anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Hey all.. I have been so busy I just want to do nothing.. but alas not possible daughters bday is next week so were having one party on sunday and then the other on her actual bday.. so busy.. finished up with the garage sale and made 137 dollars so not bad.. :)

I have my ultrasound tomorrow.. should be fun.. im pooped
Stacey, that's a great surprise you got! :thumbup: and so nice that Jonathan played without getting crabby and slept in the next morning.

Skadi, you made me laugh about getting pregnant instead of getting implants! :rofl:

Rachel, I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better! Now Jimmy is welcome to make his appearance anytime now. :)

Jordyn, I hope things are going well with Liam and he is adjusting his days and nights better! :flower:

I had a doctors appointment this morning. Everything is looking great with Ben. He is head down and growing just as he should. I haven't gained any weight since my last 3 appointments though but they aren't worried as my uterus is measuring spot on! Only 16 days till we meet our little man.

I do also have a low grade fever but am to just monitor it that it doesn't go too high otherwise I need to call L&D. I still feel kinda yucky and haven't been eating a whole lot but I'm trying. This stomach bug really has taken it out of me! :nope:
Jordyn, that's great Liam is sleeping in longer stretches! Sorry to hear that Alia is still having a rough time with Liam. It's just a big change for her and I think she will adjust just fine into her big sister role...and hey, at least she didn't bite Liam! :haha:

Sam has always been a good long napper...makes me nervous that Ben won't be and we got spoiled!

Logan, glad to hear you're doing well. Looking forward to seeing pictures of your little one! :flower:
oh my goodness i feel like rachel haha i had my whole post written up and somehow lost it when i was about to hit send haha...

Rachel: I am soo glad you are feeling better. come on jimmy we are all waiting for you! I always wondered what it would be like to have your belly button pop out. Ihavent had it happen in any pregnancy and it wont in this one either lol.

Logan: Im soo exited to see your scan tomorrow. You are staying team yellow right? Congrats on your daughter being almost 4. And wow $137 at the garage sale is great! i hope you get to find some time to relax inbetween all your plans!

Jordyn: I am soo happy to hear Liam slept a 3 hour stretch. Thats great for a baby his age. I am sorry to hear about Alia. I agree with heather. Its just a stage it will pass. The question is when. I couldnt help to chuckle when she said at least she didnt bite Liam. Dont worry you are doing great!!

heather: I am sorry you still are not feeling well. I really hope you didnt come down with the flu or anything. Especially with you feeling crummy with your belly and now a low fever. Keep us updated i hope it resolves soon. Wow full term CONGRATS!!! i cant believe you only have 16 days until ben arrives! That is soo exiteing!!!

Today i had another nst. Baby looked great. My contractions this time were much stronger than last week. The bump on the paper was way higher then last times. I had +1 protien again today and bp was 156/95 but thats ok i guess. My bloods came back ok. I get a ultrasound on thursday. I am very interested to see how big they estimate her now. At 31 weeks she was estimated 4lb 8oz so well see!! Still planning to induce at 37 weeks. I have up my tea intake to 3 cups a day and just bough epo today so i can start it at 34 weeks. Doc says that it is fine to do the rlt and epo. Maybe i wont have such a bad induction at 37 weeks if they help at all.

Hope all is well going to go talk to dh about babys name lol wish me luck!
Scan tomorrow! EXCITED!

Spiffy... lol, thankfully my boobs have always been perky and they didn't deflate when we stopped BFing... although Keira self-weaned right after I found out I was pregnant so that might have to do with it.

HAKing... sorry about the fever and feeling unwell. Yuck. Have you taken Tylenol to try and keep the fever down?

Duejan... Sounds like your appointment went OK. That's great!

I still haven't had my appointment with my Obs.. feeling SO SO frustrated and worried.
Also... I have been feeling movement but its like when they are turning around and never any kicking... and its not very often and ALWAYS on my right side. (So maybe gas and not baby?!) It's kind of freaking me out and has me worried about my scan tomorrow. I could feel Keira kicking at 15 weeks and by 17 weeks OH could feel her kicking too. Maybe what is going on right now is normal and maybe there was a problem with her sac that made it so easy for me to feel (and why it ruptured?!) So many thoughts running around my head.
Skadi, try not to worry too much or read into things with the kicking. All pregnancies are different so it's hard to compare. With this pregnancy I don't how long it would have even taken me to find out I was pregnant if I didn't go to the doctors since I had no symptoms but with Sam I knew before I could even take a test since I was so sick!

