anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

The night bottle is his only bottle. Even when he wakes up at 4 am or so i dont give him that bottle anymore. I think i will just ease into it. My pediatrition said the same that the earlier you take them away the easier it will be Natalia was 13 months when i took hers away. I just rocked her to sleep but i would prefer that jonathan gets used to sleeping in his own bed because even now Natalia has to fall asleep either on the sofa or our bed and we have to carry her to her room. I dont want that for jonathan so we will try again tonight and see what happens
It will get eaiser, I'm sure! Just try to be consistent and he'll get it. I truly think we just got lucky with Sam because I expected it to be a lot harder! :wacko:

I do agree about having them fall asleep on their own too...Sam is awake when I lay him down now and he falls asleep on his own. He never used to though so it's been a big change since taking away the bottle.

Did you used to rock him with a bottle before or lay him in his crib and let him drink it and fall asleep? We laid Sam down with it so I think he got use to not having me rock him too!
Thanks ladies, I don't particularly want to be moving when I'm almost ready to drop either! I've kind of got it in my head that I want him to be late, to give us more time to move in and get settled and to be able to be at my best friends' 30th birthdays. One is on 11th July and one is on 18th July, my due date is smack bang in the middle on 14th :dohh: Although they're both hoping that I have him beforehand so he can be there :haha:

I have heard that it tends to be genetic though, how long you tend to gestate. My mum had me on my due date and Noah was four days over, so I wouldn't be surprised if Milo was slightly early or on time.

Sorry to hear you're having trouble with the bottle Stacey. I would say I don't think it's the biggest problem if they keep a bottle for a bit longer. After all, he's only having one a day. I do agree in keeping consistent, keep giving him his milk while reading a book and before brushing teeth. He'll get used to it in time :hugs:

Your bump is lovely! I do think I can see growth from 21 to 24 weeks :thumbup: Really neat bump :flower:

Heather that's great that you have your own treadmill! I'm hoping to get back to the gym 6 weeks after Milo is born but I guess it depends on things like breastfeeding etc. I went back to the gym 6 weeks after Noah's birth.

Ah Jordyn that sounds really tricky. Noah is used to it being nice and quiet for his naps too so I'm sure that was problematic, you can't really get 70 odd people to keep it down! Hope she gets enough sleep to avoid being overtired :thumbup:

We went to one of my best friends' 30th birthdays last night (it's the year of 30ths!) and had a great time, my mum babysat and we had a lovely night with everyone and let our hair down so to speak. DH had a few drinks which he wasn't meaning to and ended up with a bit of a hangover, but he hardly ever does it so he's entitled to have a bit of fun! Unfortunately we've both been paying the price today - we didn't get in until 12.30am and I had an awful night's sleep, heartburn, needing to pee and the birds chirping all woke me up at various points and I must have managed about 4/5 hours of broken sleep, joy! Early night for us tonight.
Well i got my tattoo done today. it's hurt quite a bit :)


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Heather: Im sure that it will get easier thank you! We do set him down in his crib and he drinks his own milk. I only held him with the bottle until he was able to hold his own. So we have been doing it like this since he was about 7 months or so. Maybe i tried to put him down to early. But well try again tonight xx How is it without your inlaws being there?

Pie: Sounds like you all had a great night! Its wonderful to just get out without the kids so that must have been great! Exept the heart burn crappy sleep xx

Steph great tatoo!!! Wow i dont even have one im kinda scared to get one lol
Vanessa, glad to hear you had a good time at your friends party last night minus the heartburn and lack of sleep! It's always a nice break to have a night away from the LOs but I seem to always be wondering what Sam is doing while I'm away!

DH bought me a treadmill after I had Sam for Christmas. It was the best gift since he knew how much I wanted to get back into shape but wouldn't really have the time for the gym! I'm really trying to keep up with running since we have a wedding 4 weeks after Ben is born and I'd like to be in decent shape. How did you feel after 6 weeks going to the gym, Vanessa? I started walking around 3 weeks after Sam but I'm hoping to start after 2 with Ben since I'm keeping with it!

Stacey, I'll keep my fingers crossed its a better night for you with Jonathan. :hugs: it's been nice without the in laws. :thumbup: I feel much more comfortable hanging out and doing my own thing with Sam and not worry about mil always picking up Sam, etc.

Steph, great tattoo! I have one that I got when I was 18 and have wanted another but I'm too scared! :haha:
thank you ladies
i think i was more scared getting that one done, then the ones i have on my arms. the leg defently hurt more
Great tattoo Steph! :thumbup: I have one, a small one of a black and blue butterfly side on next to my left hip. I did actually choose a butterfly because my name means butterfly. When I'm pregnant though it disappears, I tend to forget I have it :haha:

I'd love to have another one one day to honour DH and our babies. As we call each other pie I'm thinking the mathematical pi symbol and maybe their initials round the outside. But naturally will have to wait until we're done having kids. Plus I don't know where to put it exactly. Hmm food for thought.

