anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Haha! Shell, no worries about not sharing your name; that's what signatures are for, right? :) And fingers crossed for Saturday! You know, it's good you told your DH how you're feeling. I've been thinking lately about how I tend to keep stuff inside for so long that it starts to feel like a much bigger deal than it really is, then when I finally tell him and we discuss it I see it was not as big as I made it out to be! So, I'm definitely a proponent of frequent communication! :)

Thanks for the compliment on my blog, Jordyn. :) I'll have at least one new post soon because I made an apron for my SIL recently, so I'll write about that and post pics.

Stacey, it's nice to have a blog to be able to write about whatever I feel like. I started mine as just a crafting one, but then decided I would post WAY more often if I opened it up to be about whatever was on my mind at the time. And I also started mine on blogspot. It was really easy!

As for talking, Ozzy just started to put two words together about two weeks ago. His vocabulary is growing pretty quickly, but two months ago he still only said maybe 5 words. It just suddenly exploded one day, and now he says between 50-60 words. He was an early walker (about 10 1/2 months), so I've always thought maybe that's why his speech was "delayed." I don't know, I try not to put too much stock into the milestones set by the health care establishment. Or at least, I add about 6 months to their timelinds and don't worry if my kids aren't hitting them by the time they say they should.

Heather, Jimmy can hold his head up already too. He's already holding at 90 degrees when he's on his belly too. I think that's technically "above average," but as I've just said, I try to read too much into being ahead or behind the milestones they set as average. :)

Jimmy did pretty well with his immunizations. I knew he'd cry more than Ozzy did at his, and he sure did. Poor little fellow doesn't like being poked or hit. Other than when he's hungry, that's pretty much the only time he cries. Although I think the rotovirus vaccine is giving him a hard time. The nurse said he might have nausea or diarrhea from it, and I definitely think he's got some tummy issues from it. That's okay, though, it's still not that bad, and he doesn't seem to be bothered by the injection sites today, so that's good. :)
Oh Poor little Jimmy! I hated Emme getting her shots she was upset for a long while even after they were over.

Well AF showed yesterday Morning a whole day early. Oh well on to the next cycle. I packed away all of Emmaleigh's newborn clothes and 0-3 month spring/summer outfits yesterday and put out all of her fall/winter clothes. It was kinda sad packing them away knowing she will never wear them again but they hopefully will have a future on a sibling.
Awww, that's too bad, Shell. That darned AF. On to the next cycle!

And Jimmy seems to be feeling much better now. Back to his usual smiley self!

Is Emmaleigh still in 3 months sized clothes then? I just noticed she's only one day away from 6 months!
Yeah she is a wee babe. Only weighs 14 lbs and is 27 inches long. We kept out onesies that are 0-3 months but most of her pants are 6-9 for her length. But 3-6 is what a vast majority of them are. She is so different than my oldest 3 they were all chunky monkeys!

Glad he is back to smiles! Happy Babies are the cutest things ever!
Shell, I'm so sorry AF showed up. :( My last AF was almost a year ago, but the heartbreak of getting it while TTC is still very clear in my memory. :hugs: I hope next month is your month. And my DD was 13 lbs and 25 in at 6 months, so I know what that's like!

Rachel, That's impressive that Jimmy is holding his head up so well! Liam can sit in the Bumbo with his head up really well, but doesn't do much lifting when he's on his tummy. He's more concerned with tucking his legs under and pushing his butt up in the air, instead. :haha:

Well, here's a pic of Liam in the Bumbo, as well as a smile, and his in his warm gear, because today we woke up to snow! :dohh:


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Shell, that's so funny that she's in smaller onesies but bigger pants. Jimmy is just the opposite. He's already in 3 month sizes shirts but fits much better in NB or 0-3 month pants.

Jordyn, that smile is amazing! I love the little tongue sticking out! And SNOW?! We're definitely still in rainy mode up here. Basically, you can just think of us having the same weather as Seattle. lol We're only a two hour drive north, so we actually do get the same weather most of the time, just a half a day later. Is this early for snow in your area?
Yuck im not looking forward to snow.. we have the potential today for hail and strong storms with possible tornadoes.. we can get snow the end of the month.. so we will see..

Ahhh 30 weeks today.. :)
Awe, Shell I'm sorry AF showed for you! I hope next month is your month. :hugs:

Jordyn, that's crazy you got snow! Isn't it a bit early for snow?! We are supposed to have 90 today, and honestly I'm so ready for fall! Mid next week we are supposed to get 70s, so here's to hoping they are right!

