anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Stacey, I'm sorry your living situation is still such a mess. :( I hope you can find a new place to live soon. :hugs:

Ozzi, I hope your LO stops being so stubborn and shows up already!

Melissa, that's so funny! Do you get asked if you're Mormon very often?

Thanks, Rachel and Melissa. I'm glad you like my blog. Its funny, I showed it to DH last night and he immediately set about making a new design for me and worked on it for most of the evening. :dohh:

Rachel, I was reading your blog back before you stopped writing on it, ang you're a good writer, too! :flower:
Thanks Ladies! Yeah Harley my name is Shell...thoughtless me I should have announced that when I was giving a little insight! Lol

Ozzi I when I went into Labor I went to the shower/bath made my labor kick in super fast. I started having contractions at 1 o'clock am and by 11:45 am she was born. Maybe a trick to get bubs out!

Logan Yay for passing the 3 hour!!!!!!!!

Blessedmomma 19 months is great!
Rachel: your boys are soo cute!! Ozzy looks soo happy at that baseball game!! and great job on that hat! Eva did great with her shots. she did sleep alot but is more alert today. she cryed but not as bad as my other two. i remember with the other two their 2 month shots were the first time they cryed with tears making me cry lol. My dh came for the firt time when any of our kids got there shots. he took it harder then Eva lol

Jordyn: i will have to check out your blog! thats funny about your dh re disigning it lol

melissa: i missed that your lo was weaning. Like i agree with rachel that he prob thinks it was his idea lol

ozzi: i too agree with shell. Water deff helped my labor go faster so i bet it will help get thing going stronger for you!

Shell: that is great you got preg after you had your tubes back together!

how is everyones los talking right now. jonathan still isnt talking to much but deff understand almost everything i tell him or ask him to do. when he wants something though he just points and starts whining. Did i tell yall that he is climbing out of his crib so nap time and bed time have been awful.
rach- you're exactly right, I huge mix of emotions.

jordyn- that's the first time we have been asked if we were Mormon. I know of some other big families that have been asked though lol. we have been asked if we are catholic before, so maybe catholics have big families too? I will definitely welcome someone asking us if we have a lot of kids due to any religion as oppose to rude comments about our big family.

I had never heard that about water speeding up labor. I went into labor with mason in the shower and he was born about 45 minutes later lol!
Melissa: There is another positive story about water and labor lol. And about being asked if you are catholic its because being catholic you are not supposed to use any type of birth control either. You are to let god deside when your kids will come. My dh and all of his family is catholic but use birth control. ( mostly because we werent successfully able to breastfeed) So we ovulate sooner then those who did. Breastfeeding as you know im sure is the natures way to space out children.

I love the fact that you ladies let god deside on your babies and such. My dh wouldnt have that. But i would be completely opened mind about it :)
Stacey, Alia is talking pretty good, but the pediatrician says she's really advanced with her language skills, so I wouldn't compare against her. She uses two-word sentences all the time now, like, "All clean!" "Bye-bye, highchair." "Grandpa's hands." And then sometimes she communicates through a bunch of small words and phrases, like the other day we were at someone's house and she realized that she didn't have her blanket, so she said, "Blanket?" and I said, "Your blanket's not here," so she said, "Home. Go. Please? Blanket." :flower:

Melissa, I've heard that Catholics tend to have bigger families, too. Around here, no one comments much on big families, because they're kind of the norm. In fact, there's a lady up the street who has 9 kids all living at home. It was funny, I saw a group of her boys that all looked about the same age and assumed it was a group of friends, and then I noticed that they were all wearing matching ties. I pointed it out to my DH, and he said, "Yeah, that's because they're all brothers." :haha:

We were all gung-ho about NTNP after Liam was born, but then we chickened out a little. We still plan on having a lot of kids, but we decided to wait just a little bit before trying. Part of the reason is because Liam came a little early, and my doctor said it was probably because I had a small age gap and my uterus was worn out. It doesn't worry me so much, but I think it made DH a little nervous about having the next really close. We've decided to start TTC when Liam is a year old, but we'll see...once baby fever sets in again, all bets are off. :winkwink:

