anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Thanks ladies. She's been drinking the same formula that she's been on for months now, so I don't think it's anything in her diet, unless she suddenly became allergic to something, which is probably unlikely. I hope the pediatrician can give me some answers, because this is just wearing on me, big time.
Jordyn, I'm sorry to hear you an Alia are having a rough time. Hope you can get some answers from the pediatrician or at least some plan of action that might work. I hope you can get some good sleep soon too. And a good cry sounds like it will help. Hope you can sneak that in too. ;)

Logan, it must be a huge relief to be done school for now! That's great. Any big plans for the summer?

Vanessa, that's amazing that you managed a home water birth. I'm always in awe of women who can give birth without any sort of drugs. Our hospital has 4 rooms that have tubs (the others all just have showers), and they keep one of them empty to let other women labour in. I'm hoping I can either get a room with a tub or I'll be able to get into the other room for a while to labour in the water. I'm curious to see if it helps. I tried just sitting in the shower for a while last time, but it didn't really work for me. I just got cold everywhere the water wasn't hitting me!

Random question for everyone... Have any of you tried placenta encapsulation? I had a really rough two weeks post-delivery, and I'm looking into places that will take my placenta and dry it and encapsulate it for me this time. Any of you done that or thinking of doing it?
Thanks, Rachel. The pediatrician just told us that she's had a ton of patients come in with a stomach virus and that it's most likely what Alia has too. As for the gagging part if it, she didn't really have much advice. So it looks like I'm stuck doing what I've been doing until things run their course. :(

As for placenta encapsulation, I won't lie; the thought if it kind if weirdos me out. :haha: However, I don't really know much about it. What are the benefits?
Glad to hear they think it's something simple like a virus. Sure hope it clears up soon.

Well, I thought it was pretty gross too, but when I consider how it could help with my recovery I think it's at least worth a try. One of the places I'm considering for the service says this on their website:

Placenta encapsulation benefits mothers in many ways, most notably:

~reducing postpartum depression and baby blues
~improving lactation and milk supply
~improving your energy level and feeling of vitality and well being
~promoting healing and speeding recovery from birth
~improving iron levels, especially after postpartum hemorrhage

The placenta's hormonal make-up is completely unique to the mother. No prescription, vitamin or herbal supplement can do what one placenta pill can. The theory is you are replacing the hormones you lost during the birthing process. Each woman's placenta is unique to her hormonal make-up.

The big one for me is helping with the baby blues/depression.
Jordyn, glad to hear that they don't think its anything too serious with Alia and just a virus. :hugs: How did she sleep last night?

Rachel, I have heard of people encapsulating the placenta but I don't think its for me...though it seems like it does have a lot of healthy benefits. :thumbup:

AFM, I haven't been feeling too great today. Almost like my blood pressure is low as I keep feeling light headed and weak. :shrug: I don't think its anything serious just probably from the heat and I didn't sleep too well last night.
Aww feel better Haking...

SPiffy hope alia feels better soon
Heather, I've been feeling kind of the same way the past few days. Weak, hot, and occasionally nauseous. I've pretty much assumed that I got what Alia has, but it hasn't hit me very bad. My pediatrician said that the stomach virus hit her family, too, but while her husband was throwing up, she only felt mildly sick. So I think it just hits different people stranger than others.

Rachel, the placenta thing sounds like it does have a lot of benefits. How much does it cost? Seems like it could be pretty pricey.
I hope you feel better, Jordyn. :hugs: Hopefully you aren't getting sick and Alia is on the mend quickly! I would almost always be sick rather than have Sam be sick :nope: as I'm sure you feel the same.
Jordyn, it costs around $200 (including pick-up and delivery). So, I suppose it's kind of pricey, but I told Daniel I really want to try it and he's on board.

Hope you ladies feel better soon!