I'm sure everything will go great tomorrow, you're finding out gender tomorrow too, right?

Stacey, so glad you had a good appointment and baby is looking good! :thumbup: also, like you said hopefully taking the RLT it will help with the induction a little bit more. Have they checked your cervix to see if you're dilating since you've been contacting a lot?

Also, any news on the baby name front?

I wish today I would have asked what they thought Ben's weight will be. I'm guessing he will be 7.5lbs! I'm just so excited to see his little face!!! :cloud9:

I'm starting to feel a tiny bit better now but just taking it easy and eating small meals. Seems to be helping. I don't seem to have a fever now, at least I didn't as of an hour ago when I checked. Hopefully it stays away!
skadi: Like heather said try not to think about the movement right now. Its still very early. With Natalia i felt her around 15 weeks. With jonathan i felt him just before that. Dh could feel him on the outside at 17 weeks. with this baby i didnt feel her until 20+ weeks and not very well until 27 plus weeks reason being a anterior placenta. i think jordyn and was it rachel that also had anterior placentas? either way there was a few of us. maybe the same thing for you? i cant wait to hear about your scan a find out if you are pink or blue!!!

heather: i am so glad you dont have a fever as of this morning. Im also glad you are able to eat something even if it is small. How big was sam when he was born? Jonathan was 7lbs 8 oz and natalia was almost 7. Im soo curiouse to see what this little ladys weight will be. We didnt get a chance to talk last night about her name. I think i told you ladys that i always had trouble getting natalia to sleep in her own room. I always let her fall asleep on the couch and then my dh would take her to her bed. Well i am determinded to get her to sleep in her own bed when jonathan doess (he does much better than she haha) Its going to be hard last night she started crying and yelling for her daddy and that made jonathan upset so he started crying too. But its time that she does. We should be able to watch a scary movie after they go to bed not have to wait until she falls asleep witch is normally when we do now. So it was kinda hecktick last night. As for the checking of my cerivix. No he didnt check. Maybe next week i will ask him too. He doesnt start until 36 weeks at least but he might if i ask him to early.

We are heading into town today so i problably wont be on until later tonight. i cant wait to see scans logan and skadi. Heather i hope you continue feeling better. And Jordyn i hope you get to rest a bit. Rachel how you feeling?
Nice to hear from you Jordyn! Glad Liam gave you a longer stretch of sleep and I sure hope it continues to improve. And hang in there; Alia will come around to him eventually.

Skadi, if you read this before your scan, you should ask them where your placenta is. Mine was/is anterior, and it made it so I didn't feel any proper kicks from Jimmy until much later than I did with Ozzy. I wouldn't worry about it too much - and looking forward to hearing how it all goes!

You too Logan! Two scans in one day! Whee!! Do you have a theme for the birthday party? Sounds like fun.

Stacey, that sounds like a pretty good appointment. Curious to hear how the baby name discussion went. :)

Heather, that's good you're feeling a bit better today and able to eat. And wonderful that your temperature is down. I found out at my appointment this morning that if I go overdue, the longest they'll let me go is 10 days. That means they'd induce me 16 days from now, meaning Ben and Jimmy could be born just a day or two apart! I suppose they could anyway, but it's a nice thought. :)

As mentioned, I had an appointment this morning. She did another sweep, so we'll see how that goes. The good news (apart from my BP and his HB being fine) is that I'm now 3 cm and his head has dropped down farther. Yay! Progress! Of course, I could walk around like this for two more weeks, but the doctor said she was optimistic it'd happen in the next week. Let's hope she's right! Oh, and I'm measuring 41 cm at 39+1, so two weeks ahead. She did point out that I carry it all out in front, but I'm still expecting a big guy... somewhere around 9 lbs., I'd say.
Skadi, looking forward to hearing how the scan went! And if you're pink or blue!!! :happydance:

Logan, you too! Can't wait to see pictures of your little one. :flower:

Stacey, Sam was 8lbs 8.5oz when he was born. I had him at 40+2. I think (not sure how true it is though) that he was bigger because I gained a lot of weight! :shrug: I've only gained 18lbs this time so I'm thinking Ben will be smaller but I guess time will tell!

