anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Jordyn, I do feel very lucky that Jimmy sleeps for such long periods! Ozzy didn't do that right away, and so I certainly wasn't expecting Jimmy to. They say bigger babies will sleep longer sooner because their stomachs are bigger so they can go longer between feeds - another reason I didn't expect Jimmy to sleep so well since he's smaller than Ozzy was. But I guess his stomach is nice and big! lol

And I hear you on the boob pain. But at least that means you have lots of milk, right? :)

Stacey, I often get one boob engorged because Jimmy won't always "finish off" one side in one sitting. If it's uncomfortable, I'll just hand express and massage it a bit over the sink - just enough to make it comfortable enough to get me through the next few hours. (Don't want to express too much and "trick" my body into producing too much milk - I did that with Ozzy and it just made things much more uncomfortable and I had WAY too much milk.) I massage my boob while he's feeding too to make sure that all the milk is coming down and there aren't any blockages or anything. That helps it not become engorged in the first place (most of the time). :)
I'm not surprised your husband is getting upset Stacey, it must be really tough for him to watch :hugs: The floaters thing is really scary. To be honest I'm hoping they'll just go ahead and schedule an induction because this sounds like its getting pretty serious. Hope your appointment goes well.

I get a bit full and slightly sore in the mornings, especially in the boob that hasn't fed most recently. Actually the funny thing is that what hurts most is my ribs :wacko: I think it's from the weight of my boobs, I'm not used to it and they used to be pretty small. I don't express or anything, Milo still latches fine so I put up with it because I don't want to encourage more milk!

And there was me hoping you were going to say she grew out of it after two months Jordyn :haha: Ah well. Funnily enough Milo woke up this morning at 5am and had a small feed but not much, then stayed awake for an hour. I thought oh great he's going to melt down now but I went to the toilet and when I came back DH had laid him against his chest and the turtle fell asleep! So maybe he can settle himself? I don't know, it's so confusing.
Vanessa, glad to hear that your little turtle cooperated for you! I also just latch Liam on when I'm engorged, but I squeeze my boob to make it flatter and easier to latch on to.

Stacey, I can see why your DH is upset. It would be hard for me to watch my DH's health getting worse and worse when something could be done about it. :( I hope your appointment goes well today.

Rachel, I'd heard that about bigger babies, too, which is why I always assumed that Alia never slept well as a baby, since she was always on the smaller side. We'll see if I notice a big difference between her and Liam.
My apointment today i feel like was a waste of time. They did they same things. My bloods are the same no worse no better. So we are still waiting. I told them about my vision and such and that i have been sooo naosaus too. This doc just keep proscribing me medicine. She proscribed me something for heartburn at first cuz she thought it was heartburn and today she prescribed me something else for just neausea. She asked me how i was doing so i flat out told her its getting hard because i feel like this plus i have my 2 kids to take care of so im not relaxing or anything. She goes do you need me to prescribe you something for depression. I told her NO! i have at the most 10 or so days left why on earth would i want something for depression. I felt like you shouldnt have asked. I cant wait again for MY doc to be back. I will see him on thursday and we will deside my induction day. The only good news about today was my group b test came back negative! The nurse couldnt get my viens so had to try 3 times and now my whole arm is brused. I was still having those irritable contractions so she desided to check me again and there was no change from thursday witch i could have told her that! So here i sit another 3 days waiting for them to give me the go ahead.

Rachel: I never knew that bigger babies slept longer. That is very interesting. So this little girl "should" be my smallest ( although watch her be my biggest haha) and we will see how she settles compared to natalia and jonathan.

Vanessa:That is a cute story about this morning seeing him passed out on your dh aww.

jordyn let me know if you see any difference in Liam and Alias sleep. I am very curiouse to see. THere was only a half a lb difference between natalia and jonathan and i think they slept pretty much the same.

heather: How are you doing? Havnt seen you in a while?
Does anyone ever worry about there milk supply? I mean Idk if it was my supply issues with my other two or there latch issuess?
Stacey, I'm sorry to hear that your appointment was so disappointing. :( I bet if it had been your doctor, they would have taken you much more seriously. As for worrying about supply, I definitely do. I seem to be doing okay right now, but I'm still so cautious because I had to stop EBF at 4 weeks with Alia, and then could only combi-feed her an additional three weeks before I completely dried up. I keep wondering what was the cause of the problem so that I'll know if I'm fixing it this time around. I know that Liam's latch is better, so that has to help. Plus, this time around I'm making sure I get at least 2,000-2,500 calories a day, because last time around I know I wasn't eating enough. That seems to be making the biggest difference, honestly.
I love all the pictures of the babies! :flower: only a few days until I get to meet Ben! I can't wait and am super ready.

