Heather, that bump is coming along nicely!
Alia loves to "use" her spoon, too, but like your kids, she often uses the wrong end. Her favorite thing is to bite the edge of her bowl so that it covers her whole face and she can look through it (since we have colored see-through bowls for her), which of course gets food all over her face, so we mostly just spoon feed her.
Rachel, I've thought about getting a sit-n-stand stroller as well, especially because Amazon has a few different models that are about $125 brand new, including the one that you're looking at, Rachel. (https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_...+stand+stroller&sprefix=sit+and+stand,aps,334). We may still look for something used first, but it's nice to know that we can get a new one for fairly cheap.
Also, to answer your question, Alia has a girl cousin who is only 7 weeks older, so she'll have a "buddy" at the reunion this weekend, although they mostly just play by taking toys away from each other and then sometimes handing them back.
Skadi, I'm so sorry to hear that you're still having bad MS.

Was it this bad with Kiera?