anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Eva is adorable! I especially love the picture of her with that huge flower on her head. She has so much hair, too! I have to say, it does make me a little jealous to see babies born with that much hair. I always wanted to have a baby with some hair I could play with. It's always so soft.

Heather, I love the pictures and I'm glad you guys had a good time at the park. Sam has such cute, chubby cheeks!
Yay! Stacey, Eva is adorable! And way to go, mama! I can't believe you made it without an epidural or anything (other than the tub... I've always wanted to try that, good to know it works so well.) And 4cm to 10cm in 3 hours sounds a lot like my labour, and if it was as intense as mine was (and that was with laughing gas), then I am extra impressed with you! So glad you both made it through safely, and I sure hope her billiruben is at a safe level. I'm sure it'll be fine once she starts getting more milk.

And I hear you about those cramps! Mine were much worse this time around. One of the nurses told me it's common for them to be worse after your second baby. I was taking ibuprofen and tylenol round the clock for a few days because of them (and the stitches and haemorrhoids too).

But aw, man, she is so cute. Huge congrats! I hope you start to feel more normal soon. :)

Jordyn, that smile is ridiculously cute! He does look a lot like Alia in those photos. So fun that you caught the first smile on camera.

Heather, your boys are so stinkin' cute too. We took Ozzy to a water/spray park like that at the start of the summer, but he didn't really enjoy it like I thought he would. Just wanted to go on the swing on dry land. I'm glad Sam had fun and Ben is such a chill baby that you are able to go out and do fun stuff like that.

Well, Ozzy seems to be feeling better today, even if his poo is still weird. He's not hot like he was yesterday and seems to be more like himself. We've been putting him in disposable diapers instead of cloth because, oh man, no one wants to have to clean that up. I think we might invest in a diaper sprayer that hooks up to the water on the back of the toilet. With two in diapers now, it seem worth it for sure.
Rachel, my good friend does disposable diapers and she has one of those diaper sprayers for the toilet, and she says it's a life saver. I'm glad to hear that Ozzy is starting to feel better. Alia also seems to be doing better. For the first time in a week, I think she went all night without crying at some point (hard to be sure, because sometimes I wake up and feel so delirious that I can't tell which baby is crying for a few seconds :dohh:).
Hey ladies..

Congrats on baby eva Due.. :) she is just a doll..

All the babies are making me more excited to meet mine :) have my next apt on the 22nd so 2 days.. 3 days I will be 24 weeks.. so almost at vday.. :)
Thank you rachel. I still cant believe i did it naturally. I deff think that next time i wont even attempt to get the epideral since i know i can do it naturally now. It was such a experience. It was amazing being able to feel everything even though it hurt like crazy. My dh said last night that he doesnt know now if he wants another because of how much pain i was in. He said it hurt him soo bad to see me like that and he couldnt do anything to make me feel better. I told him that just what he did by being there and helping me, incouraging me that i can do it was more than he could have done! I told him that is why they call it labor haha. aww I kinda wish we had gas and air here. It would be nice to see how it works. I deff recomend the tub. It was great. You know you kinda float in water so it just was such a relief. I remember when i got out the gravity just made the contractions harder. And about intence i never have felt anything like that in my life. The presure on my hips was just crazy! Then those last few contractions were like one after another after another with only seconds inbetween. I felt sorry for the other lady in the next room having to hear me scream like that haha

I am happy to hear that ozzy is feeling better. I just always feel so helpless when my kids are sick.
Jordyn: I am happy to hear that ALia is doing better too. That is great that she slept soo well. That is such a relief always huh .How is Liam doing on night feeds? Eva deff has her days and nights mixed up.

Took Eva to get her blood again for the jaundice test so hopefully will be getting that back soon. Shes been peeing alot so i know she is getting something and her poop is finally starting to look like milk poop tmi lol.
Logan, that's exciting that you're so close to V-Day!

Skadi, we haven't heard from you in a while. How are you doing?

Stacey, I'm impressed, as well, that you were able to make it through, natural. I was dilated at a 7 before I got my epidural, and that was the worse pain I had ever felt. I can't imagine having to go the rest of labor without any relief. How is your recovery going today? I've heard people say that if you go natural, your recovery tends to be easier, but since you said it's been worse, I'm wondering if that's really true or not. As for Liam's night feeds, he's still up every 2 hours to eat. I keep thinking that he should be sleeping longer any day now, but not yet. My DH said last night, "I don't think it's our lot in life to have good sleepers." :haha:
Thanks logan wow 24 weeks is soo close again what a great milestone!!!

