anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Thanks, ladies. I think we'll be able to get some of the clothes back. She's sent me some photos of clothes she knows aren't hers, and already I recognize four things. Thankfully, she's only lending the clothes to her SIL, but apparently she's also borrowing clothes from two other people, one whose clothes are labeled with a "W" for their last name, the other clothes have an "M" and our clothes also have a "W"! So... I'm not holding out hope. Lesson learned, I guess.

Jordy, Liam's ear is super cute! I would think it will stay that way, maybe not as pronounced but still different and unique. That sort of thing seems to happen to ears more than any other body part. I wonder why that is?

DH's BBQ went really well, and the concert was great too. It's a free concert-in-the-park series that our city's Arts Council puts on, so there was actually a really good turn out. Like 300+ people. It was a ton of fun, even if there were a few moments where my heart sunk because I realized I didn't know where Ozzy was or who had their eye on him! Must come up with a better system for keeping track of kids in crowded/busy places!
Skadi: I am very happy that your morning sickness is pretty much gone!!! Yay for feeling movment!!

Rachel: Im soo sorry to hear about the clothes. I too dont think i could have lended out clothes from my other kids. So great for you for being so kind. I am happy you will be able to get some back. I think that is very thoughtless of your friend to not keep track of whos clothes is whos. Especially once you all knew you were having another boy and were going to need those clothes. But on a more positive note that is great that the bbq went soo well. WOW 300 people thats great. I think you have posted you dh playing before but do you have anything recent? I know what you mean about keeping track of your kids. It gets easier though this stage is the hardest because they are not sure how to play without going to far lol.

Jordyn: THat is soo cute about Liams ear. Aww its like his signature lol. My dh has one ear that is somewhat pointed at one spot and all of my kids have gotton that point. Very cute lol.

Well afm i think my bf days are over. I feel like such a failure as a mom for not being able to bf. Then i feel like such a fool for thinking i even had a chance with two failed times. IDK i am very heartbroken. :cry: I give Eva what is left of my espressed breast milk and cry. But on the other hand i had two beers tonight. I was feeling kinda tipsy on the second so i stopped lol. Natalia has seemed to be doing better these past days. She is constantly asking where mimi is (my mom) As she is coming on friday! I am soo happy. Jonathan is doing great with eva and loves just coming up to her and gently rubbing Evas head lol. I am really starting to enjoy have 3. I am soo happy dh is wanting a 4th one. Not right away but at least i know we are not completely done.

Hope everyone else is well!
Rachel, I'm glad that Daniel's concert went well! What a nice birthday for him. :flower: As for losing track of kids, I imagine it's going to get a whole lot harder once they're both mobile! :winkwink:

Stacey, I'm so sorry to hear about BF. :( Did your supply just disappear or something? Right around 2 weeks, I thought I was starting to lose my supply, but I decided to just keep feeding him as often as I could and resisted giving him formula to top up, and after about a week, I noticed that my supply evened out and was fine. I think that's what went wrong with Alia...I worried that I wasn't making enough and introduced formula too soon and then it just became a domino effect until I finally had no more milk. Could your try things like fenugreek or oatmeal or brewer's yeast to help? Of course, some people just physically can't make very much milk. My SIL is like that. She tried everything humanly possible, and her supply still only lasted 8 weeks and then was gone.

I'm glad that your DH okayed having a 4th, though! That's great! :thumbup:

How long is everyone planning to wait before trying for their next child? (Assuming you're going to have another.) I talked to my DH about this the other day, and we both decided that we'd start trying for #3 when Liam turns 1 year old, so they'll still be close, but not quite as close as the first two were.
Rachel, sorry to hear about the clothes. That would make me super upset too! I've never loaned out any of Sam's clothes since we found out that we were having a second boy so soon. I like to think that when we have a third that if we find out its a girl we will get rid of the boys clothes but I'm not sure I will be able to part with everything! I guess I'm very sentimental about that kind of stuff.

