anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Thinking of you today, Stacey! That seemed to come fast, although I bet it seemed to drag on for you once you started experiencing all the pre-e stuff. But you'll have Eva in your arms soon enough! Good luck; you can do it!

And Ozzy did really well with his haircut. He got a little freaked out by the buzzer when she was trimming around his ear, but she put it away right after that and he was fine. The whole cut only took like 10 minutes, and there were toys for him to play with and he was sitting on a little tractor seat, so he was sufficiently distracted. :)

Love the pictures from the park, Jordyn! Alia is so cute! She looks a lot like you in the first picture. And how perfect that Liam just slept the whole time.

Heather, how'd lunch with the boys go? I have yet to go out with just the kids. I can't really wrap my head around that yet!

Logan, you are 23 weeks already?! Seriously. Time is just flying by. I guess that tends to happen when you have a toddler (and now a newborn). Has it felt fast for you?

Not much to update on over here. Still just trucking along. You know how I said that Jimmy eats really quickly so I don't have to be awake for long chunks of time in the middle of the night? Well, the last two nights he's been awake for like 2 hours at a time between like 4 and 6 am. He eats quickly but then just stays awake pooping and farting and whatnot. Thankfully, I can nap during the day or I'm not sure how well I'd be functioning. lol
FINALLY got to see my obstetrician today so things are rolling in the right direction. I am getting two steroid shots at 2 weeks to help with the babys lung maturation just in case. I also have another ultrasound at 26 weeks to check my cervix (although my cervix was normal when I PPROMd... she just wants to keep a close eye on it.)
Jordyn, I love pictures! Alia looks adorable and just like you! I can't believe how little hair she has though. Glad that Liam was a good little man while you were at the park.

Rachel, sorry Jimmy kept you awake for so long last night. Ben also spends a lot of time farting and pooping after I feed him or midway through a feed! :dohh: it never fails!

Stacey, I hope things are going well for you. I'll be checking back often for an update! :hugs:

Skadi, I'm glad you finally got in to see your doctor and things seem to be headed in the right direction.

Well, lunch was pretty good. We went with my mom and met DH for lunch. Ben was amazing and just slept the entire time. But Sam insisted on sitting next to me in the booth the entire time instead of his highchair. He's turning into such a big boy lately and wants to always sit at the table with us.

I do think that Sam is a tiny bit jealous of Ben because he is never usually a fussy/whiny toddler but the past week since Ben has been home he is so whiny and I can't figure out what is wrong. He doesn't seem to mind when I hold Ben but sometimes he does and just cries for me as others he is perfectly fine with it.

Jordyn, how is Alia adjusting to Liam?
Skadi, that's great that you finally saw your OB! And that's nice that they'll give you the steroids for LO's lungs jus tin case. That would put my mind at ease anyway.

Heather, sounds like lunch was fun. You know, Ozzy was extra whiny for the week after we brought Jimmy home, but he's a little less so now. At least, his whininess isn't connected to clinginess like it was before. (I think we're just entering into the "terrible twos" now.) Anyway, I think maybe he just needed some extra attention because we had been apart from him for two nights while we were in the hospital. I wonder if it's the same for Sam and he'll be okay in a week or so. I hope so!

Thinking of you still, Stacey! Excited to hear about the birth whenever you get a chance to share! (Take your time, of course.) :)
Stacey, I hope everything is going well for you! I'm looking forward to an update whenever you get a chance!

Heather, I'm sorry that you're dealing with jealousy from Sam. But it sounds like he might get over it soon. Alia still isn't a big fan of Liam. Do you remember how she used to say, "All done, baby," when she wanted me to go put Liam down? Well, now she just says, "Swing. swing," because she wants me to go put him in his swing. But now that Liam is starting to spend more time awake each day, I'm holding him more often and she's okay with that sometimes, so hopefully she's getting used to him. We just bought her a baby doll and a little stroller, and I so I usually ask her, "Where's your baby?" or "Go get your baby."

