Hi all i hope everyone is doing well
I too have been mia latley its just soo hard to get on when i have to work. Lets see if i can catch up lol
Heather:Happy late birthday!!! I hope you had a great day!

Im happy they found out what was wrong with your FIL. Yuck that cant be fun but at least they found out. And wow 14 lbs! What a big boy you have
Jordyn: Wow im soo exited for you to be NTNP now!!! That is great news! I too think i see something on the tests as well. I too think maybe a frer will be good. I too dont know to much about cycles while BF soo i will be watching for updates!
Melissa: I LOVE your ultrasound pic what a cute little girl you have already lol. I was also a thumb sucker haha. I happy everything i ok. I hope everything continues to be ok as well.
Rachel: Yay for ntnp as well!! i am honestly jelouse lol. I agree with Melissa your boys look soo similar aww
skadi: Did i ever mention i LOVE your keiras dimples lol they are just soo cute. Where they that prominet from birth? Do you or your oh have dimples? 31 weeks! i am so happy you have made it this far!
Logan: What a beautiful bump you have. I cant believe how fast your pregnancy has gone although it prob has felt like forever for you lol I think it is a girl as well xx
afm well they were going to put brand new pipes in the house. We had the plumber and exavator hired and just waiting for the permit. My landlord kept trying to call and call to see when things will get started only to find out today that the exavator wont be able to do the job anymore as 2 of his men quit. So now things are on hold again with the house. There is still NO houses for rent. I have been calling every week and have my name on waiting list at every real estate place up here. This is just getting more and mroe frustrating. At least FEMA extended our help of the hotel until november 2nd. I just wish this would all end.
Eva is doing well. She i think is starting to laugh. She hasnt quiet got it yet but she is getting there. Has anyone elses Los started laughing yet? Jonathan and Natalia are also doing well. idk if i told you all that i applied for natalia to be in the colorado preschool program. And i just found out she got in!!! We will start her on tuesday. Its only 3 hours long 4 days a week but that is better than nothing. We had to go to the elementery school to pick up the registration papers and she was scared from all the kids. Heck i would have been scared too as some of those 4th and 5th graders were almost my height. (im 5'5) So i hope this will prepare her for it alittle.
I think i might have asked this already but how old is everyone on this thread? Im 23

Im just curiouse
I too want to thank everyone on this thread. Throughout my whole pregnancy and now i always knew i would be able to come here and get supported and not critized for things. Yall made me feel like things would be ok when i got Pre e and all throughout my sickness after eva was born and throughout this flood and stuff. I really do appreciate it and THANK YOU to everyone