anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Heather, I can't believe you had a stranger tell you that you were waddling! How rude!

Well here's my 32 week bump shot. The one on the right is me at 32 weeks with Alia and the one on the left is from today. He must be growing, because I think it looks a little bigger this time (hopefully that's not just excess weight! :dohh:).


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Jordyn, very cute bump! Definitely looks bigger this go around. :thumbup: You look all baby so I wouldn't worry about the excess weight gain! :winkwink:

The customer that said it knew me while I was pregnant with Sam and is also the one that told me I was "showing early" with him. She just really has a bad case of foot in mouth syndrome! :haha:

I plan to have DH take some pictures this weekend so hopefully I can get a good of the bump! :thumbup: Because I gained so much with Sam and just felt fat and this time haven't gained anything near what I did with him I'm so in love with my bump with none of the excess fat to go along with it! :blush:
By the way, I meant to mention that you look absolutely adorable with short hair, Jordyn! :thumbup: Not many people can pull it off but it looks great on you! Are you a natural red head?
Jordyn I agree, your belly looks bigger this time, but it's not that YOU look bigger, if you know what I mean. :)

Heather, Ozzy's birth only had one slight complication due to his size. His shoulders got stuck (shoulder dystocia, I believe it's called). The doctor had to 'manipulate' him out. He was stuck for about 2 minutes; any longer and things could have started to get bad, since there's a risk the cord can become compressed when babies get stuck like that. I didn't realize it was such a big deal at the time. It was only during a recent visit that a doctor mentioned how it could have been serious if the doctor hadn't gotten him out so quickly. So it does make me worry a little about Jimmy's delivery, but I guess it helps that the doctor will know he's big and that my last baby got stuck.
Rachel, that's good that they got him out so quick! I'm sure that was scary. :nope: You delivered in a hospital, right? I give all those ladies credit that have home births but I would be too paranoid that something would go wrong especially since I had a bit of trouble with Sam.
Aww, thank you, Heather! :flower: That made my day, especially since I sometimes worry that the short hair doesn't look that good on me (but I do it mostly for convenience's sake, so I'm not looking to grow it out anytime soon!). I was born with red hair, but it went blonde as I got older, and then in my teenage years it turned strawberry blonde. However, I usually dye it to make it darker red.

Rachel, that would be scary! I hope Jimmy is big and healthy, but maybe only 8lbs healthy, if you know what I mean. :winkwink:
Yes, I delivered in a hospital, and will be this time too. I'm too paranoid to try a home birth too, especially after having that happen with Ozzy.

BTW, I checked Pezkin's signature (quite a few pages back) and her ticker says she's almost 42 weeks pregnant! I bet she had her baby already. I'm suuuuuper curious!
Rachel, I actually checked Pezkin's signature a few days ago, too! How funny.

Well, Liam is a big boy! He was measuring 1-2 weeks ahead depending on what body part they measured (his legs were about 2 weeks ahead, so I'm thinking he'll be tall!). They said that according to all the measurements they took (and the tech assured me that she went over each measurement more than once to help rule out error) he's already 5lbs! Considering that Alia was only 5lbs 7oz at birth, I was impressed! They estimate that he'll be about 8 pounds at birth. They tried t get a face shot for me, but were having trouble because of my placenta and his position, so the tech switched into 3D and managed to get us this picture (it took her a long time considering the placenta over the top half of his face and the fact that he wanted to keep his hand over his face most of the time). But at least you can see his nose, mouth, and little hand next to his face. :flower:


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Wow, what a difference between Alia and Liam! That's great that he's growing so well! And what a great shot of his nose and mouth. Took me a while to find the hand, but that's cute too! Lookin' good! :)
Logan: I just cant believe you are 12 weeks already!!! Boy how the time has flown. Are you over your ms? Love the bump. Coming along great!!

skadi: I agree with the other ladies. Your uterus sounds very high. Is it possible that you are further than you thought or more the one bubs? Thats great that they found the heart beat right away! ANd yay for the ultrasound date!!

Rachel: WOw that must have been soo scary to have his shoulder get cought. I watched a one born every min where the baby got his shoulder stuck. Scary. But thats great that your docs and nurses where so calm that you didnt even know! Sounds like jimmy is going to be a great size!!!!

Heather: Cant wait to see a bump pic! That is kinda cool that your dh doesnt let the babies sleep in your room. Thats one less change that you will have to deal with. My dh is one that is like no they are not ready to go to the crib yet.. so i think that is great

Jordyn: Wow you look great. You are all baby. I agree with heather i love the short hair look on you!! and what a great pic they got. It was difficult for us at just 26 weeks on 3d i cant imagine 32. So that is a great pic! Do you see resemblences between liam and alia?

