anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Stacey, I will probably just have a c section if I end up going early with Ben. I know it will make my mom and DH happy and less stressed and I've finally kinda come to terms with it that I'm fine with it. I'm kinda scared but at the same time I'm so over being pregnant that I don't care how he comes out! :haha:

That's nice that Natalia was coloring this morning instead of on the computer! :thumbup: Sam really likes the iPad also but he isn't allowed on it without us watching him because he isn't very gentle with it still! :dohh:

I'm glad you had a good nights sleep last night! It hardly cooled off here last night so I woke up multiple times sweating! I just can't wait till this heat wave is over! We will probably go swimming again this afternoon. I bought a cute maternity bathing suit at target yesterday so I don't feel embarrassed to go swimming! :haha:
Aw thanks ladies, I do seem to have done better this time in where the weight has gone, I haven't put much on the rest of my body which I'm relieved about. If it gets on my legs it's a devil to get off!

Stacey I have been doing the EPO and RLT but I have to confess sometimes I forget to do it :blush: And then I think ah who cares. I think my problem is I loathe the tea. It's no skin off my nose to take the EPO capsules though so mentally giving myself a kick up the bum to do it!

That's great about Natalia colouring instead! Noah absolutely loves the iPad too and we have to keep it out of his vision otherwise he'll demand it. He can have it every so often for short periods but I don't want him on it all the time.

Hmm you're tempting me to go swimming tomorrow Heather! Our block of swimming lessons has come to an end and I can't renew just yet naturally because I won't be able to take him post partum for a few weeks. So maybe I will just take Noah for a couple of weeks without lessons.
It's July!!! It's finally Liam, Milo, and Jimmy's birth month! :happydance:

Vanessa, sorry to hear that the house thing is dragging again. I wish it would just be complete so you could focus on having Milo and not have the extra stress! As for the weight gain, I'm up about 40 pounds, so don't feel bad. :winkwink:

Stacey, I agree, I think I like Jaslynn a little better, but Jasmine is also really nice. Maybe you could strike a bargain with your DH. He lets you have Jaslynn, and he gets to pick the middle name? Or maybe just ask, "What would it take for you to be okay with Jaslynn?"

Alia likes to play with our Kindle Fire, but one of the games she likes is popping bubbles, and she always drops the Kindle on the floor and tries to step on the bubbles, so then we have to take it away. :dohh:

As for my next appointment, it's on Wednesday, so just two more days to go! It's my 37 week appointment, although technically, I'll only be 36+5, because Thursday is a holiday and my OB doesn't work Fridays. Oh well, I'm not complaining. I'm anxious to see how I've progressed in the last week!

Heather, I'm glad to hear that you've settled on what type of birth you want to have, if for no other reason, then that it's not up in the air any more. I know what you mean about just wanting him out, though! I felt the same way about having an episiotomy last time around. I didn't want one, but in the end, I was fine with it, because I just wanted her out!

Well, I had my DH inset my EPO vaginally last night. He was a little weirded out about shoving a pill up "there", but I knew he would be able to reach closer to my cervix than I could. About ten minutes after inserting it, I started having contractions with lower back pain, like I did a couple weeks ago. Like those, these eventually went away, but they definitely felt like the kind of contractions that have to be doing something to my cervix, so that was encouraging. :flower:
Heather: I am happy to hear that. I think if i had a csection for one pregnancy i would have another with next ones. I dont know if i could risk the chance of a vbac. I bet that swim suit is soo cute!! You got me wanting to go swimming soo bad now. Last night all i dreamed was about the swimming pool haha

Vanessa: WHen do they start checking you for progress again? I know its different over there. But it would be exiting to know how you have progressed lol. I cant believe you are getting so close to your due date!

Jordyn: Thats funny Alia try to jump on your kindle haha. That would be soo funny. JOnathan doesnt show any interest in the ipad yet. Thats great you got dh to insert the epo. Im not sure if my dh would do that for me lol. I think when i hit 34 weeks i will just take it orally. But if i see there isnt much progress at my 36 week check then i might insert them. Let us know if there is any progress at your next apointment.

Happy DUE DATE MONTH Vanessa, Jordyn, and Rachel! I am soo jelouse lol. I promise third tri drags. haha

What has everyone done to prepare for baby? Like is everything ready? Or do you still have stuff to do? Are your hospital bags packed? Yesterday i finally organized my kids clothes and took out stuff that is too small for them. Clearing out the babys space for her clothes. Witch i am happy about but i havnt washed her clothes or anything yet :dohh: Where is everyone else at?
We haven't packed our hospital bag or even set up the bassinet yet. :dohh: I have clothes for Liam, but they're in a box right now, since I'm not sure where to put them. Maybe in our room for now since Alia's room doesn't have a lot of drawer space. I think I will pack my hospital bag today or tomorrow (depending on when I do the laundry :blush:).
im glad im not the only one who waits. With jonathan i didnt pack my hospital bag until a day before he was born haha
Happy due date month, Jordyn, Rachel and Vanessa! :happydance:

Sorry, Stacey! That's funny you dreamt about swimming pools! :haha: I'm hoping to go again this evening maybe after DH gets home from work. Today isn't supposed to be quite as hot...only 99! :dohh:

Jordyn, I can't wait to hear what progress you've made at your next appointment! That's great you got DH to insert your EPO. The night before I was induced with Sam I has DH shave down there (tmi, I know) because I couldn't see down there! :blush: the things we ask our DHs to do! :haha:

I haven't packed a single thing yet! Not even close to being ready for Ben, honestly. I still have to order his crib and totally switch Sam's bedroom with ours since the boys will share a room in the bigger room. DH is leaving again in 2 weeks for a business trip so I have a feeling it's gonna have to wait till he get back! I just hope he doesn't decide to come early! He will be here in 5 weeks from Thursday...crazy to think! :wacko:
Oh yeah, Stacey's dream about the swimming pool made me remember that I was dreaming about deep-fried onion rings last night. :haha:

Heather, I'm jealous that you get to know the exact day you'll be having your baby. The "not knowing" is the hardest part about the last month, for me. I guess I'm still expecting him to come at 38 weeks, but I know it's only a guess, and it's driving me crazy! :wacko:
haha heather only 99 that is still very hot haha. I feel like waiting to get things done helps those last weeks go faster. I to hope that ben doesnt deside to come early so that your dh can be there. Wow 5 weeks!!! that is soo exiting!!!!

jordyn: yumm onion rings my mouth is watering
Yes, having a c section date is nice to know when he will be here! Kinda helps to have a specific date in mind to count down to! Either way, if I didn't schedule it the 8th he would be born on his due date via c section so I knew I wouldn't go over at least! I do agree that the end is hard because you keep thinking "this is it" and most times it's a false alarm! :dohh:

Haha onion rings and swimming pools! :haha:

Ok girls, please tell me that I'm not alone in having a little monkey on our hands! Sam has been climbing on all the furniture lately and getting on the table, etc! It's driving me crazy! I swear any day now he's gonna climb out of his crib! :dohh:
are you kidding haha jonathan is always climbing on things. Started climbing on the couch at 13 month. He has mastered the bed and the table and the bar. he can climb into his crib but not out yetHe pushes chairs to get up to something he wants. the other day i found him in the kitchen sink haha so yes i completely understand about havnig a little monkey
In the kitchen sink?! :haha: oh dear! Yesterday Sam wanted on DHs computer but he pushed the chair far from the desk so Sam couldn't quite reach so he leaned onto the desk and got stuck with his legs on the chair and head on the table with his body in the middle just hanging! It was pretty funny to see. I can't even get mad half the time seeing the predicaments he gets himself into I just laugh! :blush:
hahaha i know huh. Its pretty funny. I end up putting all the chairs up onto the tables and bar stools because he is always climbing ontop of the counter tops. It gets kinda anoying though because you think you can put something ontop of the counters so he doesnt get it. WRONG lol he just climbs to it. then laughs when i pic up all the chairs haha. oh wont this be fun with a new born lol
Yes, I keep thinking the same thing! When I have Ben and a monkey I'm gonna feel crazy all the time. :dohh: the other thing that he does that makes me laugh because he is so my personality is he gets soooo frustrated when he can get where he wants after trying for so long! I love him to death but it sure is gonna be an adventure with a newborn and him!
I'm probably the odd one out, here. Considering that Alia just learned to walk in the past month, she definitely isn't climbing on things yet. She can climb up the first step on a flight of stairs, and then panics because she can't get down and can't go further up. :dohh:
Here are a few pictures from swimming yesterday :flower:
Jordyn, that's exciting that Alia is walking now though! :thumbup: that's good that she doesn't try to go up more than 1 step! We most likely will buy a house with 2 levels since most are in Cali and I worry about the boys going up and down the steps. Probably will need a baby gate!
Aw Heather what lovely pics! I second that, it must be lovely to know what date he will definitely be here by. I'm a bit sick of second guessing myself all the time. I'm having lots of braxton hicks and they're really starting to get noticeable. So of course I'm sitting here thinking is this it. Nope still pregnant :dohh:

Stacey we don't have cervix checks here :flower: The only time there's any checks is if a midwife does a sweep or during labour. But I always decline it. Last time I had no checks at all. I just don't like people fiddling about in there :blush: Plus I know if I knew I was (for example) 2cm dilated I'd probably get all excited and nothing would happen for another 3 weeks!

Mmmmmm Jordyn now I'm dreaming of onion rings. I LOVE onion rings. Big juicy cheeseburger with onion rings, now I'm making my mouth water.

I too have a climber. We have one of our sofas up against the wall under the windows, so now he's taken to climbing up the sofa and on to the windowsill, where he proceeds to stand and bang on the window :dohh: It does make me laugh though because I think he scares the neighbours half to death when they see him up there! He's very good at knowing how to get down safely but I do keep an eye on him.

We're pretty much ready for Milo's arrival I think :thumbup: I've got a bag packed with babygros, vests, a couple of blankets, a sling, dummies (in case he likes them), nipple shields, maternity pads, muslins and bibs... Hmm think that's it. The Moses basket is ready with washed sheets, washed the car seat insert as well. So I think we're good to go!
Heather, I love the pictures! I wish I had a maternity swimsuit so I could go swimming (my normal one definitely doesn't fit), but with only a few weeks left to go, I figure it's not worth it. But if I'm going to be heavily pregnant in the summer next time around, I'll definitely invest in one earlier on!

Vanessa, thanks for reminding me about the car seat insert! We definitely need to wash ours out before Liam get's here, since it still has goo in it from Alia. Ah, so much to do, and yet, when Alia goes down for her nap, all I want to do is relax. :dohh:
Jordyn, I can relate on just wanting to relax when Sam goes down for a nap. I've been extra lazy lately! :dohh: DH keeps telling me to go on maternity leave early if I can't handle it but I'm just trying to wait it out!

I wouldn't bare my belly in public right now and I figured for $25 it was worth it for the swimsuit. It's only the top actually and I wore my bottoms from a bikini :thumbup:

Vanessa, that's awesome that Noah gets in the window and scares the neighbors! :haha: I agree that knowing how dilated you are can play mind games. I was stuck at 2cm for weeks with Sam and it was so discouraging. :growlmad: sounds like you are very ready for Milo. You're so close I can't wait to see your little man! :flower:

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