anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Vanessa, I'm so jealous that you've lost all your baby weight already! I'm EBF, but I still have 17 pounds to go. :( Also, that's great that Milo is already sleeping so well for you! Liam had been eating around 11pm, 2am, 5am, and then 7am, but last night he was up every two hours and stayed awake for a while at 5am, so I'm not sure what that was about. Maybe another growth spurt starting up? I can tell he had a nice growth spurt recently, because he's now wearing 3 month clothes! At this same point in time, Alia was just fitting into newborn clothes. :dohh:

Stacey, I hope they can get your faucet fixed. What a pain! So what time is your appointment tomorrow? I hope you get some god news.

Heather, one more day to go! :happydance:

Logan, that's great that you're feeling bubs moving around now. :flower:
Jordyn: you will lose the weight dont worry. Sounds like your already lost alot xx I too hope this guy comes back today and fixes it. Its soo anoying about this darn faucet ugg. Wow i cant belive liam is in 3 month clothes already. Natalia also was probably just fitting into newborn clothes. She wasnt in 3 month clothes until like 5 months lol Even now she is a skinny tall thing so her waist can still fit into 24 months or 2T clothes but her length of the jean has to be 4T. Basically its not a problem in the summer because i can buy the smaller pant and make them compris for her but in the winter all her jean are falling off of her so i can have them the right length if that makes sense haha.
My apointment is at 9 am tomorrow. It will be later in the night before i can update though because we are taking natalia for her follow up surgery apointment tomorrow in the valley so we prob wont be back until the evening sometime. I think we might take the car for oil change as well. But i will update as soon as i can!

Logan: That is great that you are feeling alot of movements!!
Vanessa- I actually think its more common to lose the weight while bfing like you did. everything I read said how it was a natural way to easily lose the baby weight. I got jipped I guess. I don't know why its like this with me. you will probably be fine to add in some exercise. I tried to cut a few calories by eating healthier, not less, and it wrecked my supply. so a couple months later I decided to exercise instead and same thing. I don't think its the norm though. everyone is different. since mason is the only one I nursed I can only go on this experience compared to my others who were ff. I naturally lost more weight ff than bf by far, even without trying. not sure why.
Vanessa, that's great you've lost all the baby weight already! :thumbup: I only can hope to be half as lucky as you. And it sounds like Milo is adjusting into a good night routine too. Glad things are going well for you. :hugs:

Stacey, I hope they can get your faucet fixed soon too. That must be so annoying to have it not working properly. Do you rent where you live? If so, isn't that the home owners job to fix that? I can't wait to hear about your doctors appointment tomorrow and what the plan is. I know you're probably over it and ready but I do agree that keeping her in for another week would be beneficial for her as well.

Jordyn, I'm glad things are going well with Liam as well. You're doing a great job breastfeeding him seeing as how he's really growing and in 3 month clothes already. Do you know how much he weighs now?

Melissa, so great to hear from you but sorry you're still feeling sick. Hopefully you get a bit of relief soon. :hugs:

Logan, it's crazy how fast you're pregnancy is going. Before you know it, it will be December!

Well, tomorrow is the big day! I have been so busy the past few days that its hard to believe tomorrow is already the day we get to meet Ben! :happydance:
I had my last doctors appointment today and went over all the details of the c section and am feeling pretty good. Just a tiny bit anxious.

I went to buy a gift for Sam today "from" Ben. I just want his meeting Ben to be a positive experience. How did you girls introduce your LOs to the new baby?
Heather: I thought about getting a gift from baby to the kids but i didnt when jonathan was born. I just made sure i wasnt holding him when she came to see him and explained that this was her brother and etc. She was a bit older though so understood. Im nervous with jonathan. He is very jelouse even when im holding natalia he has to be held to. But when she is down he wants down too. So with that im just not sure. Maybe do the same make sure im not holding the baby when they come. That way i can slowly introduce him. Im interested to here what everyone else has to say lol.

