anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Rachel- I hope you get things figured out :hugs:

jordyn- yay yay yay I love to line spot!!!! I thought I didn't see anything, then thought I did. cant wait to see how it turns out :happydance:

Vanessa- glad he got a little more sleep that night. hope he is getting ready to start sleeping more
Well, here's today's test. I can definitely see a faint line in real life, but the camera is not picking it up very well. I hope that this isn't a crappy Wondfo test! (I'll probably take another test later today, though, so that should take care of that worry).

Vanessa, how did Milo do last night? Liam was up a lot, but then didn't wake up for the day until 5:45am, so kind of a toss-up!
Hmm Jordyn I think I might be able to see something very faint! I couldn't see anything on the first one. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

We had a reasonable night. Milo went to bed at 6:20pm which is early for him, he skipped his third nap so needed to go to bed earlier. He had a feed at about 9pm but then went through until 2am which is excellent for him! Then up again at 5am and up for the day at 7.30am. Quite pleased with that, I can see a bit of progress.

He has been really fussy and feeding loads the past couple of days though not sure what that's about.

That's a much better wake up time from Liam!
Vanessa, I think Milo might be going through a growth spurt, because I think Liam just went through one. He had one day where he drank so much milk! And his night routine sounds kind of like Liam's, except he didn't do a 5 hour stretch. Liam went to bed at 6pm, woke at 9pm, 12am, 3:30am, and the up for the day at 5:45am.

It's hard to look at our boy's nights and say they're good, but at least I think we're both seeing signs that they will get better soon. (Hopefully!)
Hi, Vanessa! It's so good to hear from you. :flower: I'm sorry that Milo is still giving you trouble at night sleeping! :nope: That's gotta be exhausting. Hopefully things are looking up...sounds like last night was a better night! :thumbup: But how exciting that Noah started does he like it? It seems early for him to start? Do they normally start that young over there? I think here the minimum age is 3 or maybe even 4? :shrug:

Jordyn, it looks like I can see a faint line on todays tests. I see it and then I don't and then I do again! :wacko: Maybe I have a bit of line eye :haha: I hope that Liam's sleeping starts to improve for you soon.

Super exciting about the house!!! :happydance: When do you guys get to move in?? Sadly, we have a while still before moving out of the in-laws so I'm a bit envious of you!

Shell, sorry to hear that you and DH are fighting...I hope things get better soon. :hugs:

Stacey, I'm devastated to hear that you may have an auto-immune disease :cry: :hugs: You've been through so much these past few months...I hope things start looking up for you soon! You're a very strong woman to have gone through everything you have!

I haven't "officially" started potty training yet...but soon. Sam has peed on the potty a few times too and loves to "try" and sit on the potty. He even makes a funny face like he's trying :haha:

Rachel, I lost a lot of hair after having Sam around 3.5-4 months. I thought it was due to me stopping breastfeeding and the drop in hormones but this time it has happened at the same time with Ben (just in the past week or so, I've noticed it). I think it is very normal but wouldn't hurt to check with your doctor just to be on the safe side since you're also having a bit of irritability.

I love the pics of Ozzy for his birthday...its crazy to think our babies are 2 (or almost 2)!!!

Melissa, how are you feeling? I noticed you are going to a "happiest baby" class...what is that all about?

AFM, I've been insanely busy lately! Planning Sam's second birthday is taking up every free minute that I have. :wacko: We are doing a Thomas the Train theme (I think you had asked, Stacey :) ) I am making everything for his party and putting together decorations so its been very time consuming but I think it will be awesome once it all comes together. We are having the party at a park with mini steam engines for guests to ride.

I also started running again and have gotten pretty serious about losing the last of my weight to get to my goal. I have to run after putting the boys to bed so I'm getting a tiny bit less sleep but feeling good so far. No duct tape has been used so far... :haha: But I do think I'll need to invest in a better sports bra soon.
We must reman positive Jordyn! I do see progress in both of them. That's what I keep hanging on to. Growth spurt is definitely possible, his weight gain had really slowed down in the past three weeks but he feels heavier over the last couple of days. I'm hoping he has gained weight next week because I could really do without health visitors on my case.

