anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

It's so good, because you have the combination of the melty cheese and the crunchy cornflakes on top of everything. Mmm... My DH like to put hot sauce on it. He says it's good without it, but hot sauce makes everything better. :haha:
haha my dh is the same! what about crock pot recipies? Do you know any? I love using my slowcooker
Stacey, that really sucks about your windshield! It's funny, our old car used to get chips all the time, but so far our new car hasn't had any (knock on wood). Not sure if it's the angle of the windshield or that this car sits higher up on the road, but I hope the trend continues. Of course, if it's a huge rock like what hit your car, then there's really no hope of it not chipping/breaking! Hope you get it worked out soon.

And as far as dinner goes, I've got some steaks waiting for me in the fridge. :) I'll probably cook some quinoa and then steam some sort of veggie (or microwave some frozen peas!) to go with it. :) Oh, I should call Daniel and have him start marinating the steaks in something... Mmm....
rachel i was thinking the same with the truck. My old car got a bunch of dings and stuff on it. Now my truck sits up higher then the car i thought we would avoid it. But not this monster rock. I bet that if i was in my car it would have missed us. But of corse it didnt just my luck. Ive only had the tuck since december 26th and already have to put a brand new windshield.. no no no lol. The stakes sound like a great idea too althouh i know we will be having them in a few days lol.
My favorite crock pot recipe is the simplest ever. You just put chicken in the crock pot with enough Cream of Mushroom soup (or Cream of Chicken if you're not a fan or Cream of Mushroom) to cover the chicken and turn it on. Then when the chicken is cooked, shred it up with a fork and let it keep cooking so that it's super tender (you can pretty much start it at the beginning of the day and then turn it to low when it's cooked and leave it until you're ready to eat). Then you just pour the chicken mixture over rice and have some veggies on the side. Simple, but yummy. :flower:
Oh my scan is in two weeks - June 17th.

Oh and Crock Pot recipes... love this one for a mild chicken curry.

Just 3-4 chicken breasts
1 Onion
1 Jar of Salsa
1-2 tbsp of curry

Cook on low for like 6-7 hours then mix in 1/2 tub of cream cheese and heat for about 30 minutes more.

Ok now I'm starving :haha:

Love the sound of those recipes Jordyn. I do a similar chicken and mushroom casserole for Noah that he loves. And that sounds yummy skadi! Have to give that one a go. I'd really like to get a slow cooker when we move and have more space, got to invest in a good cookbook to get my mind in it. I'm very much in need of direction in the kitchen :haha:

We're having fishcakes tonight. Yum!

Thanks Stacey, you're right, I need to focus on the fact that there are positives either way :flower: What will be will be!

Well I have a bit of a sick monkey on my hands :nope: Poor little man has been running a temperature all day and has been really lethargic. He actually fell asleep on me earlier, which he NEVER does. Still, he had a bit of toast and yoghurt before bed and had perked up a little.

Oh, and last night I got a nosebleed! :growlmad: I keep getting little ones that don't amount to anything but last night I had a proper one, it was disgusting. I'm always prone to it during pregnancy.
Awww Poor guy, it's good that he is eating still though! Hopefully he recovers quickly.
Vanessa, sorry to hear that your little monkey's not feeling so good. I hope he feels better tomorrow. As for the nosebleed, I haven't had one since I was pregnant with Alia, but I used to get them all the time when we lived in Arizona (probably because of how dry and hot it was there).

Hey, I was just looking at your ticker, and saw that you're 34 weeks now. Are you going to start taking Evening Primrose Oil? I know you're hoping to get Milo out a little early, and I swear it was the EPO that helped me dilate so early with Alia (I was 4cm by the time I was 38 weeks). I'm definitely doing it again this time, but I have to wait until 34 weeks to start.
Thanks ladies, he's ok this morning but not his usual happy self. We woke him up in intervals over it to give him calpol and ibuprofen which kept his temperature under control. He was not impressed at being woken up bless him! It's normal this morning so going to hold off on the medicine and see what it does. He hasn't had much breakfast though which is very unlike him.