Rachel, I forgot to tell you how cute your pictures are! That hat is adorable! Well done. :thumbup:
jordyn: i was just reading your blog. It is very good. I like how you named the irritable uterus lol. I will deff join that club. It is very anoying haha. Alia sounds like a very inteligant girl. I love how she said bye bye pee pee haha too cute. I love the way that you said you need to not just "keep her alive" I couldnt agree more. I have been keeping the kids inside to much latly i think. Its suppose to snow tomorrow so we have been outsid ealot thses past two days. You are a great writer. Maybe i will try to do a blog. It seems like a great way to get things off your chest. ( i wrote alot before my kids were born when i was stressed or something.) Who can read your blogs. ANyone or how do you set it up. I am soo new to this stuff lol blogging twitter. Even facebook. I dont have a facebook lol
Stacey- we used bc methods in the past and after #4 I was planning to have my tubes tied. I had to have a surgery on my cervix so thought it was best. I had only been a Christian for about a year or two but one thing I knew was that we are supposed to pray about everything. so one night in the shower I asked God to show me if I should have them tied or if I should just rely on some other sort of birth control. I was sure He would say one or the other since "we were done having kids." I didn't even ask if we should not use anything, or have more. it never crossed my mind that He would want us to have more. I was amazed when I felt Him tell me we should trust Him with our fertility and submit our bodies totally to HIM!!! I thought I heard wrong, so I told God if that's what He wanted me to do, He needed to tell my husband also. at that time there was no way DH would have agreed to more. I told DH I was praying about what to do bc wise and we prayed together, and he prayed on his own too. he came to me one day saying the same thing God said to me!!! talk about speechless, and im never speechless lol. so, I know it was God leading me in this direction, that was my confirmation, and I don't believe God will lead a married couple in two different directions if they are both praying and asking His guidance. and since mason is the only one I have bf, yes I had a baby 15 mos after #4, then again 12 mos after #5. but I do believe all life is created by God for His will and I learned a lot of patience and peace through having them so close together. He always has a purpose behind what he creates! and now... im so thankful I didn't have my tubes tied. it brings Him so much glory to trust Him over our own plans. I used to think having babies was something that I needed to control, but now I know the truth. that its good to give Him control and trust His timing. when life is created its much much more than a biological thing that occurs. its much more to me than a sperm meeting an egg and a pregnancy occurring. its about more than my body, my desires, and my sufferings. its all about God.
Melissa I blew soda out of my nose when I read that...My DH is 1 of 8 kids with his mom and 1 of 2 boys with his Dad. She was 1 of 17 and just wanted a big family no religion involved. We are going for 6 kids but I am leaving it all up to my body. Whatever happens happens. :D

Spiffynoodle OH your little girl sounds so stinkin cute!!!!!!!!! And my DH had baby fever before Emme was even born! Lol But if your Biological clock is ticking then why not I guess we aren't getting any younger.

Afm, well AF is due Friday and I totally had a crying meltdown telling DH how much he had hurt my feelings and how lonely I am at home during the day. Granted I do have Emmaleigh keeping me on my toes but honestly a converstation with a 6 month old doesn't exactly go over very well. I don't feel pregnant or even think I am in the running this month but my emotions are all over the place lately.
Logan, I'm glad you passed the 3hr GTT.

Melissa, 19 months BF is great! :thumbup: I don't think I could ever go that long so I applaud you! And I agree that he probably thinks it was his idea so he's okay with it. :winkwink: Jordyn is right too, Catholics don't believe in birth control which is why they usually have a lot of children. It's kinda no the norm anymore though since family sizes are getting smaller and smaller.

Rachel, I love the pictures of Ozzy and Jimmy. And good job on the little hat. I have no idea how to sew or do any of that crafty stuff! :blush:

Ozzi, I hope you have that baby soon! I can't wait to find out if you're having a boy or girl. :)

Shell, welcome! :flower: good luck with TTC #2. I know it will probably sound like a broken record saying this but sometimes just relaxing and not thinking about TTC so much helps. I TTC for 6 months after Sam was born and the month I decided to just say forget it and take a break for the holidays I got pregnant. Same with my SIL, tried for 3 years and finally got pregnant once she forgot about TTC. Either way, I hope you get your BFP soon. :hugs:

Jordyn, love the video and pictures of your babies! Alia sounds like she I a great talker. Also, I love your blog. I'll definitely be reading. :)

Stacey, that's great that Eva is smiling lots! Ben has been smiling a lot more lately, real smiles. Not the gas smiles! :haha: it sounds like you're feeling a little better emotionally. I see you're going back to work on the 9th. I go back the 8th. I'm looking forward to it in some ways and others not so much. And, what a stinker Jonathan is climbing out of his crib!

AFM, things have been super busy and hectic here lately. I went for my 6 week check up this past week and all is well. I did ask when we could TTC #3 and she said she would like us to wait a year but I think we will try in June. I haven't got baby fever quite yet! :haha:

Sam is talking like crazy and putting together lots of words and starting to ask questions. It's so fun to be able to communicate with him. People are always so surprised when they hear how much he talks compared to other children his age. He's like his mommy, never is quite! :blush:

Ben goes for his 2 month check up and shots on the 14th. I can't wait to see how big he is. He holds up his head really well already, which seems early to me! :shrug: I'll have to upload some new pictures soon.

Hope I didn't miss anything!
aww Melissa i cried and got tons of goosebumps when i read that! That is just wonderful! I couldnt agree with you more. God would never lead a married couple in different directions

Shell: Good luck! I hope this is the month. I completely agree with heather though. Just relaxing is going to help alot. Are you a early poas tester or do you wait until you are late for af?

Heather: I too am exited in way to go back to work but very sad as well. it will be nice to acually interact with adults again. But i will miss my kids soo much. We dont have any daycare right now as they all are shut down due to the flood. So we will have to see what issues that brings.

Evas smiles are real smiles too haha its just soo nice to see them starting to interact with you. Wow that is great that Sam is talking alot too. Do you talk alot to sam? Like im trying to figure out what am i doing wrong as my kids seem to be really late talkers. I know they are learning two languages but i still feel like they should be talking more. Natalia is 4 1/2 and sometimes still cant speak in full sentences. Or some are mixed between the two languages that many people cant understand her when she talks so she gets soo shy.

