anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Jordyn: That is cool that your grandma has facebook lol i asked mine today if thye text at all and they laughed at me lol. Jonathan also bites us anytime we put our fingers in his mouth but i dont think he will do the same when others do. the docs can look in his mouth with a problem lol. I really hope these contractions have done something to help start dialating as well!!!

Rachel: Thats really good that your dh isnt scared of the dentist. That means he should have no problems getting his teeth fixed. I had to get my wisdom teeth pulled at 16 because that is when they grew in. THey started growing in when i was 15 and got pulled during my spring break when i was 16 after xrays showed them growing under my other teeth.

Vanessa: I really hope you get the home birth you want CONGRATS on full term!!! I cant believe you are full term already!

Ladies we have to make promises that when all of our babies are born we will still come back on this thread. with birth anouncments and pics!!! ok

Well it was soo nice to see my grandparents. They are doing great. I do really miss them. But its nice to see that they are soo happy. My kids are doing better too. Jonathans ears havnt seem to be bothering him so that makes everyones lifes better. I am trying to figure out when i want to go on materninty leave. I am already so tired i just wanna stay home. Epecially after work i feel like im the monster on this earth because im in such a bad mood for being soo tired.

Also those you who really tried to breastfeed and failed what are you going to try to do different this time? I really really want to be successfull at breastfeeding this time and just am starting to think what can i do to help now lol you know. So i was curiouse on what you ladies are doing? Or any advice
Full term! That's awesome, Vanessa! That came so quickly! And that you're packing already. As long and drawn out as the house/flat sale was, that seems quick too. And I know what you mean about the tiny clothes and diapers. I keep wondering what it'll be like to have a tiny baby like that again, and I just can't seem to wrap my head around it yet!

Stacey, I definitely plan to come back to this thread. Especially since we'll most likely be NTNP for a while after Jimmy's born. :) And as for the breastfeeding, I'd be happy to offer any advice and support. Ozzy got the hang of it pretty quickly; the nurses made sure he started feeding within an hour of being born and I got a call from a public health nurse within a few days of going home and she asked a bunch of questions and offered a ton of advice. So, I'd be happy to help if you run into trouble again. The biggest advice I'd give up front is to make sure you try it within a few hours of baby being born. And if there's any sort of breastfeeding coach or lactation specialist available, take full advantage of it!
Rachel: I would really appreciate any advice. WHen i was bf natalia i just gave up after a week because well i was 18 and i think inmature at the moment and just wanted the easy way out. But with jonathan i really tried. I tried and tried. When he was born he was 7lbs8oz and when we left he was 7lbs 2 oz by his one week apointment he was 6 lbs 9 oz or something like that i cant remember exactly. By his two week apointment he was back up to 7 lbs. so FINALLY showed a weight gain. But the docs and nurses started freaking out because by two weeks he should have been back up to his birth weight not even realizing that he was finally gaining. They had me going to the doc everyday for hours at a time so they can watch me feed him. Weigh him and feed him again. They even had me come in on a sat when the place was closed. I was getting so frustrated that i had to take my newborn out everday in mid january when its freezing out so they can just do the same thing. My daughter was getting left at home with my mom instead of spending the time with me and her new brother. Finally i gave in and gave him some formula so that he showed some kind of weight gain that they were happy with. After that it was very difficult to go back and forth between the bottle and breast. I started exclusivley pumping for him. That lasted 8 weeks until i went back to work.

This time i just want to tell the freaking nurses that if they have conserns with feeding and such they can come to my house. I am not going to go out of my house everyday for hours to be uncomfortable trying to feed. Does that make sense? idk i just really really wanna be successfull. Nothing would make me feel better than to know that i have provided the life and milk neccasarry for my baby and nothing artificial. So yes any advice or help would be great. How do you keep your milk supply up? Did you every pump? And when did your milk come in fully?
Makes perfect sense to not want to go out every day with a newborn like that! If you can get them to come to your or just do it over the phone, that sounds like a much better option.