I wasn't sure about evening primrose oil Jordyn, I keep hearing negative things about it? I was umming and ahhing about buying some. I have bought raspberry leaf tea because I think that helped shorten my labour last time and going to start on that today.
Stacey, that totally sucks about you're car!!! :growlmad: I'm so happy to hear that Jonathan is doing so well without his bottle! I'm glad I was able to help...though you probably know more than me :winkwink: as Sam is our first and everything seems so trial and error at times! And I always hope that I'm not screwing him up with decisions I make! :wacko:

Jordyn, that's awesome that Liam is growing so well! :thumbup: I'm sure its such a relief to hear he is growing well after the IUGR with Alia. I would be curious about the EPO but since I think I will go the c section route with Ben I don't think I want to try anything like that. I figure if I happen to dilate early on my own, bonus, but I don't want anything to cause it purposely.

Vanessa, I hope you get to use the midwifes that delivered Noah but either way where ever you deliver Milo I'm sure it will all work out! :hugs: I've kinda learned after the birth I had with Sam that nothing is under my control and no matter how much I try to control the situation it doesn't matter and it all works out for the best! And this is coming from the worlds biggest control freak! :blush: Sorry that Noah isn't feeling well! :nope: I hope he starts getting better soon. How is you're weather there now? Maybe the constant changing is causing him to come down with something. I know that always seems to get Sam! :dohh: As for the nosebleeds, I get them early in pregnancy but never late...lately my gums have been bleeding a lot...kinda freaked me out a bit the first time it happened after brushing/flossing!

Rachel, you're cracking me up about buying matching outfits for Ozzy and Jimmy! :rofl: I actually think I would do something like that if I had two girls but for some reason I can't bring myself to do that for Sam and Ben...yet! :haha:

You girls are making me hungry with all your crockpot recipes! We didn't have anything too exciting for dinner last night...I didn't feel like cooking and I saw a commercial for El Pollo Loco (a mexican fast food place) salad so I asked DH to pick it up on his way home! :haha: Most of the cooking is done by him though...he likes it and I'd rather clean so works perfect for us! I always tease that if DH and Sam didn't need to eat I would never eat...and the sad thing is DH knows its true so I think that is why he ends up he can eat! :blush:
I was gonna ask...when is everyone thinking about starting potty training? DH and I were thinking about getting Sam a potty to get him used to the idea of sitting on it and start training a bit before he is 2. I think he could get the hang of it quickly, though I know it will be a lot of work so I think the sooner we start the better!
Vanessa, that's nice to hear that Noah is feeling at least a bit better today. Must be hard to see your little guy out of sorts. Hope he's back to 'normal' soon!

Heather, that's funny about not wanting to cook. I enjoy cooking most of the time, but some days I come home and I'm like, "So, how does a frozen pizza sound for dinner tonight?" I did get Daniel to marinate the steaks yesterday, and he came up with a pretty good combination of flavours all on his own. It was yummy! And he made a really good pork rub the other night too. He's such a big fan of meat, I guess I shouldn't be surprised he's so good at flavouring it! :)

As for the matching outfits, I've actually only bought 3 so far. But it is always suuuper tempting anytime I'm in a store that might have them. I think I'm going to hold off on buying anything more for Jimmy, though. I have a feeling we'll get a few presents here and there, and I don't want to go overboard with new clothes for him since we don't really need any in the first place (having all of Ozzy's).

Did I mention yet that I'm going away this weekend? I'm super excited! It's our annual family camp-in with my mom and brothers and their families. We used to go tent camping each summer, but now that there are so many small children we just rent a house. This year it's on the ocean on Whidbey Island down in Washington. There's a pool right next door too. I'm so stoked! Anyway, I started making a list the other night of everything we need to pack, and the list of things for Ozzy is twice as long as the list of everything else we need to bring! :rofl:
Oh, and as far as the potty training question... I think we'll probably wait until Ozzy's closer to 2 1/2. I've read that it's not a good idea to introduce too many new things at once, so I want him to get used to Jimmy first. Then when Jimmy's about 6 months we'll be switching bedrooms, so I won't want to start then either. So sometime between 2 1/2 and 3ish I think.
Rachel, that makes sense about waiting to introduce too many new things at once. I just want to try to start it slowly with Sam and see how he reacts and follow his lead. Lately he has been pulling at his diaper when its wet so I thought it might be a good time to just introduce it but no pressure! :thumbup:

That camping trip sounds fun, though it is so true about how much extra stuff you need with a baby/toddler! :wacko: The worst thing about camping to me is getting back and having the mound of laundry and putting away of things, seems like it takes me half of the week to get back to normal.

