anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Thanks ladies.. yesterday was a great day.. cant believe my little girl is 4..

I too can get a covered breast pump :) so wahoo Due I heard about that awhile back and called and can get one from a medical supplier per drs orders.. so hoping I can get that done over the next couple of months..
Logan, I'm glad to hear that McKenna had a good birthday.

Rachel, I love the picture of them in their matching jammies, and the video of Ozzy kissing Jimmy. Alia likes to give Liam kisses, too. The funny thing is, my FIL started giving Alia a gentle head-butt and saying, "Conk!" so now Alia wants to head-butt everyone and asks for it by saying, "Conk!" So she comes up to Liam and say, "Kiss?" and I let her kiss him, then she says, "Hug?" so I let her hug him, and then she says, "Conk?" and I say, "No, Liam doesn't want to conk." :haha:

I'm glad to hear that you don't have the baby blues this time, Rachel! I know exactly how that felt because I had it really bad, too, so I also know how relieved you must feel to not have it this time. I think that having you ladies to talk to has helped also, because last time around I had no one to talk to who really understood what I was going through.

Heather, can you believe it's finally August? Only one week to go until Ben arrives! I hope that your BH's either turn into something, or just go away and leave you in peace.

AFM, Liam must be going through a growth spurt, because he has been wanting to eat every hour, including all through the night, so needless to say, not much sleep going on here. :sleep:
omg its so warm here in the uk its not normally like that and its still 88c just now hubby has had a headache all day :( im due to ovulate in the next few days i think i am just going by my old cycles as i have no opks but i can usually tell so just gonna bed loads since having kieran my cycles started back normal but got longer and longer dam pcos :( i am on metformin for it but hey ho xxx
Heather: Congrats on your last day of work!!!! Enjoy getting your hair done!!! thats really nice. I hope you and your dh have a great birthday weekend!! Tell me about bh. I keep having them like every 2-3 min and they are doing absolutly nothing for me... i hope they leave you alone!

Rachel: Im glad you are not feeling any baby blues this time around! Maybe it is those placenta capsules? i love that picture of the boys in matching pjs i got matching pjs for natalia and the baby too haha. Beautiful video as well. That made me laugh about the not leaving jimmy. I can just imagine ozzy trying with all of his strenth try to pic up the carseat haha

Logan: Thats great you are getting a free breast pump as well. Let me know witch one you get! Im happy you all had a great birthday yesterday. Any pics?

Jordyn: THat is really funny about alia saying kiss hug conk haha Like if she is trying to trick you into saying yes haha.Im glad you dont have the baby blues this time around either! It deff helps! Im sorry liam was up every hour feeding. I really hope you get some sleep. Do you get to nap during the day at all?

Jenny: Im sorry to hear that you dh has a head ach. i really hope it goes away especially when O i just around the cornerxx

afm well i spent 2 hours and 45 min today in l&d. The baby just kept moving so they wernt picking her heartbeat up on the monitor. I was contracting the whole time. I think i must have a irritable uterus as well. Because she said with contractions like that she would have thought i was in labor. But nope she checked my cervix and i am 1 cm dilated but thick. UGGG i was hoping i would be thinned at leasst alittle. My bp today was 166/105. Plus 2 protien in my urine and my bloods showed i was starting to get alittle kidney failer. I will get tested again on monday and if its worse they will try to wait until thursday to induce so i can stay in this hospital. If its not worse we will still try to wait until 37 weeks. So anytime basically this all can be happening. She did my strep b test today as well.
Will def share pics.. better do it now before I forget lol
I didn't get many pics.. but I got a couple..

well I will have to upload to facebook first.. cuz it says the pics are too large..
Aww, Jordyn, that's super cute about Alia wanting to conk everyone. And ugh... growth spurts. Hope he's done soon and you can go back to every 2-3 hours instead of every hour! That extra bit of sleep can make such a big difference. And I agree it really helps to have people to talk to on here. I didn't find this site until Ozzy was at least 6 months old. It would have been nice to know there were other moms going through what I went through those first few weeks.

