anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Thanks for your info! :) My doctor and I have already discussed and agreed on a C-section for Baby #2 and probably any after that, as well. Had I had a C-section to start with, our little guy wouldn't have been stillborn so I don't think that I can every have any children without having a C-section for my own mental sake. There was no indication that it was needed so we didn't do it.. I was just nervous about the scar area in the uterus whether it would hold up okay to another pregnancy, but I guess it does have several weeks to months before it gets much bigger and has a lot of pressure put on it, so it could do some more healing in that time, too. Everything seems healed up and I feel just fine so we will see!
Heather: How exiting!!! oh i cant wait. let me see so you are in cali so im guessing you are 2 hours behind me?? maybe i never know the differance in times haha so you will go to the hospital prob around 11 or 10 my time. Im soo exited for you!!! 9 days to go yay!!

frsttimemama: Very happy for you. I think the advice haking gave you was great!

welcome jenny i love your avitar what a cutie!!
awww thank you hun :D

my little man turns 1 next month :D so hoping to add to our little family :D

people have already starting asking if we are going to have another lol i guess this is norm when kids hit the 1 year mark , my eldest is 9 next month too but never got this when he hit the 1 year mark lol xxx
Frsttimemama, I am so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine what that must have been like for you. :( As far as getting pregnant again soon after you have a baby, they say that it can increase the chances of your next baby being born early. My second was born at 36+6 weeks, so that may have been a factor, and it may not, but he was healthy, so it wasn't a problem.

Jenny, of course you can join! :wave:

Well, there were a lot of updates today so I can't remember everything I wanted to say in response, and now it's time to put Alia to bed. But just know that you're all in my thoughts. :flower:
jenny: thats great you are planning on ttc. My oldest is 4 there is just under a 3 year age gap in her and my son. I was hoping for alittle closer age gap this time around xx
Spiffynoodles, thanks. My doctor didn't tell us that we shouldn't or couldn't, but she really would like us to wait until September to get pregnant. She really wasn't worried about it, which made me feel better, too. Hopefully, it does happen quickly and there are no issues. I have an appointment with her in a couple of months so we can revisit the subject then if I'm not pregnant at that point. They consider 36 weeks "full term", don't they? Maybe I'm mistaken. Glad your little guy was healthy! :)
awww thanks girls :D im so excited and nervous going by my old cycles i should be ovulating in the next few days :D so lots of bedding action will be going on lol xxx
Hello to the new ladies and welcome to the group.. :) lovely group of ladies here..

Today is McKenna's bday.. so gonna be off for a bit.. I so need to get caught up on here but im fearing I wont and just have to go with it.. lol Hope everyone is doing well..
Firsttimemama, Around here, they consider 37 weeks full term, so even though my boy was only one day short of it, they considered him pre-term. But I'd say if your doctor's not too concerned about you trying right away, then go for it. :thumbup:

Jenny, good luck over the next few days! Hopefully those swimmers find their target first try. :winkwink:

Logan, happy birthday to your daughter! :cake:

AFM, I had one of the scariest moments of my life last night. I fell down the stairs holding Liam. Thankfully I was only 5 steps from the bottom, and I took the impact of the fall, but he still flew out of my arms and hit the floor. I was absolutely terrified! He seems to be okay, though, thank goodness. I, on the other hand, have a very badly bruised tailbone. :(
jenny: i really hope you dont have to try for too long. This time when i got pregnant i stopped taking my birthcontrol prob around or just after ovulation. That same month i got pregnant? It was very weird. We didnt expect it that fast haha.

logan: I really hope you have a great party!!

Jordyn:OMG that must have been soo scary. Thats one reason im soo happy i dont have a two story house. Aww are you ok. Im glad Liam is ok! xxx

AFM well i just got a hold of my insurance company so guess what ladies im getting a free breast pump. Im not sure how good of one it is but its the ameda double electic one. Im soo exited!!!!! i had no idea that insurance companies where covering breast pumps so ladies if you are in the US then check with your insurance companies about it because of some type of law obama passed i think almost every insurance complany will cover 1 pump per year for a pregnant nursing mom!
Thanks, Jenny and Stacey. I'll be okay, but it definitely hurts to sit down today.

Stacey, that's awesome that you get a free pump! I hope it's a good one! :)
Welcome, Jenny and Emma! Nice to have some ladies who are actually TTC in here again. :)

Heather, I'm really curious to see how big Ben is - if the doctor's guess is accurate or not. Either way, I'm super excited for his arrival! Is everything ready yet?

Stacey, that's awesome about the free pump. Have you used one before? I forget. I bought a manual one before I went back to work and Ozzy was still BFing, but then he started feeding only twice a day, before and after work, and then weaned himself shortly after that, so I never ended up needing it. I want to try to to get Jimmy used to a bottle, though, so that I can go out and leave him with someone for longer than two hours at a time.

