anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Heather, my milk supply is pretty much gone. I haven't breastfed Liam since 3am, Saturday night, and will probably have enough milk for the 3am feeding tonight to breastfeed him again. But after that, I won't be surprised if I never get enough milk again to make it worth his time. Plus, after having bottles now, he really has no patience for my slow let-down.

That's great that Ben is sleeping so well for you! I hope you can sail through the 4 month sleep regression without it messing things up.

Elizabeth, this pregnancy must feel like it's lasted a lifetime compared to your first! I'm so curious to see how far you'll go this time.
Jordyn, it's probably kinda bittersweet to be done breastfeeding. You did awesome though to have nursed him exclusively for 4 months!

I really enjoy nursing Ben so I think it might be hard for me to wean him when the time comes. But me feelings might change when he gets teeth so we'll see!

I hope Ben doesn't get messed up either. I don't recall the 4 month sleep regression with Sam though...and honestly never heard of it before till you mentioned it :shrug: so I sure hope it doesn't affect him!

Elizabeth, you're so close to the end...the last month is always the worst though! How are you sleeping?
Yes, it feels like I've been pregnant for years! What is sleep again? :<
Heather, yeah, I hope the 4 month sleep regression passes you by. There's a thread in Baby Club right now full of us suffering through it, that Vanessa started, actually. So she's still on BnB, just not on our thread much anymore, unfortunately.

As for breastfeeding, it really is bittersweet. When I think about breastfeeding, I feel regret and sadness that it's over, but then I make myself stop and actually remember what a constant battle it was to feed that kid, and then I just feel relief that it's over.
hello everyone! How is everybody?:flower:

Logan: Congrats on your baby girl i cant wait to see pictures!:baby:

Skadi: Anytime now. Your bump looks great.:flower: I cant wait to see her as well. Its nice to get some more baby girls on this thread lol.

Melissa: I love that picture of your family!!! I love big familys and yours well just beautiful. How are you feeling? I love the name you have picked out!:thumbup:

Rachel: What a lovly video. Eva is starting to laugh too:cloud9: but not quite like jimmy lol. I love it.:baby:

Jordyn: You did amazing to strickly breastfeed Liam for 4 months! That is just wonderful!! So dont feel guilty about starting hime on formula. How is he taking to it? Wow thats great for Oing. It really doesnt look like you really are ntnp lol. I too have never had any problems with the 4 month sleep regression with Natalia or Jonathan. Acually i dont think that had any sleep regression that i can remember but i have read plenty about it. I sure hope eva follows in her brother and sister footsteps lol

Heather: Wow i cant believe that Sam is almost 2. Its is soo sad for me to think that my little boy is getting so close to 2. Im sure he will have a blast at his party. I might have missed but what are you doing for him? I remember you saying you were going to start him potty training. have you? If so how is it going? Jonathan is obsessed right now with sitting on the little potty while me or natalia going to the bathroom. He has even peed a few time. I think soo i might start training him but im in no hurry. I hope running works out well for you!!

AFM well i have just been soo busy latly. Working and taking care of the kids is alot of work. I am just soo tired by the time i get home and everyone is in bed. I just pass out basically. Eva is doing great and is getting cuter and cuter every day. She has some dimples but i cant tell if they are real dimples or just from her having a chubby face lol. We got her ears peirced a few days ago and she didnt even cry. She was smiling at the lady who did it. the lady said she has been peircing ears for 7 years and has never seen a baby not cry. I have a strong little girl lol.

Some not so good news about me is i have been seeing a internal medicine doctor. They are afraid that i might have a auto immune decease. I have had some test come back positve for it. I also am having a extremly fast heart rate usually staying in the 130s or so. I have going to have to put a heart halter on for 24 hours to see what my heart is doing. The doctor also told me i am not to have any children right now. She also told me that if it does turn out i do have a auto immune decease then i am to NEVER have anymore children:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: She told me that if i did i would probably have a great pregancy with little complication and a healthy baby but after the baby is born a high percentage of mothers end up getting really sick and even dieing. (hense why i was soo sick only 3 week postpartum) I dont even know what to think. Im only 23. I was fine until i was 30 weeks preg with eva. I just have soo much stuff going through my head.

First it was my pre e. Then my delivery not going the way i wanted. Then me getting sick 3 weeks pp causing me to lose my chance of breastfeeding. Getting kicked out of our house by the flood 4 weeks pp. Living in a hotel for almost 2 months going back to work full time and now worrying about my health. I just dont know what else could go wrong. I was put on Celexa as my ob thought it would be a good idea considering everything and i am feeling much better. I well honestly ladies i dont even know what to think:cry:
Oh that's terrible news! Do they know what Auto-immune disease? I am borderline lupus (I have Raynauds disease) but have never been told not to get pregnant (obvious mine isn't so serious yet!)