Heather I felt pretty good going back after 6 weeks :thumbup: Truth be told I wanted to go back earlier but my sensible side told me to wait until after my 6 week checkup. I've trained for years and throughout pregnancy so my body is pretty used to it. Last time I got all the weight off after about 8 months, but think I could have managed it earlier, it's just that my diet was shocking and needed to be sorted. Once I did that it fell into place, so fingers crossed next time will go well.
thank you,

sounds like a really nice tattoo.
i'd be scare to get on done on my hips. i'm really ticklish so i think i'd end up moving a lot or crying because of the pain :haha:
vanessa: I love that idea of a tatoo. I too want to get one with my kids and dh but not sure what. Thats great you got back to your prepreg weight pretty quickly.

Heather im glad that your are enjoying having you inlaws gone! What a relief im sure lol. Jonathan did have a better night last night. We did the same story with milk in a cup brushed teeth and i layed him down. He started crying not so crazy like he did the night before. But he just kinda whined for about 4 min and he was out. SLept til 8 this morning. So maybe tonight he will do even better!

Do yall remember me mentioning that Natalia had a dentist apointment. Well we took her and got nothing but bad news. They said that her teeth are soo close together that brushing alone wont clean between her teeth (we only started flossing like 4 months ago or so) But she had some decay between alomst all her teeth. And little cavitys. They said that we are now going to have to take her to childrens hospital so the dentist can put caps or crowns i cant remember witch ones. But all of her molars are going to have those silvers caps and her top 4 will have the white ones. So only her 4 bottoms are going to be left alone! They are going to have ot put her to sleep so they can do the "surgery". I talked to so many people on when to take the kids to the dentist. THey all said about 6-8 they did ( it ranged) Let alone getting them to floss so young. I just feel so sad because i kinda feel like i failed her even though the dentist said it really was nothing i could do. I just feel awful. I have already made a appointment for jonathan to get his teeth cleaned. The dentist told me that at 12 months is when they recommend taking them.

Tomorrow is my 3d scan!!!!
The tattoo looks great, Steph! I bet it did hurt; it's not small either!

I'm impressed you girls are already talking about getting to the gym and/or running again after the babies arrive. Way to go. Maybe some of that will rub off on me. *fingers crossed* :)

Oh dear, Stacey. You know, the dentist is right; there's nothing you could really have done if it's just a matter of her teeth being so close together. Don't feel bad about it! I still haven't taken Ozzy to the dentist. I need to find one nearby still! I hope Natalia does well with the 'surgery.' Have you explained it to her? Do you think she understands what it's all about?

And I hope your 3D scan goes well, too!

Well, I'm not sure what's going on with me. I've been pretty weepy/sad the last day or so. It comes and goes, really. It kind a feels like a mild form of the baby blues, but without having the baby first. I just start crying out of the blue for no particular reason. I started crying this morning while I was putting on my shoes and Daniel got up out of bed, put Ozzy in his crib (thankfully he'll hang out there on his own for a little while) and came and sat with me and held me while I cried. Still don't know why I was crying, but it was nice to have him there. I think I'll mention it to my doctor at my appointment on Friday, but I don't think they'll be concerned. I don't really have any other signs or symptoms of depression. It just makes me worried about what the actual baby blues will be like. Or I worry that maybe I'll be more likely to get PPD. :( In the meantime, I'm trying to keep smiling and enjoy the day. :)
Thanks rachel! You know try not to worrie to much about feeling down and upset. I think its somewhat normal during pregnancy but it doesnt hurt to mention it at your next ob appointment. You know yesterday i was getting upset ad crying at everything. I dont know what was going on. Like yesterday i was trying to clean the house. Natalia was eating her lunch. I had just finished cleaning the bathroom when she finished her lunch. Her being the good girl she is goes to wash her hands. I got sooo mad because she got water spots on the chrome handles and stuff:nope::nope: BUt i got mad and yelled at her. Then she went out of the bathroom and i started crying for yelling at her. When i went out of the bathroom she was laying on her bed. I went in and told her i was soo sorry and we gave our hugs. But boy oh boy was i very mad at myself for getting upset.

