anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Eww that sounds horrifying. Sometimes I think I was spared a little by going early in some ways :p
Rachel: How are you feeling right now after your sweep. I really hope this one does it for you!!! Thats great that you called in sick today to get things ready! I bet that might be just what you need. Stay active dtd bounce on your ball etc. Hopefully that will work to get things started!!

Heather: That is great that your dh is back tonight. That is soo cute that sam was asking about his daddy then got shy on facetime. Too cute though lol. Im glad you are going to get things ready this weekend! It will be a relief to know that everything is prepared even if he desides to show up early!

Jordyn: I think the both Natalia and JOnathan has tongie tie although im not 100% sure. Here where i live they didnt even check for it. WHen i have this baby though im going to ask the lady who is going to help with bf about it. Aww thats great that your dh will be able to go with you to the apointment. That is something i am very worried about. How on earth would i go to a apointment with a 4 year old that always bothers me for a sticker and peice of chocolate and grape stick, a 18 month old that is running all over the place and a new born that will probably be crying while i am chasing my other two around. Then having to deal with the looks of everyone else thinking he cant even control her kids. like heather said the gray hairs will be convering us before theday is out haha

skadi: I think jordyn is right it basically disconnects the bag of water from the uterus.

AFM well the doctor desided that i will get my bloods drawn twice a week with my NST's to check my liver function. As long as my liver continue to function well and baby looks great on nsts and ultrasounds and my bp stays at a ok level we will still plan for 37 wks to deliver. If things get worse though he will deliver me asap.
Rachel, I hope the sweep works for you! Good thinking on taking a sick day at work...hopefully you can get lots done and also help Jimmy along in gracing the world with his presence! :winkwink:

Jordyn, that's great it's a quick procedure! :thumbup: I remember Sam getting circumcised at the hospital and feeling horrible for the little man but he hardly even noticed!

Stacey, I'm glad you're doctor has a plan in place! You only gotta make it 4 more weeks! How are you feeling since you're off work now?

Skadi, you made me laugh :rofl:
haha skadi you made me laugh too. I didnt see you post until just now lol

Heather: I feel ok. Like i said before just this constant headache that wont go away. I have alot of times where its difficult to catch my breath for long periods of time even though im laying on my left like i should lol but doc said that is a side affect of pre e because your blood is working harder to pump making your o2 slower or something i didnt understand all of what he has been telling me lol Theres been alot of info about it. OMG just 4 weeks when you put it like that i just cant belive it might be that soon. I think aww yea im almost 33 weeks but you are right. ahhhh lol And i still cant get dh to agree on a name. He likes the name america. I was thinking maybe we could use it for a middle name? I just dont know hahaha.

I cant get my pics of the baptism to download. I will try again... So since this whole blood pressure thing and pre e happend i have had my MIL and SIL and many people ask me if i need anything or if they can help in any way. Well i am not the person who likes for help and i have asked for nothing. Then this thursday is natalias teeth surgery and i asked both my MIL and SIL if one of them can watch jonathan as siblings are not alowed and they both said no basically. My MIL is going to be at the casinos and wont get back until thursday night or friday morning and my sil is going to the casinos either thursday night or friday morning. I am just soo upset because they have known about this for over a month and made plans on the one day i asked for help. I am always watching my niece and well im just not going to anymore. And if it was my niece the one getting the surgery everyone especially my mil would make sure that she was here so she can visit my niece when she gets home and stuff. Im just alittle ticked off about it...
Stacey, I hope you can make it to 37 weeks. I'm sure your baby girl would do fine if she was born now, but it would be really nice if you could avoid any NICU time. Plus, there are just more tests and things they have to do if the baby is pre-term. Because Liam was classified as pre-term, they had to do blood sugar tests every four hours and he also had to pass that car seat test before leaving the hospital. All of which was kind of ironic, since he was healthier than Alia was when she was born, and she didn't need to do any of that.

