anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Hey, ladies! I'm back and finally caught up on everything! Phew! We had a great vacation. Didn't do a whole lot, but that's the way I like my camp-ins. :) I'll attach some pictures at the bottom from my camera. My SIL also had a nice camera there and I asked her to take a bump picture. I'll post that once I get a copy. And guess what!? My other SIL is pregnant! EEEEeeee!!! She is just over 6 weeks now. This will be their third, and I'm soooo excited! She hasn't had an u/s yet, but she figures she'll be due in early to mid February.

Skadi, that's kind of bittersweet about getting laid off. I was going to ask if you can collect your year of EI still, so I'm glad you answered that already. :) Nice that you get to stay home with Keira for a while before baby #2 comes! And I hear you about looking pregnant already. I started to show so much earlier with this pregnancy than with my first!

Love all the pictures everyone's been posting. We do make some cute kids. As for me and Daniel, if someone tells us how cute Ozzy is, we always say, "Yeah, we have no idea how that happened!" Ha! Or we'll say, "Yeah, Jimmy is doomed. Ozzy got all the cute so there's none left." Tee hee.

As for books, Ozzy has quite a few, but we only keep the board books out right now. About half of them are Sandra Boynton books that my mom got him for Christmas. He loves those!

Jordyn, Ozzy has weird days like that too - where he'll just be upset and wailing for no apparent reason. It's really hard to deal with. I have a lot of respect for you for going through it! Poor Daniel is home all day with Ozzy and so he deals with most of it. I have a feeling I'm in for a bit of a shock when I go from working a desk job full time to being a full time mommy (of two!). Should be fun!

I know I've not replied to everything, but I've taken too long to write my reply and now I forget everything I was going to say. Ha! Talk about mommy brain.

Anyway... Pictures!
1. Ozzy and Daniel (Ozzy's been doing that funny smile recently; not sure where he got it from!)
2. On the way to the pool (right next door to our rental house!)
3. In the pool (apparently that's how I smile with the sun in my eyes... Also, my bump looks HUGE in the water!)
4. All the cousins! (Well, on my side of the family at least)
5. One of Ozzy's new favourite activities is clipping buckles together. (And wearing hats and/or helmets :) )


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Oh! I know what I was going to say. About Father's Day, Daniel and I decided before Mother's Day that we wouldn't get each other anything for those "holidays" yet. However, I did buy him a card that I just happened to find the other day while out, so I'll write him a nice message in that. I really do appreciate him for working double time by watching Ozzy while he works from home. Anyway, I think I'm going to try to get some hand and/or footprints from Ozzy (just with an ink pad and paper) tomorrow night while Daniel's out playing soccer and then put them in a frame that I already have lying around. I think he might appreciate that, and then I'm not technically getting him anything because I won't have to buy anything.
Triple post! Aaah!!! Sorry, I just wanted to post this pic my SIL took. I'm pretty much 33 weeks here. Looking at this pic, I understand why I've been getting so many comments about the size of my bump (not that it makes them any more welcome :growlmad:).


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Logan, don't worry, I'm not hoping to go into labor right now! It would just be nice if I had some indication that I was going to progress as well as I did with Alia, so that I can have another 38 week baby. :flower:

Rachel, I love all the pictures! Your bump looks great! It's all baby, too. :thumbup: I'm glad your family had a good time at your camp-in. :)

Well, I got my DH a card for Father's Day, as well as a new zipper tie (because he only has one, and he wears it all the time when he's getting dressed in a rush), and some candy, because my DH loves candy. :haha: I was also looking for a shirt for Alia that said something like, "I love you, Daddy," but they didn't have one in her size, so I got her one that says, "Daddy's little cupcake," instead. :flower:
LOL, I would hope not as its a bit early yet.. lol.. I don't believe in any of that giving indication of labor though.. as many women start dilating and even effacing long before labor actually begins.. :) Healthy baby is all that matters.. ;)
Well, that was a crazy OB appointment! First of all, my doctor was delivering a baby, so they asked if I would be okay seeing the nurse, so I said sure. First off, she measured me and said 34, and so I said, "Hmm, when I came in at 32 weeks, I was measuring 33 and 1/2." So she measures me again and says, "Oh, actually you're more like 35 and 1/2." :dohh: Then I asked if she could tell if the baby was engaged, and she said, no, only the doctors can tell, so I'm none the wiser on that point. Then she listened to Liam's heartbeat and he was having some skipped heartbeats, so she went and got a doctor, and the doctor confirmed, so they sent me over to get a Non-Stress Test. All the while, I have Alia with me, who is no longer happy being at the doctor's office, so I was pretty frazzled trying to keep her happy and out of things she shouldn't be touching.

