Wow, lots to catch up on!
Stacey, sorry to hear that things went so poorly at Natalia's dentist appointment.

I hope her "surgery" isn't too bad. On the other hand, I'm way excited about your 3D ultrasound today!
Rachel, I had a day like that when I was pregnant with Alia. I pretty much woke up crying, and just couldn't stop. There was no reason for the crying either. I went int to work, but realized that I was still not over the crying, so I had to go home, and then continued crying off and on all day. It was the weirdest thing ever. I also had the baby blue really bad after Alia was born, and was worried that it was going to be PPD, since I had more symptoms of PPD than I did of baby blues, but after about 2-3 weeks it got a lot better. I have a feeling it will be the same this time around, and like Heather, I'm worried about being such a mess around my in-laws.
Vanessa, I think I've heard Maca mentioned before, but have never really looked into it. I may have to change that! As for what you said about it being genetic about how long we gestate, I was wondering about that myself. I went into labor naturally with Alia at 38+3 weeks, so I was going to ask my OB this Thursday if she thinks I'm likely to go early this time, too.
Heather, I'm sorry that your starting to get hit with the achey hips now, too. The bed I slept on during my vacation was really firm, and it killed my hips, so much that I was wincing and holding my breath in pain every time I had to adjust my position. I'm so happy to be back in my own bed now!
As for me, the rest of our vacation went pretty well. We had a few more sleeping problems with Alia, but none as bad as that first day, so it all worked out okay. She even did better than I thought she would on the drive down and the drive back, which were each 5 hour drives. It was great to see family and play games and talk, but I'm also happy to be back home again.

Here's a group shot of the whole family in our matching shirts.