Stacey, that's crazy about the contractions. Sorry your proteins and such aren't looking so hot. So they might induce you this Thursday? As in the same day as Heather's c-section? That would be wild.

Jenny, it's been pretty hot here recently too, but thankfully the last few days have been significantly cooler. Hope you still feel like BDing despite the heat!

Welp, gotta go! Jimmy's hungry! :)
haha rachel: I found this site when i got pregnant with jonathan. It was a life saver i acually learned soo much. I wish i had it when natalia was younger lol. And your right this thursday as in the same day as rachels csection. That would be crazy although i really would like to wait until 37 weeks if my body will let me. They told me that even if she was born thursday then she would prob have no issues at all. Babies who are under alittle bit more stress while developing seem to develope faster. So that would be great. But 37 weeks i would feel better about.

Today i saw the same doc i saw when this first all started happening. Remember i told you all that my doc was on vacation and stuff. So he goes on vacation once a month meaning this girl doc is here once a month. They seem to have different theories.

Haha the funny thing that happened today was they called me this morning saying they had to move my appointment to a different time today because the beds were full. (they had 3 patients) haha that is how small my hospital is lol
3 beds?!?! That's not a hospital, thats a clinic. lol :p
3 beds?!?! That's not a hospital, thats a clinic. lol :p

i know huh. haha we only have one labor and delivery nurse per shift as well. Of corse we have a bigger med surg unit but a for labor and delivery 3 beds. 2 are in the locked until and one is on the med surg floor haha. I really hope its not that busy when i have my baby.
Stacey, that's crazy that you have an irritable uterus on top of everything else! When I was diagnosed with it, I did a lot of research online, and it seems like most of the women who had it ended up going to their due date (or past) or else they had their babies around 36 weeks, which I thought was strange, but then it happened to me, too. So I think if your body is ready to go, then all those contractions just kick things off, but if you're not ready, then they won't do much. But that's just a theory. I hope that everything is looking a little better by your next appointment so that you can make it closer to 37 weeks. But like your doctor said, if your daughter is born next week, she'll probably be just fine. :thumbup:

Logan, looking forward to seeing those pictures. :flower:

Rachel, Liam seems to be slowing down on his feeds, so I guess the worst is over. How long is Jimmy sleeping for at night?

Ladies who have breastfed, I have a question for you. Liam will eat just fine half of the time, but then sometimes he'll drink a little and then get red-faced and upset, pull away and cry, and then latch again, drink for a bit, and then pull off again. It's so frustrating! I try taking a break to burp him, and it doesn't seem to matter. I also know it's not my milk coming too fast, because he'll feed just fine sometimes, even during my let-down when it's coming out the fastest. Anyone have a clue what might be the problem? :shrug:
Ladies I'm so sorry to not have come on lately! Just trying to catch up slightly but I fear I won't be able to, so mainly Rachel - congratulations! Love the picture of your boys in matching jammies :cloud9: How are you getting on?

Stacey how are you feeling these days?

Jordyn Milo does that too - we seem to have feeds which are really calm and settled, and some like what you've just described. Drives me nuts! There's no reason for it from what I can tell. I just grit my teeth through feeds like that!

As for us, we're all doing well :flower: We're in our new house and absolutely loving it. Noah has settled in really well and loves the garden, he runs around like a loony. We still have boxes all over the place but what with DH being at work and me looking after the boys we haven't quite managed to get on top of it yet.

Milo is doing very well. He's putting on weight well but he can be a little fusspot, getting him to sleep can be a nightmare because he sometimes has to be rocked for ages. He won't feed to sleep like any normal baby :haha: I took him to cranial osteopathy yesterday and it turns out that his difficult birth had given him a few issues - pressure in his head and a very tight diaphragm, basically meaning that he's probably had a constant headache and has bloating, gas and cramps. He seems a lot calmer after the treatment and he's going to have a couple more so fingers crossed!

Here's a pic of my tiny turtle, as he's been nicknamed!

I swear it needs this caption: I'm telling you, the boob was this big!