Thanks Heather! :flower: Aw that party theme sounds great, love the sound of the mini steam engines. Gosh you've got some energy to be going running after the boys are in bed. It's all I can do to drag myself down the stairs :haha:

It is early for Noah to have started preschool, generally it's from age 2 onwards but most people leave it until 2.5 or 3. We decided it would be good for him because he's only ever been with me, DH or my mum and I wanted him to start interacting more with other children. It's amazing though because he's taken to it so well. He does two mornings a week, Thursdays and Fridays. Plus it gives me and Milo some alone time.
Heather, we're still in the inspection phase right now, and then we have to close on it, and then we need to do a little fixing up before we move in, so we probably won't be able to lave my in-laws until the beginning of February. :(

I can't wait to see pictures from Sam's party! It sounds like it will be awesome! :flower:

Vanessa, you should tell Milo that he's 5 months old now, and this whole 4 month sleep regression was sooooo last month. :winkwink:

Melissa, I just read this blog post and it made me think of you. But I think all you ladies might like it. :flower:
Vanessa, you should tell Milo that he's 5 months old now, and this whole 4 month sleep regression was sooooo last month. :winkwink:

Haha, maybe now he's turned 5 months today he'll be thinking ok time for some sleep! Well a girl can dream :winkwink:
jordyn- I see a line!!!! that blog was fabulous. she is very wise :)

heather- our class is based on the book 'the happiest baby on the block' it teaches about soothing techniques and comes with the book, a calming music cd, and a swaddling blanket. its a free class given by our hospital so we figured why not. my only concern is that its from 7-9pm tonight and we have never been away from home without the kids so late. our youngest 3 boys usually go to bed about 8:30pm so we told the girls to let them stay up unless they are tired and want to sleep. im sure we will be texting the girls the whole time lol, but should be ok.
Well, losing hope now. Here's my two (because I didn't want to trust the first one) tests from this morning. I feel like a see a slight line on the First Signal test, but now I think I'm just deluding myself. :(
Ah Jordyn, no I can't really see anything on those either. How many dpo are you?

How did your class go Melissa? Were the kids ok?

Having a nightmare day with Milo, this baby just won't nap! :coffee: I managed to get him down earlier at lunch while Noah was having a 'nap' (he's in the process of dropping it so it was more like quiet time in his room). So I thought to myself I'll nap with him. Next thing I knew it was half an hour later and that was all we managed.
Jordyn, I can't really see a line either. :nope: Just curious, have you had your first PP period yet since stopping breastfeeding?

A fixer upper house is always fun, our first house (that we still own and rent out) was one and it was a lot of fun to make it "ours"! You'll enjoy it once its done just how you like. :thumbup:

Vanessa, sorry Milo isn't napping for you today. How was he last night? Was Noah a good sleeper for you or did you have trouble with him also?

Melissa, how was the class? It sounds like it would be really interesting and if its offered for free, why not! :thumbup:

Today I'm in super Birthday mode! Last night I finished some more cookies for the party so just doing a little day by day has helped some. No running for me last night though :cry: I was exhausted, I fell asleep around 8:30! Poor Sam woke up at midnight though with his teeth hurting him. He's getting in his 2 year molars now and they are giving him a rough time.

Are any of your toddlers going through that right now? It's gotta me miserable for them! :nope:
Vanessa, I'm 10 dpo today (or possibly 9 dpo if I got my ovulation cramps the day before O, instead of the day of). I hope Milo takes better naps for you! Liam has been doing little half hour naps, too.