I'm sorry last night was a mess and Natalia's crying woke up Jonathan! :nope: Hopefully she starts getting used to falling asleep on her own. Maybe read her a book with Jonathan too and put them to bed together the same way. That's gonna be my plan for Ben and Sam when he gets a bit older for sure. :thumbup: I did read though that if you have a newborn and toddler share a room its best to get the toddler to bed first and asleep and then put the newborn down after if possible. I think its just gonna take a lot of work...I sure hope they learn to sleep in the same room together! I'm kinda worried to be honest! :wacko:

I hope you have a good day today in town. :flower:

Rachel, that's great news that you're progressing! Hopefully you're doctor is right and you have him in the next week. That is crazy you're measuring 2 weeks ahead...maybe he will be big or maybe you have a lot of fluid! :shrug: I remember with Sam I had TONS!!! When they broke my water I kept telling them it was still coming out and they didn't believe me saying that it's not possible and sure enough it was! I remember telling them "I know I'm not peeing the bed" :blush: :haha:

That is exciting that Jimmy and Ben could share a close birthday! I think Jordyn (or is it you, Rachel?) birthday is August 9th!?

I'm feeling a lot better this morning and actually have energy which is a huge change from the past week! :thumbup: I'm just so anxious for August 8th you Rachel, my maternity shirts are getting shorter and shorter! :dohh:

The Sonographer says she thinks its a girl... she showed me a smooth area between the baby's legs. Weird because with Keira we could see 3 lines. Hmmm. So not sure what to think about that lol.

My placenta IS anterior. Boo!
Hooray for baby, Skadi! I agree, I'd be suspicious about just a smooth area without lines. Will you have other ultrasounds to go by? And cute nails! :)

Well, ladies, I just woke up from a nap and my water broke! Aaaahhh!! No contractions yet, but I've got to head to the hospital because I'm GBS pos. Daniel's parents are on their way now. Wish us luck!
Ahhhh!!! Rachel so exciting. Keep us updated. Good luck!

Skadi, I agree I would be curious about the ultrasound too. Will you have another to re-confirm?
OMGGGG!!!!!!!! Rachel i am sooo exited for you i will wish you a speedy labor!!! i please try to rest nd keep us updated!!! I cant believe jimmy will be here soon!!!!

Skadi: I saw right away in your scan that the placenta was anterior lol. Dont worrie it will get better. That makes four of us on this thread with anterior placentas. lol Are you going to get anymore scans soon. My scan with this little one was very weird to but i confirmed that she is a girl at a 3d scan. Was there a certain gender you were hopeing for. Congrats on a healthy lo though!!!

heather: Im honestly soo glad that you are feeling better! And i think it was jordyn that her birthday is aug 9th lol. I cant believe we are almost out of july already!!

We just got back from the valley. I bought some dreft so i can start washing little misses clothes so i think i will do that tomorrow. It will be exiting to see all those little clothes ready lol. Im going to go outside right now with dh while he cuts the grass haha
OMG Exciting Harley! Good luck! (..and thanks, I have a subscription to Julep so I have a LOT of polish! lol)

I am going to wait until my Dr appointment and see if he can confirm the sex... if not I'll ask about another ultrasound. I'd love to do a 3D ultrasound but since we are both on EI it is WAY out of our budget. Plus I would feel guilty about getting one since I didn't with Keira.

I don't care which gender, but I've been convinced since early on that its a girl. I'd just like real proof so I know that I don't need to buy anything except another crib mattress!
Well ladies, Jimmy is here! Would you believe a 3 hour labour? I almost can't. I will give the full story and post pics later, but we're all doing well
Ozzy came to meet him and will come again tomorrow
Oh, he was only 8 lbs 4 oz, so a full pound less than Ozzy. My mom is here now too and I have showered and eaten so I think we will go to bed soon. Can't wait to tell you all the funny things I said during labour. :)
Congrats, Rachel! :happydance: I can't wait to see pictures of Jimmy. And that's great you had such a quick easy labor.
Congratulations, Rachel!!!!! I can't wait to see pics and hear more about it! :happydance: And only three hours? Wow! I thought my 6 hour was fast!

Skadi, I looked at your ultrasound and guessed girl before reading your comment. I hope someone can tell you for sure, but either way, congrats on a healthy baby!

Logan, I hope everything went okay at your ultrasound!
OMG Rachel i am soo happy for you! Welcome to the world little jimmy! Cant wait to see pics and here more about it. Wow 3 hours That is AMAZYING!! I too though my 7 hours with jonathan was pretty good haha.

Heather how are you feeling today?

Jordyn: How are you getting on. Any better with Alia? How are your nipples feeling?

I dont know if we all have mentioned before but how long was your first labors?

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