Thanks ladies, I don't particularly want to be moving when I'm almost ready to drop either! I've kind of got it in my head that I want him to be late, to give us more time to move in and get settled and to be able to be at my best friends' 30th birthdays. One is on 11th July and one is on 18th July, my due date is smack bang in the middle on 14th

Although they're both hoping that I have him beforehand so he can be there
I have heard that it tends to be genetic though, how long you tend to gestate. My mum had me on my due date and Noah was four days over, so I wouldn't be surprised if Milo was slightly early or on time.
Sorry to hear you're having trouble with the bottle Stacey. I would say I don't think it's the biggest problem if they keep a bottle for a bit longer. After all, he's only having one a day. I do agree in keeping consistent, keep giving him his milk while reading a book and before brushing teeth. He'll get used to it in time
Your bump is lovely! I do think I can see growth from 21 to 24 weeks

Really neat bump
Heather that's great that you have your own treadmill! I'm hoping to get back to the gym 6 weeks after Milo is born but I guess it depends on things like breastfeeding etc. I went back to the gym 6 weeks after Noah's birth.
Ah Jordyn that sounds really tricky. Noah is used to it being nice and quiet for his naps too so I'm sure that was problematic, you can't really get 70 odd people to keep it down! Hope she gets enough sleep to avoid being overtired
We went to one of my best friends' 30th birthdays last night (it's the year of 30ths!) and had a great time, my mum babysat and we had a lovely night with everyone and let our hair down so to speak. DH had a few drinks which he wasn't meaning to and ended up with a bit of a hangover, but he hardly ever does it so he's entitled to have a bit of fun! Unfortunately we've both been paying the price today - we didn't get in until 12.30am and I had an awful night's sleep, heartburn, needing to pee and the birds chirping all woke me up at various points and I must have managed about 4/5 hours of broken sleep, joy! Early night for us tonight.