anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

My next appointment is on Monday. I plan to for sure mention it then. I really want another US but there isn't any planned unless there seems to be a problem!

I'm starting to feel better now but just afraid to eat anything in case it doesn't agree with me again! Just eating some crackers and drinking sprite to help settle my stomach. I really hope it was something I ate though and Sam doesn't get sick too!
I too hope sam doesnt get it. Crackers and sprite is what i would be doing as well. I think that if your fundal height is measuring ok they wont do another ultrasound. What if you mentioned your conserns do you think they would scan you. Im glad you are starting to feel alittle better too!
They might give me a scan if I tell them I'm worried. I'm seeing my midwife on Monday so she might give me one if I tell her I'm worried.

I plan to nap during my lunch too just get me through the day. Or leave early maybe. Just playing it by ear.
Heather, I didn't see your post before I replied last time. I'm sorry to hear that you've been feeling so sick! like you said, hopefully it was just something you ate, and Sam won't get it. I had a few moments where I thought I was going to throw up or have diarrhea in the two weeks before I gave birth, so maybe it's being caused by your body gearing up for labor? At least I hope that's all it is!

Stacey, I think I'll try grabbing a book and reading it to Alia next time I feed Liam. The only thing is, she likes to sit in my lap when I read to hear, and that won't work while breastfeeding, so hopefully she won't get too bent out of shape over that.

And I can agree with what you said. Going from 0 to 1 was such a shocker, and a lot of figuring things out, but going from 1 to 2, I've been way more laid back about things because I already feel confident as a mother. However, the logistics of having two is trickier, like finding time to use the bathroom, and having to leave one by themselves while you go tend to the other, etc.
Heather, I hope you feel better soon. A nap sounds like a great idea. And I agree, it could just mean your body is getting ready for labour (even if it is a few weeks early) by doing a "clean out" iykwim. Or it could be something you ate. Either way it doesn't sound like any fun.

Jordyn, I do think I remember you saying that about having blood-tinged mucus. I'm hoping it's a sign that things will start soon because today is the first day that I just feel DONE. Up until now I've felt really good physically, but today I just feel ugh. Just achey and tired and my BH are more uncomfortable. Still not very frequent, but getting more intense. And I am still having some mucus today. I might go for a walk if I'm feeling up for it at lunch, but I don't know.
Rachel, I may be way off, but I think you'll be holding Jimmy by the weekend. Sounds like your body is getting ready! :thumbup:
I'm kind of feeling that way too, but trying to get my hopes up too much! I at least know it'll be within about three weeks TOPS. I don't suspect they'll let me go more than a week over, but we haven't really gotten around to discussing that yet. If I'm not holding Jimmy by my next appointment on Tuesday then I'll ask them what the game plan is.
Well, the long and short of it is I'm still not in labour. Came home from work, had a sandwich and a Tylenol and took a nap. Feeling so much better than I did this afternoon; not achey and such, and my BH have died down. Still getting mucus, but nothing else happening just yet.

That's okay, though, because I've got a pedicure scheduled for tomorrow after work! Hee hee. I'm crossing my fingers that I'll get a good night's rest on Thursday and then go into labour Friday morning so I can give birth while well rested and with pretty toes. :)

Oh, and I was going to say that I deferred to Daniel for the final decision on circumcision too. He's not, so he figured as long as we teach our boys proper hygiene (and safe sex) they'll be okay. Makes sense to me. I think if we lived in the States where it's more common we may have had it done, though.
Rachel, sorry to hear that you're still not in labor. :( But I've heard that having a pedicure can trigger labor, since they massage your feet, which have acupressure points that can make your uterus contract. So good luck! :winkwink:

Well, Liam has been very restless all night the past few nights, so I haven't gotten much sleep and it's really beating me up. Last night Liam kept crying and acting hungry, so I would get out of bed and try to feed him, and then he would just fall asleep as soon as I picked him up. So I'd put him back down, and 5 minutes later, he'd be crying again! It was so frustrating that I just ended up bawling. I really hope he gets his days and nights sorted out soon.

Vanessa, how is Milo sleeping?
Well, we had Liam's two week appointment, and as it turned out, I ended up having to go by myself since DH is getting Friday off instead of today.

Here's the good news: Liam does not have a tongue tie! The pediatrician said that he does have a slight lip tie, but she doesn't think it's bad enough to clip. So yay! Hopefully that means that my nipples will be getting better soon on their own.