Thank goodness you already have 3 beautiful children already though! My sister has Leukemia and would have to come off her medication for a full year before even trying to get pregnant. Needless to say, its not really worth the risk so I doubt she will ever have her own. :(
Stacey, I'm so sorry to hear that you may have autoimmune disease. :( I really hope that you can have more kids, but like Elizabeth said, if not, at least you have three beautiful little ones already. :hugs:

And it's funny that you said it doesn't sound like I'm really NTNP. We technically are, because it's not our "goal" to have another baby, like we're not going to be crushed if it doesn't happen right away. However, because I know exactly when ovulation happens (thanks to that unmistakable cramps) it's hard for me to just ignore what's happening and go with the flow. And because I know I'm in the TWW, I naturally start thinking about symptoms, and then that leads to a secret hope that maybe I am pregnant, even though it would be utter chaos. I just can't help myself. :dohh::blush:

Oh, and we got some great news yesterday! We put an offer in for a house, and it got accepted! It needs so work put into it, but that's what we wanted, because we want to be able to sell it for more than we bought it. It's a 4 bedroom house, too, so each of the kids will have their own room and plenty of space to play. I'm just soooooo ready to not live with my in-laws anymore!
They are not sure yet what it is. She is thinking Lupus but some of my symptoms point toward multiple sclorosis? Since i live in colorado where the chances of MS are higher then other areas has also got her worried. I thank god for having 3 beautiful children already. My husband said that if this its true that i have ms or another type of auto immune then everything will be fine. I was upset because he wanted another and i wanted another and i would feel soo bad if i cant give him another. He said our three perfect children are what is important and that they grow up with a mother. He was soo sweet. saying we will always be together no matter what. I take care of a lady who has ms and it just scares me. I really hope that that is not it.

How did you get diagnosed with lupus? Like do you remember if they took blood or what the results where?
jordyn: Im sorry haha i didnt realize i said it doesnt look like you are ntnp i meant to say it does! Sometime i type to fast and dont relize the little mistakes i make. Im sorry. Wow thats great that you got accepted. 4 bedroom is wonderful! You will be soo happy to get out of your inlaws im sure :)
Great news about the house Spiffy!

It can be difficult to get a quick diagnosis for auto-immune diseases since many of them behave similarly and generally the symptoms vary person to person. :/

I was referred to a Rheumatologist for Raynauds disease. My sister had actually been seeing him for years over the same thing, I just figured it wasn't worth being seen so often over. She was getting bloodwork done constantly the way I get mine done and they actually caught her Leukemia as it started. I decided at that point that it was probably worth the appointments.

He suspects underlying Lupus is what is causing my Raynauds but the bloodwork hasn't shown it conclusively yet so he is monitoring me every few months with further bloodwork and exams with no medication at this point.

I actually need to give him a call because I seem to be experiencing some kind of arthritis in my left hand which could be a lupus flare up. Not nice. :/
jordyn- yay for the house!!! so exciting <3

Stacey- im so sorry to hear that :( will be praying for you

Elizabeth- that's crazy about the reynauds and lupus being related. my mom has lupus. I had vasospasms from bfing which are related to reynauds.
Ugh I had that when BFing too, although only early on. Once everything settled down it wasn't so bad. It did make things extra uncomfortable though.
Heather, how was your run? Did the duct tape work? ;) Oh, and my cycles came back when Ozzy was around 7 months, maybe like a week before. He started solids at 5 1/2 weeks, so it was about a month and a half after that.

Jordyn, that's awesome news about the house! I hope everything works out and you can move in soon. :)

Stacey, that would be such shocking news to receive. I'm not sure I'd know what to think either, if that happened to me. I'm glad to hear your DH is being really supportive and sweet through it, and I hope that you have an answer/diagnosis soon so you can start to think about what might be in your future. You really have been through a lot lately. :hugs: I didn't know there was a higher rate of MS in Colorado? Do you know why that is? What a curious thing.

Well, I guess the big news around here is that Ozzy turned two last Tuesday. Yay! It was a fun day. We went out for breakfast and then to an indoor play place. I also made cupcakes, and he enjoyed one (the icing at least... lol). Here's a link to pictures I posted in my journal.

