anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Heather, I love the pictures! Especially the one of Sam holding Ben. So cute! And that's great that his blood sugars have stabilized and you get to go home. I agree; it's so nice to be back in your own ben with everyone all at home. How was getting up and out of bed for the first time?

Stacey, I agree; seems more important to be rested than to have a super clean house, especially when overdoing might just make you feel extra icky. And I hope that mucus is a good sign that your body will be more ready for labour by Thursday; I'll be praying for a quick, smooth labour for you and Eva! And as for breastfeeding in public, I do it all the time. I have several covers I use, so I'm never just whipping it out - I don't think I could ever do that. Although I kind of did the other day in the park when we were the only ones there and no one else was in sight. Anyway, it can be tricky to get used to feeding while using the cover because you can't see what the heck is going on under there. I found a good cover from Jolly Jumper (at Babies R Us) that is a basically a big pashmina scarf with a neck hole. I like it because it covers more of my sides so I don't have to worry about showing off my stretch marks. And I can kind of pop my head in the neck hole to get Jimmy latched and then pop back out. It works really well.

Happy Birthday, Jordyn! :cake: That sounds like a lovely day. Is Liam going longer between feedings, then, if you were able to go to out to dinner without having to feed him that sounds pretty good. We went out the fair yesterday for like 6 hours and I only had to feed Jimmy once, which was nice because it was so hot it made breastfeeding a really sweaty ordeal.

Jenny, I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine losing a baby that far along. But your boys are super cute! And like Stacey said, we all like to stare at tests here, so make sure to post pics as soon as you start testing! :)

Well, I need your ladies' input on something. Jimmy has been vomiting, which is something new to me. Ozzy spit up a lot, but not projectile vomiting large amounts of milk like Jimmy's doing. Thursday, he did it three times within two hours and then last night (or rather early this morning) he did it twice again within an hour. He doesn't have a fever or any signs of dehydration, but I still wonder if something's wrong. I know it could just be something simple like reflux, but I was wondering if you ladies can shed some light on what's going on and what to do about it. I'm definitely going to tell the doctor at our postpartum appointment on Monday, but I thought I'd ask here too. Thanks!
thank you honey xxxx

i will probably start when the tests arrive in the post knowing my luck im terrible lol xxx
Jordyn: I LOVE your hair. I swear you are the only one i know that can get away with short hair like that. Beautiful. The color is nice too. Something different but boy can you pull it off xxx Im glad you had a good birthday! And go Liam for letting you eat at red lobster. mmm now i want some lobster tail.

Rachel: I will keep that cover in mind. It sounds wonderful as long as i can continue breastfeeding this time. As for the vomitting honestly icouldnt tell you for sure i remember Jonathan was vomitting alot just after a month or so:shrug: THey thought it was a milk allergy and told me to cut out most dairy and because i was supplementing with formula to try allimentum formula. But it turned out that it wasnt that at all. Maybe something you are eating is upsetting his stomach. Or maybe he is taking in alot at a time without burping? idk just some reason why he might be vomitting. Im curiouse to know so please update after you talk to the doc :flower:
Stacey, I agree I wouldn't worry about cleaning the house too much before Thursday. Has the doctor checked you or will they before then to see if you're dilated any? I know you're worried about a c section but honestly since your body has gone through labor before it should know what to do hopefully with a little bit of help. But if you do worst case have to have a c section, it's not the end of the world as long as Eva is healthy. :hugs:

Jenny, I'm sorry to hear about your losses. :hugs: honestly, no one should have to go through that, ever! :nope: but your boys are so cute! And I can't wait to see some tests soon!

Happy Birthday, Jordyn! :cake: I'm glad that you had a good birthday and the outing with both Alia and Liam went well. I'm sure I'll be in those shoes soon, hopefully it goes well! I also love your hair. It's nice to pamper yourself everyone in a while and if it makes you feel better about your postpartum body that's a bonus! :thumbup:

Rachel, I honestly don't have any advice about the vomiting. Sam had bad projectile vomiting when he was around Jimmy's age but it was from the formula we gave.