Heather, I had started to feel dizzy/light headed about a month ago, so I started taking iron supplements. Seems to have helped. Although my iron levels were still kind of low (they checked them same time as my GTT), and my iron stores are definitely low, so I've started taking two pills a day instead of just one. But it does sound like it could just be the heat in your case!
Rachel, it could definitely be the iron too. I know that I am anemic as I was before getting pregnant and then very after having Sam but I didn't like taking the iron supplements as I had a hard time going to the bathroom! :blush:
Thanks ladies the party went great my kids had alot of fun. So did my niece. I think the gift card was perfect as well xx

Logan: That is great you are all finished for now. Take a break relax and enjoy the time with you kiddos!!

Heather: That is great you had a good guy taking your blood. I have deep viens that hide. So it always takes about 6 times to draw my blood. I have only had one person be able to get one on the first time lol. When do you get your results back? I hope you start feeling better. I have been feeling similar as well. Its very difficult while im working. THey have put me on showers latly to try to get me off the floor for make it easier for me but you know what it is just SOO DARN HOT in the shower rooms i just feel like i cant drink as much as im sweating lol

Jordyn: Im sorry to hear about Alia. Im glad its just probably a virus though. Try to relax. Have you told your dh about how your feeling? Maybe he can watch alia and just let you go out and relax! Sometimes going out without the baby will just help alot. Me and my sil did it a few time and should do it more.

Rachel: I have heard about the placenta thing. I have kinda thought about doing it but not sure if i could bring myself to do it lol. BUt still havnt desided completely.

vanessa: That is GREAT that you where able to have a home birth!!! We dont have anyone that will come to the house here like its such a small town but its was always my dream to do it like that. So i deff envy you for thatxx

Steph: Dont give up your temp coming back up is a great sign!!! I too remember af was right around the corner when i was pregnant all three times. lol So i was shocked when i got a bfp lol

As for the Epideral experience i had a hell of a time with both of them i dont eeven know where to start.
With Natalia i had a Epideral as my contractions where lasting for 5 min and breaking for 5 min. THey could get the drugs unlocked ( they were like in the tool box type thing) They are like taking there sweet time like why isnt this opening and then my mom finally went over and kicked the darn box and yelled to them i wouldnt be so gental with that if i was you and it poped right open! yay for my mom. twice they had to put it in but then they turned it off when i was ready to push. Natalia was facing the wrong way so it took 3 hours to push so by the time she was acually born i felt EVERYTHING.

As for the one with my son. My contactions were very regular. I felt great but i thought i should get the epideral early enough before i was in agony. So they gave it to me early. But this time the stupid anestialigist couldnt get it in. They had tried like 8 or 9 times with the big needle and kept hitting bone. It took all of our anestisiologist to get it in. It worked great once i got it in i could feel the contractions but they werent painful. Three pushes he was out. But i had a numb leg and foot for about 6 weeks have delivery. Here is a pic of my back the day after delivery

Yikes! Stacey that looks awful! :nope: If I had had an experience like that, I might be more hesitant about the epidural, but I'll just cross my fingers that this time goes as smoothly as last. That was like my IV experience, though. Took 8 tries and my arms were covered in blood by the time they were done. They even called in the anesthesiologist to give it a try, and it still took him 4 tries!

I have told my DH how I'm feeling, but there's not a whole lot he can do, because he has chiropractor appointments three days a week right now, and so by the time he's home from work and done with his appointment, it's pretty much time for Alia to go to bed anyway. But we have decided to just watch some TV in the evening this week to make things more relaxing (normally we restrict TV to the weekend), so that's been a nice way to unwind at the end of the day. :flower:

Rachel, I wish you were having your baby a month before me so that I could ask you if the placenta capsules helped, and then if they did, I would do it too! I probably won't do it this time, though, so your experience will still help me decide whether to do it next time!
Stacey, that picture of your back looks horrible! :nope: I'm glad I didn't have a scary bad experience with the epidural. I was just super nervous but the guy was awesome and did it quick. I'm kinda nervous about the spinal block this time if I get an automatic c section but coming to terms with it now a bit. :thumbup:

