anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Thanks, ladies. After many tears and MANY prayers, I've finally hit a breakthrough! The strike is still going full force if I try to sit and feed him, but I discovered this evening that he will eat if I'm walking with him. Hallelujah! I now know that we can get through this, which is what I was so hoping for. Lots of relief here tonight. :flower:

Heather, I'm glad to hear that work is going well for you, so far. And that's great that you're still able to breast feed Ben! :thumbup:
Thanks, Rachel. I missed your last post, since we posted at about the same time. That's a great idea to have your boys go as Jimmy and Clark! You're definitely going to have to post pictures! :flower:

As for our kiddos, Liam will be Michael Jordan, since we have a onsie that looks like a Jordan basketball jersey, along with a matching sport jacket and pants and an Air Jordan hat. It was with the stuff that we had given to us, so I figure, hey why not. As for Alia, she will be a ladybug, since she's way into bugs right now, and ladybugs in particular. DH and I will be dressing up for a party, but we still don't know as what.

Oh, and to answer your question, Liam was latching the past week and eating, but it was after a long hard struggle each time. Sometimes I would fail completely to get him to latch, and so I would try again after a little while, and keep doing that until I got food in him. I could have pumped and bottle fed, but I was so afraid that if I did, he would see how much easier it was with the bottle and never go back to the breast.

Oh, and other developments! Over the last couple of days, I got Liam to start sleeping on his back, so he no longer naps and sleeps in the swing. And we've also been trying to get him to go to bed earlier, since he was going down for the night around 10:30pm, and so far we've succeeded in getting him to go to sleep around 8pm (he wakes up after an hour and wants to eat some more, but then he'll go straight back to sleep). So amidst all the failures this week, there were a few victories. :flower:
jordyn- that's so great!!! do you have a sling or wrap you can have him in while he eats to take the pressure off your arms? mason didn't have to be walked, but it was such an amazing help when I was shopping, etc to wear him <3 and yay about getting him used to sleep on his back. great job mama!
I have a woven wrap, but I have been pretty unsuccessful so far at making it work for me, and since Liam will only eat if I'm walking AND held just so, I don't think I'll try the wrap again right now. However, if this time next week he's still needing to be walked to eat, I might start trying things. Because my arms aren't the problem, it's my back. It kills after carrying him in that position!
I wasn't able to use my ring sling or my wrap with mason to nurse in. I just couldn't get him up to the boob comfortably for either of us. I bought this baby carrier that held him upright and he loved it. I think if you're gonna use something it may take finding what works for you and baby and it may take trying it out a few times. I know someone who swore by the ring sling and I loved it for my ff babies, but I just couldn't get it to work with mason.
just found this one too....I WANT!!!!
Jordyn, I'm glad you were able to find something that works for Liam to still nurse! :happydance: and those do sound like huge victories this week with Liam. How long is he sleeping for you at night?

Rachel, those are such great costumes! I can't wait to see some pictures. As for our boys, I think Sam will be a pumpkin and Ben will be a dinosaur. I really need to get things together ASAP before it's too late though.

Melissa, I looked at that first carrier you posted. I'm looking for a good one here soon since Ben likes being held and I do like the idea of being able to nurse him while carrying him. I have a moby but it hasn't worked for me to nurse in that one.

Things are super stressful in our house this evening! I came home to a grumpy husband, fussy baby and crabby toddler! :growlmad: poor DH doesn't do well with two unhappy kids alone. I made him just leave and hang out in the garage so I could take care of the boys and he got a break.

But that's not the worst of it, as I was getting home my MIL was rushing out to take my FIL to the hospital because he was having bad chest pains. I don't know any details about what's going on but the entire thing is a big mess. Hopefully he's fine.
heather- I hope your FIL is ok! I had a moby that I used a couple times with mason. it was in the summer and I felt like I was burning up with all that material on me. I got him in a side lying position but I felt like I had to keep tightening or adjusting and it just wasn't too comfortable. they look so easy to use and comfortable on the website. the other issue I had was that I couldn't get the hang of putting it on by myself. DH had to help me so he had to be around for me to use it. I might have gotten the hang of using it if I had kept at it a while, but I wanted something quicker and easier. so I gave the moby to a girl from church who was very grateful, bless her! and she loved it! the 2nd one I posted looks quicker than the one I have and still has the right seated position for the babies hips. it has added back support too. for $23 I will probably be buying it lol
ozzi: COngrats on your little boy he is soo hansom! Hope you are feeling well xx

Logan: wow i cant believe you only have 9 week left! I too cant wait to see what you have cookin in there!

Rachel: Aww your boys are going to be soo cute for halloween. Cant wait to see pics. Natalia is going to be a little devil lol and jonathan is going to be some action figure i dont know the name but he chose it lol. They walmart had NOTHING for Eva. Im thinking maybe ordering online but idk. RIght now with all the roads closed it takes us 2 1/2 hours to get to the nearest walmart. I am still hopeing for good results on your test.