Jordyn: They didnt really tell me that i have a irritable uterus but my contractions were like crazy. She is like let me check you because i honestly this looks like a women in full blown labor contractions. But nope just one cm and still thick. I guess the epo hasnt done much for me...

as for liam and the feeding. I remember jonathan did this when i was breastfeeding him. I HONESTLY dont know the reason why. To me i was soo nervouse i thought there was nothing left in the boob for him to eat so he was getting mad. But i dont know if that was the real reason.( witch now i dont think it is)

vanessa: Im soo happy to see that you posted!! i was getting alittle worried although i knew you were probably moving into your new house and everything. Im happy to see you all are doing well! Milo is soo cute! I love the pic. Im happy that bf is going well for you!! I really hope i am successfull this time around. Im happy that the new house is good and noah i adjusting well to it. how is he doing as a big brother?

i feel ok today. I am constantly living with this headach and my vision is starting to get blurry and sometimess floater too. A part of me wishes that they would just induce me so i can get to feeling better but i am really trying to hold out until 37 weeks. Its just hard because if this was my first baby i could just be in bed laying down most the day but its completely impossible with 2 kiddos here so i just do my best. But on monday we will see if i will be induced on the 8th or closer to the 15th.

Hope everyone else is well!!
Vanessa, it's good to hear from you! I'm glad that things are going well in the new house and that Noah has taken to the move well. I bet he loves having a place to run around outside! As for Milo's fussiness, I can honestly say that I sympathize. Alia was a fussy newborn, and we could never figure out why. We would have to swaddle her, give her a pacifier, turn her on her side, making shushing noises, and jiggle her gently to get her to calm down (I'm not sure if you're familiar with "Happiest Baby on the Block", but that's how they suggest calming fussy babies, and it really does work!). I write in my journal every single day, and in all of my journal entries from the first couple months with Alia, I'm always saying how exhausted DH and I were with Alia that day, and how fussy she'd been. I hope for your sake that Milo grows out of it soon.

Well, it's good to hear that I'm not the only one to experience "angry baby" breastfeeding. The other day I started to just lay Liam down with his pacifier whenever he starts doing that, and a lot of times he'll just take the pacifier and be happy. So I'm wondering if he just wants to comfort suck, but is getting mad because his mouth fills up with milk and he chokes on it. :shrug:

Stacey, I'm so sorry you have to deal with the constant pain of that headache. I'm honestly really surprised that they haven't induced you yet with how bad your pre-E is getting. I think it would probably be better for both you and your little girl if they induce you next week. Dragging this on can't be good for your body. :nope:

Well, here's a picture I took with Liam today. :flower:
thanks jordyn i feel the same. I just kinda feel like crawling in a dark whole where its quiet the lights are out and no one can find me. I will talk with this doc again on monday and see what she says. My doc will be back mon afternoon so i will see him thursday maybe i will know for sure when he comes back when we will plan to induce.

BTW what are great picture. Liam is sooo cute and you look great as well!!!

What do you ladies think of Eva Jazmin?
Hi, Vanessa! Great to hear from you! So glad the move went well and that you are loving the new place. I would be completely shocked if you told me that you'd unpacked already! And what a cutie pie you've got there. Love the nickname turtle and the caption you gave that pic. Tee hee. Made me chuckle. :)

Jordyn, Ozzy did that while breastfeeding and Jimmy will do it occasionally too. You might be on to something with the just wanting to suck for comfort. I think sometimes babies get confused between the feeling of upset stomach and hunger, so if they start eating when the real problem was a rumbly tummy then they get upset. If giving him the pacifier works, I say go with it! And what a lovely picture of you two. You look so great!

And Jimmy usually goes about 3-4 hours between feedings, both during the day and at night right now. So I occasionally get a good 3 hours of sleep at a time, but usually closer to 2. Thankfully, he's very efficient with his eating, so the feedings don't take as long as they did when Ozzy was this young. I remember Ozzy would eat for at least 30-45 minutes at a time, sometimes close to an hour, so that left less time for me to sleep between feedings. Jimmy will go for 20 minutes on average, so as long as he settle quickly (about half time time he stays awake to poop in the middle of the night and then wants to eat again right away) then I can get to sleep right away and get a good stretch of sleep in before the next feed.