We too are going to have the three kids share one room until we can find a bigger house (hopefully soon) But by the time the baby will go into the crib i think jonathan will be big enough for a twin bed ( at least i hope natalia barley turned 2 when i put her in one) So we are planning on bunk beds for those two. And keeping the crib where it is now. I know Natalia wont have a problem when baby cries if she does get woken up she will go back to sleep. But im worred about if jonathan gets woken up. But when we can all do but try to find our ways of dealing with it right lol:dohh:

Thank you everyone for the compliments on the 3d pics. I took them to work and everyone just adored them. I work in a nursing home so even some of our residence were just there uuuing and awwing over them lol. I also got a set schedule at my work finally! so i just work tues wed and thurs every week. I will have 4 days off in a row!!!! My year is coming up to so i will be getting a raise shortly too!

Jonathan has been doing great without the bottle. He hasnt woken up at 4 am once since i took it away. I just cant believe really how easy it was. Just a difficult very first night but after that bam its like he doesnt even miss it! I wanted to say thanks heather for the advice and all you ladies support:hugs:

So we were driving down the canyon on thursday and a semi truck was going up the canyon and threw a baseball size rock at our windshield of my brand new ford escape. Now i have this huge dent about the size of a baseball. I have to replace it. I have a $500 deductable at my insurance so they most likely wont help me... So thats another couple hundred down the drain.
Wow Logan, where did those 12 weeks go? That's amazing that you're almost out of first tri! Fantastic because those early weeks are rough.

Shoulder dystocia can be really scary Rachel, I have to say I'm really impressed that they handled it so well that you didn't even know there was an issue :thumbup: It's part of why I can't wait to do the degree in midwifery, these people are fantastic. Hope I can live up to it!

Wow Stacey I love those pictures! Her little face is gorgeous! And that's great about how well Jonathan is doing without the bottle. How annoying about the car though :growlmad:

Love your bump pic Jordyn and have to agree about the short hair! I've been tempted to cut all mine off as well. Keep thinking about it and feel too nervous to actually do it. Sounds like the news from your growth scan was great, I'm so pleased to hear how we'll Liam is growing!

We will have Milo in with us for a few weeks but not very long to be honest, well I don't think so anyway. Noah moved into his own cot and room at around 11 weeks when he was starting to get too big for his Moses basket, and all three of us slept much better. We'll play it by ear I guess and see what it's like. But we are fortunate because they can have a room each.

As for me, all is good I guess. I had an appointment with the hospital I was hoping to transfer my care to and unfortunately they can't have me :nope: They don't attend home births in our new area, so I have to go with a different hospital, one I didn't want because it doesn't have the best reputation. Still, I'll have two midwives with me and because they're only focusing on me it'll be fine. Just such a shame I can't stay with my current midwife and hospital, she delivered Noah and they know my history.
Vanessa, it's too bad you can't go with the hospital you wanted. I'm sure everything will go just fine though.

Stacey, that's great that Jonathan is doing well without the bottle. Wish I could take some of the credit, but I've got zero experience with bottles! But hooray for everyone else! :)

And I should clarify about the shoulder dystocia. I knew something was happening when the doctor said something the nurse, she pressed a big red button the wall, and like 5 more nurses came running into the room right away. They made me lie down on my back and stick my legs up in the air. That's when I asked what was going on and the doctor calmly explained that his shoulders were stuck. He had to press on my belly and kind of move Ozzy around a bit, and then he had to remind me to still push. Ha!

Anyway, Ozzy is refusing to nap today, little stinker. Gotta go see what I can do about that!
vanessa: I am sorry that you are not able to go to the hospital that you wanted. I really hope the other one will work out!

Rachel: Just knowing you were supporting me was plenty to help with taking jonathans bottle away! I understand now what you mean about the should getting stuck I guess you never really think about what could happen. I would have thought oh this happens all the time then they know what they are doing. Im just happy ozzy and you were happy and healthy! I hope jimmy isnt quiet as big therefore making a easier dilivery xx
Thanks ladies. It's funny because I've been so desperate to get into the new house. But I now have these thoughts going round in my head:

If he's early, I get to have him delivered by the midwives who know me and I trust. But we're still in the flat, which means we then have to move with a newborn and a toddler.

If he's late, we potentially get to be in the house beforehand. Plus i will get to attend my friends' birthdays with no worries about Milo. But I have to therefore deliver with unknown midwives, who I'm sure will be fine, but it would be nice to be with midwives who know my history.

I'm kind of hoping that he'll be a bit early, as much as I was hoping he would be late! Just with all of that to consider, what's best for me and Milo is probably that he turns up early. If only I could have a word with him and get him to make an early appearance :haha:
Maybe the Dr meant to say Pelvic Bone and not belly button? lol It was the end of the day for him so who knows... I thought it was a bit early but wasn't sure of the dates. I did measure big with Keira too, so I wouldn't be surprised if I did again this time... but uh... not THAT much bigger! lol!

