anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Oh dear, Stacey! I hope everything is okay with little Jaslynn (I'm just going to call her that for now. ;) ).
Hope everything is okay..

Ekks so excited for you Pie :)
Jordyn: That is great that you are more prepared for Liam now!!! Sounds like you got almost everything set! I am soo happy to hear that Alia is growing really well!! That is a great size! And wow did you say 40 lbs You dont look like you have gained that much at all. You are all baby!!! You look great. Your bump is deff bigger this time and much lower!

Heather: I love those pics of sam and you all at the swimming pool. It just makes me wanna go swimming even more. But look like sam had alot of fun!! I am sorry about your crappy co worker. That would piss me off. I would prob say something. If they say you are over reacting blame it on the pregnancy lol

Logan: I am sorry that you came home from a nice vacation to aunts.. That must have been awful. I love you bump it is coming along very nice!!

Rachel: I hope you test comes back negative as well. I understand that you would want a neg test this time but like the others have said at least a symple antibiotic will do the trick!

vanessa: I cant wait to hear if this really was it or not!!! Im so exited to hear something. Try to update us if you can hun xx

Thank you everyone!

So i went to work this morning but during the night around 2 am or so i was woken up with my heart racing. I know that this can happen so i tried to just shrugg it off. While i was trying to get everyone up and ready for breakfast i was just feeling very hot and sweaty. Even alittle nausous. I told one of my co workers and she said maybe you should go see your doc. But i often get like this in the early morning because i havnt eatin anything yet as when i arrive i get right to work as we all over have 1 hour and 30 min to get 40 people up in time for breakfast and its only 4 people getting them up. So that is 10 people each to get up. SO i usually wait until 9 when breakfast is over and i can take a break and eat and drink something. BUt eating and drinking just didnt help today. My boss called me to her office and asked if i was feeling ok. I had told her about how i was feeling with my heart racing and feeling very dizzy today. So she imediatly got the vital cart and checked my vitals like i said 180/90 was my blood pressure and my heart rate was 125. Witch is very high. She sent me down to my doc right away! But my doc is on vacation for the 4th of july so there was some lady there that i have met once but am not fond of. ANyways i gave my urine twice while i was there and both came back +1 protien. But my bloods came back ok. So i am now on a 24 hour urin collection so they can check how much protien i will have over a 24 hour period. Then we will make desitions from there. They were talking alot about delivering me because my blood pressure was not dropping. But then sure enough it started coming down. When i left it was 150/85 so that is better but not great. usually i am 106/60 or so. So we will see tomorrow what my blood pressure is and how my urin comes out. I tell you one thing its weird having to pee into a bottle everytime i pee haha. But i am feeling better by resting. I am on restrictions until my results come back from the urin.

I was soo scared today when they were talking about delivering. But god heard me when i asked that please let her stay in longer to get stronger. I have no idea what on earth causes protien in urin. Has anyone heard of blood pressure rising by just doing there job. LIke i feel like this often while i am working and it makes me wonder if my work is somehow triggering my high blood pressure.
Stacey, I'm glad you're blood pressure is coming down! That had to be scary hearing that they possibly would deliver Jaslynn. I actually thought I was gonna hear the worst when I called the doctor about being possibly exposed to rubella! :wacko:

Are you still in the hospital now or are you at home resting now? I do think that a job can cause high blood pressure. Baiacially your blood pressure can rise anytime you're stressed. Is job often stessful? I know for me personally if I go to an appointment after leaving work sometimes my blood pressure is high from stress of work as well as going in to see the doctor.

Logan, lovely bump coming along! :flower:

Vanessa, I'm anxiously awaiting any news! I hope this is it for you! :hugs:
Heather: I meant to mention that earlier i am soo sorry that must have been scary thinking that sam might have had rubella. Very scary! Im happy it is just heat rash. xx

I am at home resting now. My bloods came back ok so i was able to go home. I feel ok now but everytime i work i feel like racing heart and dizzy and such. I work a very stressfull job and very demanding. Lifting and such is a requirment and well i just always feel upset by the time i get home. Plus taking care of family when i get home its all just very stressfull.

Gosh i wish my dh would just agree to jaslynn. I tryed talking to him again about it and he just wont go for it. He says he likes jasmine better. But i DONT! haha

Vanessa im waiting haha i really hope this IS it
Heather, I agree that sounds so scary to think you and Sam could have Rubella. So glad it was just heat rash!