I agree. I think if she stays in just another week it will be soo good. I just feel so awful. So what ever we deside tomorrow i will be happy with. I dont mind i guess waiting another week. I can handle it. I hope lol. But we shall seee

And yes we do rent and she is responsable for fixing the sink. We have a "handy man" that comes and does those things around the house. So usually things are a very slow process of being fixed. BUt the guy is old but does a good job.

Aww im soo exited for you!!! Tomorrows the day. Less than 24 hours and you will be holding your new baby boy!!!
We got my daughter a gift when I had Bryce.. it was more from us than him though.. just a book to read at night when I got home.. Bryce is way jealous of dh holding.. so we will see how things go in December..

Yes I have felt movements for a while now.. My next apt is the 22nd.. so im getting there.. having a rough go right now as things are not going well with my sister who is due a week after me and has lost her baby.. any prayers would be greatly appreciated..
oh no! so sorry to hear about your sis hun. prayed for her and your whole family.

heather!!!!! yay for tomorrow!!!!! I have been induced twice and I think I didn't sleep the night before with either of them lol. its hard to say whether the anxiety of anticipation is more or less when you know you will be having the baby a certain day. hope you stay calm and enjoy the process :hugs:
Logan, I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. That would be so heartbreaking to have gotten that far and lose the baby. I will pray for her and your family. If you don't mind me asking, what happened?

Heather, I can't believe you only have a matter of hours left! I know you will be busy recovering and taking care of your little guy, but as soon as you can update us, please do!

As for Liam's weight, I did the whole "stand on the scale with him and subtract my weight" method last night, and it says he's 10 pounds already! :shock: I had to do it again a little bit later just to double check because I couldn't believe it! Alia wasn't even 10 pounds when she was 2 months old. I wonder how long it will be before Liam catches up to her in weight... :haha:

Stacey, even if they induced you tomorrow, Eva would only be born 6 days earlier than Liam was, and he was perfectly healthy, so I wouldn't worry too much about her at this point. You're the one whose health really concerns me right now. I hope for your sake that they get her out as soon as possible.
wow jordyn 10lbs!!! Thats great! Go Liam! How much does Alia weigh right now. I know you mentioned it a few pages back but i cant find it.

I know she would be fine. THey said that the main consern about having the baby at 36 weeks is the feeding. Sometimes the suck swollow reflex is still not as good iykwim. I have a feeling i wont be induced tomorrow. Only if my bloods come worse. But at least we should have a date tomorrow and know for sure how much longer i have to wait. My health scares me too. Im worried. Im not taking any of the medicine they proscribed to me although i did try the exedrine migrain but wasnt to pleased. I honestly prefer to suffer alittle more then introduce med in my body and baby that might not be needed. Im crazy i know. I complain and complain about feeling crummy when just one pill might make the world of difference but that is my feeling about medicine.

Logan i am SOOO sorry to hear about your sister. I will be sending prayers her way and for all of your family xx
Thanks Heather! I hope so Melissa, I want to get my belly back to the way it was. Still, I don't really diet when I eat normally (eating a bit of junk at the moment), I normally eat well but lots of it. Need to get back to it really.

Jordyn that's fantastic! What did he start off at again? I had the turtle weighed on Monday and he's now 10lb 5oz, little mini chunk. But he's very long as well, he's 91st centile for length so we may well have a tall one on our hands. Which is odd seeing as me and DH are short!

You're not crazy Stacey, I understand because I'm the same way, I'll do anything to avoid taking medicine. Still in this instance they wouldn't have given you anything unsafe for baby. Would you prefer to wait another week?

Heather good luck! Will be thinking of you!

