely I just have an irritable uterus, which is also more likely when there's less time between pregnancies. So watch out, ladies!
This morning we saw Star Trek: Into Darkness, and it was awesome. Definitely as good as the last one. We got to see it for free with DH's IT team at his office, as well as free breakfast, so that made it even better! Plus, Alia was up A LOT last night, so it was nice to have a break from mommy duties for a couple hours while BIL watched her for us.