anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

steph: id say that is a REAL BFP!!!! CONGRATS!!!!

Jordyn: I am very happy that those contractions stopped. Oh my $500 from the hospital thats just crazy.

Rachel: i very happy to hear that you are feeling better!! Its NEVER any fun being sick.. GLad you didnt have to miss any work either! As for the BH the tightening you are feeling are them lol. I never had any with Natalia but had alot starting around 27 weeks with jonathan and they started this time around 20 weeks or so. THey are never painful for me. Just later in the game they can be breath taking from how tight your belly gets so idk about any painful ones though...

Heather: That is soo exiting acually having a date for you csection!!!! i hope you get the day you want!!!!

Vanessa: glad things are looking up with the move. I think that is a great idea that you are going to wait until after birth to move. I agree with heather. What is the difference between a flat and a house?

Logan: I cant believe you are 15 weeks already! Where has the time gone? Im sorry about both your kids having a ear infection. I having one hell of a time with jonathans ear infection let alone 2 kids with them... Try to rest when you can:hugs:

Jordyn you know whats funny. I was just thinking last night that this thread has been open for more then a year. I posted on it when it was first opened. And i was thinking i wonder how long all of us ladies would be posting on this thread lol. It is very crazy. I was going to ask you is Liam still breech or did he turn.

Well ladies i had my ultrasound today. And i dont even know where to start with the frustration. First off she is still breech. Second of all when the tech did all the measurments she always does them 3 times so she measures the head 3 times the belly three times and the femer 3 times. Also fluid around the baby. So to start off she did everything the 3 times like she normally does and saw that the baby was averaging 33 weeks in size. ( like im measuring with the fundal height) The amniotic fluid was 23( 18 is ideal 20 is starting to be high) She went back and tried to ajust all of her measurment to try to get them as close to my edd as possible. (after she asked if she was the one who did my other ultrasounds) we only have one tech in the office. So after i said yes you are the one who did my other ones she literally like tried to get the dates more acurate to what she desided in early scans. Finally she got the baby measuring 30 weeks After the 9th time of trying ( i saw her not measure completely from one side to the other.) She could not get the amniotic fluid to go down any. My average of that was 25. So high. So Now i dont know what to think. Why do i have alot of fluid? What does it mean to have the baby measuring so far ahead and should i mention about her changing measurments? She was also weighing 3lb 5 oz already. IDK i just dont know what to think. I am soo worried about maybe needing a csection because of her being breech and its starting to get late for turning. She told me that anyone that she sees around 30 weeks usually continues to have a breech baby. :nope: Then i asked if she could get some good pics but she couldnt with her being breech and she was still facing to the side. What would you ladies do?

Jonathan went to sleep last night at like 930 finally. He is refusing to take his antibiotics he keeps spitting it out. Then he woke up at 1 and didnt go back to sleep until 330. Then woke at 7.Crying almost the whole time. I know is ear is bothering him with his ear infection. So i called into work today because i couldnt send him to daycare like that. I really hope we all have a better sleep tonight.
Most babies don't flip until 30-32 weeks so I wouldn't worry. In any case having a breech baby doesn't mean a c-section, its still possible to deliver safely.
tested with a boots own brand this morning defently a :bfp:
thank you ladies :happydance:

I was so worried it was take 2 years again, I can't believe it's happened on my first cycle of actively trying :D
Congratulations Steph! That's fantastic that it only took you one go this time :flower:

Glad to hear you're feeling better Rachel!

Logan I'm amazed that you're 15 weeks, where is the time going?! In some ways it feels like its going slowly but I can't believe I'm nearly at my due date. Glad your babies are feeling a bit better thanks to the medicine. I always find it a nightmare to get medicine into Noah, it's like he knows when I get the bottle out of the cupboard :dohh:

Jordyn that's really weird and a little worrying :nope: You don't want to keep having these episodes and wondering if you need to go to the hospital. It kind of sounds like your body is gearing up for labour, I'd hope that he stays in longer. Take it easy, it might be that more activity sparks it off so resting when you can is a good idea :hugs:

Hmm Stacey, I wouldn't be worried that baby is breech at this point to be honest. I really don't think the tech should have said that most breech babies at this point remain breech, it's not true, plenty of them turn head down later on. Plus there are things you can try, for example that spinning babies website, acupuncture. And as skadi says you can deliver a breech baby vaginally. I know that if it were me and Milo was breech at delivery I would attempt to deliver vaginally. As for estimating weight, I really don't put much stock in it - I've heard so many times that docs have estimated weight and got it wildly wrong.

