anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Rachel, Jimmy is such a cutie! I love his little pink and blue outfit. I also agree that if I had a girl this time I would be able to be team yellow next time but since I had a second boy I can't not find out with our third! I'm too much of a planner...and a bit impatient!

As for going back to work and pumping, I will be able to pump...sorta. I'm the only front office person at work so I kinda have to plan it out while someone else is there so I can go hide for 20 or so minutes throughout the day. Right now I'm thinking if I pump before work or feed and then again on lunch at noon and once more before I leave it could work. I'm just gonna play it by ear and see how things work out but that's part of my reason to stockpile milk in the meantime in case I can't continue once I return to work. I'll go back once Ben is 8-9 weeks old. I only work 4 days a week so we'll see how things go. I do have 2 hour lunches and short days on Friday so hopefully I can make something work to continue to pump/breastfeed.
Heather, that's amazing that you've stockpiled so much milk already! I imagine that it's pretty time consuming, though. I don't pump very often. Only when my DH is feeding Liam a bottle, and when for some reason I'm a bit engorged. This morning I was pumping, and Alia was just staring, totally fascinated by what was happening. I tell her that I'm feeding Liam milk while I breastfeed, but I still think it was weird for her to finally see milk actually coming out. :haha:

Logan, we've played around with the idea of staying team yellow next time around, since we already have one of each, but I don't think I can say whether we will or not until I'm actually pregnant again and it's more real. Kudos to you, though, for making it happen!

Rachel, that's hilarious that Jimmy has some pink pants. You know what they say, real men wear pink! :winkwink: Liam has on a really cute outfit today. I'll have to take a picture and post it while Alia is napping today.

Stacey, that's awesome that Eva did 3 hour stretches all night for you! Maybe she'll be a good sleeper. :flower:
Okay, so here's some pictures of that cute outfit that Liam's wearing today.

Also, guess what? Alia went pee in her little potty today! I said to her, "Tell momma when you need to go pee pee, okay?" And a few seconds later she did, so I took her to her potty and sure enough, she went pee! I was so excited that I didn't even care that she stood up half-way through and got pee all over the bathroom floor! :haha:


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heather wow that is a great supply you have! That is great that you are able to pump soo much. I too really hope i can keep breast feeding while going back to work. When are you planning on goin back?

Rachel: Jimmy is soo freakin cute haha. I love the pants xx I thought i would be able to stay yellow this time but when the time came i just couldnt. haha

Jordyn: Aww look at that pic of Liam he looks soo darn cute. And wow that is great that alia peed in the potty for you!! Go Alia!!

I just wanted to show you ladies all the hair that eva has. Here is a pic without anything on her head lol

Jordyn, Liam looks adorable in his little outfit! I love little baby jeans :cloud9: Sam was a winter baby and I always had cute jeans on him. Ben has been living in onesies lately. We have 97 today. Yuck!!!

And that's great that Alia went pee in the potty! I'm not looking forward to potty training. We plan to start in October with Sam hopefully.

Stacey, I love Eva's hair. Did your other two have lots when they were born? Sam was a bald baby so when I saw Ben and his hair I was thrilled! :haha:

I plan to go back to work on October 8th. So when Ben is 8-9 weeks old.
Team yellow wasn't hard with my second Bryce.. but this time I just want to know now.. but I know its worth it in the end ;)

Had my 24 week apt.. all is good.. bp good, weight good, hb good around the 140s.. baby is breech right now.. so he/she best turn.. lol and my next apt is September 26th fro my 28 week glucose test..
Omg look at all Evas hair! Adorable!

I have to do my glucose test along with bloodwork sometime next week. Yuck. Not looking forward to it. I am looking forward to hitting V day in a week though, I'll feel a little tiny bit of relief.
Hello ladies! How are you all?

Stacey congratulations, Eva is gorgeous! :cloud9: Love all that hair! I keep hoping to have a baby with loads of hair like that because that's what I was like as a baby. No such luck yet. Better keep trying :winkwink:

I'm amazed at how much you've managed to pump Heather, that's incredible :thumbup: I really should do it more but I'll be honest, most of the time I just can't be bothered :blush:

Jordyn are things bad sleep wise? That's rubbish, I'm really sorry :hugs: Amazing that Alia is starting to potty train though! Noah is nowhere near. Of course it would help if he could say a few words. Still nothing at 22 months. Sigh...

Logan glad to hear all is good!