Well, we got discharged this morning and then a few hours later the nurse called me asking us to come back because after the lactation nurse looked at Ben's chart she was very concerned because he lost 10% of his body weight. I kept telling the nurses and that he had but they were saying only 4%! I knew I was right. Kinda makes me mad. So we went back and she showed us how to tube feed him while he breastfeeds. So basically, I am pumping and putting 10ml in a syringe and he gets that as well as the boob.

We go back to the doctors tomorrow to have him weighed, etc. he needs to have gained at least 1-2oz.

Our big baby is turning into a little peanut! :haha:

Sam loves Ben and is always looking for "baby" it's so cute! They napped together in the same room but Ben must have made a noise and woke Sam up because I went in there and he was up pointing saying baby! :dohh:
Heather: Im soo happy you are home! I bet that feels soo good! Aww that is soo cute that Sam is living up to his job as a big brother! Everyone is giving me hope that jonathan with do the same lol. Thats stupid about them making you go back to the hospital. I never heard of tube feeding while breast feeding. Very interesting. I hope he gets those couple oz gain so that they are not hounding you like they did me. But you know with ben being soo big when born he of corse has a bigger belly and until your milk comes in completely he may not show any weight gain. But i could be wrong too.

The doc checked me when i was 35 weeks. I was 1 cm and thick. So not much progress there. I havnt been checked since. I have to go to my last nst on monday and not sure if i should ask my doc to check me or if i should just wait until thurs. Honestly i dont see a reason to check me on monday as im sure there wont be any change between monday and thursday. I know that csection isnt that bad, but like i said here in this stupid city sometimes it seems like people dont know what they are doing.

There is a guy that i work with and over the forth of july he and his fam went on vacation. On the 5th he started feeling awful like vomitting and diarrea and heart racing. He couldnt keep any of his food and stuff down. He kept coming to the hospital because he just couldnt handle the pain. His stomach hurt like crazy and they kept telling him its a virus and there isnt anything they could do about it. Finally after weeks being in and out of the hospital his wife said she looked at him one night and said thats it! Im taking you down the mountain. They got in the car right then and there and took him down the mountain. The hospital there is much bigger etc and they discovered that his apendix had ruptured and something about his gulbladder too. They said if he did come he could have been dead within a couple of hours. Its very sad to think this is the place I work for. And him too he works at the hospital too. But guess what he is sueing med surg and all the staff who treated him because they had NO idea what was wrong with him and it took the hospital down the mountian 5 min to figure out what was wrong. He now feels soo much better but lost soo much weight i barley reconized him when i saw him the other day. So that is why i am scared to go to any type of surgery up here lol Although the labor and delivery people seem to know somewhat what they are doing.
Stacey, I'm really hope Ben gains the few oz needed to keep us out of trouble too! I keep joking saying he better not get us in trouble tomorrow! :haha: I do know too that a bigger baby has a bigger stomach so hopefully he still gains like he needs. He sure doesn't seem to eat a lot but who knows, guess that could all change too.

I would personally want my doctor to check my cervix on Monday so I had a better idea what I was going into on Thursday, ya know?

I do understand why you're nervous about a c section. I would be nervous too knowing all that but just try to stay positive and hopefully things will go well. :hugs: did you go into labor on your own for both Natalia and Jonathan? I only know being induced and this c section was a million times better than the last not having to go through labor. I seriously feel amazing right now and not even like I had a baby 3 days ago! My mom and mil and even commented on how great I seemed after having him. I'm happy to have had a better experience this go around. Helped me "heal" emotionally from my c section with Sam.

Well, just finished the 2am feeding/pumping with Ben. I feel good sleep wise but I keep waiting for it to hit me! Like I shouldn't feel this rested after having a baby! :dohh:
Thanks heather i might ask him to check my on monday just out of curiosity. I had 1 sweep with both my kids to push start labor and they both worked. So yes i did go naturally into labor with the help of a sweep. Im hoping im at least alittle effaced because if i was it would skip a step of the induction.

