anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Still no bub here.. I thought Friday was the day, and then Sunday I went into hosptial and they said bubs was very low and I seemed to be in early labour.. but everything stopped and when I saw the midwife on Tuesday the head was free floating again :dohh:

So I now have my fingers crossed for a full moon bubba :winkwink:

Ben looks so cute all swaddled up :cloud9: Willow was a swaddler too. Hoping that the next one won't be as it's starting to heat up here already, and I remember how hard it was to wean Willow off the swaddles in the summer last year :wacko:

HAKing- When Willow was little she often had trouble latching on as my nipples were huge :blush: I used a nipple cover for the times that she really struggled, as otherwise she would just scream heaps. I only used it on and off for the first month or two until she got the hang of things. Not sure if that would work for you too :)
Ozzi, boo that you haven't had your baby yet! Hopefully soon. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a full moon baby :winkwink:

Thanks for the breastfeeding tips, girls! :thumbup: today I met DH for lunch and asked to sit in a booth knowing Ben would need to eat and sure enough he did so I got a chance to practice feeding him without the boppy using the nursing cover. I just put my legs up and stuck a blanket behind his head to raise it up and it worked perfectly! :happydance: getting past the first public feeding I feel me confident now. :)
Heather, I'm so glad BFing in public went so well for you! I just fed Liam at the mall yesterday, but it was kind of a pain because he was fussing a lot.

Ozzi, I hope your little one doesn't keep you waiting much longer! My first was born 38+4 and it was a full moon, so you never know! :winkwink:

Well, Liam didn't go to sleep last night until midnight, which was a pain, but then he slept for 5 hours straight after that, which is the most he's done since the day he was born! So I have hope that *maybe* he'll start sleeping longer stretches, but I'm not counting on it. :dohh:
ozzi- hope its not much longer!!! :hugs:

heather- yay for gaining some confidence! sounds like it went great :)

spiffy- hopefully he will sleep at longer stretches :happydance: glad your feeling better :flower:

we got our confirmation from the verifi test that we are indeed having a healthy :pink: my girls are gonna be so surprised at the reveal. they both want a girl, but think its a boy

we got some clothes/blankets and a nursing pillow from a used store here for less than $10 a week or so ago. and yesterday we went to a garage sale up the road and they had a new looking swing for $20. my girls asked if they would take $10 and they did so we have that too :cloud9:

Jordyn, that's great Liam slept longer last night but too bad he didn't get to sleep until midnight! :growlmad: hopefully things will keep getting better with his sleep! :thumbup: where is he sleeping now? In the room with you or is sharing with Alia now?

We went for our normal morning walk this morning and Sam got to play on the slides but of course right as I'm feeding Ben two dogs show up and Sam has to pet them. Thankfully they were nice but it was kinda a pain because I had to stop feeding Ben to watch Sam which of course Ben wasn't thrilled about. :nope:

And last night was a bit rough as Ben wanted to continually nurse for comfort. And all I wanted to do was sleep. I'm really looking forward to nap time today. :blush:
Yay Melissa!!! So excited for you. Your girls are gonna be so excited and surprised. :happydance:
Melissa, that's great! I can't wait to hear about your kid's reactions when they find out!

Heather, Liam is still sleeping with us in our room. I have him sleeping in the swing chair (it detaches from the swing and becomes a lounger), because he's a little more upright, and he has a stuffy nose all the time, so I figured it would help. But now I'm afraid that he won't sleep well flat on his back, and I'm too nervous about the potential lack of sleep for me to try it! I know I have to switch him soon, though, because he's just going to become more and more dependent on that chair to sleep. :wacko:
Jordyn, maybe try having Liam nap in his crib or wherever you plan to transition him into. That way he gets used to it gradually and you won't lose too much sleep since it will be during the day. Just a thought. :flower:
Ozzi, that must have been frustrating to think you're in labour and then have it all go away. But it sounds like you're feeling better now? At least you won't have to give birth while being sick! Fingers crossed that baby comes soon!

Heather, that's great that BFing in public went so well the first time. Sounds like you've got it down. :) And I sure hope you can get some rest today. Have you started running again yet? Or just walks to the park like you mentioned?

Jordyn, that's awesome that Liam slept for 5 hours straight! Here's hoping it's the start of something new for you (i.e. SLEEP). :)

Oooh, Melissa, that's great to have the confirmation. Your doctor must be really good at nub theory! And cute clothes too. I must say I'm a little broody already... I want a girl! And great find with the swing. Oh, you're girls are going to be so excited! Can't wait to hear how the reveal party goes.

Hope you are doing okay, Stacey! Still thinking of you!

AFM... Did I ever tell you ladies about how I wet the bed a few times after Ozzy was born? I definitely had some incontinence issues. For the first week or so, I had a hard time holding it when I woke up for night feedings, but that went away eventually. Then, when he was around 6 months old, I peed the bed a few times. Thankfully I would wake up as it was happening and I could hold it in, so it never actually got on the bed. However, early this morning, I woke up because I'd started peeing, and I couldn't stop myself! I got up in time that it didn't get on the bed or even on the carpet, but oh man it was so close. Sorry, this is TMI and kinda gross, but I'm thinking I need to call my doctor. Last time he figured it was happening because I might have a UTI and it turned out he was right. Guess I should get checked for that. But part of me also wonders if it has something to do with the fact that I had soccer practice last night and was using my muscles all around my core and hips. I don't know... It's just so weird to be peeing the bed at 31!
Thanks, Heather. I really do need to try his naps laying down. I tried him in the Zipadee-Zip for his nap just now and he went to sleep fine in it, so I think I might switch him to that instead of the swaddle before he becomes too dependent on it. We'll see. If he keeps startling himself awake, then I'll go back to the swaddle for a while longer.