Oh Logan I'm so sorry to hear about your sister, that's horrendous, she must be in such pain. Sending prayers and thoughts :hugs:

Well the cheeky turtle decided last night to do 2.30, 5.30 and 6.45. That'll teach me to think he's get his own little pattern :haha:
Logan, I'll be sending lots of thoughts and prayers. :hugs:

Jordyn, 10lbs is great! That means he's almost doubled his birth weight! :thumbup:

Stacey, I totally understand about not wanting to take the meds. I'm not a big fan of feeling drugged up or putting things in my body that aren't natural, ya know. I hope you feel okay enough and your doctors feel you're healthy enough to stick it out one more week. Update us when you can. :flower:

Vanessa, sorry Milo tricked you into thinking he had a routine down pat! :haha: and he's gaining weight good too. Did he weigh more than Noah at birth?

Melissa, knowing your baby's birthday is rough! I slept okay last night but it was partly due to being exhausted. Though I woke up at 5:45am and couldn't go back to sleep. Hope I don't screw myself later and be exhausted after Ben is here :dohh:

Hi, Jenny! :hi:

Well, surgery is scheduled in 5 hours. And lets just say...holy butterflies!!!! Good think I'm not allowed to eat because I'd probably just vomit! :rofl: Ben is bouncing around like a mad man, must sense my anxiety. Just seems to surreal that in a matter of hours I'll be holding our little man. :cloud9:

I'll be sure to update ASAP and hopefully post a picture or two.

We kept telling Sam yesterday that today he would be a big brother and his response..."No!" with lots of head shaking! :rofl: good thing he had no clue what we were saying but we thought it was hilarious. I think he will be great and absolutely love him.
Heather, good luck today! I'll be thinking of you and looking forward to an update! :thumbup:

Jenny, how are you?

Vanessa, Liam was 6lbs 11oz when he was born, so to make it to 10 lbs in one month really surprised me. That's crazy that Milo is also 10 lbs! Maybe he and Liam will stay neck in neck for a while. As for sleeping, Liam has been all over the place lately. One night he'll be up every 2-3 hours, and then the next he'll be up every 1-2 hours.

Stacey, I think it's admirable that you're trying to stay away from medicines if you can. Only a week at the most until this is all over! as for your question, Alia weighed 20 lbs at her 15 month check-up, so I would guess that she's 21 or 22 lbs now, but probably no more than that.
So exciting Heather, I can't wait for an update! Thinking of you and hope everything goes well. It must be so weird to know when your baby is going to arrive! Yes Milo weighed 7lb 11oz at birth and Noah was 7lb 2oz. I dread to think what Milo would have weighed if he'd stayed in for two more weeks :haha:

Wow Jordyn I didn't realise how much Liam had out on compared to his birth weight! That's great :thumbup: It must be such a relief after the trouble you had with Alia.

I'm hoping that Milo will go back to 3am and 7am again, I was a big fan of that one!
I don't know yet all the details I just know things didn't look good on her us and it has been very very rough.. I appreciate all the prayers and good thoughts..

Haking super excited for you today.. a good day for you.. :)
vanessa: wow 10lb 5oz is great as well!!!! Im sorry that Milo tricked you last night. Little monkey lol. Aww thats great he is tall too! I cant believe he is over a month already!

Jordyn: Thats not bad. That would be very funny if Liam did end up passing Alia in weight. Jonathan is just 9 lbs lighter than natalia so it wouldnt suprise me if Liam did pass Alia fairly shortly.

Jenny: how are you doing??

Heather: I jusst cant wait to hear updates!! I hate that california is soo slow compared to everywhere else it seems like haha. I hope you are holding ben in your arms right now enjoying every moment. That is too cute about sam shaking his head hahaha

