anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Jordyn, those zipadeezip things are cool! I saved the page for later in case Ben doesn't grow out of liking to be swaddled. I picked up 3 more today since he loves them so much though. That's funny that both Alia and Liam like to be swaddled, Sam hated it and would freak out until he got his arms out. Which ones do/did you use?

Melissa, I love your rules for name picking! That's fun that you have some sort of "rules" for deciding on a name. Our only rule is that they can shorten if they want or have a longer "formal" name. Except if we ever have a girl our girl name can't be shortened! :dohh:

Well, I was sorta unsuccessful finding a nursing bra. I might have to order online. But I did get out alone for a few hours which was kinda nice to have some me time. :)
lol we didn't plan to have rules, but after the 4th we realized we had already done it. so our 5th is named nathon- with 'on' instead of 'an' to not leave him out. it pretty silly but now its stuck. I love to give them a nice formal name too, but then call them by a million nicknames :haha:

I have always thought about buying one of those regular swaddling blankets but never have. I always just make sure to buy the really big receiving blankets so they are big enough to swaddle them. the little receiving blankets were pretty useless for me. it must be much more convenient having one that's made for it! may have to just get some this time.

we went to goodwill and dav today and bought some very cute girl outfits and blankets :cloud9: haven't bought pink baby stuff in so many years. have to hide evreything til we reveal the gender to the kids :dohh: hopefully this blood test comes back showing a girl like the dr said on the sonogram lol!!! :lol:
Jordyn, that is weird about Liam not wanting to latch sometimes. Have you tried a different position for those times? Idk, sometimes it seems like Jimmy just doesn't like to be laying on his side or his back and just wants to be held upright, but that's mostly when he's done eating and is just digesting. Does he eat a normal amount after you do the pacifier trick? I don't know, just spitballin' over here. Hope it's just a phase!

Heather, that's so funny. I've got two swaddle blankets and a nursing bra I'm looking to get rid of! Ozzy never liked his arms swaddled and neither does Jimmy, so a regular receiving blanket works well for us. And I have a nursing bra I've only worn like three times because my boobs keep falling out. Just not the right design for my body.

And I don't have any suggestions where to shop for one. I only know of a few places here in my area; certainly not any in the States.

Melissa, I always wondered why Nathon was spelled that way! Those are fun rules, and how funny that you did it with the first 4 without realizing. As for the potential girl names, I think I like Veronica and Vanessa the best. I guess I just like V names. :) I knew a Veronica once and she went by the nick name "Ronnie" sometimes. I thought that was cute.

Well, I think my leg is okay to play tomorrow, so wish me luck there! And today we had what we call "Community Day" at our church. It's kind of like a block party - live music, food, crafts for the kids, and some inflatable bouncy games. Daniel's band played, so my mom, brother, sister-in-law and their kids came up; it was so fun to have them there. Ozzy and my nephew Tyson spent most of the time playing hockey, of course. :D Here's some pictures from today. Jimmy and Ozzy were dressed in matching outfits! Tee hee.


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your boys are so cute! im glad your leg is better, but be careful to not overdo it at soccer.

we are always thinking about nicknames with ours. I like the v names too. I really like Victoria, but I don't want her called Vicki so its off the list lol.
Just a quick update ladies. I have been mia latley firstly because i went to the doc last week because i had a fever of 103 and was having upper abdominal pain. They sent me to the er were they saw that i had a sever kidney infection. My kidney was double the normal size. I was admitted on iv atibiotics and pain meds and iv fluids. My pain was unbarable. My stupid hospital kept giving me pain med like narc pain meds. I eventually was given too much pain meds that i started vomitting and having diarea. My blood test was scary. There is something when they test your bloood that test your inflamation in your body. The high normal number is 3. Mine was 366. I was transvered to a bigger hospital down the canyon. I had gained 16lbs in 2 days from the iv fluid MY hospital was giving me witch caused me to get pnemonia. I got home on wednesday and am trying to recover. I was away from my kids for 5 days.