Those pictures are so cute of Liam! I love his smile. I got a few pictures of Ben smiling this week, I'll have to share. :)

Rachel, I'm glad Jimmy is back to his happy self! Ben has shots on the 14th, I'm not looking forward to it. And Ben is the same way, bigger onsies and can still wear smaller pants.

Logan, congrats on 30 weeks!!!

Only 3 more days till I go back to work! Definitely have mixed feelings about it. But I know when I return it will be okay as I'll be so busy. My boss bought a second business location so I'll be promoted to run this one. :happydance:

I have a question for you girls, Ben seems to spit up after almost every feeding. Is this normal even though he's breastfeed?? I'm kinda worried.
Oh Haking I didn't go back after Emme was born. It was just to hard and with Allen working for Pepsi financially we are ok.

With is spitting up I wouldn't worry as it is a pretty normal thing unless he is doing it often instead of just after eating, or crying when laid down after a feeding, or if he cries really hard while trying to feed him. But if you feel worried just give your Pediatrician a call to help relieve your worries.

Liam is absolutely darling!!! And SNOW?!!It is 86 degrees here today and going to drop off into the 60's which I am looking forward too.

Allen and I have decided to take a break these next few months with the Holidays coming up so that we can just enjoy time with everyone and not be watching the clock and figure out schedules so we can baby dance. Maybe that is just what we need. Lol
Shell, Ben only does it after feeding. It just seems like a lot more often than Sam ever spit up. It's probably nothing but I'm just not used to it since my first hardly spit up. Guess I got spoiled! :blush:

It's funny you say you're gonna take a break since it's the holidays. We did the same thing nearly a year ago and that's when I got pregnant! I hope it works for you much less stressful too! :)

Here are a few new pictures :heart:

All smiles!
Normal morning routine lately! I'm gonna miss this.
Oh what a handsome fellow you have!!!!!!!!!! He has so much more hair than Emm too! I love babies that have tons of hair!

:) Landon (mine and Allen's oldest boy) was quiet the laid back lazy fellow who never cried or gave us absolutely different than Emmaleigh. He definately had me spoiled with sleep and she is up every 2 hours still like clock work.
Heather, those pics are adorable! Love the one of them both all snuggled up. That looks like fun. :) And how awesome that you are getting promoted to run the second location! That's great!

As for the spitting up, like Shell said as long as he's not extra fussy or spitting up huge amounts, then it sounds totally normal to me. Ozzy spit up after every feeding for the first 3-4 months. But he was also super fussy and would cry right after feedings and when he had to poop. We eventually figured out he had a dairy and soy intolerance. That helped with the fussiness, but he still spit up! I think that some babies just take longer to strengthen the muscle or whatever it is that keeps the food down.

Well, I've decided to participate in a pilot program for women who have had GD. It's 6 weekly classes about how to help prevent/delay type two diabetes. It's free and I can even bring Ozzy because there's free child care. I figure it'll be good to do since I now have a 70% higher risk of developing type 2. I know I need to eat better, so maybe going to a class will help it "sink in" and I can develop some better habits.

I just have to go for a GTT before the first class so they know I don't have it already. I've got an appointment for Monday... Wish me luck! :thumbup:
jordyn and heather you got some very precious guys there <3

heather- none of mine spit up a lot except mason. he also was the only one bf. his issue was that we was allergic to milk, eggs, and peanuts. as soon as I got that figured out and out of my diet he did fine. im sure its normal for some babies though. hopefully it will clear up with ben soon :hugs:

Rachel- that class sounds fab!

shell- so sorry about af. so heartbreaking when ttc. hopefully relaxing will help :hugs2:
Logan, I can't believe you're already 30 weeks! That's crazy!

Heather, your pics are adorable! :flower: And as for the spit up, Alia would do that, except she also would vomit up the whole feed sometimes, and together with her fussiness and difficulty eating, I'm starting to think she actually had silent reflux and we never caught it. Liam dribbles a little bit, but that's about it. It's like night and day between my two!

Rachel, good luck with your GTT! That class sounds great, although I hope you never actual develop diabetes.