Logan: I am very sorry. I hope they can figure everything out. Still sending prayers your way xx

afm well today my blood pressure was 180/110 for over 2 hours it wasnt going down. He didnt let me leave today until i got my bloods back. He also gave me a dose of blood pressure medicine as my blood pressure was soo high. Baby was moving great. My bloods came back the same. So they are not worse but still not the greatest. We were talking about that he wanted to induce me tues evening and she would probably be born on wed. But get this there is no labor and delivery nurse scheduled on tuesday or wednesday:growlmad: So Thursday it is. I go to labor and delivery at 4pm to start. She will probably be born friday the 16th. I really hope all goes well. So she will be born prob 37 +1 witch i am very happy with:thumbup: And the doc prescribed me bp meds to keep my bp undercontrol. My headache feels alittle better but now i feel like way way dizzy. He said it is normal to feel very dizzy with this medicine but i hope dizziness and stuff is better than that headache. 1 more week and 1 more apointment until i meet my baby girl :cloud9:
Heather, I hope all is well and that Ben is here and you are busy enjoying him and your family. It's so great that they could all come visit.

Stacey, that's great that you have a date set for the induction. I'm glad things weren't worse for you this appointment. You know what's funny, is neither of my boys like to have their arms swaddled either. And we call it a baby burrito! Ha!

Logan, I'm so so sorry about your sister and her baby. I've been praying for her, you, and your whole family.

Jordyn, that's great weight gain for Liam! A sure sign BFing is going well. Way to go!

Vanessa, that's so crazy that you've lost all your pregnancy weight. I've only lost about half, so around 20 lbs. It feels like a lot, but I've still got a lot to go obviously. I'm not much a gym goer, but I do hope to find a soccer team to play with in the Fall so hopefully that works out.

Hi, Jenny! How're things? I see you are 4dpo... when will you test?

Well, things are going pretty well over here. Except Jimmy projectile vomited three times in like two hours. Poor guy. He doesn't have a fever or anything, so I'm not worried. But if it keeps happening and he's not actually keeping any milk down then I'll probably start to worry.

I've been so tired today. Thankfully, the only thing we have planned is to go to Dairy Queen for Blizzards since it's Miracle Treat Day and all the proceeds will go to our local Children's Hospital. :) Perfect excuse for ice cream if you ask me!
Been thinking of you Heather! I hope everything went well with Ben's arrival and you're all enjoying some family time :flower:

Stacey that sounds like a good plan :thumbup: Getting to 37 weeks would be great for Eva, as long as you can hold out for that week. I really feel for you having felt so rough for so long! The things we endure for our babies :cloud9:

Poor little Jimmy Rachel, hope he's more himself now. Hope you're not feeling too shattered, I do remember feeling extremely tired when Milo was around two weeks, the feeding was crazy as I recall.

Milo did a 6 hour stretch last night! Unfortunately I wasn't in bed for all of it :haha: He fed at 8pm, I took him up to bed at around 10pm and fell asleep myself expecting him to wake up any minute, but wasn't called upon until 2am! It reassures me that he's starting to understand day vs night.

Here's my little turtle this morning (or not so little, check out the leg rolls!).
Ben and I are doing great! The c section went very smoothly and all my fears about the spinal were for nothing. I had an amazing surgical team and nurse.

Ben was born at 12:02pm weighing 8lbs and 13oz. 20.5 inches long! We were all shocked how big he was considering how little I had gained! :wacko:

He is having a bit of an issue controlling his blood sugars. It should be around 50 and he's been anywhere as low as 30 and once as high as 52. But since they aren't staying up past 50 we have been having to test him every 2 hours meaning his poor little feet keep getting poked! :cry:

We just weighed him after 12 hours and he is down to 8lbs 7oz but the nurse reassured me that they won't supplement feed formula until he's lost close to 10% his body weight.

He started feeding right away in the recovery room and is such a calm mellow baby! Hardly cries and is absolutely precious. We have been together the entire process since he was born to bond. I couldn't have asked for a better c section experience.

Now my next step is working on getting up for the first time. I'm not looking forward to that! :nope:
Aw Heather he's gorgeous, congratulations! :cloud9: He does look really mellow and serene! Wow that's a healthy weight, I'm surprised by that one too! Milo went down to 7lb 8oz too so don't worry that's normal :flower: All the fluid they had inside disperses so it makes sense.

Glad you're feeling generally well :flower: When is he going to meet his big brother?

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