Bad news: the appointment was a disaster! They had to do the heel prick thing on Liam and then squeeze blood out onto some circles on a paper, and the nurse was training someone how to do it, so she was taking FOREVER, and all the while, Liam is screaming. But the worst part is, Liam's screaming made Alia start to cry, and as it kept going, she got more and more worked up, so that by the end, you would think someone was hurting her, not Liam. I mean, she was standing there screaming at the top of her lungs with drool hanging out of her mouth. So then I tried to breastfeed Liam a little afterwards to calm him down, and Alia was just freaking out the whole time. Oh, and to top it off, the whole "squeezing blood out" thing was making me feel like I was going to pass out, especially because of how prolonged it was, and the pain that Liam was obviously in. So I'm feeling sick and lightheaded, holding Liam, and trying to calm down Alia. It was a mess. :nope:
Rachel, I sure hope that Jordyn is right and Jimmy makes his appearance by the weekend! :thumbup: Keep us updated...though I hope you are able to get your pedicure before he comes! I plan to get one before Ben is born as well as get my hair done so hopefully his plans don't screw up mine! :haha:

Jordyn, I'm sorry you had such a terrible time at Liam's doctor appointment! Poor Alia, that stinks you had to go alone to the appointment and deal with two screaming babies! :nope: I can relate on how you were feeling sick and felt lightheaded from the blood, etc. :hugs: Hopefully next time DH can come with you to the next appointment to help out a bit. When do you have to go back???

At least he doesn't have a tongue tie and his lip tie isn't too bad to have to fix and you'll be getting some relief soon.

I'm feeling much better today so I'm thinking I just had a stomach bug...DH thinks I got it from Sam though as he had diarrhea on Sunday/Monday pretty bad so he most likely passed it along to me. I'm glad to be feeling better though.

Vanessa, how are things going with Milo? :flower:

Stacey, hopefully you're doing well also :hugs:
Aww, Jordyn I'm so sorry the appointment was a disaster. I remember the heel prick making me emotional with Ozzy; I can't imagine a screaming toddler on top of that. I hope your DH is able to come to some appointments to help out. But hey, great news about Liam not having tongue tie! Can you imagine if they had clipped it that appointment as well as done the heel prick? Poor little guy. I sure hope this means that all it will take is time for you to have some relief. Has it been getting any better at all pain-wise?

Heather, I'm so glad you're feeling better. Those darn stomach bugs can be nasty. You know, last time Ozzy got sick (it was a cold) we both got it too, but it affected us much more than him and recovered much faster. So funny how kids are little magnets for germs and such but then their little bodies just process it and are done!

I'm pretty sure I'll get my pedicure tonight. It's in just over 3 hours, and nothing new is happening. If anything labour feels less imminent than it did yesterday! And I have heard that about the pressure point on your foot/ankle area that can trigger labour. Here's hoping they find it tonight!

And if I don't have Jimmy by the start of next week, then I think all three of us will go get hair cuts so that we look good for pictures after Jimmy does arrive. :)
Heather: I am soo happy to hear that you are feeling better. I hate those stomach bugs. Like rachel said kids catch everything and pass it on to us but we are the ones who suffer the most.

Rachel: Im glad it sounds like your were able to get your nails done!! I really hope you do see jimmy soon! Although getting everyones hair done sounds like fun as well lol

Jordyn: I am soo sorry about how your appointment went. I can understand how you are feeling. I wish i could have been there to help out with alia while you were tending to Liam. That is great news though about liam not having tongue tie only slight lip tie. How is your nipple feeling any better? Did they weigh liam? How is his weight comeing along? I really hope you get some good sleep soon!!! Give him time im sure he will learn the difference between night and day. How is alia sleeping since liam has come along? I bet that it must have been hard to see the heel prick. I remember those but for me the worse thing was when he had the first case of rsv at 12 weeks they took blood from get this a vein in his head. That was the hardest thing to watch so far with jonathan.

Vanessa i hope all i well!!!

