Just wanted to check in and let you know I still exist.

This weekend I've been pretty busy, so I've been reading the posts on my phone in the middle of the night while I'm breastfeeding.
First of all, cute bumps, ladies!
Stacey, that's awesome that you got a surprise baby shower! I'm glad you had a good time.

I have my fair share of stretch marks too. I didn't get any new ones on my tummy with Liam, but I got some new ones on my legs.
Rachel, I'm glad you're feeling better! A 6 hour nap sounds so awesome right now!
Heather, I'm glad that Sam is adjusting to his new room. And lucky you! A 3 hour nap??? I would kill for that! Alia only sleeps for an hour and a half! Oh, and congrats on hitting full term today!
And Skadi, your boob job comment made me laugh. Breastfeeding and pregnancy definitely gives you great boobs, but sadly they get so deflated when you stop! I was glad when I got pregnant with Liam because they perked back up.
Not too much new with me, althoug Liam slept for three hours in a row last night, which is the most consecutive sleep I've gotten in the past two and a half weeks! I hope it means that he's starting to get his days and nights figured out. Oh, and Alia is still having a hard time with Liam. I was feeding him the other day and she got pretty mad and actually bit me! And then yesterday she started saying "All done!" whenever I got Liam out of his pack n play.