And I didn't have any issues with supply, so I guess I was lucky that way. (I actually felt I had too much milk at times.) My milk came in around day 3, if I recall correctly. Until then, feeding were pretty short and frequent.
Vanessa, congrats on hitting full-term! I can't wait to get there so that I can start trying to evict this little boy! I am soooo done with being pregnant now. I don't think it was this bad with Alia at the end (but maybe I just forgot). As for packing, DH and I still need to get our hospital bag together. We meant to last night, but we forgot again. :dohh:

Rachel, I *think* Liam is sitting low, but Alia never engaged until labor, so I don't have much experience with "dropped" babies. I do get pressure and occasional pains down below, though. I plan on asking my OB at my appointment this week, though, so I'll find out then. Also, that's an interesting study about kid's being afraid of the dentist if their dads are. Luckily for me, I'm the chicken and my DH has no problems with it. :winkwink:

Stacey, I also want to do better with breastfeeding this time. Last time I was able to feed Alia for 4 weeks before my supply started to drop and I had to start supplementing with formula, and by 8 weeks I was completely dry. I'm hoping that part of my supply issues were because she was so little and couldn't eat much in a single sitting, because otherwise, I don't know why it will be any better this time around. I'm going to try drinking more water this time around, though, because I don't think I was drinking enough last time.
rachel, jordyn: I dont know if my supply went down because when i introduced the formula and when i started just pumping. When i first started pumping i was able to get like 3 oz at least out of each breast ( witch was great for one bottle at the time) so that was two bottles there. But then ssurely and slowy my supply just started going down. And by the time i was done i was only able to get out 2 oz period. I tried eating outmeal and drinking this tea called mothers milk that is supposed to help you with your milk supply.. I just pray and pray that i can be successfull this time. And yes i will not be taking my child out everday again this time. If they are conserned then they can come to my house. I have already told the pediatriction this and the darn nurses. I even told my dh i might stay another day in the hospital just so i can have that extra time with one on one with my lil miss and try to establish latch and stuff alittle more before i go home.

oh jordyn wanted to add that i hear your second plus babies engage earlier then your first for sure. Jonathan engaged around 32 weeks. So im sure Liam is engaged too. xx

I wonder where heather has been?
Thanks ladies, I'm delighted to be 37 weeks! Jordyn I'm also kind of trying to evict Milo, in a nice gentle way of course. So doing the raspberry leaf tea and evening primrose oil, plus going to do acupuncture from next week. None of it will work unless he is ready which is fine, but I reckon a helping hand wouldn't go amiss! If he's a bit early it means his arrival won't impact so much on the house move so that would be great. Of course it probably means he'll be two weeks late :dohh:

Stacey I also didn't do so well with breastfeeding last time and I really want to make a go of it this time. I found it very stressful but I think that was in part due to everything going on with my parents and I couldn't cope with it all, so breastfeeding was the thing to give. I also think I was naive and didn't realise the things I could have done to improve the situation. For instance I got so engorged that Noah couldn't latch at all, but I didn't know that was the problem, I just thought we were failing :nope: Now I know I could have expressed a little to ease the pressure or tried a nipple shield. And I found it quite painful - again I could have used nipple shields to give my nipples a chance to recover.

This time I feel a lot wiser and I don't have the added stress in my life so I'm hopeful. If it doesn't work again I won't beat myself up like I did last time because Noah has thrived so I know it's not the end of the world. But I would very much like to have the proper breastfeeding experience :flower:
Happy term Pie.. :)

Been busy momma here.. my kids are finally getting better as am I.. been busy getting ready for vacation this weekend too..

I plan to try bfing as well.. im nervous about it cuz I haven't done it with either of my other 2.. but time will tell.. no big deal either way..
Well, it's good to know that none of us are alone with the whole breastfeeding thing, and that we can all be here to support each other in a no-pressure environment. Vanessa, I also found it extremely painful, so much that I would cry every time Alia latched on, and my nipples always seemed to be cracked and on verge of bleeding. Maybe I ought to try a nipple shield this time, too.

Logan I'm glad to hear that you and your kids are starting to feel better, and Stacey, I'm glad that Jonathon is getting better, too. It's so hard having sick babies.

