anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Aww heather sounds like you had a great lunch!!! MMMM frozen yogart yummy. DO yall eat soft serve while pregnant. IM craving and dairy queen blizzard lol yumm.

Rachel looking foward to updates!!!!

Jordyn: That is great news about liams weight!!!!!! And that your nipples are healing. Sounds very promising you will be able to bf longer this time then you did with alia!!
Jordyn, that's great that Liam is growing so well! :thumbup: and super good news about your nipples healing. I'm dreading that part too! :nope:

Stacey, I don't eat much soft serve ice cream but occasionally will have frozen yogurt. I love it but try not to get it often because its so addicting :haha: and I don't want to gain 58lbs again while pregnant! :dohh:

So super exciting, my brother and his girlfriend are coming out for Ben's birth!!! He booked his flight today, I'm thrilled for his to meet his nephew! :happydance:
Looks like everything's fine. Well, with Jimmy, that is, but that's all that really matters! Stacey, you were right on, they wanted to make sure I don't have a bacterial infection (strep throat, sinus infection, UTI), so they checked my urine and just asked me a few questions and basically decided I just have something viral. They did hook me up and do an NST and Jimmy passed with flying colours. They said to call if I start feeling worse if anything changes drastically (call the Maternity triage, that is). I came home and went straight for the Tylenol and a nap. It's amazing what a little rest will do! I'm going to stick to the Tylenol and napping and hopefully I'll feel 100% before Jimmy decides to come. :)

Stacey, that's great that you had such a good doc appointment. And I had to chuckle at Jonathan not leaving Natalia alone. Such a little brother! But I do hope she starts to feel all better soon. And maybe when she gets her new "adult" caps/crowns they can make sure they are the correct colour!

Jordyn, that's so great about Liam's weight! And wonderful that your nipples are starting to feel a bit better. No bleeding is a great improvement! I remember that after that initial cracking/bleeding nipple stage there was still about 5-10 seconds of pain right at the start of a feeding after Ozzy would latch but then it went away. That lasted for a few weeks and then went away too. Hope you get the same!

Aaah! Stop talking about frozen yogurt and blizzards! Ice cream (most likely a blizzard) is on my list of things to eat once I don't have GD anymore. That and chocolate chip banana pancakes with peanut butter and real maple syrup on top.... Mmmmm. Only a few more weeks of waiting! (Sssshhh... don't tell anyone, but I've got a candy bar stashed in my hospital bag! :rofl:)

Heather, that's wonderful that your brother and his girlfriend are going to come visit for Ben's arrival. My family all live within a 2-3 hour drive, so they'll make their way up to see Jimmy. It's so fun to have family there to share those first few days/weeks with you and have them ooh and aah over your new baby!
Oh man, all this ice cream/frozen yogurt talk is making me salivate! I swear, one of the best parts of breastfeeding is the requirement to eat 500 additional calories, which somehow always translates into dessert of some sort. :blush:

Rachel, that's hilarious that you have a candy bar ready to go for after Jimmy arrives. :haha: I'm glad to hear that everything looks okay with Jimmy, and hopefully you'll soon be feeling fine, too. Do you remember that cough that I had that would NOT go away for weeks and weeks? Well, sure enough, it was gone within a day of having Liam! So even if you feel crummy right up until Jimmy's born, there's a good chance that it'll go away soon after.

Heather, that's great that you're brother and his girlfriend will be around for Ben's birth! I don't want to worry you, but it might be nice to have more of your family around since you'll be living with your in-laws. I feel like my MIL has been giving me lots of "advice" since we've been here, and it's been worse with Liam as a newborn than it has been with Alia as a toddler. She's keeps suggesting that I make Liam wait longer before feeding him again, but I feel more comfortable feeding on demand, especially since I had supply issues with Alia, so it's been kind of obnoxious having her say things like, "Oh, you're feeding him again? Didn't he just eat?" or "He probably just needs a binky." (Last time I checked, babies don't come out of the womb with a need for pacifiers :dohh:). So hopefully you'll get lucky and your in-laws will leave you be. But if nothing else, they probably won't bother you too much while your family is around. :thumbup:
Rachel, that's great that everything is fine with Jimmy and I'm glad you were able to get a nap this afternoon! When is your last day of work? Hopefully Jimmy decides to show up soon. I'm sure you're so anxious! :flower: I too had to laugh at you having a candy bar stashed in your hospital bag! :haha: I packed yummy cookies in mine when I had Sam...I'll have to do that gain this time! :winkwink:

Jordyn, how annoying about your MIL! :growlmad: I really think some people need to just learn when to not say anything. I'm sure in her mind she is trying to help but that would really bother me if my MIL made comments like that...he is your baby and you're welcome to do things how you want!

I'm very happy to have my family around the first 2 weeks after Ben is born! I felt like the first 2-3 weeks were the hardest after Sam was born so it will be nice to have the support of my own family. As much as I like my in-laws there is just nothing like your own family.