Jordyn: Im sorry Liam was giving you such a hard time with breastfeeding i can imagine how frustrating that must have been. I am soo happy that he is doing better again. I hope you find a sling/wrap that works for the both of you. And what great achievment this week!!

Melissa: i like that first wrap that you posted lol

Heather: My first day back was good. Everyone was very happy i came back to work. All of the residents wanted to see pics of Eva. And there were even some residents who remembered me who i thought wouldnt have as they have some sort of dementia. It was nice though.

However my sil was watching the kids. Then we moved rooms again yesterday ( well my dh did while i was working) into a room with a working heater.

Im happy to hear you had a good first day back at work! Dont you just love showing off the baby. And then you get all the compliments like you just had a baby. You look soo good and bla bla bla haha.

I am sorry to hear about your night. I really am. I hope your FIL is ok xx. If it makes you feel any better i came home to almost the same thing minus the FIL issue. Today my kids stayed for the first time with my dh without me. WHen i came home Eva was crying and crying and i just i think overally tired at she usually goes to bed at like 730 so we all start showering at 630. She didnt get to sleep until 9 today. Jonathan was just crying and wanting up and i just couldnt while i was trying to calm Eva down. Natalia well i guess i dont have anything to say about her as she was kinda just playing with her toys. I made dinner and my dh also was grumpy. So belive me after waking up at 5 am getting home at almost 7pm then hearing crying and this and that. Im exaused. I work tomorrow too so i have about 5 hours to sleep. I feel you though!!!

Skadi how are you feeling?

AFM well we just learned today that the pplumbers and people have to get a permit from the town to replace all the water pipes. All of the pipes are out of code and stuff. THey have no idea how long it is going to take. So again who knows how long we will continue here. The good news is the owner wont be moveing us again. (hopefully)

Work is going well although i just miss my kids so much. Eva is doing great. She is sleeping usually like 730 pm until 5 or 6 am. But Last night she slept 830 until like 7am. So at least im not waking up before i have to get up for work. I have a weird question. Whos babies are using the pacifier?
Ozzi Congrats on you baby Boy! He sure is handsome!

Spiffy...sorry about Liam going on hiatus from BF. Emme did this often and our LC gave us a nipple shield which tricked her back into latching on. Once she did a good feed off of it I would pull her off and readjust her on and she would go back to feeding.

Duejan glad to hear your first day back was good. That is awful that you have to wait for the permits to get all your plumbing done. I hope that it goes fast and they get it back into shape!

afm, Not much going one here. I have been busy making TuTu's and bows...I am slowly transitioning into quilting too but with Emme being so much of a hand full lately I can't get much done until late at night when she is in bed. I hope you all have a lovely weekend!
Heather and Stacey, I'm sorry to hear you two had rough nights. Heather, I hope your FIL is okay.

Stacey, glad to hear that everything is going so well at work, and that Eva is sleeping so great! I don't think I'm ever going to experience having a sleeper like that. Alia didn't start sleeping that long until she was 15 months old, and Liam is still waking up about every 2-3 hours. :sleep:

Melissa, I tried feeding Liam in my wrap this morning. Major failure. :dohh:

Shell, sorry to hear that Emmaleigh has been difficult for you lately. Are you making the tutus and bows for her, or do you sell them?
Jordyn, that's great that Liam will sleep on his back now. That'll be nice to not have to have in the swing. I should probably work on getting Jimmy to sleep sooner. Right now he "goes to bed" really late. For example, last night he slept from 1am to 10am. Don't get me wrong, I'll take 9 hours any way I can get it, but eventually it'd be nice to have their bedtimes match up (and Ozzy goes to bed between 8:00 and 8:30).

Heather, so sorry to hear about your rough night. I hope you and your DH aren't as stressed today and that your FIL is okay. Glad to hear your transition back to work is going well.

Stacey, good to hear work is good for you too. And even if you still don't know when things will be done on the house, at least things are moving along. And both our boys use a pacifier. The both started using one around 3 weeks old. It just helps them settle so much easier. We've tried to keep Ozzy's binky (that's what we call it) as just a bed time and nap time thing, but he ends up with it almost all day. We should probably try to ween him off it during the day, though.

Shell, I know what you mean; I just did a few sewing projects, and they seemed to take forever because I can only do them during nap time or when Ozzy's in bed (and Jimmy's content). I have a few quilts I'd like to get done before Christmas, and it seems like such a huge task!

