anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Sometimes people do baby showers for subsequent children, especially if it's the first of the opposite gender, but no one threw one for me with Liam. However, I did have four baby showers for Alia, so I guess I can't complain. :winkwink:
wow jordyn 4 baby showers! Thats great! Aww look at Liam. He looks soo preciouse!! Happy due date Liam lol. Jordyn i hate to ask again but i wanted some advice on the evening primrose oil. When did you start taking it and how much and stuff?

How is everyone today. i think we will go for alittle walk today. If the weather corroprates lol
Oh, Stacey, I'm sorry, I totally forgot to answer you last time you asked! I started taking it at 34 weeks, and one capsule (1000mg) a day. Then, at 36 weeks, you can start inserting it vaginally if you want. You're not supposed to take more than 1000mg a day until you hit 38 weeks, but in your case, since you know you'll be induced at 37 weeks, I would start taking two capsules as soon as you hit 36 weeks so that you can get your cervix as ready as possible so that you hopefully won't end up having a C-section. It won't make you go into labor, so it won't hurt. It only softens your cervix so that when your body is ready to dilate, it goes faster than it normally would, which in your case, is what you want.

And if you're not sure where to get it, I got mine at Wal-Mart. It was only $5 for a bottle.
Thanks jordyn: I think i will do just that. I got some at safeway as my town here doesnt even have a walmart haha but they are 1000 mg capsules and i started taking one. I was wondering if i should maybe up my dose alittle early because of the inductino at 37 weeks. I think i will. Thank you very much for your advice lol. Do you recommend doing it vaginally? I feel weird. My dh would be like what are you doing haha
Logan, congrats on hitting the halfway mark!

Stacey, I did it vaginally a few times (I had my DH do it for me. He said it weirded him out a little, but he would do it for me). I would do it right before bed so that as much as possible could absorb before I stood up next time, but because I would have to go pee a few hours later, I was never sure how much actually soaked in. So because of that, the few times I did it vaginally, I also took one orally just in case.
Happy 20 weeks, Logan! Hopefully you're a little more than halfway. ;) I have no gender guess, but I'll go with boy just because then I have a slightly better chance of being right statistically. Ha!

Well, things are going pretty well so far all in all. The last few nights have been pretty miserable, actually. Jimmy's been awake and wanting to eat pretty much non-stop. He sleeps well during the day and then is just awake and hungry and pooping all night. There have been a few tears shed, but my milk just came in today, so I'm hoping that will help him sleep better at night soon.

Ozzy was super cute meeting him for the first time, just kind of tapped his little finger gently on Jimmy's head over and over. :) He'll come up to Jimmy and say "Bay-BEE!" and he'll give him a "kiss" if we ask him to (he just smooshes his cheek against Jimmy's face... Tee hee).

Birth story still to come, but the short version is that while it was short, it was super intense (in some ways more painful than Ozzy's birth).

Anyway, here's a few photos!


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awww Rachel he is beautiful. So preciouse! I will look forward to a full birth story but looks like you did great. I hope since your milk has come in that jimmy starts sleeping better at night for you. He is still very young he will eventually get his nights and days right! That is very cute about ozzy reacting to him. Sounds like he is doing a good job!!!

Thanks jordyn: I will see if what my dh feels about putting it in for me. haha. I really just want to try everything to help mmy cervix and stuff so induction goes smoothly for me.
Thank you!

I meant to answer your question about clothing sizes before but forgot. Ozzy is wearing mostly 18 months size still. He fits in some 24 months sized things already (mostly pajamas), and we've put all his 12 months sized things away.

And Jordyn, Liam is such a handsome little guy! Great due date picture! :)

And for anyone who'd like to read it, here is Jimmy's birth story. It's a bit long, but there are some funny bits (mostly about things I yelled). :haha:

And I did sleep much better last night. Jimmy had some nice long stretches of sleep, but was also up from about 2:45 to 5:00 just eating and pooping, the little stinker. But I didn't end up crying, so it was a successful night in my books! Just heading to bed now, so wish me luck. I want to be well-rested because we have church in the morning and then his newborn photos in the afternoon. Busy day!
Rachel that was a beautiful birth story! That is funny about some of the stuff you said haha. I liike the one about calling the nurse a bitch but not infront of her face and then apologizing for it after haha. That was soo funny. Aww but you did wonderful!!! The first thing that came to mind was did you get your candy bar? I sure hope you did and you enjoyed it! lol.

Im very happy Jimmy slept longer last night. Its always a big relief when your milk comes in!. How did it feel when you water broke. Did it litterally pop like everyone says? My waters were leaking with natalia but never officially broke. lol Im glad you are doing well though.

This thread is going to get soo quiet. Since everyone having their babies there isnt alot of time for yall to get on. lol. I sure hope we will update everyonce in a while.
Rachel, it sounds like things went well overall with Jimmy's birth. I know what you mean when you said that it was quicker but more painful, because it was the same for me. With Alia, I had my epidural going just as my contractions were getting painful, but with Liam, I had a good two hours if really painful contractions before I got the epidural. Jimmy is so cute! I'm glad that he'd sleeping a little better for you too. It's a lot easier to get overwhelmed and emotional when you're sleep deprived.

Stacey, I haven't been on much during the weekends, but I'll definitely still be getting on during the week. You ladies are my link to sanity when I'm alone with the kids all day! :haha:
haha jordyn that made me laugh. heather is going to be next to have her baby!! I cant believe how fasst all of our pregnancys went. i remember when you were nine weeks and posting your nine week bump pic lol. awww How are you feeling today?
I'm doing pretty good. It's funny how I was worried about going through the "newborn days" again, but Liam is actually a piece of cake compared to Alia. She's gotten even worse with her screaming and throwing tantrums, and it's driving me and DH insane. We've decided to try ignoring her when she screams, and only giving her attention after she stops. She definitely does calm down after a bit when we do that, but it hasn't stopped her from starting the screaming to begin with, so I think we may have to suffer through this for a while before she really understands that we're not going to give her what she wants when she screams.