And Stacey, oh my! That does not sound like a fun day. I also don't know what causes protein in urine, but I agree with Heather that a job can cause your BP to spike. In fact, my BP was high when my doc first took it at my appointment this morning because I was all excited and talking. Once I calmed down and just took a deep breath it was back to normal just like that. So I do think stressful things (either good or bad stress, anything that gets your heart/blood racing) can cause high BP. I hope everything turns out okay in the end. I'll be praying your little girly will get a chance to stay in there and grow stronger!

Vanessa, I'm going to assume you're either sleeping or delivering a baby! I'm hoping the latter, but I suppose Milo will come when he comes! :)
Thank you, Rachel and Stacey! I'm so relived to hear that it was nothing to worry about it but definitely was stressful. I worried about Sam as well as Ben! I told DH today that being a mommy is the hardest job I ever had! But the best too! :cloud9:

Stacey, I'm glad you're at home resting and feeling better. :hugs: is there anyway that you could start maternity leave early? I think the doctor can write you off for health reasons or wait till 36 and you could take out off and get paid for maternity leave. Just a thought :flower: obviously your health and Jaslynn (fx DH agrees :winkwink:) is most important!
Stacey, I'm glad to hear that your blood pressure cane down a little, although its worrying how high it still is. I agree with Heather; if you can take off for maternity leave earlier, you should. Yours and your daughters health are more important than anything. :hugs:

Heather, I'm glad you and Sam aren't dealing with Ruebella! How scary that must have been for you, though! I agree, being a mom is harder than anything I've ever done, but so rewarding as well.

Vanessa, I'm off to bed, but hoping to see an update when I get up in the morning. I'll be praying for you and Milo just in case! Good luck! :thumbup:
thank you rachel, you know it think its work that is causing me bad stress. I always feel like that while im working. I thought it was just the difficulty of the job though iykwim? I might have to talk to my doc about it and see what he says. I am planning to take off work at 37 weeks. But i dont know if i will make it that long. ..

Heather: I will talk to my ob and see what he says. I mean we already filled out my fmla paperwork so i wil see. I wish that he would just say work me part time for now but i can keep my benifits. Idk this whole situation is stressfull.

Jordyn: thank you as well. I know my health and babies health is more inportant. But you know what i never thought about until now. If this would have been my first baby or even my second i would not care about what my work would say or even if i had the chances of getting fired i would be like my baby comes first. But now i have Natalia and JOnathan to think of and how if i stopped working and somehow lost my job where would that put our family. We need my income to keep us where we are. I dont know its just hard to put myself first when all i do is think about everyone else....

vanessa: I hope there is no updates because you are holding little Milo in your hands!!!
Stacey, I totally understand about having to provide for your family! I feel the same way which is why I'm trying to stick it out working as long as possible!

Vanessa, I hope you're holding Milo in your arms right now! Can't wait for an update. :flower:
Exactly heather. Im glad you understand. Its like it would be different if this was my first baby because if needed me and my dh can you not have has much as we do now and we can give the baby everything she needs and more. But with my other two im not wanting to take away anything they are having now. If that makes sense. I dont need them to cut back because i lost my job...
Yes, exactly! DH and I already spend very little on ourselves. I would hate to feel like we have even little, ya know! Plus childcare will go up for us with Ben so I've been trying to plan for that. I am kinda dreading having 2 months with less pay but it will be worth it and we have savings but I just don't want to touch it unless emergency.

It does help that we are living at in laws rent free righ now too but when we buy a second house we want to have money saved and not have to stress. As much as I hate living there it will pay off later.
I hate where i live. YOu see if we didnt pay for short term disability through my work we dont get paid here. So yes i will get about a week or so paid and the rest wont be getting paid. So im already stressing over that. Like you said daycare is going to go way up with number three coming. Around 115 a day for daycare so now we have to see also if we can afford daycare to keep me working. Ugg the stress of having
I guess it's easier for me to talk, since I already know that we'd spend more on daycare than I would make, so it wasn't much of a question about me staying home with the kids. I do hope you can stay at work Stacey, but still be healthy. :hugs:

Well, I had my appointment today, and according to the doctor, I'm "an easy 3" cm dilated, still 75% effaced, and still -2 station. So things are moving along (not as fast as I'd hope, but then again, I'm technically not even full term until Friday :dohh:). Last night I actually thought I was going into labor because I started having contractions that were definitely my painful than any I'd had so far, and they were coming every 4 minutes, but after a while, they started to die down and spread out. I kept thinking, how weird would it be if Vanessa and I ended up both having our babies tonight!

