anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

heather- would love to hear your plans for his party! I did the name thing with mason as well. when I saw him I knew he was a mason, but wasn't sure up to that point. I couldn't wear a tight bra when nursing or I would start to get a clogged duct, but I think I was just more prone to that

jordyn- mason was the same. ate all the time. not sure if my supply was low or what either. in fact he was still up nursing a couple times a night til I weaned him about 6 weeks ago. when he started taking formula bottles before bed he started sleeping through. my others got on a 7-7 stretch of sleeping pretty quick. may have been supply or just him digesting the breastmilk quick.
Well, something had to give, because I've been pretty miserable lately, and I decided it was breastfeeding. I'm proud of making it as far as I did, but I think it's the best decision for both me and Liam.

Liam hasn't fed easily in 6 weeks (since that really bad nursing strike he had). I've had to fight with him to get him to eat, and almost always have to walk and nurse at the same time or else he refuses. So needless to say, it has caused a lot of stress for me. I don't know how often I've cried over breastfeeding.

Liam has been eating every 2 hours, day and night, for over a month, and is still managing to drop percentiles in weight. Plus, he's fussy and miserable most of the time.

So last night I gave him a bottle of formula before bed, and he laid there in my arms, and peacefully drank the whole thing and then drifted off to sleep. I haven't been able to feed him so calmly in a while. Then, he slept for 4 hours! So when he woke up, I tried to feed him the pumped milk I'd had from earlier, and he went right back to being fussy and difficult, even though it was coming out plenty fast in the bottle. Then I made up some more formula and he drank it just fine and went back to sleep for another 4 hours! (This kid has only ever slept that long a few times, and not in a very long time). The he had some more formula and slept for 2 and 1/2 hours until it was his wake-up time.

I thought it would be harder for me to give up breastfeeding, and I guess it is still sad, but at the same time, I just feel a huge amount of relief. Plus, I'll take 2 night-time wake-ups any day.

So my conclusion in all this, is that either I wasn't making enough milk for him, and he was just hungry and frustrated most of the time, or something about my milk changed about 6 weeks ago when all this started, and he just doesn't like the taste of it anymore, so wasn't eating enough of it.
jordyn- he may have been allergic to something you were eating too. mason would break out if I ate eggs or peanuts. but when I drank milk he wouldn't break out. he just got really fussy like his tummy didn't feel good. he also would refuse to eat which really sucked cuz he wouldn't take a bottle. sounds like you are doing whats best for both of you, that makes you a great mama! I am making sure this one takes a bottle from day 1 so if she is allergic to a bunch of stuff or has a lot of issues I can give her formula and know she is getting what she needs. great job on doing what you need to relieve the stress. that will make for a happy baby and mama :hugs:
Jordyn, I think you made the best decision for both you and Liam. Like Melissa said, he may have been allergic to something in your diet. You did a great job nursing him for 4+ months! :thumbup: a happy momma means a happy baby and only you know what is best and right for him. :hugs:

As for Sam's party, we are doing a Thomas the train theme. He's currently obsessed with trains so we are having it at a park that has miniature steam engines for the kids to ride. I'm really excited about it!

Do DH and I had a really good relaxing day today and talked about baby #3. We have decided to not completely close the door to having a third but decided to talk about it again around Ben's 1st birthday. I'm very happy with that idea. I feel it's giving me time to relax and enjoy the boys without stressing too about the idea of not getting a third. And honestly I don't think I'm ready for another any time soon anyway. A lot is happening in our lives now and is keeping us plenty busy for the time being. :)

On a side note, I think Ben is going through a growth spurt. He was up every 3 hours last night! :dohh: hopefully tonight is better. At least we all got to take a 3 hour nap today though!
heather- his party sounds like it will be a blast! im glad you guys talked about another and you get some relief that he isn't closed completely. I remember going through that exact thing. after my girls I didn't want anymore. then my first ds was a surprise. there was 7 yrs between him and my youngest dd. It really made me want another so he could grow up with someone closer to his age, I was hoping for a brother for him. DH didn't want anymore. I remember feeling so upset. then we started talking about another and I was so happy he would even consider it. his heart has changed a lot since then obviously lol. I feel so blessed to witness my children laughing an playing together. <3
Thanks for the support ladies. Combi feeding is going well right now. I just give him formula until I'm pretty full, and then I breastfeed him, which he's okay with, because there's plenty to drink and it starts flowing right away. So I'm not getting too engorged, and he's not getting too frustrated, which is nice.

Heather, your idea for Sam's party sounds great! I'm also glad that you and your DH have found a compromise about #3 that you feel comfortable with. I'm sure when Ben is a year old, and your DH can see how much fun your boys have together, he'll be more willing to throw a third into the mix. :winkwink:

Melissa, I've seen a similar change in my DH since we've started having kids. :flower:
Jordyn, that video of Alia telling you to pump milk is hilarious!!! :rofl:

How is Liam doing now that he is getting formula at night? I hope he's starting to sleep better for you. That's a great idea that your pumping still though or nursing when you're full so he still gets some milk from you! :thumbup:

Congrats on the baby girl, Logan!!! :cloud9:

Well, about 10 days ago I'm pretty sure Ben went through his 3 month growth spurt because he was eating around the clock and once that passed he got so used to me nursing and him falling asleep (in my arms because I passed out too :blush:) that he would only sleep with me holding him and when I put him down he would freak out! So as much as I'm not a person that believes in CIO I just had to do it. We started 2 nights ago, first night he was pissed for 40 minutes. Last night only took 20 minutes and both nights he slept through. :happydance: I hope tonight is even better. Fx!

