anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Rachel, they do look very similar! Cute pics!

Stacey, I didn't date very many guys before meeting my DH, so its not sad at all. :flower: I'm 25 and my DH is 29.

Melissa, even if you hit early menopause at 40, you could probably still have at least 3 more kids, I'd think. It was funny, DH and I were watching an episode of "19 Kids and Counting" (show about the Duggar family for those of you don't know) and DH said, "You know, there's no reason why we couldn't do that." I was kind of surprised he said that!

As for me, I've remained strong and have not tested again yet! :haha: Although, it was funny, the other day I was telling my DH that I had a headache that had just come out of nowhere, and he said, "Oh no, you're pregnant!" (Now, I hadn't even told him about the spotting or the tests or anything, because I wanted to be sure there was something to tell first). So that was funny, and because of that, I did tell him my suspicions. Symptom wise, I was feeling nauseous yesterday, but I know that's not enough to know either way. I guess tomorrow's test will tell!
aww well skadi shes beautiful xx

melissa: I too believe that even if you hit early menopause you could have some more children. BUt like you said what ever god has in his plan for you and your family xx

Jordyn: Aww that so cute too that you barley dated before your dh as well. lol Its soo crazy after 10 years of dating and 12 years of knowing each other we love each other more and more every day.

Wow i am proud of you for not testing again. I deff would especially if my dh mentioned it like yours did lol. Aww i work tomorrow so i guess i will have to see when i get home. Yall very well could be like 19 kids and counting. i remember when i was in first tri with jonathan there was a lady on there going on her 14th. I envyed her and thought she was a great women to be able to have been blessed with soo many children.

afm well i think we got some good news on the house. The Excavator that had the people quit and couldnt do the job is now teaming up with another company and they will do it together. They will get the permit tomorrow and start the work on wed. It should take about two days. Then the following week the plumber is going to do his job. It looks like we might be back in our house maybe by halloween or the first just in time for dhs birthday!!!:happydance::happydance:
Stacey, that's wonderful news about your house! It's good to know there is an end in sight. And, that's so sweet about you never dating anyone other than your DH. Sadly, I had to date a lot of frogs before I found my prince! :haha:

Melissa, I hope you're blessed with many more babies!

Skadi, that's great you're so far along this time and haven't had any trouble. I hope you continue to have an uneventful pregnancy!

Rachel, I've alway thought your boys looks very much alike but looking at the collage you made really proves it! Ya know, before Ben was born I just assumed it would be another mini Tim (my DH) and I wouldn't be able to tell/remember which boy was which as I got older and looked at their pics but he sure proved me wrong! :haha:

Jordyn, you're super strong to have held off testing! You've got more willpower the me. Either way, I can't wait to see tomorrow what the tests show!

AFM, I'm 29...just turned last week! :) my DH is 28, we are 10 months apart. He likes to tease me about being older than him all the time.

This weekend has been fun yet relaxing, we went to a 2nd bday party yesterday and Sam had a blast! This morning I'm meeting my friend and her two girls at the park with the boys. It's been a while since I've seen her and she's never met Ben so I'm super excited! I need to take lots of pics!!!
Haking Allen and I are 11 months and 5 days apart and we are 29(me) and he is 28! Hahaha thought it was kinda cute to share that with someone else.

Duejan that is super great news about the house!!!! ANd YAYAYAY for getting back into by Halloween!

Spiffy....FX for you! DH has been wrong on several months of us TTC about my :bfp: the one month we both thought it was impossible I got it!

Skadi I hope that this continues and you have a fabulous pregnancy!!

I am sorry if I missed anyone.....

Afm, Emmaleigh had her 6 month check up and weighed in at 13 lbs 8 ozs and then has been sick since with a cough, high fever and clear runny nose. She seems to be feeling better today and has started pushing up to crawl...This week was my fertile window...even though I told Allen we weren't going to try I didn't tell him anything and still kept up with secretly I am still trying.Lol
Hey all thanks.. time is going somewhat slow but yet fast..

So im 27 and so is dh.. he will be 28 feb 13th, and Bryce is 2 on Feb 15th.. :)
Shell, thsts funny you and your DH are same age as me and mine! Sorry Emmaleigh isn't feeling 100%. Hopefully she starts getting better soon. And wow, only 13lbs 8oz! She's a tiny little thing!

Are you still nursing her? I'm considering seeing if DH will agree to NTNP since I'm still nursing and most likely won't get pregnant anyway. I think he will feel less stress/pressure that way. :shrug:
Heather: I hope you have a great time with your friend. i really need to meet some mommy friends around here. As for not telling witch baby is witch in pics as we get older i feel like i will have that prob with natalia and eva. I love how you have two boys that are like opposites lol.

Shell: Im sorry that Emmaleigh is feeling well. Wow but pushing up to crawl sounds great! Especially at 6 months. She does seem tiny. lol But sounds like she is very healthy!!

logan: That is cool that Bryces birthday is only a few days after your dh's!!

I have a question for those who formula fed. What kind of formula did you use for your los?? I have always used enfamil gentlease and it had worked very well for Natalia and Jonathan. But with Eva she is like constipated. Today when she went it was pretty hard. I am going to call the doc tomorrow and see what he suggest but what formula did yall use and how did your los cope with it?
Stacey, when we used formula for Sam we used gerber good start protect. Sam did really well on it. We used similiac for him first and he had projectile vomit every time!!! We have given Ben the gerber a few times too and he's not had any issues with it.