The fluid thing - I'm not sure on that one. Did the tech seem concerned?

Thanks ladies, we're relieved that everything is finally coming together, although of course it would be all at once! Just hoping that Milo isn't late. Oh the difference between a flat and a house - a flat is an apartment basically. At the moment I have to get Noah up the stairs to our flat every day, as well as shopping etc and its driving me nuts, I'm far too big for it these days!
Steph, I can't believe that your due date will be your son's birthday. How crazy will it be if they end up actually being born on the same day! It happened to my aunt. She had two kids 12 years apart, and both were born on Nov 1st. :flower:

Stacey, I think that's a little weird that your ultrasound tech was fudging the measurements to get them as close to your EDD as possible. Sounds odd. As for the fluid, I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. I'm measuring big, but my fluid is actually a little low, only 10.4, when they want between 10-20. I don't think it should be too much of a problem that yours is a little high, except I think it can mean that your water might break a little early if it gets to be too much. (Don't quote me on that, though). I hope your little girl flips over, but like Vanessa said, there's still plenty of time. Some babies flip as late as 36 or 37 weeks. :thumbup:

Vanessa, I feel like my body may be gearing up for labor, and the feeling that he'll be a little early is getting stronger. Of course, he may just sit tight until the due date, too. Who knows? :shrug: But I did start dilating early last time, and I figure that if I dilate the same this time, too, then a bout of contractions are more likely to trigger actual labor, right?
Steph, I can't believe that your due date will be your son's birthday. How crazy will it be if they end up actually being born on the same day! It happened to my aunt. She had two kids 12 years apart, and both were born on Nov 1st. :flower:

Stacey, I think that's a little weird that your ultrasound tech was fudging the measurements to get them as close to your EDD as possible. Sounds odd. As for the fluid, I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. I'm measuring big, but my fluid is actually a little low, only 10.4, when they want between 10-20. I don't think it should be too much of a problem that yours is a little high, except I think it can mean that your water might break a little early if it gets to be too much. (Don't quote me on that, though). I hope your little girl flips over, but like Vanessa said, there's still plenty of time. Some babies flip as late as 36 or 37 weeks. :thumbup:

Vanessa, I feel like my body may be gearing up for labor, and the feeling that he'll be a little early is getting stronger. Of course, he may just sit tight until the due date, too. Who knows? :shrug: But I did start dilating early last time, and I figure that if I dilate the same this time, too, then a bout of contractions are more likely to trigger actual labor, right?

That would be pretty cool, chances are it won't happen :( I don't think they will let me go full term due to only having james 4 months ago and it beening a C-section plus him having IUGR. It would be nice. and it defently brought me some luck having the due date the same day as James's birthday
That would be pretty cool, chances are it won't happen :( I don't think they will let me go full term due to only having james 4 months ago and it beening a C-section plus him having IUGR. It would be nice. and it defently brought me some luck having the due date the same day as James's birthday

Alia had IUGR, too, so this time around you'll probably have a growth scan in the third trimester to check on growth, like me. In my case, baby #2 definitely isn't IUGR, so you never know! :thumbup:
That would be pretty cool, chances are it won't happen :( I don't think they will let me go full term due to only having james 4 months ago and it beening a C-section plus him having IUGR. It would be nice. and it defently brought me some luck having the due date the same day as James's birthday

Alia had IUGR, too, so this time around you'll probably have a growth scan in the third trimester to check on growth, like me. In my case, baby #2 definitely isn't IUGR, so you never know! :thumbup:

I like the idea of an extra scan hehe. my HV told me yesterday that because I am a shortie i'll most likely always have small babies
Yay, Steph! That's so excited! And how fun to have the due date on James' birthday! Congrats! And I understand being totally surprised by how quickly you got pregnant this time around. Took us just over a year to conceive the first time and only two tries each other pregnancy! I guess our bodies were just like, "Oh, we're doing this again? Okay, here we go!" :)

Stacey, I agree with everyone else; don't be too worried about baby being breech at this point. I had a friend just recently had a successful external version at 36-37 weeks and had a vaginal birth after that. So, you never know. And a bigger baby doesn't always mean a c-section, so I wouldn't fret about that either. And sorry Jonathan isn't taking the antibiotics. Poor little guy. Hope he feel better soon!

And Logan, I think I misspoke about your whole house being sick. I'm glad it's just your kids, but man that would be tiring. I really do hope they recover well and soon. :) And 15 weeks?! I agree; it feels like yesterday you were trying.

Speaking of ear infections... Guess whose inner ears are inflamed and who also has a sinus infection? Yep, it's me. Boooo. I did end up staying home yesterday from work, since Daniel was feeling extra crummy (and to be honest, I was too). We all went to our family doctor and he listened to all our chests and checked mine and Ozzy's ears. The good news is, Ozzy is just fine. :) But Daniel has a slight case of bronchitis and as mentioned, I have sinusitis and inflamed ears. Blech. So now I'm on antibiotics and also doing ear drops.

What I'm wondering about the antibiotics is will they affect my GBS test that I'm taking in a week and a half? I'd hate to have GBS now, have the antibiotics take it away temporarily and then it recolonize before labour. From what little I've read, oral antibiotics don't necessarily kill "external" bacteria (which is where GBS lives). Anyway, I'll just have to mention it to my doctor and see what they say. Maybe they'll delay the test? I guess I'm just super curious how they'll proceed!
Rachel, I would assume that if the antibiotics affect the GBS test, then they would delay giving it to you until the antibiotics were cleared out of your system. But like you said, if the antibiotics aren't supposed to clear out external bacteria, then you're probably fine. Did you have GBS with Ozzy?

I'm sorry to hear that you and your DH are sick! :( Seems like a lot of sickness going around. Remember when I said that I had that bad cough a few weeks ago? Well, it's not nearly as bad as it was, but it just won't go away! And the fact that I have to brace myself for every cough so that I don't pee myself is getting really old :growlmad: :dohh:

But on a more positive note, we got our double stroller the other day! We got the Baby Trend Sit n' Stand stroller with the back seat attachment, since Alia isn't quite old enough for the bench or standing. We got it used for $80, which is pretty good, considering that they're about $160 new. :flower:


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Thanks everyone its a relief to hear that maybe i dont have to worry yet about lil miss staying breech. I dont really to much about her weight either but i worry about the measurements. It would make more sense if she was around 32 weeks or so because of how soon i got my bfp. According to them i would have gotton my very clear positive at like 5 days before they though i concieved. Witch is not possible. I was always measuring big and i dont know if i mentioned on this thread that at my 3d ultrasound the guy told me that she had very good ffeatures and looks like she may be alittle further then my edd. He doesnt measure there though because he doesnt want any issues with the original docs. BUt he is a tech in a bigger place. So also knows what he is talking about. And has been doing 3ds for 15 years. So knows what to look for and such. idk i will ask my doc and see what he says. Also i know too that having more than average amniotic fluid may lead to premature water breaking. My mom had this with my sister. Her water broke at 35 weeks with her. But who knows? The good news is that my placenta has moved up and is not covering my cervix anymore but the bad new is that the area that was covering my cerivix is not connected to my uterus if that makes sense. So doc may put me on lifting restrictions witch is not good for the type of work i do....

steph that is soo cool that james birthday is your edd. I agree with Jordyn you should be getting extra scans to make sure baby is growing on track. Are you planning on finding out the gender. Is there a certain gender your hopeing for?