Rachel, Alia used to stay awake for hours at a time in the middle of the night when she was a newborn and it drove me crazy! Thankfully Liam hasn't done that to me, but I know how hard that is. Alia only did it occasionally, though, and I think she stopped doing that by 6-8 weeks.
Hello ladies - I'm still stalking this thread though not ever posting. Congratulations on all the beautiful new babies! Simply Gorgeous!

I'm glad that you all seem to be doing well. Hugs for everyone.

AFM - we're still NTNP at the moment. My hormones are very messed up and I have not had a period since the end of May but no BFP either. I'm pretty positive I'm not ovulating at all. Oh well. If its meant to be, it will be. In the meantime, I am loving every single minute of Lilli's current age.
Good to hear from you, lalila!:flower: sorry you haven't had a BFP yet but glad to hear you're enjoying your time with your daughter.

Rachel, I think it a mixture of the terrible twos as well as us being away for a few days and now there is a new baby. Also, since they are sharing a room I don't think Sam gets as good of a nights sleep. I am glad to hear I'm not alone though!

Jordyn, that's a great idea about getting Alia her own baby! I'm glad to hear she is adjusting well.

Stacey, hope everything went well and you're holding your little girl right now. :hugs:

For everyone that is breastfeeding, when do you plan to introduce a bottle? I've been researching bottles and want to get one that will make an easy transition from breast to bottle and vise versa. I think my doctor said around 3 weeks is usually safe. Right now I'm pumping a lot too to build up my supply to deep freeze milk for when I stop breastfeeding. I just don't know how well I'll be at it once I return to work.
Hey Lalila. It's good to hear from you. Sorry you haven't had a bfp, but it sounds like you have the right attitude about it. I hope your hormones regulate and you start ovulating soon.

Heather, my DH gave Liam a bottle of pumped breastmilk for the first time last Sunday (so about 5 and a half weeks). We used Avent bottles with Alia and will use them with Liam, too (partly because we already have them on hand, and also because we never had any complaints with them). Liam took to the bottle like a champ, and then went right back to the breast just fine, so I think we'll continue to give him at least one bottle a week so that he doesn't get picky and refuse to take one.

Well, Alia is getting in some more molars and has a little fever right now. Poor little thing. I feel bad when there's so little I can do to help her. :(
hey girls :D
how is everyone :D

sorry its been busy sorting out the kids birthday for next weekend :D xxxx
Hi, Lalila. Good to hear from you. Sorry you've gone so long without ovulating. That's too bad. Like Jordyn said, it sounds like you've got the right attitude about it. Hope your body sorts it out soon!

Hi, Jenny. We're good here in our neck of the woods. Just waiting to hear how Stacey's induction went! We had to deal with a lot of vomit from Jimmy this morning, and we're going to try to go out for a walk this evening. That's our day so far. :)

Jordyn, that stinks that Alia's getting more molars. No fun at all. Does she already have four? I'm not really familiar with when kids are "supposed" to get their teeth.

Heather, I'm afraid I'm no help with the whole bottle question. Ozzy never took one (we only tried maybe four times), and I don't plan to try one with Jimmy until closer to when I plan to go back to work, so not for another 6 months or so. I hope that's not too late to try and introduce it.
Jenny, good luck birthday planing. You'll have to tell us how it goes!

Rachel, Alia has molars on the left half if her mouth and is now getting them in the right side, too. Kind of funny how they came in that way. She seems to be doing a little bit better, but is still way fussier than normal.

Stacey, I hope you and Eva are both doing fine!

Well, I had to put Liam into some 3-6 month clothes because because his feet were getting squished in the 3 month outfits. Can't believe how big this kid is getting!


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Thanks for the feedback on the bottles. :flower:

Jenny, good luck with the birthday planning!

Jordyn, I hope that Alia's teeth come in quick and don't cause her too much pain. Sam has all his teeth in except for the 2 year molars. I think that's what you are called...the ones in the very back of his mouth. I heard those are the worst for kids. Not looking forward to it.