Glad everything went well at your 6 week pp apointment. I still havnt had mine yet. I need to call and make it before i go back to work.
mommabrown- that's just our story and I would never just go around telling people what they should do with their families. I wanted 5 kids before I was ever a Christian. but I also came from a big family. there were 4 of us kids growing up. my mom came from a family with 8 kids and my dads side had 11. DH has 2 brothers and 1 sister but also always had a couple step brothers/sisters at both houses (his parents were divorced). I think I wouldn't know what to do with a quiet house lol. I do think for us this is about our relationship with God rather than religion.
heather I think its so cute you are already asking when you can ttc#3! and even have a time set <3

Stacey- it sounds to me your kids are doing fine. I try to not compare my kids to others. they are all different in development and those guidelines aren't fit for all. I have noticed mine are either quicker at walking and moving around, or talking. but they all get it all down eventually. and im amazed your LO's are learning 2 languages at once this early! that says a lot to me. maybe they are more advanced verbally than you think
Melissa, I love your story about god not leading a husband and wife in two different directions. I'm glad it all worked out for you!

Shell, when will you test? Also, if you don't mind me asking why did you get your tubes tied initally?

Stacey, that's amazing your kids are learning 2 languages! :thumbup: We do talk to Sam a lot and read every night but nothing crazy. It seemed like he wasnt taking a whole lot and then as soon as he hit 18 months he has really advanced his language skills. I don't think you are doing anything wrong, like Melissa said they may be more advanced than you think!

I agree it will be nice to have adult conversations. That's the one thing I'm looking forward to about returning to work, as well as having a reason to get dressed! :blush: :haha:
Melissa i too have noticed that about kids. Epsecially on here. Its like someone says im worried my lo is 15 months and still not walking but is talking aton. Or its the opposite jonathan started walking a week before he turned 9 month and natalia was 10 months. But there vocab and such is not as advanced. Maybe you are right and they are more advanced then i think for a bilingual child. who knows.

Heather: That is deff a reason for work. Since ive been out of work since july 4th i deff havnt gotton dressed or anything on the majority of those days. I just need to get my mind off all the issues going on and like i said the conforsation will be great. Even though talking to my 4 year old can be fun sometimes lol So im curiouse heather how much milk have you managed to save? I was soo empressed by how much you had saved a while ago :)
I won't test until Saturday if AF doesn't show. My backstory is that I had my tubes tied with the Pomeroy Method April 2006. I had my Tubal Reversal in March of 2011. I had been married once before and had a very messy divorce while I was pregnant with my oldest son. He was 4 months old when it was finalized and I had met my husband now and ended up pregnant with My youngest son. Because I was very unsure of myself and where our relationship was going I went behind his back and had my tubes tied. I regret it and wish I would have never done it. But we have been married this Sept for 7 years and going strong.

I completely understand about you both having a great relationship with God. We had always went to church but it never really got any further than that---or the praying when we were in a hard time. Then we started going to a different church with couple that is friends with us and automatically our eyes were opened to God in a different light. We now do daily devotions together and pray about all of our choices before making them. God entered our hearts and allowed us to be better people for ourselves, for my partner, and for our children. :D
mommabrown- cmon Saturday!!!!! cant wait to find out :happydance: how awesome you were blessed with your dd after your reversal! :cloud9: God is so amazing to change our hearts, I know just what you mean. sometimes I wonder what I cared about before I knew Him. <3
Stacey, right now I think I have about 290 bags of milk and about 1300oz. I never fill my bags with less than 4oz just to make the most of them. My goal is to breastfeed until March and then have enough frozen until Ben is nearly 12 months. See how it goes. If I can breastfeed longer I will but I wanna make it until March at least.

Shell, I'm glad to hear your second marriage is still going strong and you were able to have children with your husband after having your tubes tied.
Wow, it got really busy on here yesterday evening! I was a little busy working on my blog, but I think I'm finally getting to the point where I can slow down and just do one post a day.

Stacey, you can set up a blog really easily on That's where I made mine. And you can make it private, so that people can only read if they've been invited, or totally public, like mine. And how do you live without facebook??? :shock: :haha: I used to live in Arizona, so I use facebook to keep in contact with my family and friends there.

Melissa, that was a beautiful testimony of faith in God. My DH and I have both said that if we ever felt prompted to have another child right now, we'd do it. I know that God can see the whole pattern, unlike me, and He will never lead me or my family to do anything that won't bring us happiness.

Shell, I'm glad that you were able to have a child with your husband and I hope you can have a few more! I'll be looking forward to hearing how your testing goes this weekend!

Stacey, Alia is an advanced talker, but she couldn't even crawl properly until she was 13 months old, so I think kids definitely pick a development "track" and the other things kind of take a back seat.

Heather, that's amazing that you have so much milk saved! My eyes popped when I saw your ounces! :haha: I have 30-something ounces saved up. :blush:

Logan, I'm glad you passed your GTT! I hope you're feeling well. :flower:

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