Jordyn: That is scary trying to figure out if those are real contractions or just bh. I hope Liam desides to stay in until term at least! Maybe you are right its just your body getting prepared! I love the stoller. I am thinking about getting a double stroller but cant deside. It might be nice when lil miss gets bigger and i dont want to put her on my belling anymore but well see. Maybe jonathan will enjoy walking by that time. Im sorry that you are not getting over that caugh. I understand as well about the peeing haha everytime i sneeze or caugh or laugh to hard i have to focus to not pee alittle haha

Rachel: I have no idea if the antibiotics would affect the test or not. I would just let your doc know that you are on them and if they thought it would affect the results. Im sorry that you and your dh are feeling ill. At least ozzy is perfect!
Jordyn, that stroller looks perfect. And what a great deal! That sucks that your cough is hanging around for that long. I totally hear you about bracing yourself before each cough! I have to do the same thing!!!

Yes, I was GBS pos with Ozzy so had IV antibiotics during labour. I was annoyed by it at first, but once labour really set in I didn't even notice the IV, so I really won't mind if I'm pos this time too.

Stacey, it sounds like maybe they got the original u/s measurements wrong? That's good your cervix is nice and high now, and I hope you don't have to have any lifting restrictions either.

Well, we've got family dentist appointments booked for this afternoon. I'll be skipping the x-rays, obviously, and Ozzy will basically just sit in the chair and probably won't let them even look in his mouth. So, it should be a pretty short appointment! :)
Rachel, DH and I just had dentist appointments on Wednesday. DH got off scott-free, but I had a tiny cavity, and also need my wisdom teeth removed, so they'll take care of both after Liam gets here. We weren't sure when to start having Alia see the dentist, so maybe we'll do that at our next 6 month check up, when she's almost 2.
steph that is soo cool that james birthday is your edd. I agree with Jordyn you should be getting extra scans to make sure baby is growing on track. Are you planning on finding out the gender. Is there a certain gender your hopeing for?

I am hoping I will do. I will be yea I am impatient and like knowing what I am having, I don't mind I have no preference it would be nice to have a little girl because i'd have one of each but on they other hand it would be nice to have another boy so James has a brother to play with
Well I was the one who got off scott-free at the dentist today! Danielle (our very nice hygienist) says I have very good oral hygiene. Go me! Never got that comment growing up, so I was pretty darn proud of myself. Ha! Daniel has several small cavities and a chipped tooth, so he'll be going back for a few more appointments as well. My insurance doesn't cover very much per year, though, so it could end up getting expensive. I told Daniel he needs to start flossing every day!

Ozzy's visit wasn't really worth it. He sat in the chair, the dentist came over and looked at his teeth, asked if I had any questions (I didn't really have any), they gave him a toothbrush, and that was that! I guess at this age, it's mostly about getting them used to it. :shrug: But they charged $30.60 just for that little "chair ride" as the receptionist called it. (We only paid $7.92 because of insurance, but still... That's $31.68 off of our co-pay for the year). Anyway, Ozzy was a champ and didn't get scared or anything. He even gave the dentist a high-five after. :)
Jordyn: I am sorry that you had a cavity at your dentist apointment. Wow i cant believe you still have your wisdom teeth. You know i find it soo funny when adults have there teeth still maybe because i got mine pulled when i was 16. lol But my dh still has his. He has one tooth that started to grow in years ago but the others havnt made there appearance yet lol. Our dentist told us to make an apointment for jonathan just to get them used to going to the dentist. So i think its a good idea to take Alia when you guys go again

Rachel: That is great that you got off scott free at your dentist apointment!!! Aww your poor oh. I hope he takes it ok. My dh is scared to death of the dentist. I think thats great that you took Ozzy! That way he gets used to it. Plus he got a new tooth brush lol. But your telling me 30 bucks down the drain.

Did i tell you ladies that i went to the dentist for the first time in 7 years in april. I cant remember if i did or not. I had not one cavity or anything that needed to get fixed. I was very proud of myself. lol. Natalia has her surgery on july 18th to get her teeth fixed! Im so nervouse to watch her get put to sleep. My poor little girl.