Stacey, I'm so sorry you're having to deal with all the headaches and whatnot still. At least you have an end date in sight if baby girl doesn't decide to come early on her own. Hang in there! And I was going to ask if you had a name picked out yet! I like Eva Jazmin. It's cute for a baby but will also grow up with her well, if you know what I mean.

And lastly, here are a few pics of my little man. He's starting to get a double chin! Tee hee.


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Ah thank you ladies, I tell you what he's lucky he's cute :winkwink: Getting him to sleep can be a nightmare. Yesterday evening he pretty much screamed on and off for two hours. We had ordered takeaway and it sat there getting cold! I'm wondering if he needs less stimulation to get to sleep? Maybe I should try laying him down with a hand on him or something.

So Jordyn you went through all this with Alia? When did it improve? That picture of you and Liam is just gorgeous! How is Alia?

Milo goes about 3/4 hours between feeds overnight although he can occasionally do 2 or 5. And it's generally 2 hours in the day which is fine by me. Last night I decidef to feed him lying down in bed and it made a massive difference because when he was done he just unlatched and drifted off to sleep. Me having to lay him down usually woke him up. Plus I drifted off during feeds so I feel a bit more rested.

Aw Rachel he's such a cutie! I love the double chin:cloud9: Milo has one now too and arm rolls! DH keeps asking what on earth is in my milk because he's already a little fatty :haha: Going to get him weighed tomorrow and see what he's up to.

Poor you Stacey you must be really feeling it these days:hugs: I'm surprised they haven't set a date for induction yet. I really like Eva Jazmin!
rachel: Awww look at jimmy haha i LOVE the double chin lol. That reminds me of jonathan when he was a baby haha. Wow it sounds like you got it made with jimmy and his eating! That is a great stretch to sleep! Im very happy to see that. I cant believe how fast the time is going!!!

Vanessa: I understand what you mean about less stimulation. I think you should try it. Try to lay him down and genly pat his belly. Is he in a bassinett or a moses basket? I was going to say that in the bassinett you can gently shake it to to get milo to calm and sleep. But i dont think you can do that with a moses basket.. I think i heard that feeding while laying down is the best thing to do. For mom and baby. So i think that was a great idea!

Well ladies last night was the first time that i saw a lot of floaters if you know what i mean. It litterally looked awful and scared me for a min. Tomorrow is my apointment so we will see what they have to say.

As for her name that will be her name for now. I dont think we will change it but nothing is set in stone until she is born. We are giong to keep it a suprise from all the family until she is born too. So Eva Jazmin hopefully this is your name now!!!!
Stacey, I think Eva Jazmin is a beautiful name. :flower: I'm sorry you're seeing spots more now. I have a feeling that they'll decide to induce you sooner than 37 weeks.

Vanessa, I wish I could say that Alia grew out of her fussiness after a month, but she was just fussier than most babies until she was probably 8 or 9 months old. But the trade off is that she was really easy going after that. I think she still would be if it weren't for the jealousy with Liam. It's still pretty bad with her right now. She just yells, screams, and cries a lot, and sometimes it's for no reason at all. I hope this phase passes quickly.

Rachel, you're lucky that Jimmy is already going that long between feelings at night! Liam still averages about 2 hours, with one 3 hour chunk. However, last night he did 4 hours for the first time! Unfortunately I only got to sleep for 3 of those hours because I spent that last hour feeling really uncomfortable because one of my boobs was very full of milk. :dohh:
jordyn: Im sorry to hear about your boob. Do you pump when you get soo engorged? I mean is it harder for LIam to latch on when your engorged? Like what do you ladies do in that situation. I am acually now kinda hopeing the deliver her thursday. My husband is getting kinda upset because i am so miserable and he has never seen me like this. He says she will be fine if she was born why are they making me suffer any more. He understood when this all started at 30 weeks because that is way to soon to deliver but hes had enough too.

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