So they first did a quick ultrasound and checked my fluid levels. They said they like to see the level between 10-20 and I was at 10.4, so on the lower side, for sure. Then they hooked me up to the monitors to watch his heartbeat. I had Alia on my legs trying to keep her happy with my phone until finally my DH was able to get there and take over with her. They said that they saw the skipped heartbeats, but they weren't too concerned so they gave me a clean bill of health and sent me on my way. It was funny, though, because I had several contractions while I was there, and so the doctor asked, "Do have contractions often?" and I told her yes, and she said, "Well, this little one is going to be a trouble-maker, isn't he?" And I was thinking, "My thoughts exactly!" :haha:
Crazy! That sounds like a stressful appointment. Mostly because of having a little one there with you. I'm glad your DH was able to make it. And so so glad they gave you a clean bill of health.

You know, I've always wondered about the fundal height measurements. I mean, how accurate can it be if a different person is measuring every time (as is the case at my maternity group). It doesn't even seem like it can be super accurate even with the same person measuring each time. Sometimes I wonder why they even do it. They even told me last time that it wasn't really a good indication of how big the baby will be anyway. I don't know! So many questions I want to ask my doctors but don't actually ask because it seems like a waste of their time just to appease my curiosity. Heh.

Anyway, I'm glad they double checked Liam's heart and whatnot and that everything still looks good. :)
Yeah, I'm not putting too much stock in the fundal height measurement, but it did alarm me at first when the nurse told me that it had only changed by half a cm in 2 weeks.

Well, I'm 34 weeks today, so not only have a started taking my EPO, but I've also taken a 34 week bump shot. :flower: I feel like Liam has dropped, and DH says so too, but I'm finding it hard to see much change in the picture. Personally, I always think it looks lowest first thing in the morning, though. I also have a short torso, too, and so I tend to grow outward no matter where baby is laying.


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when would class a positive as a positive?
I did a test this morning and got a second line but there is no colour to it, at the moment I am saying its negative till I get one with colour.
Wow logan your kids are soo cute xxx The others are right Bryce looks soo grown up aww

Skadi: Im sorry to hear that you got laid off but happy to see it wasnt sucha bad thing! That is great that you will get to stay home with your lo until lo #2 comes xx

Vanessa i am soo sorry to hear that the move is having so many ups and downs. I really hope soon you will get moved quickly though. So lets see if i remember correctly if you dont get moved before baby comes then you will have the same midwife?

Heather: Aww that is cute your dh tried very hard not to mess up your mothers day this year!! Im sure whatever you do for your dhs fathers dayw ould be nice!!

Rachel: I am soo happy you had a great time!!! It looks like the whole family did!!! I love your bump shot you look great!!!!

Jordyn: Wow that sounds like a stressfull apointment especially having alia there with you. On monday i have my ob appointment and have to bring the kids for the first time. I am very nervouse. I dont know what i will do with jonathan lol I am happy that they checked liams heartbeat and that everything seemed to be ok for now. At least you got another ultrasounds out of it! Congrats on hittng the 34 week mark. I hope the epo and stuff works for you again this time xx Beautiful bump as well!!!!

afm not to much i just got off of my 3 day stretch at work so another 4 days off for me witch is badly needed. My boss tried to schedule for a 4th 12 hour shift this week i told her there was no way im flat out tired and wouldnt have the energy to take care of the residence like they needed to be.
Jonathans top left canine tooth is just about to cut through i can feel it and see it. My poor baby has been doing ok but these are the worse teeth so far for him (and i) lol. There are a bunch of fires already started here. None that are to close to us but we are recieving all the smoke and such from them. Witch means we are trying to keep the windows closed. But that means sleeping in a 85 degree house all night. I have been soo miserable. lol. I cant belive that most of you ladies are going to be having your babies soon. I feel like the time has just stopped. Just 28 weeks. I have my diabeties test on monday so wish me luck. I guess the only thing that is nice i will be seeing the doc every two weeks now yay! Let me ask you ladies something do you all feel hiccups. I have yet to feel any hiccups from my little lady and am starting to worry that maybe she is not practicing her swallowing of the amniotic fluid thats why there is no hiccups. ANyone else?