I will be cleaning the house today. My grandparents are in town and will come up in the morning.I havnt seen them in 4 years. So im kinda exited to see them! They travel all around going into mexico up to canada and alaska. Its soo cool. lol I hope when i retire i can travel as well!!
Rachel, that's great that you didn't have any cavities! And that's also great that Ozzy did so well. Alia immediately bites if you try to put your fingers in her mouth, so hopefully she'll get past that by the time we take her to the dentist, because other wise the dentist is going to have a bit of trouble getting in there! :dohh:

Stacey, I'm glad you get to spend time with your grandparents. Mine live in Arizona, so I only see them occasionally, but my grandma is one of those "with-it" old people when it comes to technology, so she's on facebook and emails every now and then, so I still feel like I get to talk to her often. As for Natalia, you'll have to let us know how her surgery goes. Poor kid. :(

I am so sick of getting consistent contractions. I mean, they're not always painful like they were earlier this week, but it happens often. Like last night, they were coming every 7 minutes for almost three hours, and then stopped sometime after I went to bed. I have my 36 week appointment this Thursday, and if I'm not at least 2cm dilated, I'm going to be very unhappy, because that will mean that these contractions really serve no purpose other than to annoy me.
Aww, Jordyn, I sure hope you're dilated by now. I'll be 36 weeks by the time my next appointment rolls around, so I wonder if they'll check my cervix. I doubt I'm dilated, though. Jimmy still feels really high up compared to where Ozzy was at this point. Can you feel Liam putting pressure on you way down low?

And I was shocked Ozzy didn't bite the dentist! He bites us sometimes too (okay, most of the time) when we look in his mouth. I think it helped that he had been watching Daniel get his teeth looked at and cleaned just before he hopped in the chair and the dentist came over. I think he understood a bit more about what was going on that way.

Daniel's pretty okay with going to the dentist, which is good. I just recently heard on the radio about a study that found that kids are more likely to be scared to go to the dentist if their dad is. Mom apparently doesn't have as much influence on that, not sure why. And 16 seems early to get wisdom teeth out! Mine had to come out when I was around 20, but I only had one, so it wasn't that bad. I had them put me under, though. I was not going to mess around with just plain old local anesthetic!

Stacey, I'm impressed you did so well at the dentist after 7 years! These cavities of Daniel's showed up after not going for just 2 years.

And I'm sure Natalia will do just fine with the surgery, but I completely understand your being nervous! And have fun cleaning the house and visiting with your grandparents! I agree, I'd love to just travel when I get to that point in life. :)
Wow all these trips to the dentist, makes me feel bad that I haven't been in ages :blush: To be fair I need to find a new one because I don't like the one I have, the practice changed hands and I wasn't keen on the new dentist. But I am pretty good about flossing etc and I have never had to have fillings. I did have to have my wisdom teeth removed as well though. They had to do that in hospital under general anaesthetic because the roots curved underneath my other teeth :dohh: It was not the nicest experience but needs must.

Aw Stacey that's so lovely that you get to see your grandparents after so long! I do miss mine, my nanny passed away just over a year ago now and my grandad passed away about four years ago. Can't put a price on loving grandparents :flower: Really hope all goes well with Natalia's surgery!

Jordyn I hope these contractions you keep having are doing something :thumbup: We don't have cervix checks in the uk so I have no clue if anything is happening down there yet. But I think for myself personally its probably better if I don't know, ignorance is bliss and all that :haha: You did make me laugh about the coughing thing, every time I sneeze I have to brace myself to avoid a bit of pee too :blush:

That's great that Ozzy did so well at the dentist Rachel! I keep wondering when we should start taking Noah. I don't want him building up a fear of it. I went every six months when I was a kid and was very relaxed about it, it doesn't bother me at all. So hoping I can get Noah feeling the same.

Well I'm full term today ladies! Can't quite believe it. I'm now happy for Milo to make his appearance, I had to be full term for them to allow me to have my home birth so it's all systems go. We started packing this weekend and went through all of the baby clothes we have, it's crazy how much we have. Just prepared a bag for Milo of babygros, blankets, sheets, a sling and nappies, and I cannot believe how small the clothes are! So weird that Noah used to fit into them.

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