Jordyn: I do feel much better today. I honestly think i feel better now then i did on day 4 with my other two. idk if i said or not but the most pain i have is in my back where they were trying to insert the epideral. That has been the worse part. Plus while they were trying to feel i was feeling like shooting pain on my right side and now that same spot hurts. So yes i feel better but just because of the stupid epi is why i feel worse i think lol. I mean imagine have that long needle put into your back about 7 times. Ouch lol every 2 hourss is great. Eva sleep alot during the day and was awake every hour last night. Ugg i hope she gets it figured out soon.
Stacey, that makes sense that you back hurts so much now. 7 times? I can't believe they couldn't get the epidural working for you. That's really too bad. That's so sweet what your DH said. Daniel said he felt so much more helpless this time around compared to last time. This time there was no walking the halls for hours with me, stopping and letting me lean on him while I had a contraction. The most he did was I squeezed his hand through the contractions when they were really bad. I told him that was enough and that even just his being there really helped. I can't imagine what it would be like to watch someone you love in that much pain. Poor guys; they always want to help and fix things, so they must feel so helpless.

And I know what you mean about feeling everything. The laughing gas just takes the edge off, doesn't actually numb anything. I swear I could feel my cervix dilating during contractions. Is that crazy to say?

And I sure hope Liam and Eva start sleeping longer for you guys. Jimmy still goes for 3-4 hour stretches at night, which is nice. I can't remember when Ozzy started sleeping through the night, but I do remember thinking it was earlier than most babies, so hopefully Jimmy will follow suit.

Stacey, how are Natalia and Jonathan doing with Eva?
Stacey, Eva is beautiful! :flower: I especially love the picture with the flower in her hair. I can't believe they stuck you 7x! That had to be horrible. I wonder why they have such a hard time. Did they say what the problem was since I know you had an issue in the past with them putting one in we well?

Rachel, I'm glad to hear that Ozzy is feeling better! I never heard of one of those diaper sprayers but it sounds like a good idea. I just couldn't ever bring myself to use cloth diapers. I hate doing laundry as it is!

Logan, that's great you're so close to v-day! :happydance: such a huge milestone!

Stacey and Jordyn, hopefully your babies will start sleeping longer stretches soon! I think Sam slept through most of the night around 8 weeks. I was actually reading last night (during one of our 3am feedings :haha:) that most babies don't start sleeping more through the night until they reach 12lbs because they aren't as hungry when they are a bit bigger.

Ben woke up almost every 2 hours like clock work last night. He seems to be a wake more during the day though so hopefully we will make the switch soon and sleep better overnight.
Well, if I had to choose a favourite household chore, it would be laundry, so I guess that's why I don't mind the extra work. :)

And that makes sense about babies sleeping longer around a certain weight. Would also explain why Ozzy started sleeping longer sooner than most. He was in the 97th percentile for weight.
Rachel, I agree because I was looking at Sam's weight when he was a little over a month and he was 11.8lbs so I guess it seems to hold some weight that they sleep better closer to that weight.

Ben is still such a tiny guy, I don't think he's even gained back his birth weight yet. I thinking he's around 8.5lbs now. But I guess he's not even 2 weeks yet so hopefully he will start gaining soon!
Our little men, 20 months apart at the same age! ❤
Cute! They both have such great looks on their faces. Tee hee. And Sam definitely looks chubbier than Ben. It'll be so fun to see how similar or different they look as they grow up.
Aww how cute are those pics.. what a great memory keeper to have of those boys.. :) I agree with ben being a bit bigger with his weight.. will be fun to see how alike or not they look...

I just cant wait to know who is in me.. lol pink or blue!! Drs tomorrow for me.. getting closer to the end.. as my next apt will be the glucose test..
Heather, what cute pics! They definitely look different, though!

Logan, have you and your DH talked about possible names yet?

As for me, I feel awful today. After 2:30am, Liam was awake every 40-60 minutes for the rest of the night. I thought we already did the 6 week growth spurt, so I don't know what's going on. And he's about 12 lbs now, too, so by that measurement, his sleep should definitely be getting better! Even when he does his 2 hours stretches, I still think, at this same point, Alia was doing 5-6 hour stetches, and she was a lot smaller. :(
Logan, I bet you're so anxious to find out pink or blue! That takes a lot more will power than I have to not find out! :haha: good luck with your GTT test.