Everyone's Halloween costumes sound so cute! I can't wait to see pictures! I'll definitely post pictures of Ozzy and Jimmy.
Oh yeah, I forgot to answer the pacifier question! Both of mine have used them. We call them binkys, too. Alia used hers until we got rid of it at 6 months (she would spit it out and night and then cry until we put it back in, so we got rid of it at the same time as sleep training and she learned how to soothe herself to sleep). We plan on getting rid of Liam's binky at 6 months, too. Our plan is to never have to wean a toddler off a binky, because I've heard some horror stories. :haha: In fact, my nephew would steal his baby sister's binky and go hide somewhere and suck on it. He even did that once with Liam's binky, and he's 4 years old now! :dohh:
Stacey, that's great that work is going well for you; however it does suck you still have no clue when you'll be back in your house! And I'm sorry you also had a rough night! :hugs:

Eva is such a good sleeper already! Where your other two really good sleepers early on too?

As for the pacifier question, Sam never wanted one. He had one the day he was born in the hospital and a few days after (which I attribute to his not being able to breastfeed) and then refused completely by the time he was 2 weeks. Ben will take one every once in a while. And most times he spits it out and is trying to turn to get it back in his mouth when its by his face and then freaks out when he can't so we rarely give it. I too, like Jordyn don't want to be the mom that has to wean a toddler from one. I already know weaning Ben from nursing will be quite the task!!! :wacko:

Shell, that sounds like fun to make tutus and bows! I think if I ever have a girl I'll have to learn because that stuff is so stinkin' cute!

Rachel, you too are lucky to have such a good sleeper, 9 hours is awesome!!! Was Ozzy a good sleeper too? So do you wake up in the middle of the night to pump? I think if I went 9 hours without nursing I'd be pretty sore. I usually pump one last time after I put Ben to bed and then he will sleep 6.5-7 hours and then nurse again so that's the longest I've gone! And then because its been so long, he is content with only nursing from one side that my other boob is HUGE sometimes! Maybe I produce too much milk? I'm still learning as I didn't breastfeed with Sam so this is all new to me. :shrug:

Well, all I can say is TGIF!!! :haha: I found out they admitted my FIL last night but I don't know any details and probably won't until I get home. I've been kinda trying to distance myself from it since its easier to just not think about it. Plus I feel like the reason he has been to the hospital 3x in less than a week this week is because he doesn't take care of himself and probably will never change, sadly.
:cool:Yes I make them for Emmaleigh and I sell them. She is a very stylish baby! Lol I beat myself up because I stay up so late trying to get my quilts done and she still only sleeps every 2-3 hours so I get less sleep than what I initially plan.

Heather sorry to hear about your FIL. I hope that everything turns out better and he starts taking better care of himself. :hugs:

I dunno who asked the pacifier ??? but Emme had to have one when she was born as she was a comfort sucker. But she weaned herself off of them by 3 months and usually only chews on them now.

I called her DR and it is because of her teething...or he assumes by what I am describing to him. She goes in for her 6 month old checkup and shots next Tuesday and he is going to check her out. He said since she doesn't have them yet this is about the normal time for them to be breaking thru and is very painful....:shock: so I am breaking out the big guns to get them puppies through!
Heather, I hope you hear some good news about your FIL soon, and that he sees this experience as a wake-up call and starts taking care of himself better. :hugs:

Shell, I love your new avatar pic! I assume Emmaleigh is wearing a tutu and bow that you made? They're adorable and so is she! :thumbup:

Well, I think the long strike is finally over (knock on wood)! I got Liam to nurse while sitting today with no protest! Let's hope it keeps up!
Wooop Wooop for Liam!!! Girl I hope he keeps this up for you!!

Thanks Hun, She is my little Darling!
Stacey- its good the work has begun! hopefully it wont take too long. good to hear work went well :)

shell- you sound very creative!! bet those tutu's and bows are lovely! <3

jordyn- maybe he just isn't gonna love to be in one?? the 3 I have tried them with have all loved them, but I know all babies are different and I hear some babies just hate them :flower: yay the strike is over!!!! :hugs:

the binky stuff- 4 of mine have loved binky's. it didn't take a struggle to break them at all. when they get to a certain point they are done and don't want them. maybe I have just been very lucky. one of mine would take them occasionally. and the other one didn't really want anything to do with them. they really aren't a big issue with us
Heather, I do get engorged overnight and wake up with rock hard boobs. They often leak (at night and during the day too), so I always sleep with a bra on and breast pads. I haven't pumped or expressed any large amounts yet. Sometimes I get so engorged that it's painful, and then I just hand express just a little bit to make it more comfortable until the next feeding. With Ozzy, if I was engorged before a feeding, I would express a bunch and put in the freezer (with the hopes he would take a bottle eventually). But I learned/noticed that just made my body produce more milk and so it just made the oversupply and engorgement worse. This time around, I've been much more careful about not expressing too much and to make sure that I'm completely "emptying" one boob before moving on to the next.

I'm sure that once I start pumping to save up milk for when I go back to work that I'll end up with more engorgement issues. Just seems to come with the territory.

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