anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Stacey, I love your bump! And those outfits are super cute!!! Makes me really want a little girl someday!
I can't believe how fast everyone's pregnancies seem to be going. So excited, I can't wait to see more babies arrive! :D
jordyn: That is why i chose both outfits lol. Sept or end of aug i hope are wierd months witch mean it could by like kinda rainy and chily or it can still be scortching outside so it all depends on the weather! Thank you i am happy to finally reach 30 weeks lol. I just bought this shirt. I bought it a large since im normally a medium or small. But this one fits GREAT over my bump. I dont own any maternity shirts or pants lol.

Rachel: Thank you very much. Having little girls are great but soo are having little boys. For me i feel like girls are easier but i think that has to do with girls are not as attached to their mommy. At least natalia. SHe is deff a daddys girl. But with jonathan all he wants is mommy mommmy mommy. Today he has refused to take a nap it is now 510 pm because i think he thinks if he goes to sleep he will wake up to me gone. haha. But like i said i kinda wanted another boy but its ok. DH wants to try for one more! So well see if we will try specifically for a boy this time lol

Skadi: I cant believe that you are already 15 weeks. Just 5 more weeks and you get to know the gender!!! I guess i should say are you going to find out the gender lol

Well ladies so my dh is the sweetest guy today. He came home from work and suprised me with a window air conditioner!!!! I have been sweating like crazy because its been almost 90 in the house. I havnt been sleeping at night so this could have been part of my emotional problem. But it was very sweeet of him. Now i just cant wait to sleep so finally i can get a good nights sleep!!!! lol.
Stacey, what a perfect bump! You're all baby! :thumbup: I love both the outfits you have for your little miss. Little girl clothes are so cute! Are you gonna put all those cute headband bows in her hair? If I ever have a girl she will have one on daily :haha: If you guys try once more for a boy, will you wait for a bigger age gap? Or do another close one?

Logan, I hope you have a great vacation and get lots of rest/relaxation as well as have fun with your family. :flower:

Skadi, I can't believe how fast your pregnancy is going! :wacko: I hope you're feeling better lately.

As for me, Sam came down with a fever yesterday afternoon at daycare and still had one this morning when he woke up so I just took him to work with me for a few hours while DH went into work and then he came to pick him up around 9am. He seems to be feeling better now thankfully and back to normal so I think it was just a 24 hour thing.

We have it really hot here so just trying to stay cool. Probably to swimming this weekend!
Heather: Thank you it is great to hear that about my bump. You would never guess i weigh the same right now as i did when jonathan was born.... Weird. But i am having alot of swelling this time around. I will of corse have bows for her hair lol. I already have them. Natalia always had headbands until she was like 2 or so then she started to really hate them.

a few pics of my natalia lol



Im sorry to hear that sam had a fever but i am very happy that he seems to be doing better!! Swimming sounds amazing right now lol. Boy do i miss my parents house where i would go swimming all the time lol
Stacey, Natalia is such a doll! :flower: I really hope one day we will get a little girl of our own one day.

How much have you gained so far? You said you didn't gain much with Jonathan, if I remember right? I'm sorry you're swelling, I never did with Sam and haven't this time either yet and kinda doubt I will. Or so I hope :winkwink:
i have gained 18 lbs soo far. I gained 22 with jonathan but started out a bit heavier this time. I weighed 166 when i gave birth to jonathan and now i am like 165 as of this morning. I had no swelling with jonathan but had alot with natalia as well... Its awful and in this heat doesnt help at all lol

Thank you i miss her being soo little lol. I will send girl dust your way when you start ttc again if you send boy dust my way lol
Stacey, that's great that you're only 165! At least to me. I currently weigh 187. :shock: :blush: I feel huge! I've also had some swelling, mostly in my hands and feet, I think.

Natalia is gorgeous! I also loved putting bows on Alia, but she started taking them off when she was about 10 months old, which was a bummer. I'll attach a few pictures of her in her bows. :flower:

Heather, I'm sorry to hear that Sam wasn't feeling good, but I'm glad that he seems to be getting over it fast.