Well ladies as for me today was a busy day. Natalia had her surgery today. We woke up this morning at about 730 to get ready and drop jonathan off at daycare by 830 ( the hospital didnt alow other siblings there and only 2 adults were alowed.) Then we headed off for brighten witch is usually 1 hour to 1 and a half hours away. But we got there by 930. We were suppose to check in at 1030 lol. Anyways we got to the hospital and got her checked in. They were very good about getting us into pre op and getting her gown on and talking us through the procedure. Although her surgery didnt start until 12. The dentist came in at like 1145 and told us everything that he will be doing and that when the surgery is done they will come and tell us. The anistisiologist also came in and explained how she was going to administery the anistisia(spelling?) I was alowed to go in with natalia just until she fell asleep. THey warned me that she might shake and act very weird while falling asleep and that it was all normal. Well she said bye to my dh and i walked with her to the operating room. She was very calm and not even scared. i warned her about the mask they were going to put on her and just act like it wasnt even there. While the anistitia was getting administered she was looking at me smiling i was rubbing her belly. When she started feeling weird she grabed for my hand. I almost started balling right there. But i continued to smile. She yawned once and started smacking her lips. THen she was asleep. Her eye did kinda open and shut but she didnt twitch or anything. She did wonderful! THat was when i had to leave the room. About one hour later the doctor came out and she was in recovery. The doc said everything was fine and she did great. When she started to wake up they would come and get us. That was about 10 min after we talked to the doctor. When we walked in she was deff still druggy. I dont really have a better word to describe how she was. She was sitting up and laying down her eyes were still closed. She wasnt responding to anyone talking to her. But when my dh sat down and held her she calmed down and just slept.

THe freaking post op nurse that was taking natalia pissed me off. I wanted to literally punch her in the face. Natalia was sleeping and all the nurse would say is natalia are you ok like yelling not even in a sweet comforting voice. And when natalia still wasnt responding i asked sshould she be talking to you by now. And the nurse got attitude with me saying well she is still sleepy. I said well if she is still sleepy then stop yelling at her like she should be responding to you. idk it was just the way she acted like if she was trying to hurry us out of there. She gave me more attitude when i told her that no we need to stay until she wakes up alittle more because we have along drive back home. Then when we were leaving natalia said that she had owy in her mouth. I asked if she wanted tylonal and she said yes. so i told the nurse if she can have some tylonal and she told me she was in pain. The nurse asked natalia if she was in pain. She didnt talk to the nurse. The nurse told me that natalia needed to indicate that she wanted tylonal. I told the nurse that she is shy with most people and wont talk to her she goes well she needs to tell one of you while i am here that she wants it. So we asked and she said yes. stupd nurse shes only four and barley knows what tylonal is..

So we left and natalia really started cheering up. We brought some juice and she drank it right up. She started saying she was hungery and wanted chicken and french fries lol but when we got home i bought her her faveriot soup. She is glad i did and the chicken would have been to hard for her to eat right now. I just cant belive how great she was. When we got home she acted like if she never had surgery and we had to tell her to sit down and relax. And when i first showed her her teeth she was in aww lol seeing the silver probably shocked her haha. She has 4 crowns on her front 4 teeth the are white that look really funny to me. THey are like too big for her mouth and soo white compared to her other teeth. I am going to ask the doc how long they will look funny and if they will fade like her other teeth. But her mouth isnt too swollen or nothing. We have to take her back in the next week or two so that they can follow up and we will also take jonathan to get his teeth cleaned at the same time. It was just soo hard seeing her get put to sleep and when she was still like druggy after. aww

I wasnt feeling to great today either. My headache of corse is there but i did get anything to eat until we got home from the hopital and such at like 6pm. Just because natalia wasnt able to eat nothing after midnight last night so i didnt want to be chowing down infront of her then we were too nervouse to eat while she was in surgery then just wanted to get home so that she can relax in the house so didnt stop for anything on the way. So that kinda kicked my butt. Also very weird i will mention at my doc apointment tomorrow but my underwear was very wet through out the day. And i had some mucusy discharge. Prob normal but its never happend before in prev pregnancies lol. So who knows. I am just happy to be home right now relaxing and natalias teeth are finished lol

Sorry about the long post but i wanted to share with you all about my experience with the surgery lol
Stacey, I'm glad Natalia is recovering well. That would be hard to watch her have to fall asleep and then be all druggy after. And that nurse sounds like she needs some lessons in bedside manner! I kind of want to punch her too. lol But so glad it all went well and she's happy now. :) That's weird, though, that her crowns don't match her other teeth. Are they meant to be permanent or will they have to be replaced someday?

I have been wearing liners to keep my underwear from getting soaked for months now! I just seem to be extra leaky down there, especially in the hot weather. Seems normal to me, but definitely mention it to your doc just in case.

