anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Skadi, I love that name! Goes great with Keria too. :thumbup:

Jordyn, you're lucky you escaped mastitis with Alia. It's no picnic. :nope: however, I feel great today! The antibiotics have really kicked in.
Skadi, Ava is a beautiful name! I started writing a book when I was in high school and my main character's name was Ava. :flower:

Heather, I'm glad to hear that you're starting to feel better. After almost getting it last time, I decided to make sure I never got it this time, so every time I take a shower, I spend a minute massaging my breasts under the hot water to prevent ducts from getting clogged, which then leads to mastitis. It's worked so far! I haven't had any clogged ducts since I started doing it.
skadi- love the name :) I didn't get pregnant til I was only bfing twice a day too! my cycles came back at 10 mos and the very month he dropped from 3 nurses to 2 we got pregnant,

spiffy- I started having what I called "phantom periods" around maybe 6-7 mos. had every symptom of a period without the actual period. I read it was really common too.

haking- I had full blown mastitis once, at 5 months, from a clogged duct. thought. I. was. gonna. die. 104 temp, chills, sweats, flu symptoms. by the time DH took me to the er he had to carry me in. very weak. I swore I wouldn't get it again. so anytime I felt any symptoms starting (my first symptoms were a red spot on my boob and dizziness) I would immediately get a heating pad on my boob and massage that red area. also like spiffy I would run hot water in the shower and massage it. hope you don't ever get it again. I must be susceptible or something cuz I have 'almost' had it many times since and I read some people just get it more.

Harley- wont be using anything here of course lol. would love 10 more :)
Blessed and Jordyn, I tried the heat and massaging my breast but I think I was too far gone at that point! I kept telling DH I think I have the flu and I was shivering and had a fever and so achey! It was horrible. I also felt like I was gonna die!!!

I hope to never get it again! I even told the doctor yesterday, I would rather have a c section than have mastitis again. :haha:
I think once it gets real bad its best to just get the antibiotics. by the time I realized what was wrong I don't think I could have reversed it. even when I start to feel like I have it and start doing the heat and massages it takes a couple days to feel better. and that's when I catch it right at the beginning. someone told me to use garlic as a natural remedy, but to be honest as bad as I felt the first time I had it I wouldn't have messed around with anything other than antibiotics. and if it gets that bad ever again I would do the same thing. I told DH kinda the same thing... I would rather go through labor 10X than feel that way again! :lol:
Skadi, I agree; love the name! So we've got an Eva and an Ava in this thread. Fun!

Jordyn, now that I think about it, I remember having some phantom period symptoms while pregnant. A bit of cramping, irritability, etc. It only happened a couple of times, but I'm pretty sure it matched up with when my coworkers were on their periods. You know how they say women who spend a lot of time together can have their cycles sync up? Well I think that happened except I wasn't actually having my periods. Weird.

Heather, I'm glad you're feeling better already. I'll echo all the talk about massaging to avoid it in the future. I make sure to massage my breast while Jimmy's eating. I can tell where my "problem areas" are - i.e. where I'm most likely to get a clogged duct. They feel extra lumpy and if I'm super engorged, that's where it's most likely to hurt.

It makes sense that some women might be more susceptible to mastitis and clogged duct because it seems likely that it would be related to your anatomy in some ways.

Just curious, Melissa, when you noticed the red spots and other signs of mastitis/clogged duct, was it always in the same spot?

Thanks for your replies about birth control. We're still thinking about it. But good news... I just asked Daniel, "If you had to decide RIGHT NOW if we would have a third child or not..." And he replied right away that he would want a third. :) Didn't even let me finish my question. Ha!
Melissa, I can't believe you're almost 13 weeks already! You'll have to post a picture of your ultrasound next week so we can all make gender guesses!

Heather and Melissa, I hope I never have mastitis as bad as you two had it! That sounds horrible!

Speaking of breast pain, my nipples have been a little more sore than usual these past few days. When am I even going to get my nipples of steel that everyone always talks about? :(
Jordyn, I know what you mean about nipple pain. I always wonder when I will be 100% pain free?! :wacko:

How is potty training going with Alia? We are starting today with Sam. I think I'm going to go out and get some training underwear in a little bit I hopes that it makes him even more aware of being wet. I think the diaper just masks it too much!
Harley- it was always in the same breast. I always had it in one of two spots. I also got red streaks down both breasts if I didn't get all over it when I noticed it at first. ugh makes me cringe thinking about it!

spiffy- I will get some pics, I cant wait til next Wednesday! the specialist I have is the best in the state and he is very familiar with the nub theory so I will be asking what gender he thinks based on his expert opinion. he did my last baby and got it right and that was around 12 weeks. I will be nearly 14 weeks this time and the accuracy goes up each week becoming nearly 100% at 14 weeks. anyways... as you can see im very excited lol. I have never gotten the nips of steel. :( but my little guy has a top lip tie so that may be why. I had to figure out how to latch him different when he was tiny. he still gets a bad latch sometimes.
Hi all,
Haven't been on here for ages to post but have been silently stalking the thread. Can't believe how many little ones have arrived already. Congrats to all of you with new little bubbas:happydance:
Finished up at work yesterday so the waiting game now begins. I'm measuring 40 weeks already, so I 've got to have an ultrasound on monday to make sure bubs is ok and not too huge ;) Just looking forward to meeting the little one now... I'm feeling like I have a 10 ton beach ball strapped to my tummy at the moment :wacko: Hopefully I've managed to attach last weeks bump picture :thumbup:

Just thought I'd chip in re BF and periods. AF came back for me when Willow was about 8 weeks old. I was exclusively BFing until I found out we were preggers again when Willow was about 5 months old. We knew we wanted our little ones close together so we just went with the flow. Not sure what we're doing for birth control this time, maybe condoms until we work out which options are best for us.


