Aw gorgeous pics of our chunky monkeys! Heather Sam is a gorgeous little chub

Just like my monkey! Noah weighs about 28lb I think, I only jump on the scale with him once in a blue moon when I remember.
Stacey your babies are beautiful

Love their dark features.
Jordyn love the pics of you at the Lagoon and Alia is looking beautiful! Don't worry about the hair, it will grow in more as she gets older I'm sure. The ironic thing is that of all of Noah's friends, it's the boys who have loads of hair and the girls who don't! Noah had his third haircut yesterday. If he were a girl it would be down his back by now.
That's great that Alia is starting to walk so confidently as well!
Lovely pictures of your babies Logan!
Ah I'm never sure what to do for Father's Day either. I bought DH a DVD he said he wanted but should do something a little sentimental to go with it too, but I don't have a clue

I'll figure it out I guess. DH bought me flowers on Mother's Day and I was happy with that, can't really give him flowers though!
Well I've been a little down today because we have yet another delay in the move. Everything is ready for exchanging contracts except for our buyer waiting for some legal order to come through from her divorce to release the money. And we have no idea how long it's going to take. This whole thing started six months ago and it's beyond ridiculous now. Thank goodness we have patient vendors because if we didn't this chain would have collapsed ages ago!