welcome mommabrown! hope its not too long til your
jordyn- got the video to come up, oh my he is sooo precious!!!

I didn't get a pic or anything of reactions. my 2nd to youngest is very shy and sticks to DH or I while company is over (even when its family) he usually starts to get over it and play when people start to leave, the little booger. so I had him attached to me most of the time. I had something funny to tell you... we were at the mcdee's play place and someone came up to us and asked if we were Mormons. we said no, and he said, "oh, I just asked cuz I am and we were told to have lots of kids." I just thought that was cute. I will check out your blog!!
ozzi- hope the talk goes well

I had false labor a lot with my 2nd. I think I went to the hospital about 3-4 times before she came! little turkey is still stubborn
logan- im glad you passed the 3 hr!
Stacey- ugh! I hope you guys find somewhere to live. how stressful. I will pray it all works out. mason banged his head recently and had a knot

I was looking for any sign of concussion for days. it finally went away and he bonked again. boys!!
afm- mason is starting to wean. he didn't nurse for 48 hrs and had a couple minutes of comfort suckling tonight when he woke up as I went to lay him down. It makes me sad he has to stop, but its for the best. he has only fussed a very little bit and I would nurse him if he got really upset. its painful for me, probably due to being pregnant, and I have a history of preterm labor so I have to stop so it doesn't happen with this one. plus, I don't want to nurse 2. its lovely some moms do, but I know I would be overwhelmed. even though everything says its for the best I cant help but feel bad.

I guess 19 mos was more than I thought I would go anyways