Vanessa, sorry you've had a baby that is hard to settle lately. Ben was that way all day the other day, I about lost my mind! No matter what I did he cried.
Jordyn, I hope you go back to feeling normal soon. It sucks feeling in limbo, is your period coming or not and if it isn't it would be nice to not feel the symptoms of it!

I've been super bloated today which is odd because I've been eating super healthy which makes me wonder if my period is gonna come. I have mixed feelings...part of me would like it to come so I can get regular and the other loves not having it!
Melissa, that would be great if they are indeed right and you'll have another girl especially after the last few boys! But either way a healthy baby is most important!
We have been super busy over here. We took Sam to ride the trains at this little park on Sunday and he was over the moon! We plan to have his 2nd birthday there he loved it so much.
Our weather is finally cooling off which is a bonus since I can finally hold Ben and not instantly sweat!
Some pictures from the park.
Sam asking "where's choo-choo"
Ben wasnt too impressed!