Here's a question for you ladies. Are any of you who just recently had babies losing lots of hair? Or have you had that happen after a baby being born? I vaguely remember that happening with Ozzy, but not for this long and not as much hair all at once. It's been like 2 weeks and every time I shower I'm loosing like a full handful of hair. It's gross. But I'm wondering if it's normal or if it's related to my hormones being off (I've also been kind of emotional off and on).
Hey girls sorry I've been out so long. I have just been caught up with Emme and the kids.

Harley---I lost tons of hair about 2-3 months after Emmaleigh was born it was crazy!

I am not sure what else is going on but I do plan to read back and get properly caught up.

Afm, well no baby on board yet and we have been fighting so much this last week with Thanksgiving and we spent it at his mom's house and I really am still pissed at them all. I don't know how this baby thing is gonna work when we have been arguing like this. I hope you all are doing well and are having Happy Holidays!
Hi ladies, I'm so sorry it's been so long, I hope all of you are doing well with your respective mad houses :flower: I'm not going to scroll back too far because my head will spin lol, but

Stacey I'm so sorry to hear about all your recent troubles, and I'm gutted to hear that you may have an autoimmune disease. I can't believe all you've been through lately. Will be thinking of you and praying for you :hugs:

Jordyn that's fabulous about the house! When do you get it?

As for us, all is ok, although I've been quite down lately. Milo is still waking 3/4 times a night for feeds and I'm very tired, and napping is bad too at the moment. It's got sleep regression written all over it. Just feels a bit 24/7 for me at the moment and I don't get a break.

But of course I love my boys to pieces and they are doing well. Noah has started preschool and is amazing me, he's really enjoying it and I think it's great for his social skills and independence.

Looking forward to catching up with you all :hugs:
pie- its good to hear from you hun!!! sorry about the sleep. hopefully things get better. cant say I have ever dealt with sleep regressions, hadn't even heard of it til I was on bnb. but it sounds horrible.

shell- sorry you two are arguing so much. hopefully things quiet down soon.

rach- maybe your hormones are changing?? maybe your cycles are trying to come back?? or maybe your body is just getting rid of excess pregnancy hormones still?? something hormonal would be my best guess. I learned about hair loss when I was estrogen dominant. its a factor. after I learned about it I started noticing when I was about to start af every month I would lose some hair. when your progesterone starts to drop, estrogen rises and that kicks off certain side effects like pms, etc. would not lose as much when I started using progesterone cream. cant remember if I noticed it too much while nursing mason or not.
Rachel, I lost a bunch of hair starting at 4 months postpartum with both babies. I don't know how much you're losing, but I know that it's normal to lose quite a bit. Ozzy looks like he had a blast at his party! Those cupcakes are so bright and exciting looking! :flower:

Mommabrown, sorry to hear about the arguing. I hope things resolve soon. :hugs:

Vanessa, Liam has just recently dropped one night-time feed, so he know eats 3 times a night. Still not great, but better than 4 times. Our boys are almost 5 months...shouldn't this regression be over by now??? :wacko:

Well, I'm 8dpo today, so will probably test daily from here on out. :haha: Here's this morning's test.
I might call and make an appointment with my doctor just to see what he thinks. Mostly because I've also been really irritable lately. I guess I'm worried about my thyroid. I wouldn't be concerned if it was just the hair loss, but with both those things happening I just want to be sure.

Jordyn, when I first looked I thought I might have seen a line, but the more I look the less I can see it. That seems kind of backwards! Anyway, I think there may be something faint there! Looking forward to seeing some more tests. :thumbup:

Good to hear from you, Shell. Sorry things aren't working out the way you'd like, and I hope you can resolve whatever it is you're arguing about soon.

Good to hear from you too, Vanessa. I'm so sorry, hun; you must be exhausted. Keep hanging in there! It'll get better eventually. :)
I haven't experienced hair loss as such but I have noticed that my hair isn't growing as fast as it used to, both the hair on my head and my legs. But then my hair is now a short pixie crop so it would probably be less noticeable if it was falling out. My mum has a problem with her thyroid and she's always cold which is a symptom of it too, do you get cold at all Rachel?

Thank you, I am definitely hanging in there. We actually had a five hour stretch a couple of nights ago which is unheard of for him, he did 7pm until midnight. It's really frustrating because when he was younger he used to do bedtime until 3/4am!

Jordyn I can't believe they're about to turn 5 months! And to be up so much at night at 5 months, grr. We're on about 3 night feeds at the moment too, with the odd night of 4. Need matchsticks to hold my eyes open :coffee:

Ooh Jordyn I do love looking for lines! Will be watching in anticipation :haha: We're using bf as a contraception but I'm well aware it might not work. Well we want number three anyway after all :flower:
No, I wouldn't say I get cold often. I mean, I'm usually colder than Daniel, but he never seems to get cold. lol

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