On the other note. My state is flooding!!! I am in estes park and the hospital i was at is in Loveland. The canyon that we drove home wed night callaped early thursday morning. All roads in and out of estes park are closed. We are stranded here. We have been without cell service landline service and internets since thursday we finally got it back today. My house is ok. My SIL's is flooded. The town is flooded. This is just a awful sight. There is no water no food in safeway (our only grocery store) They are airlifting some food to there. Our drinking water is contaminated so we are having to boil everything witch i still dont feel confortable about drinking. Luckily we stopped by walmart on our way home from the hospital and got diapers formula and 2 cases of bottled water for my kid to drink. Its all surreal. I think our internets is going to go out again so i will try to keep you all updated. I hope this rain stops. Today we are expected another 3 inches and maybe alittle rain tomorrow. THen is should clear up. Hopefully they can figure out how to get us supplies soon.
Stacey, I have a friend who lives in Miliken, so I've been getting updates on Facebook about all the flooding. That's so scary! And that's horrible that you had one medical problem on top of the other! Your local hospital sounds a little...inadequate, to put it nicely. I hope you're feeling better, and I hope you can get back to your house and get some supplies very quickly! We're all praying/thinking of you. :hugs:

Rachel, I love the middle picture of Jimmy. Doesn't that face just make you smile and want to cry at the same time? I hope your game went well and your leg is doing better.

Melissa, we call the female voice that talks to us on our GPS, Vicky, so I don't think I could ever have my child called that, now. :haha:

Well, this afternoon we have Alia's 18 month appointment and Liam's 2 month appointment, so I'm excited to see how they're doing. Not so excited for the shots, though. Have any of you ever delayed vaccinations? We're thinking about doing it with Liam, and waiting until he's at least a year old. I guess I need to think about it a little more now, since we have to have our mind made up by 3pm! :dohh:
jordyn- I have an aunt Vicki so don't want to use it lol. of course I have a huge family with 7 aunts and uncles on my moms side and 10 aunts and uncles on my dads.(not including DH's family.) that's not including their spouses either. that makes for tons and tons of cousins etc. it makes it harder to find a name that isn't used yet. we stopped vaxxing 3 1/2 years ago completely. my older 3 were on schedule but when my 4th got his he had a severe reaction and almost died of anaphylactic shock. we decided at that time to stop them to pray and research them. after a year of that we got a clear answer from the Lord and have never done them again. I wish I would have never done them in the first place, but I trusted dr's way too much. we are fearfully and wonderfully made! I would never do anything with my children just because someone else does it. so my answer would be that you should pray and research them. God will always lead you to do what is best for your kids :)
Wow, Stacey, you've been having a rough go of it lately. Definitely thinking of you and praying for you and your family. That is just crazy that your hospital would give you that much pain medication. Wow. I'm glad you've recovered from all that and it's certainly good news that your family and house are okay. Where will your SIL and her family stay while their house is flooded?

Jordyn, I hope the appointment went well. Did you decide to get the vaccines for Liam today? We're sticking to all the provincial recommendations for vaccinations, so Jimmy has an appointment for his first ones in early October. Seems like there's always a news report every few months about some disease that's going around in our area and it's always the people who aren't vaccinated who are getting it (there's a big population who don't vaccinate for religious reasons), so I feel like the risk is just too high where we live. Most recently it's been measles. Our hospital had to notify like 60 moms to let them know their newborns had been exposed to measles because someone who had it visited the hospital.

My leg is doing much better. We lost our game quite badly, and I was only able to run at about half speed, but today it feels good. Should be good to go for next week's game. It's SO nice to be active again. Feels like it's helping not just my physical health, but my mental health as well.

Can any of you recommend a good book on parenting toddlers? We're not at the end of our rope or anything, but it would be nice to prepare, iykwim.
Thanks for your advice, ladies. We ended up getting the rotovirus vaccine and the DTaP (the whooping cough one, since several babies in California died from it not long ago), but delayed all the others. The only reason we did the rotovirus one is because if they don't start it now, they can't get it later at all. We plan on delaying all vaccines until he's a year or two old except for ones that we deem more important.

Oh, and as for Liam's nursing issues, I looked it up online, and apparently it's called a nursing strike, and a lot of babies do it at some point or another. Thankfully he's over it now and back to nursing normally. :flower:

Rachel, I'm sorry your team lost, but happy that you're feeling so good. :thumbup:

I, on the other hand, feel like poo. I have a cold, and so I have a sore throat, cough, stuffy nose, and a sinus headache that I can't seem to get rid of. Bleh.