I'm glad to hear that Daniels concert went well and I understand the whole keeping track of kids thing!

As for Jimmy, I can really see you in him! Sam is also 100% my DH and Ben is me. Fun to have one of each! I'll have to find pictures of us a baby to compare to the boys!

Stacey, I agree with Jordan's suggestions. Maybe you could try to pump every 2 hours also to help boost supply. When I pumped exclusively with Sam I aimed for every 2.5-3 hours and had a great supply. However we did supplemnt with formula at night but I still pumped when I got up to feed him to make sure my supply didn't dip! It's a lot of work but was very important to me that he got breastmilk.

Skadi, I'm glad the MS is starting to go away finally. And yay for movement! :happydance:

Jordyn, how cute is Liam's little elf ear!

As for trying for the third, DH and I have discussed it a little bit. DH says we should start trying soon since it will be our last and they will all be close but I don't want to feel like I'm pregnant for 2 years straight and not enjoy Ben as a baby. We will most likely start trying in April or May. I am prepared that it may take 6 months so I don't want to start too late.

So right now that's the plan but things could change too depending on work, moving, etc. Our plan is for me to work from home by the time #3 comes since DH is starting his own business currently so that way I'm home with the kids and not have to pay childcare.

AFM, things are going well here, overall. I had a bit of a scare though and my incision was hurting and felt like it was pulling internally. I started running a week ago and that's when the pain started along with the bleeding started up too! I have been resting since and no problems and bleeding has stopped so I think I just did too much too soon!

Ben is learning his nights and days too and is waking 2-3x a night. We have a long stretch from 9:30-1:30 but then he seems to wake more frequently after that but last night was a little better so I feel more rested, at last!
Heather, I'm glad that things are getting better for you with Ben's sleeping. I've noticed the same thing with Liam. His longer stretches are earlier in the night, and then they get progressively shorter, until his last bit of nighttime sleep, which is only an hour. I'm glad that your incision is feeling better. That must have been scary!
That's good that Liam is sleeping more for you. Do you remember if he's sleeping more compared up Alia at this point? I keep trying to remember when Sam slept better but since I was so sleep deprived at that time I don't really have much memory of it. I'm just hoping by the time I return to work he's sleeping pretty good.

So, I'm having really mixed feelings about stopping breastfeeding when I return to work. I feel like I will be not giving Ben as much as I did for Sam and feel guilty. I know I can still pump when I go back but I don't know how long I'll be able to keep it up. I guess I can just see how it goes but I can't help but feel guilty :cry:
Thanks for the sympathy, ladies! I'm feeling better about the clothes. Starting to let go and just move on.

Stacey, don't feel bad about not BFing! I think it's great that you tried and were able to get Eva some milk. Whatever you were able to give her is better than nothing. You're a great mom, so please don't feel like a failure!

Daniel's band has a website now! There's links to their demos as well as some youtube videos from one of their shows if you want to listen.

As for a third baby... we are actually undecided at this point if we will even try. The idea of stopping at two makes me kind of sad. If I had to decided right this second whether we'd have a third, I would definitely say yes. But the reality is that right now it would be really hard to fit a third child in our home (small two bedroom basement suite) and almost impossible to fit three kids in our current car (2012 Kia Soul). So a third child would actually end up costing us quite a bit in rent and car payments. We need to revisit our monthly budget, I think, and they factor that into our decision. As far as I can tell, Daniel really wants to try for a third too, so that's good.

Sounds like things are improving sleep-wise for everyone. Good to hear! We're doing pretty well with our sleep over here too. I remember at this point that Ozzy really had his days and nights mixed up, but Jimmy seems to be getting the hang of that.

Heather, when you go back to work, will you still be able to BF Ben in the mornings before work and then maybe once or twice once you get home? I was still BFing Ozzy like that when I went back and my body just adjusted and only made milk at those times. Of course, he was also on solid food by then, so it was a bit different.