Vanessa, I hope Milo cooperates and makes an early appearance for you, especially if it will help with the moving situation. :thumbup:
I've been a bit MIA the past few days! DH was out of town on business Thursday till yesterday so I was playing single mommy for a few days and that kept me super busy! :wacko: as well as work being super busy now and training my replacement while I'm on maternity leave I've been a crazy person.

All this dentist talk has me curious if I should take Sam sooner rather than later. I was kinda waiting till he turned 2 to take him though since right now I don't think they will really do much of anything. I'll have to ask the pediatrician what they think, maybe.

Congrats on being full-term, Vanessa :thumbup: hopefully Milo will make his appearance sooner rather than later. :flower:

Jordyn, I can't wait to hear if you've made any progress with Liam thus far! I don't think they will check me this time since I'm gonna just get a c section at 39 weeks but I think if I ask they might. :shrug:

Logan, where are you going on vacation? I'm glad to hear you and your kiddos are feeling better :flower:

Rachel, glad to hear the dentist appointment went well and that Ozzy was a brave boy!

Stacey, I too plan to try harder to breast feed this time around. With Sam he never had a good latch and between him and I getting frustrated I gave up and just pumped till he was 4 months old to have enough stored up for him till he was 8 months. I know this time I won't have the time or energy to pump for Ben so I wanna try my hardest to feed him from me and pump here and there. I also plan to ask the lactation nurse for more help this time too.

I also plan to return to this thread after Ben is born as we will most likely try for #3 before he is 1.

As for me, I had a doctors appointment this morning and everything seems to be going well. I scheduled my c section for August 8th. Hopefully he hangs tight till then since DH will be traveling again end of July! I haven't gained any weight according to their scale but she didn't mention it as a problem so I guess it's okay. I didn't even think to ask as I was more concerned with her calming my fears of a repeat c section. She told me to stop googling :dohh: :blush:
Logan: I am soo glad to hear that you and your kids are feeling better! Where are you going on vacation. I hope you have a great time.

Vanessa: I like your point about if you dont master bf this time then you wont stress to much about it. As you are right Noah has thrived just fine. As have Natalia and JOnathan so i guess i shouldnt beat myself up about it either. I really hope that Milo doesnt deside to wait to long before making his presence!!

Jordyn: You know i never even heard of nipple shields until a few months ago. Do we even have them here in the states? If so i should invest in some. I remember last time too i would cry everytime jonathan would latch onto my right breast. My nipple was soo cracked and bleeding and swollen omg i just cry thinking about the pain lol. It is very nice that on this thread we can feel relaxed to talk about bf and not get alot of crap for not ddoing it. I was soo tired of hearing that if you would have just tried harder and if you would have just done this bla bla bla....

Heather: WOw how was it being a single mom for alittle while without inlaws? lol Wow i cant believe that you are training your replacement. That really means you will be leaving shortly. Did you deside when you are acually going to start maternity leave. Oh and did you ever ask about the paid part of it?

I wouldnt worrie about not gaining any weight. I heard that last few weeks there are alot of people who dont gain any weight and sometimes even lose weight.

Aug 8th that is great that you have your csection planned. That is even more exiting!!!

I think taking Sam to the dentist at 2 is fine. My niece went when she was three and checked out perfect. Wasnt even scared lol. I think what happend to natalia is just luck. Its not to commen. Her teeth are just wicked close together. I mean who is honestly going to think to floss a 3 year olds mouth you know?

Today we went into the valley and went shopping. I think i might have found my lil miss's coming home outfit. I will post a pic of it when i take one but it says little sister on it and comes with a onsie and like leggens its very cute. I also bought new pans today!!! i felt like a kid on christmas trying to deside which ones i wanted to by. They are soo new and clean i dont wanna cook in them haha. Well back to work tomorrow for the next three days. I really hope it goes by fast.. I tel you something waking up at 5 am on those days and not going to bed until 11pm really gets to you lol.
Thanks ladies... were going to the Wisconsin dells.. waterparks.. should be fun for the kids.. :) and us nice little break for 3 nights..

