anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Jordyn, I always think about showering at night but by the time night comes I'm so tired and just want to read and put Sam to bed and relax myself! Last night we read a quick book and as he was finishing his milk I just cuddled up to him and nearly fell asleep myself...he's such a snuggly boy! :cloud9:

I do think that once I have two little ones I'll try to shower at night because getting up early to do it is gonna be hard after being up in the night! :wacko:
Haha Stacey that pee story cracked me up :haha: Hiccups are so weird, I can't say I care for them either. It definitely feels like a weird nerve twitching or something. As for the belly shaking, I swear I have a certifiable nutter in my belly, he makes it look like there's an earthquake going on a lot of the time. My skin gets so sore on the inside I wouldn't be surprised if I had some internal bruising! I am actually glad I've had them in this order, Noah was quite placid in comparison and if I'd had him second I would have been worried about him!

Really glad all is fine with Liam Jordyn :thumbup: I sympathise on taking Alia to these appointments. It's a nightmare taking Noah and most of the time I have to, I genuinely think that he thinks they're hurting me when they measure me and listen to the heartbeat, he gets inconsolable every time bless him. Takes lots of cuddling to calm him down afterwards. Ooh I like your showering at night secret. I'm actually considering cutting my hair off and having a pixie cut too. I won't do it until after Milo is born but its something I'm thinking about.

Love your camping pictures Rachel! You look great :flower: Lovely to see the three of you having some fun in the sun. I would have loved to go away this summer but I guess that will have to wait until next year! That is unless number three is under production :haha:

What is it with people and their dumb comments Heather! :growlmad: I swear I've never said anything to a pregnant lady other than how lovely she looks! We're already hormonal and fed up, we don't need unnecessary comments on our size. Urgh.

Logan your bump is looking lovely :flower:

I can see the line you're talking about Steph! Fingers crossed it gets darker in the next few days.

As for me, all is good. I'm drinking my tea although I absolutely can't stand the taste. It may well have been responsible for my 20 minute pushing stage last time so I'm going to suffer through doing it again! Taking my EPO is no hardship though. Going to have acupuncture from about 38 weeks as well.

We had some good news on the move today. It looks like we may be able to exchange contracts in 2-3 weeks :flower: But we're leaning towards exchanging, waiting to Milo to be born and then moving, because 2-3 weeks is on top of my due date. Plus this way I get to have my midwife who delivered Noah.

I have to admit I'm feeling a little stifled at the minute. Does anyone else feel this way? My DH and my mum are very keen for me not to get stressed, obviously I understand why and its not like I'm constantly freaking out about things. It's just I have a lot on my plate at the moment and when things annoy me I just want to vent a little, and its like I'm getting 'told off' for doing so. I'm probably not explaining that well but I hate being fussed over all the time.
Stacey, for me, the hiccups feel like when you have a pulse in a random part of your body, like your leg or arm, except it's coming from your uterus instead. Now that he's getting so big, I can see my stomach actually move with each hiccup. :wacko:

Steph, I see what you mean. It's like an "almost there" line. Good luck, and keep us updated with further tests! Fingers crossed it turns into a proper bfp! :flower:

Logan, you have a cute little bump coming along there! :thumbup:

thank you I will do :)
Vanessa, I think I understand what you are saying about feeling stifled. If I'm feeling stressed or overwhelmed, I always feel better after having a good vent and just having someone listen for a few minutes. If they just "told me off" for doing that, then it wouldn't really help, it might only add to the stress! I hope you can find someone to vent to when you need to. :) And I'm glad things are finally going start happening with the house. Sounds like the timing will work out really well in the end, especially if it means you can use the midwives you want to.

Steph, I can see the line you're talking about. Hope the next one has some colour to it! :)

Great bump pics Jordyn and Logan!

Stacey, that story about Jonathan peeing on your DH is hilarious! And that it made you start peeing too... priceless! I hope your DH is able to laugh about it because I'm sure I would have been laughing pretty hard if I'd seen it!

As for the hiccups, Jimmy definitely doesn't get them as often as Ozzy did. (And no, I don't like the way they feel either... especially when they are way down low. It's just kinda creepy.) And I don't remember feeling them at 28 weeks either. I'd say they started closer to 30 weeks this pregnancy.