I'm assuming that because we haven't had an update, Vanessa is either in labor, or spending some well-deserved time with Milo. :flower:
Thanks jordyn so do i

That is great progress though especially for not even being 37 weeks yet. I remember i was 1 cm at 36 weeks and didnt progress until i was acually in labor. So nothing until 39 weeks with jonathan and almost 41 with natalia. So 3cm is GREAT! That is kinda funny about the contractions though. Maybe it is going to be very soon we will be meeting Liam! I remember my contractions with jonathan started at like 145 am and were painful enough to wake me up. I was awake estimating how often they were coming dh got me something to eat i went back to sleep until about 6 or so although cringing with every contraction. I remember that i was going to the bathroom every so often as well tmi. BUt i was and i woudl have a small bm and some plug. and the ruitin continued.

The funny thing about the night before was i was planning on dtd with dh that night. But something just completely turned us both off. It was weird because Natalia went to sleep at like 730pm. She usually didnt go until 9 or so. And me and dh desided to go to bed at 8pm. We NEVER go to bed that early. So it was SOOO weird. Its was like this all happend for a reason lol.

How did you ladies go into labor with your other los?
Jordyn, hopefully Liam shows up soon! It sounds like you're making good progress :thumbup:

Stacey, that's crazy how something just didn't seem right the night you went into labor with Jonathan!

I was induced with Sam so I definitely don't have an exciting story of labor with him! :haha: they induced me early morning on the 13th and he was born in the evening after getting stuck! Silly boy. Sometimes it doesn't sound that exciting but it's Sam's story of how everything went "wrong" but because its his story it's special to me. :cloud9:
Thanks, I hope it's sooner rather than later, too!

It's fun to hear your birth stories! :)

With Alia I had my 38 week appointment, then went home, went for a walk with DH, and then dtd and took a nap. Well, DH slept, but I started having contractions so I started timing them. We had a plumber come over, and so I let DH take care of that before telling him about my contractions (because I didn't want him to freak out), and so after the plumber left, I calmly said, "Okay, we should probably go to the hospital." We got stuck in crazy traffic on the way there, so by the time we got to the hospital, my contractions were coming every 2 minutes, and I was 5cm. That was at 7pm, and she was born at 6am. :flower:

Well, I wish I could say that I was at the hospital having Liam, but instead I'm at the hospital having another Non Stress Test, since my fluid was kind of low last time. They like to see it between 10-20, and I'm at 15, so now worries now. But I just wanted to show you the monitor with my crazy contractions coming every 3.5 minutes (they're on the bottom obviously, and Liam's heart rate is on top). So now you know what it looks like to have an Irritable uterus! :haha:


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Yikes, Jordyn! Hope the NST went well and Liam's doing okay in there! Sounds like your body's gearing up to evict him pretty soon. :)

I actually just recently posted Ozzy's birth story in my parenting journal (again, the link is in my sig), but as for how labour started... It just kind of did. LOL I didn't feel any BH with Ozzy, so as soon as I felt something happening it was indeed happening.

Oh, and for you ladies who may have people asking you if you've had that baby yet... I thought I'd share this website in case you hadn't seen it.
Heather: That is still a very special birth. Every birth is exiting. Its sams enterance into the world!!!

Jordyn: I like that story too. I like how you waited until the plumber left lol. Dont you love how the dh's get to sleep while we are stuck awake timing contractions.. haha

I think 15 cm is a great amount of fluid so thats great. And wow look at those contractions! Maybe any day now!!

Rachel: That sounds like my daughter. I didnt have any bh with her so when something did start happening it just did haha.

Well i think that vanessa had little milo. What do you ladies think? I dont think she would have just left us with saying she thinks this is it and then not update if he wasnt here. Unless shes just really busy xx Cant wait to see an update though xx

I have gotton my results back from my 24 hr urin collection. I still have protien in my urin. Not sure how much she said on the low side of high if that makes sense... I am alowed to go to work tomorrow but the nurses at my work are to check my blood pressure every few hours. If its shoot way up again i am to go home and call the doc on call and if i start feeling like i did yesterday i am to go home and call the doc on call. Otherwise i will be seeing the doctor on friday as tomorrow is the 4th so the office is closed. I checked my own blood pressure today and it was still 150/80 or so. Still high but better. They will be monitoring my blood pressure much more often the nurse said as they are afraid it is the start of pre eclampsia...
Well, ladies, I'm at the hospital in labor!!! I'm dilated to 5cm and these contraction are the most painful ones I've ever felt, since I already had the epidural by this point last time around. Wish me luck!!!

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