That's so messed up that no one is willing to help you during Natalia's surgery! :growlmad: I wish I lived closer to you. I would watch Jonathon for you!

Rachel, keep us updated! :thumbup:

Heather, I worried about the circumcision, too, but the pediatrician who did it used a local anesthetic, so that eased my worries a little.

Okay, so here are two pictures I took today of Liam. I love the funny expressions they make in their sleep at this age. :flower:


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aww thanks jordyn!! I appreciate the thought lol of watching jonathan for me!! Those pictures are sooo cute lol. I too love to faces. LOok at the one of him smiling! aww. I know thats crazy all the test they have to do. Liam was only a day early is that right? He was born at 36+6? Thats crazy they had to do all those test. I have a feeling i will make it to 37 weeks. I am really trying to keep calm and relax as much as possible. But its deff not easy sometimes with the two kids.

I need to ask my doc about drinking the rlt and taking epo with pre e. I wonder if that would make it worse or anything. I had started drinking the tea then thought i wonder if it changes when you have issues like that. ugg im worried about being induced at 37 weeks. Im afraid that my body just wont be ready and its going to take forever and maybe end in a section.
Haha, Skadi! It does sound gross, doesn't it? One of the doctors described it as peeling an orange, and yes, I believe it is to separate the membranes between the uterus and the sac. It can be uncomfortable, but so far it hasn't been as painful as it sounds (for me anyway).

Stacey, that's great that your doc isn't admitting you and you get to stay home. And that's super frustrating about your MIL and SIL not being able to help on Thursday. I hope you can find someone to watch Jonathan.

Well, I'm not feeling anything happening yet, but I did just wake up from 2 hour nap. Heh. Before that I took Ozzy to the mall and was walking around for an hour an a half. I do plan to stay active this afternoon, but I'm not sure we'll DTD tonight. We did last night, and it's not our usual MO to do it twice in a row (unless we're TTC!). Who knows, though. We'll see!
Jordyn, I LOVE those pictures of Liam!!!! :cloud9: They make some of the most precious faces when they are little. Sam used to make funny faces too and I would always sit and wonder what he was dreaming about. BTW, you're making me so anxious for Ben to arrive with all the pictures of your little man! <3

Stacey, I'm sorry that no one is able to watch Jonathan! :nope: That sucks that the one time you need help conveniently no one is available! I would also watch him for you...I often wish we all lived closer so we could help each other out! :winkwink: Also, I think America would be a neat middle name, I think! :flower:

Yes, Rachel don't keep us hanging! Keep us updated when you can!!! :hugs:
Jordyn, those faces Liam is making are priceless! So funny! And how silly about having those tests for Liam. I guess it makes sense, but sometimes rules like that just seem so random.

You know, I had been wondering if you ladies in the US had your boys circumcised but never asked. It's not as common up here so we didn't have it done with Ozzy and won't with Jimmy either. I don't think I could bare to be in the same room if we did have it done though. :(

ETA: Aaaahhh! We're all posting at the same time. Confusing! Ha.
thanks heather i too wish that we all lived closer as im sure we would be able to help out alot. Its like my dream!!!

Rachel: Jonathan is not circumsized either. I couldnt go through with it lol I hope things get moving!!

EDIT: Like the dream i had the other night lol not like im crazy and its my dream that we would be all together lol:blush:
Ahhh! I love sleeping baby faces. That is one of the things I am most looking forward to again. So precious!
Yep, Stacey, he was born at 36+6. I asked the nurses if the extra tests were really necessary, but they said they didn't have a choice since he was "technically" pre-term.

Rachel, I hope the sweep starts working for you soon! As for circumcision, I told my DH it was his call to make, since he's the resident expert on that part of the body. :haha: He said that since he's circumcised, he wants our boys to be circumcised too. As for the actual procedure, they did it when Liam was in the nursery at the hospital, so I didn't have to see it done. But they used a little plastic ring thing called a Plastibel (not sure how it's spelled), so they didn't have to cut anything, and after about 5 days, the Plastibel fell off and it was finished.

