Steph, that's too bad that AF showed. But now you get to get your tattoo.

I think that like you, if I started getting tattoos, I might never want to stop! And I'm glad James is gaining weight well.
Stacey, Ozzy just started using a spoon on his own. We used to feed him yogurt and applesauce cups, but just a few weeks ago he decided he had to do it himself. It's been messy, but he's slowly getting the hang of it. He holds the spoon backward most of the time (so he's picking up the food on the back, non-scoop, side of the spoon). It works best with the yogurt, but the applesauce drips down the spoon and onto his hand and all over really. It's pretty messy, but we have a few of those full sleeved bibs, so we just put him in one of those and let him go to town.

He doesn't really understand forks yet.
Heather, that's nice that your break from the in-laws has finally arrived. Hooray! Enjoy it.
Jordyn, I hope you have a great weekend with your extended family. Are there any cousins Alia's age she'll get to play with?
Looking forward to hearing/seeing how the u/s goes, Logan. So exciting! And nice that you were able to find some clothes at the garage sales too.
We spent the weekend just kinda hanging around. We did go out every day, though. Saturday we went to the consignment shop to look at strollers. We found a double one and that is normally $150 selling for $100, so we're going to look online for some reviews and then decide. We figure that if it's gone by the time we decide, $150 isn't that bad for a brand new one.
Yesterday we made it out to a local park that has a spray park. I thought Ozzy would love running around in the spraying water, but he really wasn't sure what to make of it. He ended up just running around on the grass and going on the swing. My goodness, that boy LOVES to swing!