Skadi, looking forward to hearing how the scan went! And if you're pink or blue!!!
Logan, you too! Can't wait to see pictures of your little one.
Stacey, Sam was 8lbs 8.5oz when he was born. I had him at 40+2. I think (not sure how true it is though) that he was bigger because I gained a lot of weight!

I've only gained 18lbs this time so I'm thinking Ben will be smaller but I guess time will tell!
I'm sorry last night was a mess and Natalia's crying woke up Jonathan!

Hopefully she starts getting used to falling asleep on her own. Maybe read her a book with Jonathan too and put them to bed together the same way. That's gonna be my plan for Ben and Sam when he gets a bit older for sure.

I did read though that if you have a newborn and toddler share a room its best to get the toddler to bed first and asleep and then put the newborn down after if possible. I think its just gonna take a lot of work...I sure hope they learn to sleep in the same room together! I'm kinda worried to be honest!
I hope you have a good day today in town.
Rachel, that's great news that you're progressing! Hopefully you're doctor is right and you have him in the next week. That is crazy you're measuring 2 weeks ahead...maybe he will be big or maybe you have a lot of fluid!

I remember with Sam I had TONS!!! When they broke my water I kept telling them it was still coming out and they didn't believe me saying that it's not possible and sure enough it was! I remember telling them "I know I'm not peeing the bed"
That is exciting that Jimmy and Ben could share a close birthday! I think Jordyn (or is it you, Rachel?) birthday is August 9th!?
I'm feeling a lot better this morning and actually have energy which is a huge change from the past week!

I'm just so anxious for August 8th you Rachel, my maternity shirts are getting shorter and shorter!