I'm pretty sure of the date being right from the ultrasound dating, it matched exactly what I had figured.

Where has Blessed been?
Vanessa, that's a tough position to be in; either be moved in when Milo gets here, or have the midwives you want for your birth. Would be great if you could have both! I'm also hoping Liam comes a little early, especially now that I know how big he is!

Stacey, I'm glad to hear that Jonathon is doing so well without his bottle! Alia has gone two nights in a row without waking up for a bottle. So now I'm cautiously hopeful that this will become the new norm. But she's tricked me before! :dohh:

Skadi, that would make sense if your doctor just made a slip when he said belly button, because otherwise I'd think he'd be more concerned! :haha: As for Blessed, I would guess that she pops in every now and then to read some updates, but doesn't have time to reply. I hope she'll take a moment to update us soon, though!

As for me, not too much going on. My DH said he would get up with Alia this morning so I could sleep in, and then as he was getting up, he changed his mind and suggested we both get up, and I just burst into tears. Poor DH, he just climbed out of bed and said, "Nevermind, you obviously need more sleep." Oh, the things our husbands put up with. :rofl:
Jordyn, I sure hope Alia isn't trying to trick you again. ;) I'm sure you'd like some "extra" sleep before Liam arrives. My worst fear about labour right now (other than Jimmy getting stuck, I guess) is that I'll go into labour after being up all day and not have a chance to sleep beforehand! How silly, but there it is.

Oh, that's nice that your DH realized you needed the sleep. I think Daniel and I need to start discussing who gets to sleep in on the weekends the night before. It doesn't really work well to have a discussion about it first thing in the morning when we're both suuuuper tired. The "conversation" usually starts with a few grunts from both of us and maybe a poke or a slap to try to get the other person up and then ends with one of us saying, "Fine!" and kind of storming out of the bed. It's not ideal! Ha!

Blessed hasn't been around in her journal either. I've been thinking about her a lot, though. We miss you, Melissa!

AFM, I need help, ladies! I can't seem to stop buying matching outfits for Ozzy and Jimmy! I'm going to be one of those moms. :haha:
Vanessa: I understand your frustration. Well think about it this way no matter if he comes late and early there are positives to both. I do though understand you wanting the same midwifes though. But remember what meant to be will be xxxx

Skadi: That could have been what the doc meant lol. What date did you say your scan was. Its within the next few weeks right?

Melissa: Where are you we miss you!!

Jordyn: That is funny about how your husband "suggested" you got up together. I would have been mad haha saying no you told me last night i could sleep in lol. Im glad he finallly let you sleep in!!

Rachel: You sound like my dh and i lol. We do that in the morning i usually end up getting up but you can garentee im not leaving my dh alone to rest. i will be saying yea get up make the bed ahaha so we techniquely get up at the same time lol And about buying the same clothes. I did the same for natalia and the baby haha my dh is like what are you doing. But it was just the cutest little outfit and i just couldnt give it to one child and not the other if you know what i mean lol. I think its ok as long as it doesnt happen all the time. My sister and i are 23 months apart and my mom dressed us alike alot but i would have the purple outfit and my sister pink. Something like that. BUt even then we would get mad because i wanted her color and she wanted mine. Oh i hope my kids arnt like me hahahaha

Today i will be watching my niece again. We are also going to try to fix the windshield in my truck later on. I hope we can get some good estimates. This is a wierd question but what is everyone cooking for dinner tonight? I need some ideas lol
Rachel, my DH and I have had a few mornings like that, too. :winkwink: And as for the matching outfits, I think I'd be doing the same thing if my kids were going to be the same gender! As it is, it would be a little weird if I got Liam some dresses to match Alia... :haha:

Stacey, I hope you get a good estimate for your windshield repair. That sucks that it was the truck's fault, but you're left paying for the damage. :(

As for dinner, I'm making my favorite food in the whole world tonight. It's a potato casserole that my mom used to make. Here's the recipe in case you're interested (It's straight out of my head, so sorry if it's confusing):

5 or 6 good sized potatoes
1 pint sour cream
2 cans of Cream of Mushroom soup
A little milk for consistency
Enough cheese to cover a 9x12 casserole dish
Enough corn flakes to cover a 9x12 casserole dish

First you cook the potatoes and then mash them up in the casserole dish. Then you mix in your sour cream and cream of mushroom soup, adding milk as necessary to create desired consistency. Then you put down a layer of cheese (I like to be generous with the cheese. :winkwink:), and then you cover it with a layer of corn flakes and bake at 350 degrees for 20-30 minutes (usually you can tell when it's done because the corn flakes start to darker a little).
thanks jordyn that sounds wonderful I need to save that recipie. I have never made a cassaroll before but boy does it sound good. I even think my dh might like it xx

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