Thanks, Rachel. I missed your last post, since we posted at about the same time. That's a great idea to have your boys go as Jimmy and Clark! You're definitely going to have to post pictures!
As for our kiddos, Liam will be Michael Jordan, since we have a onsie that looks like a Jordan basketball jersey, along with a matching sport jacket and pants and an Air Jordan hat. It was with the stuff that we had given to us, so I figure, hey why not. As for Alia, she will be a ladybug, since she's way into bugs right now, and ladybugs in particular. DH and I will be dressing up for a party, but we still don't know as what.
Oh, and to answer your question, Liam was latching the past week and eating, but it was after a long hard struggle each time. Sometimes I would fail completely to get him to latch, and so I would try again after a little while, and keep doing that until I got food in him. I could have pumped and bottle fed, but I was so afraid that if I did, he would see how much easier it was with the bottle and never go back to the breast.
Oh, and other developments! Over the last couple of days, I got Liam to start sleeping on his back, so he no longer naps and sleeps in the swing. And we've also been trying to get him to go to bed earlier, since he was going down for the night around 10:30pm, and so far we've succeeded in getting him to go to sleep around 8pm (he wakes up after an hour and wants to eat some more, but then he'll go straight back to sleep). So amidst all the failures this week, there were a few victories.