No, I haven't had my PP AF, but I'm almost 100% positive that I ovulated, so if I'm not preggo, I'll expect AF this weekend. As for the house, we're only going to live there for 2 years, and then sell it to try and make some money, so it won't be quite as fun fixing it up for someone else as it would be if it was for us. :(

I'm still just so amazed that you ever have energy to go running! I'm just exhausted all the time. :sleep:
Jordyn, try not to get too discouraged if AF shows...and if she does show at least you know you're fertility is coming back! :thumbup:

Its funny, as much as I would love another baby and to be pregnant right now I don't think I could handle it quite yet. Even NTNP is a little scary for me right now! :haha: Maybe in a few months I'll feel different. :)

And I don't always HAVE the energy, haha...I just make myself do it! I guess I'm just really desperate to get down to 140 :blush:

How is your weight loss going? :flower:
jordyn- I thought I saw a line on both so I must have line eye. :(

class was great. we got the cutest swaddle blanket and learned some soothing techniques for babies. it was actually really nice. kids were just fine. we did leave the girls some candy to keep them happy in case anyone needed it. they held out til about 8:30 which we suspected would be the time since that's when the LO's go to bed. class ended a little early and we were home by 9. the 3 littles went straight to sleep which we expected. all in all it was a good night :)
Melissa, I see a faint line on the Wal-Mart brand test, but it's so faint, it's hard to know if it's an evap or not. I'm glad you enjoyed your class! The "swaddle, jiggle, suck, shh" method of calming babies worked great for Alia as a baby. :flower:

Heather, it's funny, because we're not necessarily "trying" to get pregnant, but then I've just been feeling so pregnant that it's hard not to get excited, and then subsequently let down when you get a BFN. I don't blame men for not understanding women. I hardly understand myself sometimes. :dohh:

As for weight loss, I've seen 151 on the scale, but that's the lowest. Now that I'm not BFing anymore, I think it will be really hard to lose more. :(
He was ok last night actually thanks Heather, we had a four hour stretch and a three hour one as well so not too bad for him. I've been keeping a record of his sleeping for about two weeks, I'm following the No Cry Sleep Solution and the good thing is I can see improvements. At the beginning he wouldn't sleep anywhere other than in my arms! Noah was and still is a fabulous sleeper, he had dropped his night feeds at 3 months and started sleeping through the night properly at 5 months. Somewhat of a shock for me to get this tricky little thing! Still I do love him to pieces. And they're both in bed now so all is good :haha:

Jordyn either way it's good if AF shows, nice to have that confirmation that your fertility is back :thumbup: I would imagine it will take a while for your cycles to sort themselves out after birth and breastfeeding, but great that you had ovulation cramps.

I'm not sure how I feel about another baby right now. We're using bf as contraception but I'm aware that it's not a guarantee and we could fall pregnant. I'd be delighted and scared if we did! I know it would be a bit mad. But given that I'm not willing to protect against pregnancy I guess that shows that I'm happy for it to happen. I did wonder if my cycles were starting to try to get going given that I've been having some EWCM.

Melissa the class sounds good :flower: What techniques did you learn? I would imagine that you already knew a fair few of them :haha:
jordyn- :rofl: yep that's it. the first signal walmart brand tests were the ones that showed first with this pregnancy. even earlier than frer, which is usually my go to test. i had gotten evaps on them before, but it was as they dried and when they were fully dry it would be white. when i was actually pregnant an extremely faint line stayed there after it was dried. i couldn't get the line to show on a pic.

Vanessa- we knew pretty much all of them lol, but its always good to get a refresher :)
Well, here's my FRER from this morning. Not very promising. :(

Vanessa, Liam has only woken up to eat twice the past two nights (to eat, but he still wakes up to whine and fuss, of course. Urgh.) so I can see improvements as well. Lets hope that after this, we get a free pass with the 8 month sleep regression!
Sorry Jordyn, no that doesn't look very promising :nope: Was this your first month ovulating again?

Sounds similar to Milo. We appear to have cut down to two feeds overnight but we still have wake ups for seemingly no reason. The frustrating thing is the moment he stirs he rolls over (sleeps on his front) or brings his knees up to try to crawl :dohh: And then he cries because he doesn't want to be on his back!

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