Yuck skadi on the glucose test :nope:

As for us, all is generally good. Milo has settled into a usual pattern of feed at 5pm ish, bath with Noah and feed at 6.45pm, then sleeps until 2/3am. We did have a 4am a couple of days ago and my boobs absolutely killed. Strangely though whether its 3 or 4am he still gets up for a feed at 5.30am and then at 7am. Strange baby! Still I'm not complaining.

Noah is generally good but he's really starting to throw some strops now. Think he's getting frustrated at being unable to communicate.
Logan and Skadi... Hooray for V-day! But boo for the GGT. Good luck with that! Glad to hear you are both doing well so far. :)

Vanessa, that is an amazing sleep schedule for Milo! Jimmy generally "goes to bed" pretty late. He's awake and eating/pooping/etc. until around 12:00 or 1:00, but then he usually goes a nice long stretch (4-5 hours) and then is awake for an hour or so eating and then back to sleep for 3-4 hours. So I've been getting some good sleep, I guess. :)

And we're not anywhere near potty training with Ozzy. Although he is starting to talk A LOT more recently, so maybe soon. I just need to get up the courage.

I wrote out a list recently and figured out Ozzy says about 30 words right now. I swear, a month ago he said maybe 5. It's crazy how fast he's learning right now. Some of my favourite words he says right now: Batman, hockey, plum (he says "PUM!"), and hand (he says this when he wants to hold your hand).

And here are some 4 week pics of Jimmy. Although he'll be 5 weeks soon... where has the time gone!? And also an "older" picture, but it's so cute. It's Ozzy trying to share his pretzels with Jimmy. :)


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Aw Rachel I love the pic of Ozzy trying to share his food! Bless. Jimmy looks like he's doing really well! He's so cute! Glad to hear he's giving you a stretch of sleep in the early hours. It's funny how they develop these patterns so early. Milo is prettu much every two hours apart from his random 6/7/8 hour stretch after bedtime.

A couple of pics of my monkey and my turtle!

Had some bad news yesterday. My good friend had her second baby two weeks ago and he's been diagnosed with a serious heart condition and is in a specialist hospital in London. He needs to have surgery to correct it. I can't imagine what they're going through :nope:
Aww such cute babies...

I don't have my glucose test till Sept 26th.. so one month from today.. :) which is fine by me.. cant believe how fast time is going.. the babies are growing so fast and the pregnancies are flying too.. :) Last week of August already...

Today is so hot out.. like 90 and feels like 105.. blah.. staying hydrated for sure and swimming later.. :) should be fun.. take the kids to the drs.. Bryce needed one last shot and McKenna has her 4 year checkup.. crazy.. and its my first day back at college.. hope the semester goes well.. :)
Oh, Vanessa, that's terrible about your friend's baby. I sure hope the surgery goes well and the baby recovers well. I also can't imagine what those parents are going through. Would be heart wrenching. And as always, Noah and Milo are so cute! Monkey and turtle... love it. Jimmy still doesn't have a little nickname like Ozzy does (we call him Bear).

Logan, I can't imagine being in college as a mom. You must have some super powers for sure. And I hope you manage to beat the heat until it passes. Swimming sounds like fun.

Well, this week we're gearing up for Daniel's birthday on Saturday. His band is playing a free show at a park here in town that evening, so we're going to have a barbecue at the park before the show. Hot dogs and whatnot. So I've got some organizing and shopping and baking to do for that. I'm also trying to find a soccer team to play with. I've got some leads, but none of them are ideal due to when they practice and how far away they are. So that's actually turning out to be a tougher decision than I thought.

So, yeah, that's what's going on here this week. :)
Yeah yesterday was my first day.. went fine as can be expected lol..
Hey ladies! I hope you're all doing well. We had a busy weekend with lost of friends and family over, so I didn't get a chance to hop on here until today.

Vanessa, I hope your friend's baby is okay. That's horrible. A family friend just had a baby last week who also has a lot of heart problems and will have to have multiple heart surgeries. I just can't imagine.

That's great that Milo has that nice long stretch of sleep for you. Liam is still doing 2 hours at night, with one 3 hour stretch, and one 1 hour stretch in the morning. I love the picture of your little monkey and turtle. Such cute nicknames! We generally call Liam, "Liam Guy," "Liam Buddy," or sometimes I just call him, "Guy."

Rachel, Liam is a night owl, too. He usually goes down for the night around 10 or 11pm. I hope Daniel has a great birthday this weekend! And good luck finding a good soccer team. :flower:

Logan, good luck with this semester of school!