Here is my 36 week bump! I swear he had a growth spurt recently...I feel so "full". I don't know how else to explain it but I'm basically over it now!
This picture doesn't do it justice I don't think! :haha:
Heather, your bump looks awesome! First thing I noticed was the lack of stretch marks. And I think I know what you mean about the "full" feeling. Just this last week I've started to feel like Jimmy's really running out of room in there. Plus, not all of my maternity shirts fit anymore. :blush:

And my last day of work was today! Felt weird having to take a sick day on my last day, but what can you do. I might have to go in to sign some paperwork next week, though.

Jordyn, I agree that would be super annoying to have my MIL saying stuff like that all the time. I'm a big fan of feeding on demand. It's not like babies are little tyrants trying to control you by constantly wanting to be fed. If they want to be fed it's because they are hungry, and if they are hungry it's because they are growing!

Well, I'm looking forward to tomorrow. We had planned to have Daniel's parents watch Ozzy while we went into Vancouver for the day, but now they are going to watch Ozzy while Daniel goes into the city and I stay home and sleep! Sleeping and nesting, that's all I've got planned for the whole day. Hope it turns out as nice as it sounds!
Thanks Rachel, but sadly I do have some stretch marks from Sam! But thankfully I haven't had any this pregnancy so the ones I have are finally starting to fade! :thumbup:

And I hope you have a great day and get a lot of relaxing and nesting in! That sounds like a very nice day.

Well, today is the big move day where we are switching rooms. DH is doing it all mainly while I watch Sam. Sometimes being pregnant has its advantages! :winkwink:
Heather: Your bump is BEAUTIFUL! It all baby.:flower: I wish i could look like that. I feel awful right now. I am not alowed to exersize or even walk around my neighborhood because that could tigger my bp to rise and of corse thats not good. I hate this i have been trying to eat just healthy foods but sometimes when all you can do is sit around the house some chips and salsa sound wonderful. So i am up now to like 173 or so.:nope: i was 166 when jonathan was born! I hope it comes down. the doc said swelling has something to do with my weight gain too but still i could just cry about it:cry:

I agree with rachel even if you did get some stretch marks with sam you cant see them at all. You look great! I took a pic of my bump but maybe i will do it without my shirt and you can see all my stretch marks. lol

Thats great you are going to have YOUR family around when ben is born. There is just nothing like having your family there. They live kinda far right? I cant remember exactly where they live. But my fam lives in texas so 1000 miles away and my mom will be comeing around sept 5th or so.

Good luck with the room change!!

rachel: I am sorry that you are feeling like this. LIke jordyn said maybe you will magically cure after jimmy is born! A nap and nestings sound wonderful! I also had to laugh about you having a candy bar in your hospital bag i would totally do the same thing.:haha: Although i think ill send my dh out for the blizzard ive been crazy once we get home. Thats great of being out of work now!!! YAY!

Jordyn: I am sorry to hear you MIL giving you "unwanted" "advice" I would tell you just not to say anything until you asked. Thats what i did with everyone after my kids were born. I told them if i dont ask you dont tell. It works like a charm over here. I to agree that you need to feed on demand. Especially if you had supply issues with alia. Feeding on demand is just going to help you produce more milk.

today i am going to try to clean up the house alittle lol of corse its saterday but later today we are going to my inlaws house my dh's aunt and uncle are here so we are going to visit with them for awhile. Tomorrow we are going to set up this little infatable pool and slide that we bought for the kids. I just know they will love it. My dh said that today we will acually sit down and talk about her name so hopefully that happens and by tomorrow we will know what her name will be lol
Busy busy busy with Keira but finally took a bump shot... 18 Weeks!


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Skadi, what a beautiful bump you have coming along! :flower:
I agree, Skadi! Great bump! You look awesome. Happy 18 weeks (a few days ago). Baby is now a sweet potato! Hee hee.

Heather, have fun with the room switch. I think we're going to wait until Jimmy outgrows his moses basket and then switch rooms and move him into a crib all at once. I'll be curious to hear how Sam adjusts to his new room.

Stacey, that pool sounds like a lot of fun! We got a little inflatable pool for Ozzy and took it over to Daniel's parents along with all his swim stuff. Hopefully they'll get a chance to use it today; I think he'll have fun in there. :) And I was thinking the same thing about posting a pic of my stretch marks, but I'm not sure I want to. They are pretty gross. Lol. Still lots leftover from Ozzy, so I can't tell if I've got any new ones from Jimmy!
Stacey, don't stress about weight gain! You're doing great and it will all come off as soon as your little lady is here. :hugs: I know what you mean about sitting around the house and wanting to eat junk though...I catch myself doing it on weekends! :dohh:

I hope Jonathan and Natalia have fun in their new pool. And you have a good visit with family.