Rachel, you're not alone! I've had several times where I've barely made it to the bathroom on time, and a few where I didn't quite make it! :blush: In fact, when I fell down the stairs, I completely soaked myself. It was so embarrassing! I keep telling myself that I need to do more Kegels, but I never remember to actually do them. :dohh:
Phew. Glad to know I'm not alone! I figure it's all just a part of the recovery process, although I have to say I wasn't expecting it this time around since Jimmy's birth went so quickly. I guess it still took it's toll.

I made a doctor's appointment for tomorrow morning to check for a UTI just in case. If I do have one, I don't want it to get worse or "travel" anywhere.
Jordyn, that's great he slept in the zipadeezip for you. I try not to put Ben in the swaddle unless it's for bedtime. He usually but not always naps without them. Unless he's super fussy then I will use it. Now you're next step is transitioning him to a crib :) Ben instantly startles himself awake so I don't think he's ready to leave his swaddle anytime soon! :dohh:

Rachel, that's a good idea about making a doctors appointment sooner than later. I've never had an accident like that though so I can't relate nor have I had a UTI.

I haven't gone running again since my bleeding scare. I'm too worried it will start again so I think I'll wait till I go back to work when Ben is 9 weeks. I would hope I will be good by then!

Well, I'm pretty sure Sam just said boobie! I usually bring him in the room with me while I pump or feed Ben and as I was taking my boob out he said "boobie, uck" :rofl: I'm sure he won't think they are uck in 15 years! :winkwink:
jordyn- I hope he transitions well to laying down for sleep.

Rachel- I would def get it checked out, esp since last time you had a uti. its crazy what pregnancy/childbirth does to our bodies! I still pee when I sneeze even when not pregnant. I did the kegels for a while but that didn't help. my drs tell me when im pushing a baby out I have great muscles down there so I think it must be that my uterus has fallen slightly or maybe something is wrong with my bladder.

lol heather maybe he said booby milk? my jaxon said he wanted booby milk once and I told him he could only have cow booby milk. and one day we were in a used store and he saw a naked Barbie and squealed, "mommy, she has booby milk." that was awesome seeing everyone turn around to look at us :lol: kids are great fun
Melissa, that's awesome!!! I would have died laughing if I heard that.

I'm pretty sure that Sam said boobie uck! Only because everything is uck lately! I think they say it at daycare and he learned it there.
Ladies, I feel like I just can't catch a break lately. I woke up with a migraine this morning and Alia won't stop shrieking as loud as she can all day and I'm about to snap! I need DH to get home from work and help me out so I can go rest, but of course he's an hour late already and I don't even know if he's left yet. :(

Anyway, Rachel, I think if I found out I had a UTI, I would freak out, since the only two times I've ever had a UTI was a few days after conceiving both of my kids. :shock: :haha:

As for Liam, I put him back in his swaddle and have decided to try him sleeping laying down before tackling the swaddle. Plus, like Ben, I don't think he's gotten rid of that startle reflex quite yet.

Melissa, that's hilarious! I remember one time, my little brother, who was probably 3 or 4, walked in on my step-mom getting dressed, and then later, when we were sitting in church, he turned to her and yelled, "I saw your boobies!" :dohh:
oh my that would be embarrassing. its much easier to not care when they pop something like that off around people you don't know. I hope your DH gets home soon and you get some rest!!! :(
Jordyn, I hope you're having a better day today! And I remember that about a UTI being a sign of pregnancy for you. I'm am most assuredly not pregnant. lol

And I also don't have a UTI. I guess my body just needs more time to recover. I'm sure it's not helping that I'm just jumping right back into soccer rather than trying to ease myself into it. Thankfully, my leg feels almost 100% better, so I'm hoping the game on Sunday won't be too bad. I'm more worried about peeing myself during the game than I am about my leg! :haha:
Thanks ladies, I've been feeling pretty good this weekend, no headaches, no more cold, so that's been really nice. :flower:

Rachel, I hope your soccer game goes well today. :thumbup:

Alia has really improved in her language skills lately, and now uses 2 word sentences all the time. When I put her down in her crib, she says, "Bye bye, Mommy," and it just melts my heart. :cloud9:

Here's a few pictures of my babies.

So glad you're feeling better, Jordyn. And that's awesome that Alia is putting together sentences. And such a cute one too! That would melt my heart for sure. And super cute pictures. I love the one of Alia sharing her cup with Liam. Adorable!

And thanks, but our game was terrible today. We played a team that was way too good to even be in our division and we only had 11 players (i.e. so subs). It was rough, but oh well, what can you do.

I'm so excited! Jimmy's newborn photos are done and we'll be getting the disc tomorrow. The photographer just had a little boy of her own, hence the delay. Here's a link to the facebook album of her favourites if you want to take a look. I love them all!

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