I cant believe how far you all are now.. cant believe im almost 16 weeks at that.. lol

Super excited though.. one month and I will be half way.. :)

As for bfing.. I plan to at least try.. last baby last time I have to try.. :)
Logan: That sounds like soo much fun!! I hope you have a great time!!
Logan, I hope you and your family have a great time on your vacation! :thumbup: And you're right, only one more month until you're half way! It's going so fast! I just wish the last part of my pregnancy would go a little faster. :dohh:

Stacey, I can't wait to see your little girl's going home outfit! Have you guys narrowed down a few names that you like, yet? As for nipple shields, we do have them here in the US. I know you can find them in the baby care isle (like where the breast pumps are at) at stores like Target and Wal-Mart. A good friend of mine had to use one with her baby, but eventually transitioned him to feeding without one. Also, I had a friend tell me that she had a lactation consultant give her some gel to put on her nipples at night to heal them, and my friend said that it worked miracles. It's called Vigilon, and she said I might be able to find it at a hospital supply store, although I haven't looked for it yet. I might try looking online.

I love Alia to death, but today she woke up extra early, and then gagged herself and threw up the breakfast I painstakingly got her to eat. Not a good morning. :(
Stacey, I talked to my doctor yesterday about maternity leave and she said as long as you pay into disability on your checks every month you are entitled to maternity leave. But everything is filed online so I have to kinda figure that part out still. So if you get paid and they take out taxes/disability, etc every week/month you should be able to get maternity leave.

As for being a single mommy for a few days...that was hard to say the least. Not impossible but what made it really difficult was that I had to wake up earlier than usual to get ready and then get Sam up and ready and drop him off at daycare and then pick him up too! :wacko: I don't work weekends so Saturday and Sunday was a breeze but to work and take care of him and myself 100% is hard! I joked with DH that even if I hated him I probably wouldn't divorce him for the pure fact that I would have to do it all alone! :haha:

I am gonna try to work until the very end...probably until August 2nd, maybe even the 6th if I can. Though lately my back has really been killing me so I plan to play it by ear. I have to work at least 2 more weeks before I would get paid before taking off though.

That's great that you found the going home outfit...I can't wait to see it! I was going through all of the boys things last night and my head is spinning thinking about where I'm gonna put it all! I really need to get organized seeing as how he will be here in 6 weeks! :wacko:

Logan, I hope you have a good vacation! :thumbup: I've heard of the Wisconsin looks like a ton of fun!
Jordyn, sorry that Alia woke up early and is having a rough time this morning. Hopefully she has a better afternoon for you :hugs:

Sam had a bit of a rough night last night; waking up crying at 12:40 for no good reason! I usually let him cry himself back to sleep but after 20 minutes I know DH was getting frustrated since he couldn't fall back to sleep so I went him to calm him...I think he just wanted cuddles :cloud9: but all the while I am I gonna handle two in the middle of the night like this! :wacko:
Heather, I felt the same way this morning. I was thinking, "Oh man, if an early wake up throws me off this much, how am I going to handle the sleepless nights of a newborn again?" And Alia was up crying around midnight, too, the other night and I had to go in and comfort her. Except, when I put her back in the crib she flipped out and screamed so much worse than she had been before I picked her up. But unlike your DH, mine just slept through it all. :dohh:
I can't remember what you had decided to do with Liam when he comes home...will he sleep in your guys room for a bit before putting him with Alia?
Yep, he'll be in our room for a while. And then we might put him in the crib that the in-laws have in their laundry room, and just use to monitor, but that will only work until it gets cold, because there's no heating vent in that room. Probably at that point, we'll try putting them together, and hopefully Liam will be sleeping for longer chunks by then. *Fingers crossed he's a better sleeper than Alia was*
That's a good plan! :thumbup: We are swapping rooms with Sam in the next few weeks since ours is bigger and that way Ben and Sam can share a room without being cramped but I already told DH if Ben is waking Sam up every night and Sam can't adjust to having him in there crying we are having him in our room for a few months. I really hope that Sam learns to sleep through it otherwise I feel like I'm gonna be cuddling with 2 babies in the middle of the night and going back to work after 8 weeks is gonna be hard with hardly any sleep!

I hope that Liam is a better sleeper for you, Jordyn! Sam has always been pretty good I'm praying that Ben follows suit!

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