anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Oh, fun, Heather! Two Clark Kents! Can't wait to see pictures. :) And wow, those picture comparisons are really similar. No doubt Ben looks like you and Sam looks like your DH.

Skadi, that's awesome! I think I've mentioned this before, but my DH is a professional blogger too. It's so nice that he can make decent money doing something he loves and most part he can pick his topic (as long as it's Canucks related, lol). And I LOVE that he gets to make his own schedule and work from home. It's a really sweet set up.

And your blogs look very interesting and useful too. I'll definitely follow them. :) Oddly enough, the post that caught my attention was about the compost bags. Ha. Our city collects compost along with yard waste, so I have one of the plastic bins (the exact same one in your post) and it always gets smelly and is really awkward to empty and clean. I'll definitely be looking for those bags!

Jimmy's discovered his hands. Just today I was taking pictures of him in his bumble bee hat and I noticed him staring at his hands just mesmerized by them It was super cute!


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Rachel, your boys are adorable in their costumes! I think Jimmy especially looks like Jimmy Olsen in that last picture. :thumbup: Also, that's so cute that Jimmy is noticing his hands! Liam bats at his gym toys and sucks on his left hand all the time, but I haven't actually seen him looking at them.

Heather, I see what you mean! Sam is definitely your DH and Ben is totally you. That's cool that you each have a "mini me". :haha: Overall, people tell us that Alia looks more like me, and Liam looks more like my DH, but that could be because of their genders. I'll have to find baby pictures of DH and I...

Skadi, you're blogs look great! My SIL is trying to get into the mommy blogger world right now, but hers isn't at the point where it's paying the bills by any means. But if you ever need a guest post about personal fitness or some free printables, I'm sure she'd love the exposure! :winkwink:

Well, the last two nights Liam did a four hour stretch of sleep! I don't know if it's awesome, or sad that my almost 4 month old is only just now doing one 4 hour stretch a night. :-k
I got the Halloween pictures! :flower: I still wish we could have got some smiles out of them!


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Jordyn, cute pictures! And you should find some pictures of you and your DH when you were younger and compare who Alia and Liam look like. I've never been so excited to have someone look like me till I had Ben! :haha:

That's great that Liam slept 4 hour stretches for you. Ben still will wake 1-2x a night.

Ok, so please someone tell me this is a short phase but two nights ago I went in the boys room to feed Ben and Sam was passed out butt naked! :dohh: he's starting to take off his pants and diaper more regularly now. I'm wondering if it's about time I start potty training? :shrug:
Heather, my niece is about the same age as Sam, and my SIL said she's been stripping too, so it definitely sounds like a phase. I'll have to ask my SIL if she's still doing it or not...
Harley, That's awesome for your husband! I find I work harder at this than I did when I worked in IT but the trade-off is I work my own hours, I work from home and I get to see as much of my little Keira as I want. Plus, I pick who I work with, make my own rates and its FUN! ...and omg Jimmy cuteness overload!

Spiffy - I'd love a guest post from your SIL if she is interested. I'll be needing some for the after-Christmas period while I am getting settled in with baby. I have my Gift Guide to cover from now until Christmas and working hard to get all those posts finished. This is $$ making season! lol Also, I think 4 hours is pretty awesome... I didn't get that much until Keira was much older. :) Cute pictures!!

HAKKing, Keira has been doing that for awhile so I took it as a cue to get started with potty training. So far so good, but I'm not pushing it fully yet.
Funny you should ask, Heather, because Ozzy has been taking his pajamas off for the last 3 days. When we go in to get him out of his crib in the morning he's taken them off, but thankfully he hasn't yet taken his diaper off. He even had a poopy diaper one of the mornings, so I was VERY thankful he hadn't taken it off!

Does Sam wear zip up pajamas? I have heard some parents put them on backwards so that their kid can't unzip it and take them off. Might be worth a try.

Well, here's my little Jimmy Olsen and Clark Kent (and me as a queen bee). :) Ozzy had a little neck tie, but he didn't want to wear it. I was shocked he wore the hat and glasses the entire night. And Jimmy had a little paper camera, but there was no way he was going to hold onto it so we left it at home. We went to the "Willy Wonka Fun Night" at our church. Ozzy immediately found the hockey and played it for the entire 2 hours we were there.


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Here are our Halloween photos from last night! Emme is so funny~ She had a blast and was happy to see all the people and costumes last night!

Afm, well AF is 2 days late. I tested Sunday and it was a bfn. I haven't gotten the guts to test yet again. Last night I woke to some cramping so maybe she is on her way. :shrug: I am gonna hold out a few more and see if she shows I think....Maybe....

You all have absolutely darling babies and I love seeing the pictures of them all dressed up! :D


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Rachel and Shell, your pictures are adorable! It sounds like Halloween was a success! :flower:

Skadi, I talked to my SIL about guest posting on your blog and this is what she said, "Her blog is awesome! I would be happy to guest post. Would she like something specific like a craft or recipe? Does she want me to get the info to her soon so she can get the post ready to go before she has the baby? Does she just need one post?" Her blog is if you want to check out her stuff.
Oh her blog is pretty!

