Yep, Stacey, he was born at 36+6. I asked the nurses if the extra tests were really necessary, but they said they didn't have a choice since he was "technically" pre-term.
Rachel, I hope the sweep starts working for you soon! As for circumcision, I told my DH it was his call to make, since he's the resident expert on that part of the body.
He said that since he's circumcised, he wants our boys to be circumcised too. As for the actual procedure, they did it when Liam was in the nursery at the hospital, so I didn't have to see it done. But they used a little plastic ring thing called a Plastibel (not sure how it's spelled), so they didn't have to cut anything, and after about 5 days, the Plastibel fell off and it was finished.
Ladies I am at the end of my rope. I'm not sure why I haven't mentioned this already, but I just realized that I hadn't. Alia has become a terror in the past week! She gets upset and tries to grab at Liam when he's within her reach (which I try to avoid now whenever possible) and she's been throwing the biggest tantrums over absolutely everything! In fact, today she got so mad that she actually bit down on her hand and left teeth marks on it. I don't know what to do. If I scold her, she gets even more upset, and if I ignore her she'll just keep crying and crying. If I try to comfort her or calm her down, she just pushes me away or cries louder. Any suggestions? I'm already so sleep-deprived that I'm on edge, so it's hard for me to not lose my patience when she throws her fits.