Heather, I can't believe the questions some people ask pregnant ladies! That is so rude! I had a coworker ask the other day if I was going to get any bigger. Uh, how am I supposed to respond to that!? I wanted to say, "Yeah, probably, how about you?" *sigh* maybe next time. And that's a fun idea to collect all the Sandra Boynton books. I remember having "The Going to Bed Book" as a kid and loving it. I didn't even know she had so many books until my mom started buying them for my nieces and nephews. I'd like to collect the "Mr." and "Little Miss" books too. I had "Little Miss Fickle" growing up, and we bought "Mr. Messy" for Ozzy last Christmas. :)

Well, the big news at our house is that Ozzy is sick. :( He's got his first ever high fever (only ever had mild ones before, mostly when teething), and his nose is a bit runny. Poor guy is just really hot and clearly sapped of energy. Tylenol seems to help, but he also had an immunization today (they said it was okay to still get it even with a cold/fever), sot he next few days could be really interesting. I'm very glad it's the weekend and both Daniel and I can be home to look after him!
Heather: omg can i relate to you and people saying rude things about how big our bellys are. At the nursing home i work at there are alot of family members who come in and as when am i due. When i tell them sept they say omg i thought it was anytime now:growlmad: I have some residence tell me the same and how when they were pregnant they only gained 10 lbs and bla bla bla:growlmad: I just say well things have changed alot since 60 years ago when they all were having babies. I just dont get it. Plus this is my third. Im bigger then i was when pregnant with jonathan. Im already almost the same weight as when i gave birth to him:cry: And one other thing that pisses me off is when people say it looks like im carrying a girl ( meaning im wide and gaining weight everywhere. uggg i just wish people would say you look great and your all baby even if they dont think it....

Jordyn: I too agree with heather you do alway look done up and looking good. I agree about showering at night. I do the same. I never used to until i got together with my dh and we both started showering at night. But now i love it. Is saves me like 1 hour and a half of getting ready in the morning witch means sleeping later lol I too have thought about cutting off my hair but my face is not meant for short hair. I think only a few people can pull if off. YOu being the top one i think you look great with short hair!

vanessa: I understand how you are feeling omg!!!! I feel like i cant rant to anyone about the stress and stuff that is going on with me. My dh is the same and if i start mentioning something then he thinks im getting depressed and that is my problem. When he says stupid shit (sorry for my language) like that then i get even more pissed. So instead of blowing off some steem i just get more furiouse!! Like i said ealier i start getting upset at everyone. Ugg i just wish i could fine someone to vent to without looking at me like a crazy pregnant women!!!

I am very happy that there is some good news on your new house. I think it all works out for a reason. That being you get to stay with your midwife!! I think that is great news. I dont think i would like some random person delivering my baby as i have been with my same doc the whole pregnancy. He deliverd my other two babys as well so i am very confortable with him!

Rachel: Im sorry to hear that Ozzy is sick! THat is just awful especially with vaccines as well its like a double wammy. I hope that he feels better soon:hugs:

About my dh he did laugh about it. Its been like this things that jonathan does to only my dh. Since he was born. WHen he was born when ever my dh would get close to jonathan he would sneeze in his face. He always peed on him while dh was trying to change his diaper. Jonathan always farts like right in my dhs face as well haha. Also he would spit up only on my dh. There was one time too when my dh and jonathan was taking a shower and jonathan desided to alittle haha. My poor dh. But he just laughs about it. But for me omg i cant tell you how funny it is hahaha

Well as for the hiccups i just remember feeling them soo early with my other two. But at least im not the only one who hsnt felt them by now. I just think you know they get the hicupps because they are practicing there swolling you know. So its like what if she has a problem with sucking and swolling. I dont know i know im prob worrying for nothing :dohh: I really wish we could deside on a name. That way i can refer to her as ..... instead of baby and she and her lol Well ladies off to clean my house!
well tested again this morning no white line which I guess is a good thing, I think I could see a second line but it was so faint it was very hard to make, no way a camera would pick that up, if it is a line and not line eyes I hoping it starts getting darker.
I really hope all this feeling sick actually has a reason, my travel sickness has gotten worse, I haven't travel sick since being pregnant with my son, today I have been having a few twinges and pinching feels, been really tired today as well, AF due in about 5 6 days I think so only time will tell
steph. Its still early i will keep my fingers crossed for you!!!
I need to catch up but just wanted to share my 31 week bump real quick!
heather you look GREAT!!!!!!!!!!! You too are alll baby!
Steph, it's still pretty early. Sounds like it could go either way for you, but I sure have my fingers crossed for a BFP!

Great bump, Heather! I love all the pictures everyone's been posting recently. :)

Stacey, that's great that your DH has a good sense of humor about it, especially since Jonathan seems to have it in for him! Ha! So funny!

Well, I managed to get sick after all. :( Just your basic cold, but I'm pretty miserable. First sickness of this pregnancy, though, so I guess I shouldn't complain. I stayed home with Ozzy this morning while Daniel went to church (he was playing bass, so he couldn't really stay home). That was exhausting. I mostly just laid on the couch while Ozzy made a huge mess of the house. Ha! Thankfully, tonight Daniel has taken Ozzy to his softball game and a friend is there to watch Ozzy while Daniel plays. I really hope I feel better tomorrow; I'm supposed to start training my mat leave replacement tomorrow!