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Bump! 25 +2


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Not long for you now, Ozzi! Do you know what you're having this time?

What a perfect bump, Skadi! Makes me miss mine. :blush: I loved being pregnant and feeling him kick. :cloud9:
Hello ladies! How is everyone? Looks like it's been a bit quiet on here recently, I'm guilty of that too!

We're all good although I still have a non-settling baby on my hands, but hey ho, that's what I've been given this time! He just had his first set of jabs bless him, I hate it :nope:

Not sure what we're going to do about birth control either at the moment. I'm not going back on the Pill, nursing a lot so I'm assuming we'd be covered really? Although I know that's not guaranteed. We do want our third but I think DH would go spare if we got pregnant now, these two are full on at the moment!
Thanks for your experience, Ozzi. And what a cute bump! I hope your little one isn't too big! :winkwink:

Skadi, fabulous bump! I hope you're doing well. :flower:

Vanessa, sorry to hear that Milo has been hard to settle lately. :( I remember how hard that was with Alia...and how exhausting! Liam has been much better, but he still has his evenings here and there where he can be difficult. Last night he was screaming a lot, like he wasn't feeling well. He doesn't have a fever, though, so I'm going to just wait a bit and see if it sorts itself out.

I haven't been feeling good either. I've had headaches for the past week, some cramping and nausea, and have just been tired, emotional, and irritable. I thought at first that it might be AF on it's way, or a "phantom period" but still no sign of AF, so I'm not sure. I actually took a hpt yesterday just because the symptoms were so similar to pregnancy symptoms, but it was negative, which is what I expected, since I'm EBF and we're using condoms. I just wish either AF would show up or I could go back to feeling normal. :( because
spiffy- I remember going through that and didn't have first ppaf til almost a year later :wacko:

we had our NT scan today and baby is healthy. looks like we will probably have a girl based on nub theory. we get the verifi blood test back in a week or two and will know for sure. cant wait :cloud9:

Melissa, that's so exciting! I bet you are your DH are thrilled after having 4 boys in a row! Are your daughters excited to finally have another sister?
Vanessa, sorry you've had a baby that is hard to settle lately. Ben was that way all day the other day, I about lost my mind! No matter what I did he cried. :shrug: :nope:

Jordyn, I hope you go back to feeling normal soon. It sucks feeling in limbo, is your period coming or not and if it isn't it would be nice to not feel the symptoms of it! :growlmad: I've been super bloated today which is odd because I've been eating super healthy which makes me wonder if my period is gonna come. I have mixed feelings...part of me would like it to come so I can get regular and the other loves not having it!

Melissa, that would be great if they are indeed right and you'll have another girl especially after the last few boys! But either way a healthy baby is most important! :hugs:

We have been super busy over here. We took Sam to ride the trains at this little park on Sunday and he was over the moon! We plan to have his 2nd birthday there he loved it so much.

Our weather is finally cooling off which is a bonus since I can finally hold Ben and not instantly sweat! :dohh:

Some pictures from the park.
Sam asking "where's choo-choo" :haha:
Ben wasnt too impressed!
Congrats on your scan Blessed!

I'm doing well, just indigestion and rib pain and all around discomfort. Usual pregnancy stuff. lol

Keira did her Bailey test and passed with flying colours except with speech and has been referred for speech therapy. (Which we will probably cancel because its a good year on the waiting list before you get seen... and her speech is coming along just fine now!) Tell me how after the appointment she learned to say pretty and has been saying it ALL day since! lol
Lovely bump pic Skadi :cloud9: and I'm glad Kiera did well with the Baileys test. I'm an Occupational Therapist and have to do that test with kids sometimes.. so I know it's often more nerve wracking for the parents than the child ;)

Great ultrasound Blessed.. I loved seeing both bubs on ultrasound makes everything seem so real before the bumo appears :thumbup:

HAKing great piccies of your little ones .. looks like they are having a great time.

Having a surprise again this time :cloud9: Hopefully the midwife will just show me bub again this time. That was an awesome experience with Willow. No one shouting its a girl.. just Willow being led on my tummy and me coming out with "oh my god its a girl" LOL :happydance:

Obstetrician decided against another ultrasound at the moment. So just waiting now I've started maternity leave. Poor miss Willow has a chest infection and has given me her associated snotty nose and sore throat (lucky mummy). So shes home from day care this week and I'm hoping that I won't go into labour before I can breathe again properly :wacko:

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