Stacey, I hope you and your family are back home and doing well!
I was wondering what was going on with him! never had a nursing strike, but I wish mason would start one about now lol!!! the pregnancy hormones are making me very sensitive and its extremely painful when he nurses :(
Ouch, Melissa. I can only imagine. :shock: So did you get your test results back? Your signature looks more "officially girl" now. :)
lol no results back yet. supposed to hear this week or beginning of next week. I cant say I wont consider calling if I don't hear back by the end of this week. and if the dr was wrong on nub theory I will be changing my sig very quick :lol:
Rachel, your boys are adorable! I'm glad you're leg is feeling better too! :flower:

Melissa, I can't wait to hear back if you're having a girl for sure! I'll keep my fingers crossed the dr was right with the nub theory. :thumbup: I couldn't imagine still nursing while pregnant, with how sensitive everything is I don't think I could do it!

Jordyn, I've read about a nursing strike too, not looking forward to that one bit. Especially since Ben has FINALLY got the hang of it. Sorry you're feeling crummy, I hope you're not getting the flu. :nope: and as far as vaccines, I think that is a good compromise to get the important ones or ones you can't get later. As for us, we just so what is recommended but of course I read up on them so I know what they are getting.

Stacey, sorry you had a rough time the past few weeks. I hope things start looking up for you! I'm thinking about you. Keep us updated! :hugs:

Do you girls have any advice for getting over my fear or nursing in public? I haven't yet and we have a wedding on Saturday and I know I'll have to feed Ben while I'm there. I always worry about him latching and then not having my beloved boppy pillow is gonna be hard too! :nope:
do you have a cover hun?? I was ok as long as I had a cover. it was hard to discreetly latch him at first so I would have DH help with making sure we were covered. do you have a sling or wrap that you could nurse and carry him in? that was the only way I was able to grocery shop. he was in a sling and had a cover over him. after he nursed I usually unlatched him and he would sleep all through the store in his sling.

it really is harder in the beginning. I hope you do ok! I didn't have any major places to be when he was little so it wasn't too bad. now im glad he only nurses at nap and bedtime. he hates to be covered so it wouldn't work out!
Thanks Melissa! :flower: I do have a cover that I just bought that hooks around my neck. I think I might try it in the next few days before the weekend to see how it goes. I am most nervous about having him latch. Sometimes he's really good (most times now) but sometimes he gets all frustrated and is screaming at my boob as I'm trying to latch him! :dohh:

That's a good idea about having DH help though, I think I will feel better having him make sure I'm not totally exposed. And as of right now Ben hates the carrier. I am planning to wait a few more weeks and try it again but it sure would be nice to be able to nurse him in that!
I had the screaming latch issue a few times. Jason and I just got to where we team worked it. he made sure to keep me covered and I worried only about getting him latched. it did make it easier since I knew I didn't have to worry about staying covered while working to get him latched. I would def practice so you can get used to it. :)

some little ones just don't like the carriers. they really are all different. my girls loved their swing and car rides, but my boys screamed in both. its crazy how even siblings can be so different.
Our two couldn't be and different from one another. Ben loves and almost always has to be held where Sam was content on the swing or in the jungle (baby gym). Ben HATES the swing!!! So much do that as soon as I put him in it he fusses and will work himself up to a screaming fit that sounds like you're killing him if you don't get him out quick enough.

I'm hoping Ben learns to like the carrier though. I have the moby wrap but am considering trying a different one in hopes that he likes it.
Jordyn, that sucks that you're feeling so sick. I hope you get better soon. And that's great that Liam is over his nursing strike.

Heather, I agree that you should practice at home with the cover and without the boppy (I love mine too!). I find it helps to put my feet up when I don't have the pillow. Of course, if you're going to be wearing a skirt or dress, I guess that might not be an option for at the wedding. But I do find that putting me feet up helps me relax my back more and not hunch my shoulders. Also, if possible, I bend my legs so that I can kind of rest Jimmy's head on my thigh. Just play around with different positions to see what's most comfortable for you. Also, I usually try to find a place where I can sit by a wall so that I don't have to worry as much about the cover slipping on that side. But most of all, just relax and act like it's totally normal (because it is!).
Heather, I think practicing without the Boppy will help you the most, because if you can practice the same way you'll be feeding in public, it will help a lot. I used the Boppy with Alia all the time, but haven't with Liam because it was just annoying to take it upstairs and downstairs all the time.

Well, I'm almost better now, just a bit of a scratchy throat, but it's not too bad. :flower:

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