Well, this is going to be a busy week or two for us. Daniel's band is playing tomorrow afternoon and Friday night, then Saturday we are going to the Canucks young stars tournament in a town three hours away (that's hockey, btw ;) ). Daniel's got a press pass for all the games, and I'll be taking the boys to 3 games. We'll be there Saturday afternoon to Monday afternoon. I'm looking forward to the mini vacation, but man did it sneak up on me! I feel like our summer wasn't really busy at all, but September is going to be jam packed.
Rachel, I'll definitely have to check out Daniels band on YouTube. And it does sound like you have quite the busy schedule this month! I always feel like its sorta nice to be busy so I have an excuse to get dressed! :dohh: though sitting home and relaxing is always nice too.

I can totally relate on the added expense of a third though. We also would need to buy a second vehicle when we have a third. Right now we have a 2004 Envoy but it doesn't have 3rd row seats and is kinda squished with even 2 carseats and all the boys things and strollers, etc. We plan to pay that off by the end of the year and most likely sell it and use the money for a larger SUV. I'm really dreading the idea of having to pay childcare for 3 mostly. But we have definitely decided to try once more...for a girl! :winkwink:

As for breastfeeding while going back to work, I would most likely pump before work and 2x while there and just feed at home in the evenings and night time. It just feels like its gonna be a lot of work to pump at work. I plan to just play it by ear. That is interesting about your body only making milk at times it's needed. That's pretty encouraging!
Heather, I just looked back in my journal to see what I'd written about Alia's sleep around the two month mark, and she was definitely sleeping for longer stretches than Liam. In fact, one of those days I had written that she'd slept for 7 hours straight! The most Liam will do is 3 and 1/2, and he won't even do that every night. :dohh:

Rachel, we know that we want at least four kids, but probably more than that, so we already plan on getting a van at some point and getting into a house with more bedrooms. Unfortunately, getting that van and that house later, means that we have to suffer with only one car for now and move into a few junker houses first so we can fix them up and sell them for a profit.
Wow! 7 hours straight at 2 months is great. Liam will get there in time. :hugs:

That is also our plan to live in not our "dream house" for a few years to save up and buy a nicer house in the meantime so we can afford 3 kids. DH is very supportive of it when I stress about money he just says we will just make it work one way or another. That is a big part of us living at his parents for so long to save up and pay off bills so we can afford something without being too stretched for money. A big sacrifice but will be well worth it!
That's why we're living with my DH's parents, too, to pay off some debt and get in a better financial position. Although, I have to say, with the hospital costs for Liam's birth, I feel like we've only broken even, but I guess that's better than nothing!

Okay, so these past few days I've been feeling PMS symptoms (acne breakout, bloating, headaches, irritability) but of course I'm EBF, so I'm not expecting to actually get a period. I googled it, and apparently this happens to some women. Have any of you experienced this?
Jordyn, I exclusively pumped with Sam and the day after I stopped 100% I started my period. I have read that it is possible for women to get their period while breastfeeding though. Sometimes it happens when the baby starts sleeping longer at night. How often do you feed him?

Well, Ben had his 1 month checkup today. Everything looks great with him. He is 10lbs 6oz and 23 inches long. So he's 9oz over his birth weight! :happydance: I'm especially happy because he had lost so much weight after birth.

However, I'm not doing so great! Last night I told DH that I felt like I was getting the flu. So naturally I googled :blush: and it sounded like mastitis. I had chills all night and then would break out in a sweat! It was horrible. I have zero energy and could hardly stand up for longer than a few minutes. So when Ben's pediatrician asked how breastfeeding was going I told her I was having a lot of pain in my left breast and felt like I had the flu and she agreed it was most likely mastitis. They got me in to see a doctor and he confirmed it. I have a high fever and feel crappy! :cry:

I got 10 days worth of antibiotics and it should clear it up. I sure hope so because I feel like death! I'm hoping that breastfeeding starts getting easier soon! I'm trying to stick it out but I think this is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. :nope: :cry:
Hmmm I got my AF two weeks after the postnatal bleeding stopped. I was pumping regularly too but I guess thats somehow not the same as BFing? We were TTC since March 2012 though so I thnk I wasn't ovulating maybe because of BF? Who knows. I didn't get pregnant until I was only Bfing twice a day though.