So you see it happens to all of us i think xx
Vanessa, that's awesome you trained during pregnancy too. I'm hoping that since I did this time I'll be able to get back to it quickly without much delay. :thumbup:

Stacey, sorry about all the bad news at the dentist! :nope: it does sound like there wasnt much you could have done to prevent it but it doesn't make it less shocking or stressful. Have you explained to Natalia the procedure at all? Hopefully it goes smoothly! :hugs: I haven't even thought about the dentist for Sam...I suppose I should look into it. Most people I ask though say that they don't need to go for a while :shrug:

Rachel, sorry to hear you're feeling extra emotional lately. :hugs: glad that Daniel was able to sit with you and comfort you till it passed. Did you get emotional while pregnant with Ozzy? Maybe something stressful is going on or your worrying about something which is causing you to be overly emotional.

I'm a super emotional person...DH likes to remind me occasionally! :dohh: but usually when I cry for "no real reason" it is usually because I'm stressed and something is really bothering me! I was actually just talking to DH last night about how emotional I was after Sam was born. Not PPD or anything just hormones all out of wack and I know it's gonna happen again which kinda worries me with his family around. He thankfully agreed to tell his family to back off since I feel more comfortable with just him and my mom when I'm a mess!

I know a few of you girl were talking about your hips hurting...I think I've joined that club! :growlmad: I woke up last night to go to the bathroom and my body/hips ached so bad. I don't recall it this early with Sam. Have any of you found anything to help with the pain? I started to look up some stretches to hopefully help...
Oh Stacey that's such a shame about Natalia's teeth :hugs: By the sound of it there's no way you could have changed the outcome though. I'm impressed that you manage to get her flossing :thumbup: Some people are more prone to plaque and cavities than others. My DH has never had to floss really, but I have to be so strict on it for my teeth because plaque builds up in my mouth very quickly. I hope the surgery goes as well as it can, poor little girl. Don't beat yourself up :hugs: And on a different note that's great about Jonathan going to sleep so well without the bottle!

Rachel I hear you on the emotional side of things. I am a very emotional person regardless of pregnancy and I've had a few episodes of crying for seemingly no reason. Please don't worry about PPD - as I said I get these random bouts of crying but I never had PPD or even baby blues. It's just our hormones being all out of whack. I've been thinking of taking something called Maca, have you girls heard of it? Supposed to be a natural food that increases strength, vitality, energy and libido, as well as balancing out hormones. I just need to do more research on it to make sure it's definitely safe during pregnancy. I think I could really do with something like that at the moment since with all the house stuff I feel pretty stressed.

The best thing I've found for aches and pains is my cranial osteopath Heather :thumbup: Hips haven't really been a big problem for me, but my neck, shoulders and back have. I found a fantastic cranial osteopath and she has made me feel so much better. I'd really recommend seeing if you can find someone like that.

Thanks ladies, I really like the vague image I have in my head of my new tattoo :haha: It was painful Steph but not too bad, the tattooist said I'd chosen one of the most potentially painful places, thanks to being close to bone and nerves. But it was fine, it's the oddest sensation though isn't it? Can't really put it into words!
Thanks, ladies. I knew you'd understand. :)

Heather, I was emotional during Ozzy's pregnancy, but not in the same way. When I cried then, it was always because of something (i.e. a commercial on TV or a song on the radio... Ha!). This time I just cry out of the blue. I think I probably am stressed about things but not super conscious of it. I do feel like we still have a lot to do to get the house ready for Jimmy and the change of finding out I have GD was also a big stressor. I mentioned it to my co-workers today, and I think I might take a few "mental health days" here and there. I don't think my manager will really understand, so we'll just tell her I'm flat out sick, but my immediate coworkers understand thankfully.

Vanessa, I've never heard of Maca. I do plan on encapsulating my placenta, though. So, I'm hoping that helps with the baby blues (which I definitely got - big time - after Ozzy's birth).
Oh, and as far as the hip pain, I did two main things this time around to try to prevent and avoid it as much as possible. We got a new mattress (our old one was a hand-me-down and really not ideal for every day sleeping, let alone being pregnant).

The other thing I did was get a pregnancy pillow. I'm amazed at how much it's helped. At the very least, I suggest trying a pillow to put between your legs, and maybe one for behind your back to support you there (if you don't already do that).
Nice Tattoo Steph! My OH has Keira tattooed down his upper arm and plans to get this LOs name down his other arm.
Hey all hope everyone is doing well.. :) Trying to catch up.. been a busy weekend..
Well ladies i think we had a successfull night on putting jonathan to sleep without the bottle. Better than last night. He fussed for like a min or so and now is sleeping sound!!!!! I cant believe it. I hope he last all night ladies so wish me luck haha
Good luck, Stacey! I hope Jonathan is getting the hang on going to bed bottle free! :thumbup:

What time do you put him to bed and how long does he usually sleep?

Sam is usually sleeping by 8pm-ish and awake at 6 when he has daycare and 6:30-7 on days I'm off work. I feel so spoiled by how well he sleeps I'm not looking forward to being up 3-4x a night with Ben! :blush:

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