I can relate on buying lots of things for Ben...I went a bit crazy one weekend and got him a bunch of new things as Sam was a winter baby and Ben will be a summer baby we needed a few things like shorts, etc. My mom also surprised us and purchased the infant carrier we wanted and it got delivered yesterday so that was a big help! :happydance: Now we just need to get a crib and we are DONE!!! :happydance:
Here is my 30 week bump! Sorry, I always take them after my workouts! :haha: I'll have to get DH to take some good ones soon. :flower:
Vanessa, that's interesting. I never really heard anything bad about EPO. What negative things did you hear about it?

Heather, looking good! Love the bump! :thumbup:

I've been wondering about potty training. Alia has been grabbing at her diaper and saying, "Pee Pee," when she's peeing, and "Poop," when she's pooping. She's been doing it for about a month now, but the thing is, I'm not going to try to potty train a baby who won't even walk to the toilet! :haha: So once she gets her confidence up and starts walking for more then 5 steps to get to the nearest thing to hold on to, then maybe we'll give it a try. But I'm worried that will coincide with Liam's birth, and I'm not sure I want to tackle the newborn days and potty training at the same time. :wacko:

Rachel, you're family trip sounds a lot like the one I just went on! They also used to do tent camping until people started having babies, and then rented a house instead. And since it's so fresh in my mind, I can sympathize with all the packing. :dohh:

As for clothes for Liam, did I already tell you ladies that my aunt and uncle adopted a newborn boy at the end of last December, and that they're sending me ALL of his clothes as he grows out of them? It's seriously been a life saver for us! They've already sent like 6 boxes, so I'm set for a while. :happydance:

So today I found out that my close mommy friend here is going to be moving to California this fall. I'm so bummed, because she has a little boy Alia's age and is pregnant now, too, so our kids were perfect playmates. :(
I'm impressed with your kids grabbing at their diapers. That does sound like a good indication that they'll be ready to potty train soon. Ozzy doesn't seem to care if his diaper is wet or dirty! Silly guy. And Jordyn, it makes perfect sense to wait to start potty training until Alia can walk!

Heather, I love your bump pics! Lookin' good! I need to take another one soon. :)

And I hear you about the laundry and such. We get back Sunday evening, and I've decided to take Monday off as well, just so I can do laundry and unpack and go grocery shopping and such!

Jordyn, that's awesome about the hand-me-downs from your aunt and uncle. So nice to not have to worry about that. But that's too bad about your mommy friend moving. :( It can be so hard to find good playmates.
Rachel your weekend away sounds like good fun! See this is kind of why I wish I had a bigger family, I'd love to do things like that. So I'll have to make lots of people to make up for it :haha:

Aw Heather what a lovely bump! I've toyed with the idea of just introducing a potty and seeing what happens, but again the thing of too many things too quickly has occurred to me. New house, new baby brother, new chaos... Could be a bit too much. Jordyn I'm impressed at Alia's awareness! Could be that she'll be ready quite soon which is great. I would love to have Noah out of nappies, but I can't see it really clicking with him for quite a while yet because he doesn't seem to notice being wet or dirty :dohh:

Jordyn that's such a shame about your friend moving away :hugs: One of my friends moved away about a month ago and she has a little boy about 6 weeks older than Noah, I did feel really sad when she went. But how lovely of your aunt and uncle with the clothes!

I did some more research on EPO and I think all it was was people saying not to take it before 36 weeks or so, so that was me being a mum brain, as my DH would say :dohh: Might invest in some :flower: Would love to get this monkey out a little earlier!

Well in the last few days three of my NCT friends have announced their second pregnancies too! One of whom needed IVF last time and conceived naturally this time, and another who had three miscarriages last year bless her. So that makes five of us who are now pregnant. Me due in July, the next in August, then one in October, one in November and one in December. So exciting! 5 out of 9 of us. Something in the water I think :haha:
Vanessa, what's NCT? Whatever it is, that's exciting about all the babies coming in a row! It was like that at our church last summer. This time around I'm the only one. *sigh*

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