I can't believe how big Liam is either! He looks very long!!! How long was he in newborn clothes for?

Stacey, can't wait to hear from you! I hope you and Eva are doing well. :hugs:

Things are going good over here. Yesterday we had a little meet and greet where people could come over after 3pm to meet Ben. It was nice to see friends and just hang out. Though Ben slept through most of it! :dohh:

I can't really remember how much Sam slept in the beginning since I was exhausted but is it normal for them to sleep majority of the day/night right now and just wake for feeding?

I've been pumping milk like a crazy person to stock pile as much as possible for when I go back to work. I would like to try to continue to breastfeed when I go back but I don't know how it will work out so I want to have as much saved up as possible.
Heather, Liam was sleeping day and night except for feedings until, like, a week ago, which is more than Alia slept in the beginning.

As for Liam, he started getting too big for newborn clothes at 4 weeks. The main problem is that he has really long feet and they don't fit in the feet part of his jammie's. :dohh:
Jordyn, that's funny that Alia's teeth are growing in that way. Ozzy's are kind of "off schedule" too. He still doesn't have his canines (the pointy ones) and he just recently got the two on the bottom that are right next to the middle ones (whatever they are called - lateral incisors?).

And wow, look at Liam grow! That's awesome! He's so long. Is he getting chubby too? I remember Ozzy would get chubby and then grow out to be long and skinny, then get chubby again, then grow long... Now he's just chubby. :)

ETA: I just noticed your BF milestone blinky! Love it!

Heather, it's totally normal for newborns to just sleep all day and only wake up to eat. I'd say Jimmy's awake for maybe a total of 4-6 hours in a 24 hour period, usually in 1-2 hour chunks (after a feed when he's pooping and such :) ). When he was brand new, he was hardly ever awake. Maybe 2 hours a day.

Well, the big news at our house today is that Jimmy's wearing his first 0-3 month outfit and is starting to outgrow his NB sized stuff. That, and Ozzy has diarrhea, the poor fellow. He also sort of puked today. It was hard to tell if it was puke or just choking up what he'd just eaten, iykwim. I checked, and he doesn't quite have a temperature, but it's close to one and he does feel hot. He's also been drooly lately, so maybe he's just getting some more teeth I haven't noticed. He doesn't exactly let us look in his mouth.
Rachel, I hope Ozzy is feeling better today. As for your question, Liam has some chubby cheeks, but he's not too chubby all around, just really long. I'm so interested to see what kind of percentiles he's at when I take him to his pediatrician appointment next month.

Vanessa, I just read your comment in Baby Club saying that Milo is doing 7-8 hour stretches at night. Can I just say how insanely jealous I am???? Liam is still only doing 2 HOUR stretches at night! :dohh:
Hello ladies i am SOO SORRy i havnt been able to update. I am just giving a quick update about my labor and such.

I was suppose to go to the hospital thursday at 4pm to start the induction they called me and told me to come in at 730 instead. I was mad haha so i go in at 730 and they didnt even start the induction until 930. The plan was to get this little pill inserted next to my cervix for 3 hours then they would put another then another. I was suppose to have 6 doses of this pill then they would start pitocin. After they put the first pill i started cramping some. When she came in to put the second pill they were coming very frequently but still tolorable. She inserted the second pill and i was only 2 cm. The contractions were getting more strong just couldnt sleep but wasnt havnt to breath or anything threw them until right before she wanted to put the 3rd pill.. I told her not to put it as i believe my body has already started labor. She checked me again and i was only 3cm. She called my doc and asked and he told her to put the third pill. I told her ok then i want her to wait until i can get teh epideral before inserting the pill. This was at like 6am. So then the anestitialogist sp? came and tried to put the epideral. ( i dont know if yall remembering me saying that with jonathan it took them about 10 attemps to finally get the epideral in the right place well basically the same happend this time) exept after then 7th attempt they told me i dont think we are going to be able to get it. I told them just to stop trying and how rediculous they were. and just to leave my room.