Hope everyone is well!
Liam's doing pretty good. We're still dealing with the 4 month sleep regression, though. :( He typically does 1 hour, then eats some more, then does a 4 hour stretch, and then two 2 hour stretches, and is up for the day. Except for today, he's been waking up between 3:30-4:30am for the day, which has been horrible. Today he slept until 5:30am. You want to know why? I talked DH into getting up with him! :dohh: I swear, my kids always sleep longer for him than for me.

Heather, Liam went through a phase of needing me to rock/feed him to sleep, and it was miserable! Thankfully he's over that, now, and will only need to be rocked if he's particularly upset. Otherwise, he's pretty good about going down for naps and bedtime.
Yay! Congratulations on your little girl, Logan! I guess we were right when we all guessed girl. Hee hee. Looking forward to seeing some pictures and hearing how you're doing. :)

Jordyn, those videos are so cute! Alia made me crack up telling you to pump milk. Ha! And I'm so glad that Liam is eating enough that he can sleep longer for you. Hopefully a full night of sleep is just around the corner for you.

Heather, it's crazy how fast most babies will adjust with the CIO method. Thankfully, we don't need to worry about it with Jimmy yet. He settles way better than Ozzy ever did, and we didn't need to sleep train him until he was about 9 months.

As for the sports bras, yeah, they can be kind of restricting, but like you said that's kind of the point. I figure it's only for a few hours, and I always feed him right before the game starts, so it's not like I'm binding up my super full boobs or anything. Although the one time that one of my boobs was kind full I of course got hit with a ball straight on it! That was not fun at all. I worry more about wearing an underwire for too long than I do about a sports bra, to be honest.

Well, we're doing pretty good over here. I've been kind a busy, so I haven't been on here as much as I'd like to. But Jordyn's inspired me to share a video, so here's one of Jimmy really laughing for the first time:
Almost term now! Woo!

Also, the baby dropped a few days ago so that is a good sign. I'm so excited and can't wait for this baby to come! :happydance:


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jordyn- loooove the videos! they are so adorable! I plan on doing one bottle a day from the start with this one. I may try pumping, haven't decided yet. it never worked last time for me so its a frustrating memory. I may just do formula for her bottles.

Elizabeth- you look fabulous!!! cant wait for the big day <3

heather- we haven't ever used cio so I cant really help or compare but I hope your LO sleeps better.

Rachel- oh my goodness is there anything cuter?? he was cracking up at his big bubba! I love it when my kids tickle each other and make each other laugh
Rachel, that video was awesome! I can't wait until Liam starts laughing like that. He's still only made little half-chuckles.

Melissa, I love the avatar pic of your whole family. :flower: And I totally recommended doing bottles at least once a week starting around 2 or 3 weeks so they get used to it and stay used to it. :thumbup:

Elizabeth, you look fantastic! Not much longer now!!

Well, I ovulated yesterday! I had the strongest O cramps and lots of EWCM, so I'm pretty darn certain. So I guess we're really NTNP now...
thanks jordyn- my oldest dd never smiles for pics and the 4 boys were all grumpy that day, nice lol. I told DH we look like the grumpiest family ever lol. but I guess that's what you can expect with a big family, there is never a perfect picture. yay for o'ing and ntnp!!!!! :happydance:
Rachel, that video of Jimmy laughing is adorable. I love when they start really laughing like that! Ben giggles a lot but nothing like Jimmy yet. Hopefully soon as it starts I always find myself doing any silly thing I can to make them laugh! :haha: I think it's one of the best sounds ever!

I keep forgetting to ask, when did you have your first pp period after Ozzy? If I remember correctly, you still bf him while pregnant with Jimmy, right? I know everyone is different but just trying to get some sort of idea of what to expect.

Elizabeth, your bump is beautiful! :flower: I wonder if this baby will come before you're due or keep you waiting. Either way I can't wait to see pictures of her!

Jordyn, yay for O!!! :happydance: are you nursing Liam anymore? If so how often?

Melissa, I love your new avatar pic! You have such a beautiful family...and looking at all those little boys it's so exciting that you'll have a girl this time to mix it up! :cloud9:

Well, as I mentioned we did CIO method with Ben and the first two nights were hard but by the 3rd he went straight to sleep without a fuss and is back to sleeping all night! :happydance: he only woke once last night since to nurse and went back down right after.

So now I'm thinking, with all this extra rest I'm gonna actually start running again. Tonight I'm gonna do a trial run of it after putting the boys down. Might have to duct tape my boobs but it's happening one way or another :haha:
I'm hoping for soon. I don't think I can take much longer lol

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