Jordyn, I'm sorry you had a rough night with Liam. Is Alia sleeping all night without waking? Hopefully Liam makes the switch and starts sleeping longer stretches soon. The first few months are so hard, as much as I love a newborn and how tiny they are it's rough getting little sleep. Hang in there, it's bound to get better :hugs:

It's amazing how different our boys look. Sam is 100% my DH and Ben is 100% me! I'm happy to have one of each. Just wonder who the 3rd will look like! :shrug:

Ben had a pretty good night last night. He does this weird thing though where he eats a ton right before bed around 9 and then feeds again before 10 and then passes out. He slept 9:15-1:40 last night! It was amazing to get that much uninterrupted sleep!!!
aww heather your boys are soo cute. Even though they look different they look similar also. Aww thats great ben slept great for you last night. How are you doing with breastfeeding. Are you still pumping some. If so how much are you getting?

Logan: I too would never be able to go the whole pregnancy without knowing what is inside me haha

Jordyn: Im sorry that LIam woke up alot last night. Maybe he is just building myour milk supply. Try not to worry but try to nap today if you can trust me i feel youxx

AFm well Eva woke up every 3 hours last night. She went to bed at like 9 15 woke up 1230am 330am and 630am and was up and alert at 9am this morning. of course because she went that long i was waking up twice inbetween her to check on her haha. I have started pumping and couple times a day after she eats so i can hopefull have alot of milk for when i go back to work. My nipples are sore and cracked but knock on wood are not bleeding yet. I think she has a bit better latch then my other 2.

Jonathan and Natalia are doing great with her. Natalia of corse is a little mommy and just loves cuddling her. Jonathan thought she was a toy at first and told natalia its mine haha like he does with all of his toys haha. But now he sees her sneezing crying etc he just fasinates over her. We just still have to be careful with him around her because he is really trying to be gentle but isnt a gentle as we would like. But He is trying and doing great. So far i dont see any jelousey between the two of them i hope it stays like that.
It has def been hard.. but more so now im just getting impatient to meet the lo and get on with life lol..

As far as names we have 2 we life on of each gender but nothing is set at all yet.. so hopefully within in the next few months we can get that figured out for sure.. cant believe its almost September.. where did summer go.. :)
Stacey, that's great that Natalia and Jonathan are doing so well with Eva! I know what you mean about Jonathan wanting to be rough with her though. Sam is kinda rough at times with Ben. I can never really leave them alone in the same room together yet! Sam wants to pick him up and tries to lay on top of him. :dohh:

Logan, I get the whole wanting to move on with your live and meet your baby! It seems like we wait so long for a tiny newborn and then they grow so fast!

As far as breastfeeding and pumping, I've started 2 days after Ben was born and have really built up my supply. I pump 4-5x a day and feed on one side and pump the other. I have about 80-90oz stored so far. I try to get a few bags a day and keep the fridge stocked with 16oz so others can help feed too! Daily I pump about 30-36oz.

Honestly, it's been a full time job with a toddler but I am really trying to stay committed until I go back to work. I wanna give him as much as possible!
Aw, Jordyn, that sucks. It sounds like your DH was on to something... maybe you aren't meant to have good sleepers. :( I hope you find some good ways to cope with the lack of sleep until Liam starts to go longer between feeds.

Stacey, that's great that Natalia and Jonathan are doing so well with Eva. That's cute about him saying "mine."

And Heather, it would freak me out if Ozzy tried to lay on Jimmy! We definitely can't leave them alone together. We can't even leave Ozzy alone in the living room because our tall bookshelves aren't anchored to the wall yet, so we couldn't leave them even if we wanted to. And that's great that you've been able to store up so much milk. Will you continue to pump during the day at work on your breaks? When do you go back?

Logan, I too would go crazy not knowing what's inside me! I think, though, that if I already had a boy and a girl that it would be easier to stay team yellow for the third baby. If we try for a third, I'm definitely going to want to know the sex ahead of time.

Speaking of pink and blue... Here is a picture of Jimmy wearing his previously gray pants that I accidentally dyed pink in the wash. Whoops. Thankfully, Jimmy doesn't care and neither does Daniel. :)


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