Hi, Vanessa! It's so good to hear from you.

I'm sorry that Milo is still giving you trouble at night sleeping!

That's gotta be exhausting. Hopefully things are looking up...sounds like last night was a better night!

But how exciting that Noah started Preschool...how does he like it? It seems early for him to start? Do they normally start that young over there? I think here the minimum age is 3 or maybe even 4?
Jordyn, it looks like I can see a faint line on todays tests. I see it and then I don't and then I do again!

Maybe I have a bit of line eye

I hope that Liam's sleeping starts to improve for you soon.
Super exciting about the house!!!

When do you guys get to move in?? Sadly, we have a while still before moving out of the in-laws so I'm a bit envious of you!
Shell, sorry to hear that you and DH are fighting...I hope things get better soon.
Stacey, I'm devastated to hear that you may have an auto-immune disease

You've been through so much these past few months...I hope things start looking up for you soon! You're a very strong woman to have gone through everything you have!
I haven't "officially" started potty training yet...but soon. Sam has peed on the potty a few times too and loves to "try" and sit on the potty. He even makes a funny face like he's trying
Rachel, I lost a lot of hair after having Sam around 3.5-4 months. I thought it was due to me stopping breastfeeding and the drop in hormones but this time it has happened at the same time with Ben (just in the past week or so, I've noticed it). I think it is very normal but wouldn't hurt to check with your doctor just to be on the safe side since you're also having a bit of irritability.
I love the pics of Ozzy for his birthday...its crazy to think our babies are 2 (or almost 2)!!!
Melissa, how are you feeling? I noticed you are going to a "happiest baby" class...what is that all about?
AFM, I've been insanely busy lately! Planning Sam's second birthday is taking up every free minute that I have.

We are doing a Thomas the Train theme (I think you had asked, Stacey

) I am making everything for his party and putting together decorations so its been very time consuming but I think it will be awesome once it all comes together. We are having the party at a park with mini steam engines for guests to ride.
I also started running again and have gotten pretty serious about losing the last of my weight to get to my goal. I have to run after putting the boys to bed so I'm getting a tiny bit less sleep but feeling good so far. No duct tape has been used so far...

But I do think I'll need to invest in a better sports bra soon.