As for me, I am exhausted. I watched my two kids, plus my niece and nephew today, who are 20 months old and 4 years old, and the 4 year old is crazy energetic all the time, so it was quite a handful. I am soooo ready to relax for a bit. :sleep:
Shell: Im sorry about AF showing up. :growlmad:I know how awful that is when ttc as well. Like Heather said maybe once you take your mind off of it thats when it will happen. Good luck! Its alway sad to put away the babies clothes that dont fit anymore. But deff save them for your next bundle of joy!!

Rachel: That is great jimmy is holding his head up. What a tough lil man! I think those classes sound like a good idea. I hope you dont acually develop diabetes. Good luck on you test xx:flower:

Jordyn: Those pictures are adorable of liam. I just love that smile!! What a cutie lol. Sounds like you had your hands full today. Believe i can tell you 4 year olds have tons of energy lol. Try to sleep well. You deserve it:flower:

Heather: Aww i love the pics. Ben is so cute with that smile!! And i love the ones where both him and Sam are all bundled up in bed haha awww. As for the spitting up. I know that all my kids spit up some. But they were mostly ff. So im not to sure about breastfed babies. Wish i could help more. WHo knows maybe there was just something out of the blue that he didnt agree with. But you know i read that bf babies can get air and stuff in there belly too. So i think its completley normal! Congrats on your promotion! That is great news!!

Blessed: how are namess coming along?

Logan congrats on 30 weeks. I cant believe how fast it has gone for you!!!

Well ladies not to much going on today. We had to move rooms today because the one we were in was booked. I was soo mad the owner came and knocked on the door right in the middle of breakfast at like 930 telling us we have to move everything before 1. :growlmad: The nerve. I mean people dont even have any heart for the 90 percent of our city that has been affected by the flood. My MIL's rent was raised because my SIL is staying there because their house flooded as well. :growlmad::growlmad: Plus my first post partum period stared today so i wasnt in a good mood

Well here are my kiddos. I finally went to the house today and managed to grab my camera and a few other things i needed!

[URL=][IMG][/URL][/IMG] Eva just hangin out with mommy:baby:

[URL=][IMG][/URL][/IMG] Nap time :sleep:

[URL=][IMG][/URL][/IMG] Eva starting to smile :cloud9:

[URL=][IMG][/URL][/IMG] Jonathan all smiles after he knocked his head:nope:

[URL=][IMG][/URL][/IMG] Cant forget my first baby she is just soo big now:cry:
Rachel, that class sounds pretty cool and hopefully it helps others in the process. I hope you don't develop type 2 diabetes though.

Jordyn, you deserve a good restful night! That had to be exhausting chasing after 3 kids.

Stacey, your babies are adorable! Natalia does look all grown up! That's great you were able to get some things from the house but how annoying you had to move rooms with all your stuff and 3 kids. Still no word on when you'll get to move back into your house?

That sucks you got your first PP period. As much as I enjoy not having a period in the back of my mind I worry that I might have a hard time getting pregnant with #3 because of irregular periods. Though I keep feeling crampy like it might start but never does. :shrug:
Yea i was soo mad about moving rooms. I forgot to mention we also woke up to SNOW!!! so not only moving with my 3 kids but also moving in the freaking cold and snow. There is no word on when we will be back in our house. My landlord has no insurance to cover any of this so there is just no real awnser on when we will be back in. Yesterday i called over 60 people and everyone had everything already rented.

As for the period its a prob good chance you wont start until you stop breastfeeding or at least cut down a little. but im sure you know that lol. I hope you get number 3 sooner rather than later. xx I think jordyn mentioned that sshe gets cramps too thinking her period will sstart but it never does either.
Stacey, your kids are so cute! Eva is getting so big too! And I see what you mean now by Natalia's caps being super white. I don't think anyone actually has teeth that white! lol And how dumb that they made you move rooms on such short notice.

Shell, I agree that maybe it's good to take a break from actively TTC. I think sometimes some "time off" can be just the thing you need. No one needs the added task of TTC this time of year; the holidays can be busy and stressful enough!

Heather, that's so weird you're getting period like cramps but no AF. Weren't you feeling that too, Jordyn? Or was it just other AF symptoms?

ETA: lol! Stacey and I posted the same thing at the same time about the cramps!
oh my Stacey!!! your babies are gorgeous <3 sounds like such a mess there. i hope things calm down soon. one day at a time sweetheart :hugs2:
heather i had phantom periods for months before actually having af. ugh, not nice :nope:

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