Hi ladies! Sorry I've been absent again, just haven't had time to read everyone's posts properly and didn't want to chime back in without doing so
Logan I'm so glad your scan went well! I'm not going to guess on gender because I am truly rubbish at it

Looks like a great healthy little monkey though! We are definitely owed a couple of girls though it must be said, this is a heavily blue thread!
Hope you have a great family reunion Jordyn! And oh my God, 70 of you?! When my family get together we're lucky to hit 10

Sounds like a lovely way to spend the weekend, hope you all enjoy yourselves
Hope everyone else has a nice weekend
As for us, we are very close to getting our house, finally. We received the draft contract in the post today so once we send that back we should get a provisional date. I flipping well hope so because I've got 7 weeks until the due date and I really don't want to be moving in to close to the day! It needs to be sorted ASAP.
I feel huge now and so so uncomfortable. I can't sleep properly, I'm getting restless legs all the time, I wake up twice a night to pee and afterwards I find it really difficult to get back to sleep. Don't get me wrong, I'm so grateful to be pregnant, I'm just looking forward to having him here and being able to sleep on my front again! Plus the top of my bump is really quite sore, I think it's from the skin stretching.