hello everyone! How is everybody?
Logan: Congrats on your baby girl i cant wait to see pictures!
Skadi: Anytime now. Your bump looks great.

I cant wait to see her as well. Its nice to get some more baby girls on this thread lol.
Melissa: I love that picture of your family!!! I love big familys and yours well just beautiful. How are you feeling? I love the name you have picked out!
Rachel: What a lovly video. Eva is starting to laugh too

but not quite like jimmy lol. I love it.
Jordyn: You did amazing to strickly breastfeed Liam for 4 months! That is just wonderful!! So dont feel guilty about starting hime on formula. How is he taking to it? Wow thats great for Oing. It really doesnt look like you really are ntnp lol. I too have never had any problems with the 4 month sleep regression with Natalia or Jonathan. Acually i dont think that had any sleep regression that i can remember but i have read plenty about it. I sure hope eva follows in her brother and sister footsteps lol
Heather: Wow i cant believe that Sam is almost 2. Its is soo sad for me to think that my little boy is getting so close to 2. Im sure he will have a blast at his party. I might have missed but what are you doing for him? I remember you saying you were going to start him potty training. have you? If so how is it going? Jonathan is obsessed right now with sitting on the little potty while me or natalia going to the bathroom. He has even peed a few time. I think soo i might start training him but im in no hurry. I hope running works out well for you!!
AFM well i have just been soo busy latly. Working and taking care of the kids is alot of work. I am just soo tired by the time i get home and everyone is in bed. I just pass out basically. Eva is doing great and is getting cuter and cuter every day. She has some dimples but i cant tell if they are real dimples or just from her having a chubby face lol. We got her ears peirced a few days ago and she didnt even cry. She was smiling at the lady who did it. the lady said she has been peircing ears for 7 years and has never seen a baby not cry. I have a strong little girl lol.
Some not so good news about me is i have been seeing a internal medicine doctor. They are afraid that i might have a auto immune decease. I have had some test come back positve for it. I also am having a extremly fast heart rate usually staying in the 130s or so. I have going to have to put a heart halter on for 24 hours to see what my heart is doing. The doctor also told me i am not to have any children right now. She also told me that if it does turn out i do have a auto immune decease then i am to NEVER have anymore children

She told me that if i did i would probably have a great pregancy with little complication and a healthy baby but after the baby is born a high percentage of mothers end up getting really sick and even dieing. (hense why i was soo sick only 3 week postpartum) I dont even know what to think. Im only 23. I was fine until i was 30 weeks preg with eva. I just have soo much stuff going through my head.
First it was my pre e. Then my delivery not going the way i wanted. Then me getting sick 3 weeks pp causing me to lose my chance of breastfeeding. Getting kicked out of our house by the flood 4 weeks pp. Living in a hotel for almost 2 months going back to work full time and now worrying about my health. I just dont know what else could go wrong. I was put on Celexa as my ob thought it would be a good idea considering everything and i am feeling much better. I well honestly ladies i dont even know what to think