Stacey, I'm sorry you had a bad doctors appointment. Too bad it wasnt with your normal doctor that way you could have came up with a better plan. Hopefully your Thursday appointment goes better! Also, I love the name you have picked out. Hopefully you start feeling better or at least the next 10 or so days go quickly for you. It really sounds like you're miserable! :nope: :hugs:

The past few days have been busy for us. We have everything finally ready for Ben, bags packed, crib together, car seat installed and everything washed! I actually feel prepared if he came now :haha: I'm a bit of a procrastinator. :blush: I have been having a little bit of fear about my c section though, just the idea of a needle going into my back just doesn't sound like fun! But as the day comes closer I'm feeling a little better just knowing soon we will get to meet our little man! :cloud9:

My parents will be here on Wednesday night and my brother and his gf on Thursday. It will be so nice to have my whole family around.
Jordyn that could very well have been my problem last time too. I drank tons of coffee because i was soo tired and didnt really eat anything else. Maybe if i did make sure i ate more then i would produce more?

Heather: Im soo happy to hear you are completely prepared for Bens arrival. OMG just 2 days until he is here. Dont worry you will be fine xxxx Im happy to hear your family will be coming also!!! How are you feeling?

As for me today i am going to the elementary school to try to get natalia on the colorado preschool program. So basically this will pay for her to go half a day 5 days a week to preschool. Just to get her prepared for kindergarden next year. Then if i need additional care for the rest of the day its only $20 instead of 35. So i hopeing there are still spots open!!
Stacey, I'm feeling great. Sorta weird because with Sam at this point I was so ridiculously over it! I'm feeling anxious but overall pretty good. Anxious to meet our little guy though.

That's great that childcare will be less once Natalia goes to preschool. :thumbup: thankfully my MIL is watching Ben until January so that will save us money on childcare for a little bit. Not looking forward to paying for 2 kids in childcare! :nope:
heather: Youll telling me. Imagine 3 kids. Ugg its alot of money. I really wish we could afford to keep me out of work. I have been thinking alot about opening a daycare. My SIL and I. Then we would be able to stay home with our kids and make some money. But then again i dont know if i would be able to handle a daycare place. I mean little kids everyday in your house i just dont know. At least though Natalia will be going to kindergarden next year so we wont have to worry about paying for daycare with her unless we would need it on the weekends.

Did i tell you all we are going to keep the babies name a secret until she is born lol. I know we dont have to keep it to much longer but i wanna see everyones face when we do tell them her name. Ive asked alot of people (not family related) what they think of the name and everyone i talked to loves it. So Im pretty exited about her name. I told dh its soo short compared to natalia and jonathans name haha
Heather, I can't believe you're so close to meeting Ben! I can see why you'd be both excited and anxious, though. I'm sure everything will go smoothly. That's great that you have everything ready to go, too. So how long will; you be able to stay home with Ben before you have to go back to work?

Stacey, my mom did in-home daycare and then one of my step-moms did it also. It's nice that you can be home with your kids, but it's also a little crazy too. My younger brother was sick for almost the whole first year of his life because my mom's daycare kids kept coming over sick and spreading it. He even got pneumonia and had to be hospitalized at one point. So that's something to consider. I took care of a little boy from the time he was 2 months old until he was 8 months old (and then I moved) but it was hard. Kids are kids, but when they're not your kids, it's easier to get frustrated because you don't have that unconditional love that you have for your own kids balancing things out.
spiffy- I realized if I ate less I would make less milk too! even when he was 5-6 months old when I tried to lose some weight I couldn't cut ANY calories or my supply would drop. so much for breastfeeding helping to lose weight!!!

duejan- sorry about the dr experience :( throw some more pills at ya why don't they??!!

ugh with daycare. when I had my 3rd that was why I quit working. I couldn't afford for my girls to go to daycare before and after school and have a newborn in all day. it worked out though. now im a sahm who homeschools lol!

haking- so close now!!!!! praying everything goes smooth :)

Harley- that's interesting about the weight thing. all my babies weighed about the same. between 7-8 lbs. that may be bigger, I always considered it about average. they all slept really good. practically all the time til they are about 3-5 mos old. maybe I have just been very blessed with tired babies lol. im not complaining that's for sure!!
TTC now 1day late from af symptoms being lower back pain abdominal tenderness cramping after going to bathroom nauseous and a little throw up help scared to take a test don't want to get BFN
Hey ladies..

Haking so excited for you.. your gonna meet your baby boy so soon..

I so cant wait to be done.. lol almost 22 weeks..
Melissa, it's so good to hear from you! How are you feeling? I know you said you have MS, but how bad is it? As for breastfeeding, did you manage to lose any weight while breastfeeding Mason? I want to breastfeed Liam for as long as I can (I'd probably stop at 1 year if I make it that long) but I'm also hoping to lose some weight before getting pregnant again, since I never got back to my pre-pregnancy weight the last time around.

