Haha Stacey that pee story cracked me up

Hiccups are so weird, I can't say I care for them either. It definitely feels like a weird nerve twitching or something. As for the belly shaking, I swear I have a certifiable nutter in my belly, he makes it look like there's an earthquake going on a lot of the time. My skin gets so sore on the inside I wouldn't be surprised if I had some internal bruising! I am actually glad I've had them in this order, Noah was quite placid in comparison and if I'd had him second I would have been worried about him!
Really glad all is fine with Liam Jordyn

I sympathise on taking Alia to these appointments. It's a nightmare taking Noah and most of the time I have to, I genuinely think that he thinks they're hurting me when they measure me and listen to the heartbeat, he gets inconsolable every time bless him. Takes lots of cuddling to calm him down afterwards. Ooh I like your showering at night secret. I'm actually considering cutting my hair off and having a pixie cut too. I won't do it until after Milo is born but its something I'm thinking about.
Love your camping pictures Rachel! You look great

Lovely to see the three of you having some fun in the sun. I would have loved to go away this summer but I guess that will have to wait until next year! That is unless number three is under production
What is it with people and their dumb comments Heather!

I swear I've never said anything to a pregnant lady other than how lovely she looks! We're already hormonal and fed up, we don't need unnecessary comments on our size. Urgh.
Logan your bump is looking lovely
I can see the line you're talking about Steph! Fingers crossed it gets darker in the next few days.
As for me, all is good. I'm drinking my tea although I absolutely can't stand the taste. It may well have been responsible for my 20 minute pushing stage last time so I'm going to suffer through doing it again! Taking my EPO is no hardship though. Going to have acupuncture from about 38 weeks as well.
We had some good news on the move today. It looks like we may be able to exchange contracts in 2-3 weeks

But we're leaning towards exchanging, waiting to Milo to be born and then moving, because 2-3 weeks is on top of my due date. Plus this way I get to have my midwife who delivered Noah.
I have to admit I'm feeling a little stifled at the minute. Does anyone else feel this way? My DH and my mum are very keen for me not to get stressed, obviously I understand why and its not like I'm constantly freaking out about things. It's just I have a lot on my plate at the moment and when things annoy me I just want to vent a little, and its like I'm getting 'told off' for doing so. I'm probably not explaining that well but I hate being fussed over all the time.