But aside from that, everything is going pretty well. It's still painful when Liam first latches on, but after that, it's not so bad. Liam is sleeping for 2 1/2-3 hour chunks at night, which is not too bad either, although of course it will be nice when he goes a little longer.
Ha! Yes, I ate my candy bar in the hospital over the few days we were there. :) It was fabulous!

And I didn't feel a "pop" when my water broke. It was more of a trickle at first, and then it would gush when I had a contraction. I actually went to the bathroom right after it happened just to make sure I hadn't peed myself! Ha! Thankfully I had some big ol' pads left over from after Ozzy's birth, so I wore one of those to the hospital.

Jordyn, that's great to hear that the pain is getting better. My nipples have started bleeding, so I definitely still have that initial pain, but like you it isn't as bad after the first few seconds. And I'm sorry Alia is still doing the screaming thing. Sounds like you've got a good plan for working through it, though. Hang in there, I'm sure it'll pass!

Well, my mom's going home tomorrow, so it's about to get real as they say! I am SO, SO thankful that Daniel works from home and I'll be able to get in a nap here and there during the days. I've been letting him sleep all night rather than waking him to ask for help with Jimmy so that he's rested during the day and I can nap. Seems to be working well so far.
Logan, congrats on making it halfway! :flower:

Rachel, I love the pictures and so glad to hear that you had a quick birth. It sounds like Jimmy is doing great and Ozzy is adjusting really well to his role as a big brother! :thumbup:

Jordyn, I love the "due date" picture of Liam! Such a cutie. I'm sorry to hear Alia is still having temper tantrums but I think you're doing the right thing by ignoring her and only giving attention when she clams down. Sounds like Liam is sleeping well too, is he in the room with you guys right now?

Stacey, I hope that the EPO works for you and you don't have to be induced. Not much longer for you either!

Vanessa, I hope things are going well for you and Milo.

AFM, I've been reading but haven't had much time to update lately. This weekend we went major shopping and got all the nursery stuff so tomorrow I gotta get it all set up. Today I've been washing all the clothes, cleaning the house because DHs parents will be back on Tuesday.

We went and got all of Sam's newborn clothes and its ridiculous how many clothes he has! Between those and stuff that has been bought for Ben we have more than enough. Hopefully tomorrow we will be mostly done. Only 1 more week of work for me... :happydance:

Oh, and know someone asked, Sam is wearing mostly 18 month clothes with the exception of a few 12 month shorts. Because he has a longer toro he needs bigger shirts but shorter legs he can still get away with 12 month bottoms. I plan to weed through his clothes tomorrow though too.
Hooray for only more week of work, Heather! And I know what you mean about the long torso/short legs. Ozzy could still fit into most of his 12 months size pants, but we put them all away anyhow.

Logan, how'd the party go today?
Jordyn: Im glad to here liam is doing pretty well. THat is great how he is sleeping at night. I am sorry though to hear about Alia. I think ingnoring her tantrums is the way to go. Give attention to the good behavior. I still have to do that with natalia and shes 4 haha. JOnathan throw tantrums sometimes for no good reason and if i just ignore it he stops and calms down. Im sure i will be feeling your frustration when the baby comes! Hang in there. Keep doing what your doing and i think Alia will learn that she is only going to get your attention if she behaves without screaming and stuff.

Rachel: Good im glad you got your candy bar!! That is crazy about your water. Its weird how everyone experiences something different lol. Im sorry to hear that your nipples are bleeding. Ugg this is the part i dread the most i think.. I just remember crying everytime jonathan would latch on. I hope they heal soon!!

Heather: That is great news that you are getting everything prepared. Sounds like you have been busy witch just makes time go faster lol. Just one more week thats great!!!! Its almost over! Not to long now until we meet ben! Just 10 more days until hes here!!!!

Its funny you ladies mentioned about the long torso and short legs haha jonathan is the same. There is no way i can fit a 9-12 month onsie on him but i can fit 12 month pants and shorts. We too have put away all of his 12 month clothing though to make more room but he could still fit in them if i wanted him too haha

Had another doc apointment and baby looked great! My doc came and told me that next week i will do my group b testing done and we will make a date for the induction!!!! i never thought that in just 2 1/2 weeks our little girl will be here. Im just praying everything goes well. My bp was pretty high today and i havnt been feeling that great. My headache is pretty bad. He told me to take exedrine migrain to see if that helps any. As long as my bloods are comeing back ok he would really not like to send me to denver to deliever prematurely witch i completley argree to. So its all about trying to deal with the side affects and stuff of pre e and hopefully i can do it just for a few more weeks.
Stacey, that's great that baby is looking good and hopefully you won't have to deliver prematurely. It is crazy to think only 2.5 more weeks for you!

Gosh, you said 10 more days till Ben is here and just the thought of it makes me nervous! I'm very anxious to meet him but super scared for my c section. I know I've already done it once but at the time I didn't have a chance to sit and think about it and be nervous :haha: I'm ready to just get it over with and stop worry about it.

Hopefully by the end of today the nursery will be put together. It's a huge mess right now and unfortunately I can't do anything in there while Sam naps so I'm taking a break for a little bit. Sam is kinda crabby today so hopefully after his nap he will be happier! Fx'ed :winkwink:

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