Jordyn, oh my gosh! That would be incredibly scary. So glad you are both okay (although I hope your tailbone recovers soon). I flat out dropped Ozzy when he was just over 4 months old - he just kind of leaned back and fell out of my arm and hit his head a little bit on the way down too. It was the most terrifying moment of my life. But you know, babies are soft and floppy for a good reason! He was perfectly fine (after he cried for a while, of course).
jordyn: Im glad you are ok as well. I really hope your tale bone feels better soon. Just the thing you needed a few weekss after giving birth. I read the reviews on this pump and they say its not as good as the modela ones but is great pump that is roughly $200 or so. So its really nice.

Rachel: When my supply dropped with jonathan my mom bought me a cheaper electric pump. The suction wasnt that great and acually ithink affected my supply more. I was never able to get more than 2 oz total (that includes both breast) Now matter how much i pumped so im hopeing this one does better xx. how is ozzy doing as a big brother?

I hopw vanessa is moving house and stuff witch is the reason she hasnt been on latley.

Tonight i am burning up im swellen and well i think i will treat myself to a non acoholic ice cold beer lol
Rachel, it's nice to hear that I'm not the only one to drop my baby. Obviously falling down the stairs was unintentional, but it still made me feel like a bad mom that I dropped him.

Stacey, I was on the breastfeeding forum today and saw a thread that Vanessa started, so she's still coming on BnB. Maybe she hasn't posted here in a while because she feels like she's fallen too far behind on our posts. I hope not, because we'd love to hear from her more often! In her thread today, she said that Milo is a little on the fussy side, but breastfeeding is going well.
I was thinking of Vanessa today too and wondering if she'd moved yet. Glad to hear BFing is going well for her.

Ozzy is doing really well as a big brother. Thankfully, he already knows the word "gentle" because he likes to come up and touch Jimmy and grab at his hands and feet and such. The other challenge is keeping him from kicking or throwing balls at/into the moses basket. We had to take some of his balls (i.e. the full sized soccer balls!) away to try to reduce the chance of Jimmy actually getting hurt. And so far Ozzy's only hit Jimmy in the head with his little padded hockey stick once and it was by accident.

He likes to come up and kiss him still (smoosh his cheek against his face) and he likes to come watch when we change his diaper. The cutest thing, though is when we put Jimmy in his carseat when we're about to leave the house. Ozzy comes up and grabs the handle and tries so hard to pick it up. We have to reassure him we're going to bring Jimmy with us!

Here's a picture of Ozzy and Jimmy in their matching jammies (you can see Ozzy was very pleased about that).

And I'll try linking to a facebook video of Ozzy kissing Jimmy... Let's see if this works!

Video of Ozzy kissing Jimmy


  • Matching jammies!.jpg
    Matching jammies!.jpg
    52.5 KB · Views: 7
Welcome, Firsttimemama and Jenny25! :flower:

Logan, I hope McKenna had a wonderful birthday!

Jordyn, that sounds super scary! :nope: I'm glad to hear that you and Liam are okay though. :hugs:

Stacey, that's great that you will get a free pump! :thumbup: Even if it isn't the best you can just use it as needed and at least it didn't cost you anything!

Rachel, I LOVE that picture of you're boys in matching jammies! :cloud9:

I'm glad to hear that Vanessa is doing well...I hope she comes on to update soon! :)

AFM, tomorrow is my last day of work! I couldn't be more happy...though I feel like I'm gonna be sorta bored until Thursday! :dohh: Though I plan to get a pedicure and a few last minute things done so hopefully between that and relaxing I'll be busy. This evening I'm getting my hair done though so I'm pretty happy about that! :happydance:

Yesterday I was having BH contractions all day!!! It was annoying since I felt like if this isn't the real thing I wish they would stop! :growlmad: After this weekend I'll have everything all together so he can come anytime after that! :haha: This weekend is DH's birthday so we plan to do something small before Ben comes.
Firsttimemama, I apologize for calling you Emma! I'm so silly; I read your name as first time Emma. :doh:

Heather, I hope you don't get too bored just waiting for Thursday to arrive. I know what you mean when you said a while back that work felt really slow because you were training your replacement and so it felt like you weren't actually working. I hope being home is less boring than that! Who knows, maybe Ben will decide to come early on his own and you won't have to wait around as long.

AFM, I just wanted to update that I'm doing so much better emotionally this time around than I did after Ozzy was born. I know I mentioned that I had the baby blues pretty badly with him - crying every day for no reason, feeling disconnected from the world. Didn't have actual PPD, thankfully, and it only lasted about two weeks, but it was ROUGH. Well, I'm doing like 99% better this time. Only cried those first few nights when Jimmy was awake for like 4 hours at a time, and I'm pretty sure that was just because of the lack of sleep. I have felt some of the same emotions as last time starting to creep in every once and a while, but they are very fleeting and haven't affected my overall happiness.

Jordyn, I know you said you're feeling much better emotionally after Liam than with Alia, and I hope that's still the case. It's so great to know it doesn't have to be that bad. I'd like to think the placenta capsules I've been taking have something to do with it, but the truth is we'll never know if they helped or if I would have been okay even without them.

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