Oh, and Happy Father's Day to all your OH's!!! :) What did you all end up doing today?
We didn't do much with OH since he was in and out of the house all morning. I took Keira over to my parents house and spent the day with my mom and dad.
Vanessa, I'm the same way. Liam is a lot more active than Alia ever was, which makes me happy that the pregnancies have been in the order that they have been. Although, maybe if I'd had Alia second, I would have brought it up to my doctor and we might have caught the IUGR before she was born. :shrug: I'm glad that you at least have a plan now for moving, since the not knowing would be the worst for me. I'm glad you'll have your midwife, too! As for venting, I think the worst is when you have a legitimate complaint, and people just write it off as "pregnancy hormones". :growlmad:

Heather, I love the new bump pic! Yours looks so different from mine, since I have such a short torso, and always tend to carry straight out. :dohh: I wish I had a little more room for him to stretch out in there.

Rachel, I'm sorry to hear that both you and Ozzy have been sick. :( I still have a lingering cough from when I was sick that just won't seem to go away, and I can tell you that coughing while having a contraction is not a fun feeling. I hope you both feel better soon!

Stacey, I'm sorry people are making you feel huge. I had a lady at the movie theater the other day ask if I was having twins! :growlmad: And then when I told her it was only one, she actually said, "Don't worry, that extra weight will come off quickly once the baby is born." Can you believe that???

As for Father's day, we had a big dinner here at my in-laws house to celebrate my DH, my FIL, my dad, my BIL, and my other BIL (who isn't a father, but it was his birthday). So they all got to pick their favorite foods and dessert, which meant we had a ton of yummy food. I made a poppy seed cake with chocolate glaze for my DH, since that's his favorite. The funny thing is, I was so stuffed, I never even tried it. :haha:
Definitely Jordyn, that pregnancy hormones excuse is beyond irritating! It's like people can be rude and just write off your reaction because you're pregnant. No, it's because you are an annoyance pregnant or not! :growlmad:

Thanks Stacey, nice to know I'm not on my own in feeling this way! DH did apologise to me after I got upset the other day, can't remember the exact situation but it was more of the same. Stop getting stressed. I wasn't particularly I just needed to express my annoyance! It doesn't help that my mum is constantly worrying about my state of mind, if I tell her I feel a bit down about things with the house for example she then doesn't stop asking if I'm ok and telling me I need to snap out of it. I appreciate that she cares of course but I can't just change my mood with a click of the fingers. She thinks I'm going to get ill, and DH keeps telling me off for doing too much around the flat, and I think to myself, well who's going to do it if I don't?!

I had a comment from a random cashier today, on the subject of stupid comments. She asked how long I had to go and I told her, and she said are you sure? In this incredulous tone. Yes I am sure. I was tempted to tell her I knew exactly when my last period was and when I had sex, so yes I was pretty sure :haha: I think the issue I have is that I have a small frame and I'm pretty short so bump goes straight outwards and looks bigger.

Heather you look great! :thumbup: Definitely all baby.

Rachel I'm really sorry to hear that you and Ozzy have been sick :hugs: It's so much worse when pregnant I find. Basic colds sound like no big deal but I can't stand not being able to breathe through my nose and feeling loads of congestion on my chest. Hope you feel better soon!

Jordyn that cake sounds yummy! And now I want some :haha:

We went over to see DH's dad and my sister in law and her brood yesterday. We had a late lunch with everyone which was lovely. I got Noah some pasta and ordered myself a steak and chips because I really fancied it, and the greedy little monkey proceeded to eat all of his pasta, half of my steak, some of my chips and some garlic bread! I swear I don't know where he puts it, he's a bottomless pit.
Well my kids are sick too.. blah.. McKenna is getting better just coughing now.. and Bryce is by far the worst.. we took him to the clinic today and he has an ear infection and thrush.. so not fun..
Logan, I'm sorry to hear that your kiddos are both sick. I hope they get better soon. :(

Vanessa, I can't even imagine Alia eating food like that. We still have to spoon feed her or else she just won't eat. It's like she has no interest in it at all. And even when we spoon feed her, we have to keep her distracted so that she'll keep eating, instead of spitting the food back out and playing with it.
Talking about stupid comments... 2 days after giving birth to Keira I was asked by a cashier at the cafe IN THE HOSPITAL when i was due!
skadi: Sounds like you had a pretty good fathers day. I bet your dad did having the both of you there:flower: That would have really pissed me off that you had litteraly just gave birth to your baby and got asked when are you due. I just cant believe honestly some of the peoples comments.