Skadi, I agree with the others, your pregnancy seems to be flying by! Quicker than mine, anyhow. :winkwink: How is your MS?

As for me, I'm doing good. Just twiddling my thumbs, wondering how much longer I'll have until this little boy makes his appearance. I found a bit of mucous plug when I went to the bathroom today (sorry for the TMI), and it just reminds me how close I'm getting! :flower:


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Stacey, 18lbs isn't bad thus far. I'm up 18 also as of this morning. I really haven't had much of an appetite lately though with the heat so I think that has a little bit to do with it. I'm so ready to meet this little guy. The heat is unbearable! :wacko: we are supposed to be almost 110 the next 4 days! :nope:

Jordyn, I love the pictures of Alia in her bows! :cloud9: really makes me wants girl!

We played in the in the water this morning outside and now just going to run a few errands before Sam naps! Then to go swimming. Yay! :happydance:
aww Jordyn i love those pics of Alia! SHe looks soo preciouse lol. All of these pics and talk about bows is making me exited for my little miss to get here. Gosh i wish my husband can deside on a name! lol As for the weight. Dont worrie it will come off. I was that weight at like 30 weeks pregnant with natalia so you are doing great! The last pic i saw of you, you are all baby so i blame some weight on the swelling. I too have it in my feet and hands. My feet are awful you should see them when i get home from work. I can barley get my tennies off let alone my socks lol

Heather: 18lbs is great. Remember when you first got pregnant you where worried because you gained alittle more with sam. And i told you dont worry it wont happen again!! You sound like you are right on track and again with your pic you look like all baby and i very nice bump!! Wow that is hot!! It is raining here now so it feels soo good and all the windows are open trying to cool the house down! ( its saterday so of corse im cleaning house today lol)

Well last night the house stayed at 73 with the air conditioner and guess what i was still sweating like a dog. My dh got up at 3am or so to turn it off because he and my kiddos where cold and i told him feel my face i litterally had sweat coming off my face and head. So again not a great nights sleep for me. Jonathan skipped his nap all day yesterday i tried like 5 time to put him to sleep but he just wouldnt. But after the shower and story he was out like a light at 7 pm. Slept until 9 am. My poor baby i hate seeing him so tired.

I dont know about you ladies but its like its been a few days since vanessa has been on it makes me wonder lol. But watch she will get on today and say all is well haha
Heather, I'm with you on the heat. It was 104 yesterday and 103 today (so not quite as hot, but pretty darn close). I've been trying to stay indoors as much as possible, though. I, too, am feeling soooooo ready to be done and meet this baby who has been karate-kicking me in the ribs for the past month. :haha:

Stacey, don't worry, you're not an anomaly. We're in the basement, with air conditioning, so it stays in the 60's all night long, and I still have to sleep with only a sheet on me and a fan blowing on my face, or I get too hot.

As for Vanessa, I hope she's been MIA because Milo decided to be a good boy and show up early. ;)
Thats what i was hoping for vanessa!! Hope we will hear some good new. Jordyn when do you go for another apointment? Im just curiouse to see how this epo is working for you lol I will start taking it at 34 weeks.
I too hope that Vanessa has been MIA because Milo decided to make his appearance :winkwink:

Stacey and Jordyn, I'm with both of you on trying to sleep while it is so hot! It does cool off here at night but not much when days are over 100! :nope: we sleep with the fan blowing on us, thankfully DH likes it cold too so I'm not freezing him out! :haha: also, we don't have central a/c so that doesn't help any!

Well, we took Sam swimming this afternoon and it was so nice to cool off. The water felt amazing on relaxing on my back too! Sam loved splashing in the water, we will probably go again tomorrow just to try and stay cool! DH was talking about how we need a house with a pool...I couldn't agree more! :winkwink:

I'm sorta jealous of you girls taking EPO to get labor started...I just gotta wait till my c section, though I guess it couldn't hurt to hurry Ben along a bit! :blush: :winkwink:
what do you ladies think of the name jasmine instead of jaslynn?

