Stacey, that totally sucks about you're car!!!

I'm so happy to hear that Jonathan is doing so well without his bottle! I'm glad I was able to help...though you probably know more than me

as Sam is our first and everything seems so trial and error at times! And I always hope that I'm not screwing him up with decisions I make!
Jordyn, that's awesome that Liam is growing so well!

I'm sure its such a relief to hear he is growing well after the IUGR with Alia. I would be curious about the EPO but since I think I will go the c section route with Ben I don't think I want to try anything like that. I figure if I happen to dilate early on my own, bonus, but I don't want anything to cause it purposely.
Vanessa, I hope you get to use the midwifes that delivered Noah but either way where ever you deliver Milo I'm sure it will all work out!

I've kinda learned after the birth I had with Sam that nothing is under my control and no matter how much I try to control the situation it doesn't matter and it all works out for the best! And this is coming from the worlds biggest control freak!

Sorry that Noah isn't feeling well!

I hope he starts getting better soon. How is you're weather there now? Maybe the constant changing is causing him to come down with something. I know that always seems to get Sam!

As for the nosebleeds, I get them early in pregnancy but never late...lately my gums have been bleeding a lot...kinda freaked me out a bit the first time it happened after brushing/flossing!
Rachel, you're cracking me up about buying matching outfits for Ozzy and Jimmy!

I actually think I would do something like that if I had two girls but for some reason I can't bring myself to do that for Sam and Ben...yet!
You girls are making me hungry with all your crockpot recipes! We didn't have anything too exciting for dinner last night...I didn't feel like cooking and I saw a commercial for El Pollo Loco (a mexican fast food place) salad so I asked DH to pick it up on his way home!

Most of the cooking is done by him though...he likes it and I'd rather clean so works perfect for us! I always tease that if DH and Sam didn't need to eat I would never eat...and the sad thing is DH knows its true so I think that is why he ends up he can eat!