Jordyn: Wow that is alot of dads getting together. i think that is a great way to celebrate days like fathersday. That cake does sound amazing!!! You know i think with natalia i was still spoon feeding her at this age. She was soo picky and it drove me absolutly nuts!!! Does Alia do anything with finger foods?

vanessa: OMG does that dinner sound WONDERFUL lol. Im getting hungery listening to all of this food. Its soo funny Noah ate half of your food. Sounds like jonathan haha!! Jonathan loves ribs with corn and mashed potatos. I mean there is no stopping him. Wish i could eat like him haha

Logan: I am soo sorry to hear your kids are sick. Natalia had been having this caugh and alittle conjestion. And jonathan too seems to have not fully recover from his last case of RSV. I took them both to the doctor today and was told Natalias issue is prob just alergies but Jonathan too has his first ear infection. Got prescribed amoxicillin... Its crazy jonathan is 17 months and has already been on like 3 antibiotics but natalia is 4 1/2 and has never been on antibiotics. But i understand how you must be feeling right now:hugs:

For us for fathersday we went to dinner with my inlaws. So we celebrated my FIL My DH and my BIL. We had Enchiladads Rojas. Oh boy was it wonderful. Its my faveriote food by far lol. Today i watched my niece until about 1230 then took my kids to there doc apointment at 1250. I was there until 215. I quickly got them home chugged my glucose drink down and went to my ob appoint at 245. Everything was good. Heartbeat was 140 and blood pressure was great. Does anyone else have low bp? Im always like 106/60. Anyways im measuring today 34 weeks. So guess what i get another ultrasound to check the size of baby and fluid and such. YAY! lol. But then they couldnt find y viens to draw my blood so they acually didnt get it drawn and tested until almost 2 hours after i drank it. Who knows how accurate it was. But i passed with flying colors they said so i dont think its such a big deal lol. SO anyways i got a scan booked for friday but may have to reshedule though. I cant wait to see my little lady again though. My three days of work are comeing up. Im sure i will get on just to stay caught up but i probably wont post. I am getting very tired now so go to sleep very early when i work lol.
Skadi, that's awful! I remember reading a story here on the forum about a lady who had a delivery man ask when she was due and she said her baby was actually a month old. Then the man asked, "Are you sure they didn't leave one in there?" Can you believe that? She then reported him, and the company reimbursed her for the item she'd had delivered, plus sent her a gift basket with wine and flowers.

Stacey, that's awesome that you get to see your little girl again! :happydance: However, I'm sorry to hear that Jonathon has an ear infection as well. :( Alia has had to take antibiotics for a UTI, but she's never had an ear infection yet.

I hear you about the tiredness, too. I just wake up so exhausted in the morning, and then I think about how I quit work at the end with Alia and just got to sleep in until I felt ready to get up. It's sad to think that I won't get to do that again until all my kids are old enough to play on their own in the morning. *Sigh*
Rachel, I hope you and Ozzy are starting to feel better! :hugs:

Vanessa, I'm sorry that you aren't able to vent without everyone blaming it on pregnancy hormones! DH does that to me sometimes too and says I'm overreacting because of my hormones!, I'd be mad regardless of being pregnant or not! :dohh: As for Noah eating tons...its seems like Sam has those days too where he can't get enough and I wonder where the heck he puts it and others where he won't eat at all! :shrug: And then most days that I come home from work he insists on eating off my plate even though DH fed him dinner an hour ago! :dohh:

Jordyn, that sounds like a good father's day dinner! It was making me hungry just reading it! :winkwink:

Logan, sorry to hear that your kiddos are sick! That's no fun...hopefully they get better here quick! :flower:

Skadi, that is pretty bad of an employee in the hospital to ask that! So rude!!! :growlmad:

Stacey, I'm glad you're GTT went well! :thumbup: And that's exciting that you'll be getting another ultrasound! I'm so jealous as I don't think I will have anymore unless I pay for another or there seems to be a problem! :nope:

As for Father's Day, we didn't do a whole lot! Just kinda hung out around the house and relaxed. Yesterday I cooked a big dinner though for DH and made cookies to surprise him! :winkwink:

On Saturday we went to a friends for a BBQ and Sam was so good, I'm a proud momma! :cloud9: He was dancing to the music (I got it on video but I don't know how to upload it...) and playing with their 2 month old, it was very cute! I think it was good practice for him once Ben comes!
I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling tired lately! It seems like in the past week or so I just feel like I can't seem to get the energy to do much of anything!

Jordyn, I also was off work from 25 weeks on when I was pregnant with Sam and it was so nice to sleep and relax...there won't be anymore of that for a few years, probably! Though, I'll just feel better to not be pregnant anymore and have to carry around the extra weight in the heat. I'm seriously counting down the days...

I go for an appointment on Monday and I plan to schedule my c-section then...I'm hoping for August 8th.

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