I was left to labor without the epideral. Completely natural. I started crying when they left scared thinking i couldnt do it. My dh told me that i can and he is going to be with me right there the whole time. My doctor was very sorry about the epideral. I was supposed to be hooked up on the monitors the whole time so they can monitor my bp and baby. I told him i cannot labor sitting in bed if i can please get up and labor. He said that he will get in trouble for this but yes i can get up and labor how i please. He gave me promition to go in the bath with the jets and whatever i wanted to do. He broke my water and i was about 4 cm. This was at 830m after all the people trying to do the epideral had left. I went into the bath for about two hours. My contractions were very painful but i was able to breath threw them and i tell you what that water really helped. I got out of the bath at about 10:15 so that they can hook me up again just to check baby and my bp. So i got onto the birthing ball. I wasnt out of that bath for 20 min before the contractions did get unbarable. I remember i was trying and trying to breath threw them but they were soo intence. The nurse said if you are in this much pain i bet the time is close. I layed down and she checked me. I was 8 almost 9. She called my doctor to come upstairs that it would be anytime. My contractions were coming and coming like there seemed like there was no break between them. My husband was there holding me and i remember i was grabing him and sqeezing him. When my doc came up he put on just one glove and said that there was just alittle bit of cervix left and try to see if i can push threw it. I did. I felt her head come around that cervix he was telling the nurse to put another glove on his other had as there was no time for him to do it. The next push her head was out then her body. Instant relief was there after she came out. She was put on my chest and started crying. No stitches or anything. She was born weighing 6lbs 14oz 19 inch long. at 1110am.

I went from 4cm to her being born in about 3 hours. Not to bad huh. I will post a pic in just alittle while. recovery has been at bit difficult this time around xx
Stacey, I'm so happy to hear that you and your little girl are safe and healthy! :flower: I'm sorry that you weren't able to have any pain relief, though. :( That must have been really hard, and I can imagine how difficult that's making your recovery. But what a great weight! Almost the same size as Liam was! I can't wait to see pictures!!!

Well ladies, I happened to have my phone out, taking pictures of Liam, and actually caught his first smile on camera!


Stacey, it's so good to hear from you! I'm glad that everything went prett smoothly, minus the whole epidural thing! I couldn't imagine being in labor without one!!! :nope:

She was a great size for being 3 weeks early. I can't wait to see a picture of your beautiful girl. :cloud9:

Rachel, I hope Ozzy is feeling better today. :flower:

Jordyn, that's pretty funny that Liam has too big of feet for his jammies! :haha:

We went to the park this morning. They have a water area that you can turn on and the kids can run through. It was perfect since all the big kids are in school now so Sam could run around! He had a blast. Ben didn't seem too phased by it all! Such a mellow boy.

My little snuggly boy! :cloud9:
What a cutie you have, Jordyn! Love his little smile. He looks like a very happy boy!


here are a few pics of Eva. She has TONS of hair haha at least a inch in length all around. I took her to the doc today just cuz i thought i saw her alittle yellow. The doc agreed but said it wasnt anything to worry about as of yet as my milk has just come in today. But we are testing her blood tomorrow just to check the level of her billirubin or however thats spelt lol.

Recovery i just alittle different because you know those cramps you get after delivery of your uterus shrinking back down and stuff. Im use to have a break after birth until the epi wheres off where as this time is was right away. I was also able to get up and walk and go to the bathroom right away witch was different. But i can tell you ladies that i cant belive i did it. I guess i had no choice but i feel like i had succeeded in a way that i can finally say that i had a natural delivery.

Aww jordyn that is so cute that you were able to catch Liams smile. What a cutie!!! i love the smile. I think that he and alia look much alike.

Heather: im glad sam had a great time at the park today. You have such beautiful boys!!!

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