Ladies I am at the end of my rope. I'm not sure why I haven't mentioned this already, but I just realized that I hadn't. Alia has become a terror in the past week! She gets upset and tries to grab at Liam when he's within her reach (which I try to avoid now whenever possible) and she's been throwing the biggest tantrums over absolutely everything! In fact, today she got so mad that she actually bit down on her hand and left teeth marks on it. I don't know what to do. If I scold her, she gets even more upset, and if I ignore her she'll just keep crying and crying. If I try to comfort her or calm her down, she just pushes me away or cries louder. Any suggestions? I'm already so sleep-deprived that I'm on edge, so it's hard for me to not lose my patience when she throws her fits. :(
aww jordyn i am soo sorry:hugs: You know with Alia you may have to choose your battles. Choose what you need to confront her about. If she is crying there throwing herself on the floor just because or for no good reason ignore her trust me she will stop crying once she sees shes not getting attention from that kind of behavior. ( jonathan starts banging his head on things) so i have to put him in a space that he wont her himself like the pac n play. As for grabbing at liam i know its hard but try not to raise your voice at her. Maybe ask for her help with things ( i know she is still young) but you say she speaks pretty good for her age right? Like she understands basic commands. Maybe if you so pass me a diaper or a wipe. Come help me change baby. Small things like that. Maybe you can have her throw away the diaper. Jonathan loves throwing his own diapers away.And reward her for those behaviors like thank you so much you are a great big sister! Also one thing i learned is try not to make her be quiet all the time. Try to get liam to sleep and such with her talking or yelling or doing what she normally does. This way liam will learn to sleep through anything and its one less fight for you. When liam is sleeping try to spend some time just with her. Doing what you used to do before liam was born. As for the biting her hand. Again its attention that she is looking for as she is feeling maybe alittle jelouse since liam has been born. Im not sure though how not to pay attention to that. Maybe someone else will have some advice on that one? I dont know if this will help at all as alia is much younger than natalia was when jonathan was born:hugs: Please try to stay calm. Are your inlaws helping at all?
Rachel, I hope something starts happening soon! Though like you said he will come when he is ready not when we are, unfortunately!

Stacey, try not go worry about the chance of a c section with this baby. Just because you will most likely get induced doesn't mean for sure it will end in a c section. I do know that being induced does increase the odds but just try not to worry...because even if it does its not that bad! As long as she gets here safe that's all that matters. :hugs:

Jordyn, try not to get frustrated! I think all the advice that Stacey gave is great! :thumbup: I think it happens to the best of us and is just something we will all deal with at one time or another with children close on age. One of friends has 2 daughters and her first is usually an angel but once the baby was born she started to rebel also. Just have to pick your battles and hopefully the phase will pass! :hugs: I have this huge fear Sam will hit Ben in the head out of jealousy :wacko: it's all a new learning experience for them. Also, like Stacey the things with Alia you used to do when Liam is asleep or with DH so she still feels that special bond with you. That is probably what she is missing most.

Well, I'm a happy girl...DH is home and I can finally sleep again! :haha: I'm so happy to have him home and I know he is too! Sam was happy to see him as well. They cuddled all evening. :cloud9:
Awww, Jordyn, I'm sorry. I wish I had some advice/experience for you. I'll be looking to all of you soon for that kind of thing too, so I'm really glad you asked and I could read Stacey's advice. :)

Stacey, I agree with Heather. Try not to worry about a section; baby girl will get here in whatever way is best for her (and you). I know the recovery would be a lot more to deal with, but in the end it's all about getting her here safely, right? And LOL about your dream comment. I knew what you meant! And it is a shame we don't all live closer; I'd totally watch Jonathan for you on Thursday too!

Heather, hooray for DH coming home! I love it when my boys cuddle. Melts my heart.