Heather: SOunds like you had a great day im soo jelouse. My parents have a house with a pool in texas and i tell you what it was soo nice haha. When we deside to buy a house a pool is a must. Im glad sam had a good time too. How many weeks you will be for you section?
I'll be 39 weeks for my c section. Unless of course, he comes early! Which at this point I would be totally okay if he came anytime after 37 weeks.
I would try epo if i didnt read you shouldnt take it if expection a csection as it can thin your blood out. Did you hear this too?
Honestly, I never did any research on EPO. I never took it with Sam. Only RLT. I dunno, most likely I won't try anything and just wait it out.
Oh ladies, if only I had been off for a few days for a good reason :haha: Nope, Milo is still beating me up from the inside! I truly feel like a giant, sweaty, unglamorous whale :wacko: My bump is so big it looks like I've stuffed a giant beach ball up my top.

No we've just been doing a lot of packing and organising the past few days. Although we have yet another delay in the move thanks to some bad wording on the lease (our flat is leasehold, meaning its managed by a company) and that has to be sorted out before we can exchange. So sick of it, every week there's a different problem and I've got estate agents hounding me for news every five minutes. I just want to scream at them, I'm 9 months pregnant, I can't fix anything, I'm doing my best, leave me alone!

The heat here is driving me nuts, let alone what it must be like for you ladies! England isn't exactly great for hot weather :haha: But still, it's been very warm here by our standards. Means I have to have the windows open at night or I feel like I'm sleeping in a sauna, but then the birds wake me up in the early hours and I can't get back to sleep again :growlmad: All while the men of the house snooze the night away!

Stacey I like the name Jasmine :flower: It was one I liked a lot when I was younger. I think if I'm honest I slightly prefer Jaslynn but if DH is going to be awkward :haha: Your pics of Natalia... Oh my gosh she's gorgeous!

Heather 18lb is great, I second that :thumbup: Think I've gained about 30 :blush: Oh well, fat lot I can do about it now! Still, I got it all off last time and it was about the same level of weight gain, so hopefully I can do it again reasonably quickly.

How are you feeling skadi?

Aw Jordyn your pics of Alia are precious!

I have developed yet another fun side effect of pregnancy - I now have carpal tunnel in my hands :dohh: Every morning I wake up and they're so stiff and sore.
Stacey, I think I like Jaslynn a little better. It is just a little bit different where you won't hear it too often but not totally weird that people won't know how to say it, ya know!

Vanessa, sorry you're experiencing another yucky pregnancy side effect! I can't believe you only have 2 days till you're due date though! Hopefully Milo decides to show up soon! :flower: 30lbs isn't bad at all, especially seeing your bump you look all baby! :thumbup:
Heather: I agree with just waiting it out maybe you never know he will deside to come earlier than your planned csection. If he does will you try for a vbac or go ahead for the csection?

Vanessa: Im sorry about how all of your moving is going. Just know there is a end in sight. THats ok Milo is very comfy in your belly lol Have you been doing the epo and rlt? Just curiouse!30 lbs is a great weight gain. I agree with heather that your pictures are complete baby. So i dont think you have anything to worry about. Im sorry about the carpal tunnel. I experience this even when not pregnant so i know exactly how you feel!

Thanks ladies. I LOVE Jaslynn more then Jasmine but yesterday my dh said he wouldnt mind jasmine. I said its almost the same but Jaslynn is not as common. I think im not going to give up until he agrees to Jaslynn. lol I just want a name for her its driving me nuts haha

Last night my dh let the room go down to 65. I was sleeping like a baby. I was still hot but not sweating. It was very nice lol.

I dont know if i told you ladies but there was one morning last week where i was up at 5 am to get ready for work and i found Natalia on dhs ipad watching alvin and the chipmunks or however the name is lol. I was soo upset with her. She has gotton like obsessed with the ipad and now being up so early just to watch it when she should still be sleeping really pushed my button. Anyways we started taking the ipad into our room at night and the first nights she got up to look for it and even asked where it was. We just said i dont know. THen this morning i woke up to her coloring at 730 am. I can tell you i was soo happy to see this. So i just had to brag that she was coloring this morning instead of wasting her mind away with the computer lol

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