Logan, I'm glad to hear that McKenna had a good birthday.
Rachel, I love the picture of them in their matching jammies, and the video of Ozzy kissing Jimmy. Alia likes to give Liam kisses, too. The funny thing is, my FIL started giving Alia a gentle head-butt and saying, "Conk!" so now Alia wants to head-butt everyone and asks for it by saying, "Conk!" So she comes up to Liam and say, "Kiss?" and I let her kiss him, then she says, "Hug?" so I let her hug him, and then she says, "Conk?" and I say, "No, Liam doesn't want to conk."
I'm glad to hear that you don't have the baby blues this time, Rachel! I know exactly how that felt because I had it really bad, too, so I also know how relieved you must feel to not have it this time. I think that having you ladies to talk to has helped also, because last time around I had no one to talk to who really understood what I was going through.
Heather, can you believe it's finally August? Only one week to go until Ben arrives! I hope that your BH's either turn into something, or just go away and leave you in peace.
AFM, Liam must be going through a growth spurt, because he has been wanting to eat every hour, including all through the night, so needless to say, not much sleep going on here.