Haha so i have to tell you ladies what happend to my dh the other night. Haha we were getting ready to give jonathan his bath. My dh stood jonathan up on the toilet( lid closed of corse lol) so he can undress him and stuff. The moment my husband took off his diaper jonathan started peeing! My husband like scream alittle not like scream screamed but it started jonathan so he stopped right away. And instead of putting the diaper back to cath the pee my dh took it away again to where jonathan started full on peeing. my dh just put his hand right there i guess trying to catch his pee with his hand but as we all know is not possible haha until jonathan was done. I had just stepped out of the shower but had to step back in because i was laughing so hard i started peeing too:blush: Omg ladies it was soo funny. I wish i could have recorded it to show you all. Im laughing right now just typing about it hahaha
steph: congrats on your lo sleeping through the night!!! I would wait until you see some color to the second line before you class it as a possitive. GOOD LUCK!!!
steph: congrats on your lo sleeping through the night!!! I would wait until you see some color to the second line before you class it as a possitive. GOOD LUCK!!!

thank you, he seems to do it every other night at the moment, but only ever wakes up once when he doesn't sleep through and even then its just for cuddles.
thank you that's what I was thinking :)
Oh my gosh, Stacey, the pee incident sounds hilarious! :rofl:

As for hiccups, I feel them all the time, but I'm not sure when I started feeling them. I actually don't like feeling them because it makes me think I have a twitching muscle in my stomach, although I know they're important for baby. If you're worried, I would just ask at your next appointment and see what they say. :flower:

Steph, can we see a picture of your test? I had a barely discernible line at 7 dpo this time around, but didn't recognize it as a true bfp until after I'd gotten a darker line. Plus, we all love to stare at pee tests around here. :haha:
yeah jordyn: I will deff ask. But you see thats another thing. It seems like all the movement i feel are twitching shakind type movements from her. I will also ask the doc about that. But they are not the normal twitch every few min like hiccups are iykwim?
heres the test
its just about noticeable


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Hey all.. :)

Thank you im quite biased on how cute my kids are.. :)

14 weeks today.. lemon sized :)


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Stacey, for me, the hiccups feel like when you have a pulse in a random part of your body, like your leg or arm, except it's coming from your uterus instead. Now that he's getting so big, I can see my stomach actually move with each hiccup. :wacko:

Steph, I see what you mean. It's like an "almost there" line. Good luck, and keep us updated with further tests! Fingers crossed it turns into a proper bfp! :flower:

Logan, you have a cute little bump coming along there! :thumbup:
Jordyn: that is what i remember with my other two its just like a pulse thats a perfect way to put it. But what i am feeling is like shaking litereally really fast and you can see my whole belly shake when she does. Idk whatever it is i will be asking the doc on monday.

steph: i too see what you mean by the line is almost there. Wait few days and test againxx

Logan: What a beautiful bump coming along!!!
Rachel, I love the pictures from your camping trip! :thumbup: You look great too; people suck though regarding commenting about how big your bump is! :grr: Yesterday we had vendor at work and this dumb B*%ch asked me if I was due today or tomorrow!!! I just grinned and bit my tongue but there was so much I wanted to say!

I love how cute Ozzy's funny smile is! And, Sam has been doing the same thing lately with clipping and unclipping buckles! Its funny how many times he likes to do it over and over! :haha: He also loves the Sandra Boynton books, I am trying to collect them all!

Jordyn, that sounds like a scary/stressful doctors appointment! :nope: I'm glad they checked everything for you and gave you a clean bill of health though. :thumbup: I love your bump picture too, you always looks so cute and done up...I never have the energy or time to do makeup anymore! :blush: Only 6 weeks left or less for you! :happydance:

Littlesteph, looking forward to seeing you're tests get darker! :flower:

Stacey, look luck at your GTT test on Monday! :hugs: That story about your DH and Jonathan was hilarious! :rofl: The other night Sam was peeing the bathtub and he was trying to catch it! It was pretty funny!!! As far as feeling hiccups, I do occasionally but never really think about it. I actually don't like the feeling either! It feels like a weird pulsing that is almost uncomfortable, if that makes sense!

Logan, you have a great bump coming along there! :thumbup:

I've been super insanely busy lately with work and everything else! We are getting busy for the summer and this weekend is Father's Day as well as lots of graduations so a lot of people are boarding their dogs with us as well as we had that party with the vendors last night so I'm beyond exhausted today. I wish I could go home and take a nap but unfortunately that will have to wait till tomorrow! As far as Father's Day...I think I'll just cook breakfast for DH (I never cook :blush:) and maybe go to the beach depending on how I feel. Its starting get pretty warm here which is making me even more anxious for Ben to come! I'll post a new bump picture soon...I seem to have grown in the past few weeks!
Heather, that was a pretty rude question from that vendor! How hard is it for people to just ask, "So when are you due?" or "How much longer do you have left?" Sheesh.

Thank you for your compliment. As for being "done up" I'll tell you my secret: I shower at night, and then in the morning all I have to do is wet my hair and style it (which takes about 5 minutes) and put on some mascara and earrings (and lipstick if I'm going to be leaving the house, otherwise I don't bother with it). If it took much longer, there's no way I'd do it, which is the primary reason I haven't had my hair long in a while. :winkwink:

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