I don't really know a lot about formula and the only real reason I picked gerber was because a few friends recommended it.
jordyn- it would be fabulous to be blessed with so many! awesome your DH knows this too. <3 amazing you haven't tested yet! cant wait to see Monday. im on edge :)

Stacey- so great to hear the house is moving right along. I chalk that up to answered prayers :hugs: as for formula, we used Enfamil too. it didn't seem to constipate mine, but they are all different. hopefully you can get her on something better or figure something out, poor baby girl!

shell- hope you don't have a long ttc journey this time! :flower:

skadi- soooo happy you have made it so far :happydance:

logan- you are getting very close!!! cant wait to see who is cooking in there :blue: or :pink:

heather- hope you had a great day out with your friend <3
Thanks girls...after a very long weekend and continuous fever it finally broke around 3 am this morning and guess who was up playing? Silly child! She is bity but long 26 3/4 inches long...Which is funny because my older 3 were all 18-20 lbs by 6 months.

No we are now on Formula and solids. That sounds like a good plan. It seems that once a man knows he is TTC that he is just as stressed and DTD gets to be a job.

And as for formula Emme is on Gerber Good Start Smooth...she has never been constipated yet with it.
Well, just thought I'd check in. I tested this morning and it was a bfn. The test actually looked the same as the one I posted previously, so now I know my tests just have bad evaps that show up before the time limit. Or maybe the antibody strip just shows up really badly. Either way, I'm not pregnant. :nope:

I'm still feeling kind of crampy and "off" though, so I think maybe that spotting I had was just AF trying to come back. :shrug:

Shell, I'm glad Emmaleigh is feeling better! I know I mentioned it before, but Alia was only 13 and 1/2 lbs at her 6 month check-up, too. Now, at 19 months, she's still only 21 pounds.

Stacey, I'm so glad that they're finally getting things done on your house!!! I hope you'll be back in there, soon! As for formula, we tried Enfamil with Alia and she seemed gassy, so we eventually switched to Similac, and really liked that. They claim to be the closest to breastmilk, which I thought, "Okay, whatever, I'm sure they all claim that," but then after we switched her to it, her poop turned back to that yellowy breastmilk poop, so now I think they're must be something to that claim.
Jordyn, sorry it was a bfn this morning! :nope: You could be getting your periods back though since you're feeling a little off like you say. I can relate, yesterday I had bad lower back pain and cramps for only an hour and then they went away so I dunno what's up. :shrug:
Bummer for a bfn hun...I get horrid back pain and bbs before AF so i never know what to expect when looking for a :bfp:
sorry for the bfn hun. I didn't mind not having af for a long time, but when I was having all the symptoms of af without af and then started getting estrogen dominant it got old real quick. just wanted my cycles back again and to be normal
Aww, Spiffy, that's kind of a bummer about the BFN. And how dumb that those tests will always look like that. At least you know now.

I bought three OPKs and an HPT at the dollar store today. :blush: Don't plan to use them for a few months, but I wanted to have them there in my cupboard anyway!
Jordyn: Im soo sorry about the bfn. I agree that is soo stupid about those test. Thats awful. Getting peoples hope up just to find out that it really is a bfn.

Shell: I soo happy your lo is feeling better!!! As for not knowing what to expect when having a bfp well idk with your others but with all of mine it was always when i thought for sure it wouldnt happen lol.

Heather: How did it go with your friend? I hope you had a great time!!

Rachel: AWW thats great you bought those test! I agree we should always have an extra test in the house. I have a extra frer that i never used last time that doesnt expire until late 2014 ( i cant remember the date lol)

Melissa/ shell: What part of the states are yall from?

afm well i have ssome more good news. First Eva pooped normal today. If it get hard like it did again i will try switching her formula. The exavator got the permit for the house today. THen while i was working today the CEO of the hospital called me down to his office (scary lol) then he handed me a check for $3,000 saying he is soo sorry for everything that we have been through and this money is to help repair some of the damages that we had endured. He said this money is donated by other people working at the hospital to help those who have had damages from the flood. I cried and gave this complete stranger a hug telling him thank you. I just couldnt believe it.
Melissa, I agree. I'd rather just get AF and be done with it, since I'm getting all the PMS symptoms anyway, except I think I'm actually getting them worse now than I would with my actual period. :growlmad:

Rachel, I actually bought my hpts last month before we had even decided to start NTNP. I just knew that I wouldn't be able to resist testing every now and then (addict, remember? :haha:).

Stacey, that's amazing news! Wow, $3,000! That's great! I'm glad that things are moving forward on your house and that Eva isn't too constipated anymore. We had horrible constipation problems with Alia off and on when she was a baby, so I know how hard that is. (No pun intended :winkwink:).
Rachel- great idea! when I was nursing and ntnp I did an hpt once a month. and in between if I felt I needed lol.

Jordyn- my symptoms got worse and worse, and were much worse than normal af symptoms. I don't usually get pms, but I was getting it bad. even had crazy stuff I have never had before almost like menopause symptoms??? couldn't sleep and had hot flashes. it was getting ridiculous.

Stacey- that is so awesome! God is so good, He always provides <3 so glad Eva is better too! oh, im in Kansas :)
Pitting Edema... this is normal in third trimester? I hate phones so would like to avoid calling my obs... It's just my ankles that are swollen, nothing else.
Melissa, did your crazy PMS symptoms keep getting worse until you started weaning, or did they ever regulate on their own? Because I feel like I'm going crazy with all of these symptoms that feel just like pregnancy symptoms. :wacko: Yesterday I kept getting an anxious/butterflies-in-my-stomach feeling, which I remember getting during my TWW with Liam. I think I'll end up taking another test next week, just to be sure, although I have a feeling its just the crazy hormones from bfing.

Skadi, I had some swelling in my legs in the third tri with Liam (not so much with Alia). Obviously, if it gets real bad, or if you start getting other Pre-E symptoms, you should call your OB, but otherwise, you're probably fine. :flower:

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