Im very happy that you feel so great!!!! Now when you have that third baby you will probably feel better going into the csection. Aww plus a few boosters from your mom and mil always makes you feel good. How is it going having your family there?
Stacey, would your doctor be willing to so a sweep this early for you since they plan to induce on Thursday anyway?

It's really nice having my family around. It's helping me get some rest too since there is always someone willing to help out with Sam.

Well, as I think I've mentioned before Ben and Sam are sharing a bedroom and last night was the first night. Overall it went well, though once when I went in to get Ben, Sam woke up and saw me and started crying for me so DH went in and rocked him to sleep. I feel bad I can't pick him up right now since he really doesn't understand why and gets upset sometimes. I try to spend as much one on one time with him though so he doesn't feel left out.

Also, I think you asked Stacey about weight loss. I weighed myself this morning since they hadn't at all in the hospital and I am down exactly 10lbs. Thought it might be more because of Ben's size. Overall I'm happy with how my belly looks thus far.

We had an appointment with Ben this morning for a weight check and he's back up to 8lbs 1oz now so he's on the right track again! :happydance:
Go ben!!! That is a great weight gain!!! Yay!! Aww im sorry sam woke up yesterday because ben did. I think its great though that you do it like this because he will learn to sleep through ben wakings. Plus its one less transition.

10lbs is great weight loss. Weigh yourself in a week and i bet you will be back to your pre preg weight at least. Im glad that your family is helping you out alot. I cant wait until my mom comes in sept because this is the last week that my kids will be in daycare. My dh is only able to take a couple days off of work as its summer and this is when he gets most of his income. So it will be me alone with the kids. Im nervous about it lol.

I think i will ask if the doc can give me a sweep just to see if by chance things would start by themself. It deff all depends on where my cervix is at though. I will ask tomorrow at my apointment.
Rachel, Liam still isn't going longer between feedings. On average, it's two hours, day and night. But we were able to go out to eat without feeding him there because we were only at the restaurant for two hours. :dohh:

Heather, I'm so happy to hear that you're feeling so good! It seems like the second time is just better for most moms, since that's how it was for me, and for Rachel. So does Ben wake up Sam every time he cries? We're eventually going to have to put Liam in with Alia, but we've had in our room so far so that he doesn't wake up Alia. We're hoping to get to the point when he only wakes up once or twice during the night before putting them together, since Alia is already a bad sleeper.

Stacey, I too, would ask them to check me so that I could be more mentally prepared for how long the induction might take. And even if they don't do a sweep, just having them check your cervix might help trigger something.
Stacey, I hope your appointment goes well tomorrow and you're making some progress already or at least able to get a sweep.

Jordyn, last night was the first night they slept in the same room together. Ben woke up 3x but only woke up Sam once at around 4:30am. My plan kinda is to put Sam to sleep as usual and let him fall into a good deep sleep and then put Ben in the after. I try to get Ben out of the room ASAP when he wakes up and just feed/change him in our room or living room to keep noise down.

Is Liam awake a lot during the day? It seems like Ben is always sleeping. I don't really remember that with Sam. He will wake to feed but sometimes I wake him to eat and have to undress him just to get him awake enough to eat. I'm not use to it since with Sam he was always hungry and ready for food. They are total opposite. I think we average feelings every 4.5 hours or so right now. In a way it's nice but makes me worry he's eating enough.
aww i miss bf so much :( if we are lucky enough to be blessed again then defo the way forward xxx
Heather, that's crazy that Ben is sleeping so long between feedings. Liam did a 5 hour stretch of sleep on the first two days after he was born, and then has never done it since. Now he hardly ever goes more than 2 hours between feedings even at night. He does seem to sleep more during the day than Alia did, though. By the's about time to change your ticker so that we don't have to count backwards on your pregnancy ticker to see how old little Ben is. :haha:

Jenny, I actually had a bad breastfeeding experience my first time around, and am only now starting to see why people like it so much. When people would talk about what a beautiful bonding experience it was, I thought they were crazy, because to me it was painful, frustrating, and depressing. I am so grateful that it's turned out to be so much better this time.
Heather, that's crazy that Ben is sleeping so long between feedings. Liam did a 5 hour stretch of sleep on the first two days after he was born, and then has never done it since. Now he hardly ever goes more than 2 hours between feedings even at night. He does seem to sleep more during the day than Alia did, though. By the's about time to change your ticker so that we don't have to count backwards on your pregnancy ticker to see how old little Ben is. :haha:

Jenny, I actually had a bad breastfeeding experience my first time around, and am only now starting to see why people like it so much. When people would talk about what a beautiful bonding experience it was, I thought they were crazy, because to me it was painful, frustrating, and depressing. I am so grateful that it's turned out to be so much better this time.

Spiffy i had to stop bf pretty much the same as yourself kieran went undiagnosed with tongue tie which was the reason why he wasnt latching right and i was getting bad nipples but still pushed through at about 5 weeks pp i ended up in hospital i had a staph infection in my stomache which left me a 7inch hole in my stomach which was because of the csection , so i was put on iv antibiotics for 24 hrs sent home with 3 weeks worth of tabs 7 tabs a day kieran got terrible thrush so i stopped and when i tried to pump my milk wasnt coming in right anymore i had no support or nothing at all i was so gutted i felt that it knocked my bonding and my stomach took 6 months to heal it was traumatic dr diagnosed me with pnd and ptsd because of it xxx
Well ladies i just got back from my apointment. the only thing that has changed is im 50% effaced now instead of 0. He told me that he wont do a sweep today though as hitting that 37 week mark is what we need to do. He did say that he is going to try to find a nurse for wed night so i can come in wed night instead of thursday evening as my bloods came just alittle worse today. My bp was 146/95 today witch is better but not as low as he wanted to see them since being on the bp medicine. He was telling me there was a good chance during the induction that i will have to get magnisium solfate. Witch is a muscle relaxer because alot of time with pre e or even just hypertention during labor your bp will sky rocket and can lead to siezures. Im scared to death of haveing to have that drug because i heard it is awful. You get nauseous and feel like crap. He said we wont use it unless we have to. Then he warned me that if we do this med does go to the placenta meaning when she is born then she might have a little trouble breathing from it as she will be so tired. Oh ladie just pray that i dont need that medicine lol. He also said that he thinks the baby will be around 7 lbs according to my measurments and the results of the ultrasounds ive been haveing. So thats a relief to hear that she will prob be a good size baby.

Heather: I remember jonathan needing to be woken up every 2 hours to feed. They told me that i had to because of his weight loss. Otherwise he would go 5 hours between feeds. I dont have any advice on what to do about that though. How was bens second night home?

Jordyn: I am soo glad you hear that you are really enjoying breastfeeding this time around. Ihope i have the same luck as you!

Jenny: SOrry to hear about your staff infection ouch! That couldnt have been fun. Thank goodness all i well now and i hope you never have to deal with that again xx
Jordyn, I forgot to say before that I love you new hair! Super fun and cute!

Jenny, that's a crazy story about the staph infection. I can't imagine having to go through that without any support. No wonder you were diagnosed with PND and PTSD! How'd the recovery from that go? Do you have people to support you now in case anything crazy happens with a future pregnancy?

Stacey, that's good that he's trying to find someone for Wednesday night so you can hopefully get things going a little sooner. And yay for being 50% effaced; that should help things go a bit smoother once they do induce you. And I will be praying you don't need that drug! Doesn't sound like fun at all.

Well, we had our three week postpartum follow up today. Jimmy weighs almost 10 lbs.! :bodyb: He's gained just over a pound and a half in two weeks, the little chunker. I could tell he was growing, but I was not expecting that much gain.