AFM, I've had a lot more mucus today, and a bit of it has been blood-tinged. Of course that could just be spotting from the "aggressive" sweep, but here's hoping! I've also been cleaning and organizing and am currently bouncing/rolling on my ball. I'll keep you all posted!

Question for you ladies who have two or more kids already: Did you find it harder to go from zero to one child or from one to two?
Hope everyone is good :flower:

I had a horribly crappy night! I woke up at 2am feeling kinda sick to my stomach so I got up thinking I had go to the bathroom but ended up throwing up until 6am and have diarrhea. (Sorry TMI!) I don't know what could have caused it but I'm still feeling yucky but trying to see if I feel better sticking it out at work. If I don't feel much better by noon I'll probably go home since I'm pretty exhausted too! :sleep:

Rachel, any progress overnight? I'm hoping Jimmy doesn't keep you waiting too much longer! :flower:
Ooo, Rachel, that's exciting! I had some blood-tinged mucous the day before I went into labor this time around (I'm not sure if you remember me mentioning it and wondering if it was the start of things). I hope it is for you! Keep us updated!

Heather, I'm glad you have your DH home! :flower:

Stacey, thanks for the advice. I don't worry about the noise that Alia makes, in fact, I flat out ignore her when she screams because I've learned that she'll just keep doing it if I give her attention. Now I just need to get DH to learn that, because he always reacts to it. As for keeping my schedule the same, I'd say that except for the occasional diaper change and breastfeeding, I pretty much leave Liam in the pack n play to sleep and give Alia the rest of the attention. The part that I have the biggest problem with is when I'm breastfeeding Liam. There's nothing she can really help me with, and she gets really mad when she wants me to do something, but I have to make her wait until I'm finished. I just hope that this phase passes quickly or I start getting more sleep, because the combination is beating me up.
Thanks heather and Rachel: I know what ever is best for me and the baby in the end will happen what is meant to be. A section wont be horrible if that does happen but im just a worrie wort about surgerys lol.

Heather i am soo happy that you dh is home and he can help you with sam. That is soo cute how they have been cuddling. Aww. And i am soo sorry to hear about your vomitting and diarea. Do you think you ate something that could have messed up your stomach? I hope it passes soon.

Rachel: That is a very good sign of labor. At least it was for me when i had jonathan. Stay active this could be it. You know when i had my sweep i thought it failed. I had some pains after it but then went into town and walked around i felt nothing absolutly nothing came home that night layed down and bam started feeling contractions and losing blood tinged mucus! i hope its sstarting. Keep us updated!

Jordyn: It sounds like you are doing what you can then. Maybe try to read a story with alia while liam is bf. Does she like music or anything. I think i can put some music on the tv and let them dance while baby is feeding. Try not to worrie this phase will pass. Everyone i talk to says having them close in age is hard only in the begining but after that they love having there children close. Dont get let down you are doing great. Talk to your dh and tell him that he cannot show her attention for negative actions. Dont give up hun!!!

ummm as for the going from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 2 its hard to say. Going from the 0 to 1 i had no idea about babies or newborns. I had no idea why she would cry why this happen or that happend. I wasnt prepared for the tiredness and such. But with the second i kinda knew what to expect at least from the newborn and being sleep deprived. Like i said natalia was almost 3 when jonathan was born so she wasnt too difficult. She was a great little mommy and i tried to involve her with as much as possible. So both have there ups and downs. The only thing that was harder in my case was daycare working and cooking cleaning and such with 2 vs the 1.
Thanks, Stacey! I think it's something I ate most likely but I dunno. It's very odd because I ate at lunch and nothing for dinner and then at 2am I felt horribly sick. But no symptoms of anything before that. :shrug: I keep worrying about Ben now too. I already hardly gained anything and now I keep losing the past few days.
Dont worrie heather its normal to stop gaining and even lose some in the end. Im sure you and ben will be ok. When is your next ob apointment? i would just mention it to your doc! How are you feeling now?

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