A craft or recipe would work great, it's up to her what she would like to showcase. Before December would be great so I can be sure to have it setup and scheduled and ready to go.. She can submit as many posts as she wants, I'll be doing a call out for guest posts to other bloggers I know to get me through a couple weeks at least.

Here is Keira on Halloween:
I'm 37 so yes my son is 7months old and I am now 4wks pregnant.... Little scared but my age says now or never:)
Good luck, Mel38! :flower:

Skadi, that picture of Keira is adorable!

Well, it's been pretty quiet on here this past week! I guess we've all been busy. I think Alia's canine teeth are getting ready to break through, because she's acting like she does when she's teething. And Liam has been waking up at 5:30am every morning (in addition to still waking up every 2-3 hours to eat) so I'm perpetually exhausted. :sleep:

Also, random question. For you ladies who were at 162 lbs (I know there were a few of us) and looking to get back to the 140's, how is it going for you? I plateaued for a long time around 162, and then finally started focusing on eating MORE food, and now I'm finally starting to lose a little more weight, and am now at 153. So I have 5 more pounds to go until I hit pre-pregnancy weight with Liam, and 13 pounds to get to my ultimate goal of 140. After Alia, I was never able to lose the last 8 pounds, but I also wasn't breastfeeding, so we'll see if that helps.
Jordyn, I hope that Alia's teeth come in soon and stop giving her trouble! Sounds like you have an early riser also...Ben always wakes at 6am! But normally eats and then goes back to sleep but by that time Sam is awak! :dohh:

That's funny you mention about weight loss; I was doing good for a while and then went to Vegas last weekend and its been hard getting back to it but this morning I made the decision to get serious again! I'm at 153 also. So still 13lbs. I was hoping to get there by Sam's 2nd birthday but now it might be cutting it close...:wacko:

I had planned to go running again but hadn't found a supportive enough bra! :blush:

Been a busy week for us, DH is gone in Vegas still and not back until Saturday! I miss him and ready for him to get back. Its hard being single mom...but I guess one week out of the year isn't too bad! :haha:
Hi ladies how is everyone. I have been following but not posting. Everyones pics are soo cute with thier los halloween costumes. Aww

Mel congrats!!! EVerything will be fine xx

Jordyn: Im sorry that Liam is waking up soo early for you. I hope Alias teething goes ok. That is great you are down to 153!!! I am 157 right now. I was also 162 but i got down to 159 before i ended back up in the hospital when Eva was 3 weeks and gained like 16 or 17lbs again there. So Losing the extra weight put me behind.

Heather: I hope this time away from your dh goes fast for you. That cant be fun to be away from him.

We FINALLY got moved back into our house tuesday night. OMG i slept sooo well! We also have one road open now getting down to the valley and back! We are not soo secluded anymore! Jonathan is really starting to talk now. He is starting to repeat us and well im just soo proud of him lol. Natalia is learning to sociallize some more while in preschool. And Eva is doing great as well. I switched her formula from the Enfamil Gentlease to Gerber Goodstart Soothe. It seems to be helping alot. She sleep about 12 hours at night. Our first night back in the house she slept from 9pm until 1030am. I was able to prepare dinner. Make the beds. Feed natalia and jonathan. Do some laundry get dressed and did my hair and makeup all before she got up lol. She is a great sleeper!
It has been quiet on here... I had to go back and double check what I posted last. It feels like so much has happened.

Jordyn, I'm sorry you're still feeling so sleep deprived. Teething and lack of sleep do not go well together. I hope Alia's teeth come in quickly. Ozzy just got his four canines all at once too.

I thought I was still losing weight, but I just weighed myself about a week ago and I'm at 179. :( So I think I'm actually gaining weight, or at best just stalled. I had been up to around 208 while pregnant (yikes), so I have lost a decent amount, but clearly I need to do something different to start losing weight again.

Heather, I hope you have a good week. I agree; I think about a week of being "single" is all I'd be able to handle!

Stacey, that's awesome that you're back in your place! Woo! And how great that Jonathan is starting to talk more. So fun. Ozzy's really starting to repeat us more often too. And putting together three words sometimes instead of just two.

Skadi, that picture of Keira is so cute! How are you doing? Less than 6 weeks to your due date? Feeling anything labour-like yet? (I hope not, but just curious!) :)

Congrats, Mel!

Shell, any news? Has AF showed yet?

Well, the big news around here is that Jimmy will take a bottle! Whee!!!! :wohoo: Ozzy never did, so it feels so good to know that I can go out for longer than 2-3 hours without feeling guilty about leaving my baby behind to starve. I don't know why, even if I had just fed Jimmy before I left and was only out for like 2 hours, I was always so stressed out the entire time I was out. I would just picture him at home screaming his head off in hunger. So I think it's time to start pumping and building up a small stock pile so that DH and I can start going out more often. :)

And the other fun thing that's happened is that Ozzy finally started saying Jimmy's name instead of just "baby" all the time. Except he can't pronounce the "J" sound so he says "Bimmy." Hee hee. It's so sweet. :cloud9:
Logan! I was wondering about you too! You're only 2 weeks and one day from full term! How are you feeling?
Lol well last week at 34 weeks had nst due to lack of movements took a lot of oj to wake baby up... Fingertip dilated today 35 weeks nst way better happy baby and a touch more than a fingertip but not a ton...

So back next week and I'm gbs negative :)

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