As for #3, we haven't discussed that but I know he wants a boy so I guess there will be more. I really want a lot of kids but I haven't had a fun time with pregnancy so it makes me hesitant to be gung ho over it. We will see. I'll probably forget all the bad when the times comes to ttc. lol
I plan to give bfing a go for the first time ever with this baby.. and I might end up just pumping and feeding.. I would love to be able to pump and freeze it so save on costs.. but we will see what happens..

We plan to be done with this baby.. but I told dh were not ruling out #4 if this is a boy.. but wont happen anytime soon
Skadi, I feel like I completely missed that you are having another girl. Or maybe I just forgot. Either scenario is completely likely! Anyway, congrats! You have a name picked out at all? Also, that's really interesting that your periods came back so soon but you didn't get pregnant until after BFing was down to twice a day. I think I was still BFing 3-4 times a day when I got pregnant.

Jordyn, I can't say I've really noticed anything like that. But I've never been very good at symptom spotting when it comes to AF. What's your hunch? I'm really curious to see if your periods are actually coming back.

Ack, Heather. I'm so sorry you've got mastitis. Thankfully, I've managed to avoid it but oh man, I've heard it's TERRIBLE. Stick with the antibiotics, and I sure hope you feel better soon!

Well, since you most of you aren't planning on TTC right away, may I ask what, if anything, you plan to do for birth control? We're going to have to decide soon if I'll go on the pill again; if I am then I'd like to decide before Jimmy's 7 week appointment so I can get a prescription. Ah! I just don't know. I guess I should get my DH's input too. :)
Rachel, as far as birth control I probably won't go on anything. I was on birth control for a really long time before getting pregnant with Sam and it took a long time for my periods to regulate after stopping. After Sam we just used withdrawl method and because we knew we wanted another baby it wasnt the end of the world if we get pregnant.

This time we plan to do the same. I am just not a fan of putting something artificial in my body like that again. After #3 though I would like if DH got fixed but we'll see.

When you stopped birth control after Ozzy how long did it take for your periods to regulate?
I can't really say how long it took for them to regulate because they have never been regular! They are rarely the same length, and are an average of about 36 days long. (Shortest being around 30 days and longest can be up to about 48 days.)

We didn't use any form of birth control after Ozzy because we knew we wanted kids close in age, but I'm thinking we'll have to come up with something this time around. I'm not a fan of going on the pill again. It didn't really affect me too much, and it was actually nice to have "normal" periods, but I too am not a fan of putting that much artificial hormone into my body.
We're using condoms, because BC pills make me kind of crazy. :wacko: Plus, as soon as we're ready to TTC, we don't have to wait for my periods to get regular again. As for the PMS symptoms I've been having, I don't think I'm actually going to get AF, because I'm BFing Liam about every 2 hours night and day, with a random 3 hour stretch at night here and there. Some women say that they just get the symptoms every month but don't actually start, kind of like how some women feel like they're going to get their period every month during pregnancy (that didn't happen to me, though). But it's impossible for me to know how long AF will stay away, because I wasn't BFing at this point last time, and I got my period when Alia was about 11 weeks old. So we'll see.

Heather, I'm glad to hear that Ben is doing so well! I'm so sorry you have mastitis, though. :( I started getting it with Alia, with the fever and everything, but I massaged that breast in the shower under the hot water and it went away.
For us I think it will depend if we do bfing or not.. but will be on the pill :)
Harley, Yes, it's another girl! I've picked out Ava Florence for her name. I think it sounds nice as a sister name with Keira.

As for Birth Control if we need it ... condoms. I've never been on the pill and don't plan to start now.

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