Jordyn, you look great! Your bump is bigger, but it looks totally normal sized to me. And I LOVE your haircut!
Love the pool pics too, Heather! Nice to find a maternity swimsuit, even if it's just the top. I checked our (brand new!) local Target about a month ago, but they didn't have any maternity suits, just regular ones, and no way those are going to fit right now. I ended up wearing my normal bikini with a HUGE men's tanks top over top of it. Worked well enough; just needed it to cover my belly.
Stacey, we are nowhere near ready for Jimmy! If he came today, he wouldn't have a place to sleep.
We're going to borrow a bassinette from some friends, but our room is too cluttered to fit it right now. We've got a lot of organizing and cleaning to do, have to pack the hospital bag, sort out all the clothes (and still wash some, too; I always wash new clothes before we wear them). Feels like a lot to do still, but I suppose if he did happen to come early, we'd make it work. We'd probably just set up the pack 'n' play in the living room and have him sleep there until we got it all sorted out.
Wow! It's July! Today's a holiday in Canada (Canada Day, to be specific... lol), and it's been nice to have the day off. It is SO HOT here too! Today and tonight the temperature might reach "record breaking" territory. I think I might have to ditch the sheet I've been sleeping under, aim the fan straight at me (rather than oscillating), and turn it UP to FULL SPEED. Ugh.