You were asking where my family all lives; my parents live in Kentucky. My brother is in Michigan. We are originally from Michigan but my parents relocated to KY for a job for my dad a few years back. I have a lot of family everywhere though, likes aunts and uncles in different states but my immediate family is just KY and MI.

I'll post a pic of my stretch marks so you girls can see them! They are shockingly fading though and no new ones as of yet though 36 weeks is when I got them with Sam so I'm not in the clear yet!

Rachel, Sam napped in his new room this afternoon and took a bit of crying to get down (maybe 10 minutes) but slept his usual 3 hours after that! :thumbup:
I only had stretch marks on my breasts but they are completely gone already. I guess that is what happens when you go from a Small B to a D so quickly lol! Who needs breast implants... just get pregnant.
LOL, Skadi! So true!

I have a feeling it will be a while before my stretch marks fade. I had a scar on my nose that I got in high school playing softball. It took years to completely fade. I think that's just how my skin is.
Yeah it is all genetics, my mother never got stretch marks either. I do have bio oil that I rub on my bump but only because it feels nice and smells good.
Skadi: Great bump! Congrats on 18 weeks. You have you scan coming up soon right? I too got alot of stretch marks on my boobs. The ones on my belly didnt pop up until like 36 37 weeks or so.

Heather: Im glad it did take to much to get sam to sleep in his new room. He will adjust quickly i think! And thank you for saying that! I think it was the shock that i was doing soo well then in a matter of a week and a half i gained 13 lbs. But like you said it will come off. I was 205lbs when natalia was born and managed to get it off so i can do it again lol

rachel: I am the same when i scar it stays forever!!!! My stretch marks have faded some but they will never ever go away like others do lol. Did ozzy use the pool? Today when my husband get home we will hopefully set up the kids. Natalia just got a pair of goggles the she has been practicing with in the bath so she is soo exited to use them haha

YEsterday was soo much fun. I got a suprise baby shower from my MIL and my dhs aunt!!! I had no idea. We drove up to the house and i saw baloones and i said why is there baloones here. THen i saw its a girl signs and presents. It was such a nice suprise. I couldnt believe my dh never told me haha he is usually horrible and at keeping suprises. It was a very small babyshower just us my mil fil sil and bil. Then my dh's aunt and uncle. But we included all the men in the games witch was soo funny. especially watching them play pin the sperm on the egg haha. Then we played ping pong for awhile until it cooled down and got dark. Went inside and sang some karokee. We didnt get home until 1 am or so. Jonathan refused to sleep but was there just playing not being all fussy or anything. Just playing with the other kids so i let him stay awake until we got home and he and natalia slept until 1030 or so this morning. Aww but it was a great day.
skadi: My mom never got stretch marks either. But i did. ugg must i always have the bad genetics haha

well ladies this is my bump with all my stretch marks.... The pic really makes it look better than it really is
Stacey, that is so cool about the surprise shower! Sounds like a lot of fun. And so nice that Jonathan just played with the other kids so late even though he must have been so tired. And also nice that they slept in today! No, Ozzy didn't end up using the pool. My MIL said it was so breezy at their house that it actually would have been too cold for him, and I agree. But we left it there, and I'm sure they'll be some hot days this summer where we'll go over and use it.

And that is pretty much exactly what my stretch marks look like! Except you'd also see my belly button poking out a bit! Ha!

I'm feeling so much better today. It's amazing what a 6 hour nap yesterday and then a good night's sleep will do. I'm ready to give birth now! Hear, that Jimmy? You can come any time now! :)
Just wanted to check in and let you know I still exist. :haha: This weekend I've been pretty busy, so I've been reading the posts on my phone in the middle of the night while I'm breastfeeding.

First of all, cute bumps, ladies! :)

Stacey, that's awesome that you got a surprise baby shower! I'm glad you had a good time. :flower: I have my fair share of stretch marks too. I didn't get any new ones on my tummy with Liam, but I got some new ones on my legs. :(

Rachel, I'm glad you're feeling better! A 6 hour nap sounds so awesome right now! :haha:

Heather, I'm glad that Sam is adjusting to his new room. And lucky you! A 3 hour nap??? I would kill for that! Alia only sleeps for an hour and a half! Oh, and congrats on hitting full term today!

And Skadi, your boob job comment made me laugh. Breastfeeding and pregnancy definitely gives you great boobs, but sadly they get so deflated when you stop! I was glad when I got pregnant with Liam because they perked back up. :haha:

Not too much new with me, althoug Liam slept for three hours in a row last night, which is the most consecutive sleep I've gotten in the past two and a half weeks! I hope it means that he's starting to get his days and nights figured out. Oh, and Alia is still having a hard time with Liam. I was feeding him the other day and she got pretty mad and actually bit me! And then yesterday she started saying "All done!" whenever I got Liam out of his pack n play. :growlmad:

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