Alia talks all the time, and has recently started to repeat EVERYTHING we say. For example, I went to get her out of her crib and found a bunch of clothes in there (I left the laundry basket too close, apparently) and so I said, "What the?" So all the way up the stairs, Alia kept saying, "What the? What the? What the?" :haha: But my favorite things she says right now is, "See ya later!" and "With me!" (I ask her if she wants to come with me, and so she gets excited and says, "with me!") I also thinks it's funny the way she says chip because she draws it out and over-enunciates it, like chhhhhh-YAP! :dohh:

Well, I had my postpartum appointment today and all is well. I even had both kids with me, and they were really good for once! Oh, and here's a picture of Alia's first "ponytail" and a picture of Liam chilling on the couch.


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Cuuuute kids, Jordyn! I just have to chuckle at Alia's little pony tail. She seems pretty happy about it. :) And I love it when kids repeat things like that. Ozzy's just starting to repeat stuff like crazy too, but he's yet to string together any words. Can't wait until he starts saying short sentences and phrases! So fun.

Well, I found a soccer team! Yay! My first practice will be tomorrow night and the season starts in two weeks. Should be interesting, since the most physical activity I've done since Jimmy was born was... well, it was having Jimmy actually! :rofl:

I'm just hoping I don't pee myself like I did the first time I played soccer after having Ozzy. :blush:
I fee like I've been posting a lot in here lately... but someone's got to, right? Ha!

Had my first soccer practice tonight and I'm not dead. Heh. I actually feel like I'll be able to keep up even though I haven't been very physically active at all in the last year, so that's good.

We took Jimmy to the health unit today. Just to weigh him and to make an appointment for his 2 month immunizations. He weighs 11 lb. 10 oz. Good job, Jimmy! He's going to fit into size 2 diapers soon. Whaaaaat?! It's all happening so fast. I mean, can you believe it's almost September? That's crazy to me.

Also, I've officially lost two thirds of my pregnancy weight, so that's cool. I weighed myself the other day and I'm down to around 179, so I've lost about 30 lbs. and only have about 15 lbs. to go. It's hard to say exactly because I don't remember my exact pre-pregnancy weight, but we'll just say it was 165. That's about where I'd been hovering before both pregnancies.
Rachel, that's great that you've lost so much weight! I hope soccer helps you lose the rest and get to your goal weight. I gained 40 pounds in this pregnancy and have lost 27 pounds so far, so 13 more to go. But after that, my plan is to lose 8 more pounds so I can get back to where I was before Alia.

So Liam has been really sleepy these last couple days, but he's still eating fine, so I think he's okay. Maybe he's just on the down side of a growth spurt. His evenings have been a lot less fussy the last few days, too, so that's been really nice. 8 weeks old today! It's crazy to think that so much time has passed already. :wacko:

I hope everyone else is doing well. Here's a picture of Liam I took this morning. :flower:


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Hi, ladies! Hope everyone is well :flower:

Such cute pictures of all the babies!

Vanessa, that's great that Milo is sleeping so good for you! Hope he keeps it up and you are able to get lots of rest as well. That is very sad about your friend, I hope things turn out okay.

Happy v-day, Logan and Skadi! :happydance:

Rachel, I'm glad you were able to find a soccer team and you're doing so well with your weight loss!

Jordyn, I love the picture of Alia's pony tail! She looks very happy about it. That's great you're doing so good with weight loss as well! And that's great Alia is talking and stringing words together already! Sam has started a little bit but not all the time though he has become quite the parrot lately! :dohh: how is breastfeeding going for you?

Stacey, how are you? Hope Eva is doing well an Jonathan and Natalia are still doing well with her.

Things have finally settled down over here a little bit. My mom went home on Saturday and the in-laws left to go camping on Monday for the month.

Today is my first day alone with both the boys. I've definitely got my hands full but they are both good, Sam is just so busy! And his new obsession is choo-choos! We watch Thomas the Train all day long it feels like. As soon as it ends, he says "where's choo-choo?!" :haha: It's very cute!

Ben is finally getting his nights and days sorted out. We have just been making a conscious effort to keep him awake from 7-9pm so he sleeps till 12am. Before he was waking at 10, right after I laid down! :dohh: then he wakes at 3ish and 5:30ish.

I've been walking almost daily but yesterday I decided to see how it felt to go for a run! It was nice, though it was more like a nice easy jog! With all the extra calories I've been consuming while breastfeeding hopefully this will help me lose the rest of the baby weight and then some. I've lost all but 2lbs but would really like get to 140 which is where I was when we got married.
Sam loves his little brother! :cloud9:

Love our little man and all his hair! I've been spiking it lately after his bath! :blush: :haha:
Aww Haking his so cute.. I love the pic of them together :)

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