Nini, I know it's hard, but taking the test will at least give you peace of mind, since your result should be accurate at this point. You can either start celebrating, or prepare yourself to try again next cycle. Good luck!

Logan, I's still weird to think that you're almost 22 weeks, when it really doesn't seem like that long ago when you were feeling discouraged because you weren't pregnant yet.
Melissa: It is great to hear from you? How are you feeling? I think about sometimes home schooling my kids but i dont think i would be able to keep up with it! kudos for you for being able to keep up with everything!!!

Logan: Like jordyn said i cant belive you are 22 weeks either! That is amazing. The time is just litterally flying by!!! More then half way through!

Jordyn: I totally understand what you mean about wanting to lose weight before getting pregnant again. I too didnt lose all the weight from jonathans pregnancy before i got pregnant again. Then gaining all this weight in the end is discouraging too. I think 1 year is a great goal to make. I really hope the breastfeeding continues to go well for you!!!

Nini: I agree with spiffy. You need to just test i know you are scared to see a bfn but then you will know for sure yes or no. If not you can plan you next sstep for your next cycle. Good Luck!!
Thanks you guys I will test later I'm soo scared but anxious at this point but I'm feeling really confident especially since I'm still feeling sick but still cramping after goin to bathroom a lot of good signs here ill let you guys know by tom
thanks ladies! im very sick right now :sick: trying to keep up with things. I have 4 to homeschool this year. jaxon is only 3 but he already knows his alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors, etc so im gonna start pre-k with him.

Jordan- well, my normal weight is between 125-130. im 5'4" so that's pretty healthy. between my 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th I lost all the weight between them. I also gained about 60+ pounds with each of them so I did really good losing the weight. between 4th and 5th there was only 5 mos between pregnancies so I didn't lose all of it. I think I was about 145 when I got pregnant with #5. then 3 months after having him I was pregnant with #6 so I didn't lose all the weight that time either and weighed about 150. #6-mason- is now 17 months old and I still weigh about 160. so no, I didn't really lose much. by now I surely would have lost it. with there being not as much time between those 3 I didn't lose all the weight in between, but I also didn't gain as much with my pregnancies. oddly enough I still weighed between 185-190 when I had them which is usual for the end of my pregnancies. so I have gradually lost about 25-30 lbs since having him, but im no where near my usual weight. every time I tried to cut any calories or start an exercise routine my supply would drop so I gave up.
Wow Heather you're so close to meeting Ben! Can't wait to hear how it goes and see some pics :cloud9: Hope you're not too nervous!

Lovely to hear from you Melissa! Sorry you're feeling so sick :hugs: Jaxon knows loads, that's amazing!

Stacey that's a shame about your appointment, I'm sure your regular doctor will be much more useful. I kind of like the idea of a daycare too but I don't think I would have enough patience. In the UK childminders charge a lot of money!

Hi Logan - oh my gosh 22 weeks! Where did that time go? Is bub kicking now?

I've lost all of my baby weight and I'm convinced its due to breastfeeding. Last time it took until Noah was about 8 months old and even then I had to train hard and change my diet. This time I'm not watching what I eat at all. Everything is a bit 'jiggly' so needs toning. When you say you couldn't exercise because your supply would drop Melissa, is that common? I'm an avid gym goer and was looking forward to getting back, I'm hoping my milk won't be affected :nope:

Well last night Milo slept in his Moses basket! I have discovered the miracle of swaddling :happydance: We realised that when he gets into these overtired screaming fits he calms down when you hold him tightly, so we bought a swaddle blanket and thought we'd try it out. It's fantastic! He's going to sleep much more easily and staying asleep when we put him down.

I did like having him in bed with us but it was so nice to have my own space in bed last night. I slept on my front which I haven't done since before I was pregnant! Milo is now usually having a feed between 10 and 11pm, then a feed at 3am and up for breakfast at 7am.
Melissa: You gave some pretty good information about bf thank you:flower:

Heather: oh my goodness just one more day. Tomorrow you will meet Ben! Im soo exited for you xx Try to get some rest today so you well rested for his arrival:baby:

Vanessa: Wow thats great that you have lost all of your baby weight already:thumbup: I really hope i can lost mine faster this time as well. And yes swaddling does wonders!!!! Both my kids were swaddled and this little girl will be as well. Jonathan liked to have his hands out swaddled with worked great as well. My Dh and I call it wrapping him like a taco haha. Im soo glad you got to sleep last night and wow that is a amazing schedule of waking up! Jelouse already haha

Today we are hopefully getting a new kitchen faucet. The hot water side keeps breaking and not shutting off properly. This has happend like 4 or 5 time in the past year. So i really wish they would figure out the real problem soon. ITs very anoying have to turn on and off the valve everytime i have to do dishes.:growlmad: lol. Hope everyone is doing well today! :flower:

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