I also mentioned a lump that I'd found in my breast while feeding Jimmy. I noticed it about a week and a half ago, and it hasn't gone away or changed at all. It's hard and round and the size of a small blueberry. The doctor said it's probably a blocked milk duct or something like that and it's most likely nothing to worry about, but he is sending me to get an ultrasound. They had an opening tomorrow morning, so I'm going right away even though it's not urgent. I suppose I'll have the results within the week? I'll keep you all posted for sure. I'm not really worried, but I knew I should mention it and get it checked out just to be safe. Even though I'm not worried, I knew my husband and the rest of my family would freak out if I told them I'd found a lump and not done anything about it!

Oh, and when I asked about the vomiting, the doc said Jimmy's probably just eating too much too fast. Makes sense since his feedings are usually really sort (I'd say 10 minutes on average). I think I'll start taking note of when he pukes and see if it corresponds to an extra long feed or not. Although I'm hoping it won't happen any more!

And finally, a picture of Jimmy with a monkey someone from church knit for him. It's bigger than he is! :)


  • 3 weeks - with monkey.jpg
    3 weeks - with monkey.jpg
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Rachel: I love that picture!!! And wow that is great that jimmy is gaining good weight!! That means he past his apointment with flying colors huh lol He is very cute. Im sorry to hear about that bump on your breast. Like the doc said its prob just a blocked milk duct. Please update us when you know something xx how is ozzy doing as a big brother?
Jenny, that's horrible about the staph infection. :nope:

Jordyn, I'm glad you're having a better time this go around breastfeeding. It really is hard work! I exclusively pumped with Sam which was double work so I'm super determined this time also. When did things start getting easier for you feeding Liam? I'm having a bit of nipple pain now because he wasnt latching properly half the time. We are working on that now and hopefully things start to improve!

Stacey, that's good you've made some progress. Hopefully it's enough that labor goes smoothly for you and you can avoid that awful drug!

Rachel, that's great about Jimmy's weight gain! Sounds like things are going well with him. And what a cutie he is with his monkey! I hope everything turns out okay with the lump you found. Hopefully it's just a plugged duct. Did you ever have anything like that with Ozzy?

Night two wasnt as great as the first. Ben was a little fussy which would normally be okay except I didn't want him to wake Sam so I had to pick him up when he fussed so we slept a lot in the living room recliner. I still feel pretty good overall. I think after your first baby you're just more prepared for the lack of sleep.

I'm just trying to keep Ben awake more during the day today to help him sleep more at night. We went for a mile walk this morning also. Both the boys loved it!
Stacey, Ozzy's doing really well as a big brother. Still likes to come over and poke and point at him. And the other day he wanted to "hold" him. We sat him on the couch and put the nursing pillow around him and laid Jimmy down. He liked it until Jimmy puked and then he just tried to push him away. It was actually really funny. We have a picture of them just before Jimmy puked, but I really wish we had been taking video!

Heather, I'm glad you're doing well overall. I think you're right; things just seem easier this time around because I have an idea of what to expect, especially in terms of lack of sleep like you said. So going for a walk kept Ben awake? Was he in the double stroller? I feel like Jimmy would fall asleep during a long walk.

And no, I never felt anything quite like this lump with Ozzy. I have plenty of lumps and bumps all over both breasts, but never anything that feels quite like this one. It's really round and smooth and hard. And it's in a spot that I don't really remember feeling lots of lumps before. The main difference is that it hasn't gone away no matter how much I massage it. I'm sure it's still nothing, but it was different enough that I knew I should tell the doctor.


  • With big bro - just before the puke.jpg
    With big bro - just before the puke.jpg
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thanks guys yeah it was horrible the infection was basically eating away from the inside out it was horrible :( my gyne team have no idea about this or what happened so i have called the fetal medicine dept which i am under as i had to have genetic testing done as when i lost my little boy jamie he had an enlarged bladder his kidneys werent working and had gastroskis im under a great team there so im trying to get an appointment there so get checked over to make sure internally im ok

9dpo today :D im having weird waves of how could i put it tingly feeling over my boobs but im not going to over obsess it as sometimes it dont mean anything and i know how funny the brain can be when ttc im waiting on my tests coming hopefully should be here today around 11 uk time xxx

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