I forgot to post, I got my GTT results back same day. Everything was normal so no concerns there. I'm glad because I don't think I could poke myself daily to check levels! :nope:

Jordyn, hopefully you can get some rest. When does/how long does Alia nap for? Maybe nap while she does. I was just thinking I could use a nap...:sleep: I usually run during lunch (at work) but today I think I'm gonna nap and maybe go this evening instead.
Heather, so glad to hear that your GTT came back good! :thumbup:

Alia usually naps for an hour and a half. The problem is, I have always had a hard time taking naps, even when I'm tired. My brain just won't shut off and let me sleep. So first I have to eat lunch, and then I end up laying in bed for 45 minutes before falling asleep, (which means I don't actually get much sleep) and then after wards I start thinking about what else I could have done during that time I just laid there. So instead I usually just fix some lunch and then watch a few episodes of a show online and chill on the couch, which ends up being pretty relaxing. :flower:
At least you get some rest just watching tv while she is napping. I seem to also run into the same problem while Sam is napping as its my chance to do stuff uninterrupted. Unless I'm super tired and then I have no problem falling asleep.
That's about how bad I looked but only with 2 holes.. but a shitload of bruising.. it was horrible
Glad to hear your GTT came back normal, Heather! And I totally hear you about the iron pills messing with your innards. I try to take one in the morning and one at night and eat lots of fruits and veggies so as to not mess my system up too much.

Yikes! Those holes are frightening, Stacey. As comfortable as I am with needles, I am not okay with someone sticking a huge one into my spine! Maybe that's the real reason my plan is to avoid an epidural/spinal as much as I'm able!

Well, my one lead on placenta encapsulation in my area just responded and said she'll be away when I'm due. :( She's going to give me the name of someone else who does it, so hopefully that turns out well. I'm having a hard time finding people/places that do it!
Been a bit slow in here lately; hope everyone is well!

Just a quick update to say my follow-up at the diabetes centre went well. They are please with my numbers, so I just have to keep doing what I'm doing (eating well and exercising). Only have to test my blood sugar one meal per day now, which is nice.

They also weighed me, and I haven't gained any weight this week (well, okay, like 0.1 kgs), so that's good too.

It's a long weekend for us, but we don't have any plans. Anyone doing anything fun this weekend?
Hey ladies..

Well im starting off with yay im 10 weeks lol :) and Bryce had his 15 month checkup today he now weighs 19lbs 12oz.. getting big.. :) overall went well 2 shots and now were home and have had some lunch :) soon nap time :)

Plans for the weekend.. not much really.. going to garage sales with my mom to look for some good deals on clothes for the kids.. :)

Here is my bump shot :)


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Rachel, I'm glad to hear that everything is going so well with the GD! And yay for only having to check your blood once a day! :happydance: I'm impressed with your lack of weight gain, too. Sadly, according to the doctor's scale, I'm already almost as heavy as I was when I delivered Alia. :( Of course, I started 8 pounds heavier this time, but seeing as I still have 10 weeks left to go, I think I'm still going to end up gaining more weight this time.

Logan, love the bump shot! :thumbup: And yay for hitting 10 weeks! I hit the 30 week mark today, so I'm pretty excited about that, too! :flower:

I was out and about all day yesterday, because it was my day with the car, so I wasn't online much. I had an OB appointment to follow up after my hospital trips last weekend, and she says everything is looking good so far. She said that most likely I just have an irritable uterus, which is also more likely when there's less time between pregnancies. So watch out, ladies! :haha:

This morning we saw Star Trek: Into Darkness, and it was awesome. Definitely as good as the last one. We got to see it for free with DH's IT team at his office, as well as free breakfast, so that made it even better! Plus, Alia was up A LOT last night, so it was nice to have a break from mommy duties for a couple hours while BIL watched her for us. :flower:

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