Logan, I'm glad you passed the 3hr GTT.
Melissa, 19 months BF is great!

I don't think I could ever go that long so I applaud you! And I agree that he probably thinks it was his idea so he's okay with it.

Jordyn is right too, Catholics don't believe in birth control which is why they usually have a lot of children. It's kinda no the norm anymore though since family sizes are getting smaller and smaller.
Rachel, I love the pictures of Ozzy and Jimmy. And good job on the little hat. I have no idea how to sew or do any of that crafty stuff!
Ozzi, I hope you have that baby soon! I can't wait to find out if you're having a boy or girl.
Shell, welcome!

good luck with TTC #2. I know it will probably sound like a broken record saying this but sometimes just relaxing and not thinking about TTC so much helps. I TTC for 6 months after Sam was born and the month I decided to just say forget it and take a break for the holidays I got pregnant. Same with my SIL, tried for 3 years and finally got pregnant once she forgot about TTC. Either way, I hope you get your BFP soon.
Jordyn, love the video and pictures of your babies! Alia sounds like she I a great talker. Also, I love your blog. I'll definitely be reading.
Stacey, that's great that Eva is smiling lots! Ben has been smiling a lot more lately, real smiles. Not the gas smiles!

it sounds like you're feeling a little better emotionally. I see you're going back to work on the 9th. I go back the 8th. I'm looking forward to it in some ways and others not so much. And, what a stinker Jonathan is climbing out of his crib!
AFM, things have been super busy and hectic here lately. I went for my 6 week check up this past week and all is well. I did ask when we could TTC #3 and she said she would like us to wait a year but I think we will try in June. I haven't got baby fever quite yet!
Sam is talking like crazy and putting together lots of words and starting to ask questions. It's so fun to be able to communicate with him. People are always so surprised when they hear how much he talks compared to other children his age. He's like his mommy, never is quite!
Ben goes for his 2 month check up and shots on the 14th. I can't wait to see how big he is. He holds up his head really well already, which seems early to me!

I'll have to upload some new pictures soon.
Hope I didn't miss anything!