AFM, I did get my pedicure and parafin hand treatment tonight. It was really relaxing. But I did start feeling all achey and sick again this afternoon, so it made it a little hard to completely relax. I got a short nap tonight before Daniel headed out to another soccer game (the last one of the season - yay!), and when I woke up I took my temperature. It was 37.4C (99.3F). A little high, right? And that was about 40 minutes after taking Tylenol too. I'm wondering if that's normal or if I should be concerned, especially coupled with the aching and sore neck.
Well, I just called my doctor's office to ask about the fever and they said I need to be seen. Since I'm so far along, they are sending me to the maternity ward to get checked out. I suspect they'll just do an NST and such, but she said to take all my stuff just in case they keep me.

Honestly, I hope everything's fine with Jimmy and I can just have a few days to recover from whatever it is I've come down with so that I can feel healthy for giving birth. Would stink to have a newborn and be feeling so crappy like I do right now.
Rachel, I hope it's nothing too serious and you start feeling better! Keep us updated! :hugs:

Stacey, I'm sorry to hear about the shitty nurse! :growlmad: but at least Natalia did great and you can move past the surgery since I know you were a bit worried about it! :hugs: hopefully you're feeling okay too, I know what you mean about not eating and feeling's always worse for me during pregnancy too!

AFM, I'm still not feeling 100% back to normal. I feel super weak and just not a whole lot of energy. Thankfully (and sadly) the girls at work are helping me out a lot so I can just sit and rest a lot. I feel bad since I'm used to doing it all but at least I have an excuse! :blush: I too hope to start feeling better soon since I don't want to go into having a newborn and just coming out of feeling sick! Plus we are supposed to go to the beach this weekend so hopefully I can get it together before then!
Aww, Heather, I'm sorry you're still not feeling 100%. We had plans for all day tomorrow too, so I'm not sure what's going to happen now.

Daniel's parents came and picked up Ozzy, so we are heading to the hospital now. I think I'll be able to update from there; I'll try to keep you all posted.
aww rachel keep us updated. I hope everything is ok. I was going to tell you to call the doc because fever is usually a sign of infection so they would want to see you. I hope that is nothing and you can relax before jimmy makes his apearance. As for natalias crowns she has to have them until her baby teeth fall out and adult teeth come in. So her 4 top front teeth have them. THey are white (but super white or maybe just alittle to big for her mouth idk) but the backs are silver. Then her 4 back molars on top have them as well but are silver. Then her bottom 4 molars have them as well and are silver as well. I will see if shel let me take pic of them. Then her gums are like all dark from being bruised so maybe thats why they look so white idk. Ill take a pic though

Heather: Im sorry as well to hear you are feeling so crummy. Thats great everyone is willing to help you! Its great when you have co workers like that. I hope you start feeling better soon so you have a great weekend at the beach!

I had my doc apointment today. Baby looked great. My bp was 160/90. No protien in my urin dip though witch was good news. Just waiting for my blood results and hopefully everything will come back fine. If so this would be the best doc apointment since all of this started. I didnt even see my doc today as he was late getting into work but hopefully all i well. Natalia is doing well. Just kinda relaxing watching the three little pigs haha. I made some pancakes for her this morning as they are soft. We brushed her teeth and she is just doing great. Complained of pain earlier and gave her some ibruprofen. But is doing really well so far. Jonathan is being a little stinker and wont leave her alone. He keeps jumping on her and climbing on her pulling her hair. My poor natalia lol.
Stacey, I'm so glad you were able to finally have a good doctors appointment! :thumbup: I hope Natalia starts feeling back to normal soon though it sounds like she did great and is being such a trooper! Hopefully Jonathan leaves her alone a bit though...such a like a typical little brother bothering his big sister! :haha:

I went to get a yummy lunch today in hopes that it makes me feel better. So far so good :thumbup: And of course it wouldn't be complete without frozen yogurt! :blush:

Rachel, looking forward to an update when you get a chance! :hugs:

Hope everyone is doing well :flower:
Stacey, I'm glad to hear that Natalia did so well for her surgery! That must have been hard for you, but it Pineda like shes handling the pain really well.

Heather and Rachel, I'm sorry to hear that you're both not feeling well. :( Rachel please update us when you can!

Oh, as for Liam's weight at his appointment yesterday, he was 7lbs 8oz, which means he gained a whole pound in the past 10 days! So even though breast feeding is still painful, at least I know it's working. But the pain isn't quite as bad as it used to be. My nipples no longer have sores or are bleeding, and even though I still wince every time he latched, at least it doesn't bring me to tears.

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